The Wrath of the Golden Fire...

By NeonLynx120

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Chapter 1: On The Run
Chapter 2: Captured?!
Chapter 4: Catch me if you can!
Chapter 5: And the ship will sail

Chapter 3: Escape

87 10 2
By NeonLynx120

I could sense sunlight outside. It was daytime, but I still didn't open my eyes.

Just a dream, I thought to myself. It was all a dream, and I'm still in the tree with Stripe.

"Storm!" Scratch's voice yowled.

And there's Scratch coming to chase me.

"Storm!" Scratch repeated. "How do you think we'll get out of here?"

I opened my eyes, and nearly screamed 'NO!'. I was in a large metal cage in a large stone room, with one small window, and a lot of other oddly-colored animals.

Scratch and I were in the same cage, and our front (right) paws were chained together with a pair of handcuffs.

"Great," I muttered. "I'm in jail, and I'm chained to a psycho freak."

Scratch looked down at me disapprovingly. "What did you just call me?"

"A wonderful guy full of rainbows and jellybeans," I replied sarcastically. "Oh yes, and why were you yelling in my ear?!"

Scratch shrugged. "I dunno, just wanted to see if you'd wake up."

"I hate you," I growled.

"So where are we anyway?" Scratch asked, changing the subject.

"Well, what's it look like, stupid?" I asked. There was nothing around really except other cages. "Sheesh, you're really dumb if you can't open your eyes and look around!"

"I'm half blind, okay!" Scratch hissed back.

"Whoa, TMI." I mewed. I tried changing human, but I ended up hitting my head on the bars above me. "Ow!"

I spotted two shadows moving in the darkness.

"Hello? Who's there?" I yowled. "Could somebody let me out?"

There was a click, and the door fell open.

I stepped out, Scratch behind me. "Thanks, I owe you one. Name's Storm, you?"

A figure stepped out of the shadows. She was a black lynx with aqua stripes. "Names Flash," A bluejay hopped out next to her. "and that's Skylar."

A flash of red burst out of the corner of my vision. Loud whooshing sounds filled my ears.

"Fire!" Scratch yowled. He tried to run, but I stood my ground. I heard claws scraping against metal, and some one landed next to me.

"Stripe!" I exclaimed.

"I'm here to- wait, you're already released?" Stripe looked confused.

"Thanks to Flash here," I flicked my ears to Flash. "but he's a nuisance." I flicked my tail at Scratch.

Flash looked at Stripe, who looked at Scratch, who looked at Flash, who looked at- well, you get the idea.

"Stripe?" Flash mewed.

"Flash?" Stripe mewed.

"Scratch?!" They mewed together.

"We haven't been in the same room since forever." Scratch said.

Skylar and I just stood there, confused.

"You know, there IS a fire going on, and we're just standing here," Skylar chirped.

"Yeah, and can one of you explain the tension that's EXPLODING between you three?" I asked.

"We're......siblings." It seemed like Stripe choked out the word siblings.

"Well thats........." My voice trailed off. "not what I expected at all."

Alarms blared all around us, and large orange flames licked up to the ceiling.

"Crap, we gotta run! Follow me!" Flash yowled. She weaved through the flames, while I tumbled after her like a clumsy idiot. Half of that was because of the clumsy idiot chained to my leg!

After that though, Scratch kept a pretty good pace. Not that I'm complementing him or anything.

I also noticed that Stripe was limping, and falling behind. "Stripe, are you okay?" I yowled to her over the roar or the fire.

"Fine!" She yowled back. She was panting, and limping badly now. I looked at her, but she shook her head. "I'll be fine, don't worry! Just keep going ahead! Follow Flash!"

I nodded, and sped up, following Flash, who was weaving in and out between falling pieces of wood and metal.

"There's the entrance!" Flash pointed ahead of us with her tail. "Just a little farther!"

"Scratch, get prepared!" I warned him. "I'm going to speed up!"

He nodded, and I sped up as fast as my stubby little legs could take me. Closer, closer, closer, boom.

That was the sound of Flash tripping over a wire, and a cage falling over her.

What's with all the trapping lately?

Scratch, Skylar, and I were in the doorway. Stripe wasn't even in sight. Skylar offered to go and do a double check for Stripe, so we let her go in.

"She's.......dead." Skylar announced after a few minutes. "Can't find her. Probably burnt to pieces."

Now for Flash on the other hand, she was still in the cage.

"Run." Flash ordered. "Skylar, you've been traveling with me for two years now, you know how I can escape from things."

"We're not leaving you!" I meowed.

"Yes, you are." Flash argued. "I'll meet you in the forest, lickety-split. Who cares what they'll do to me, they certainly won't kill me."

"Don't worry, we won't go far." Skylar decided. "We'll build a small camp safe from harm, and wait."

Flash nodded. "Good, now get your butts out of this building while you still can!"

We all nodded, and left the building, and Flash behind.

"Where to now?" Scratch asked.

"What Flash said, stupid," I replied. "We go to the forest."



Well, please vote! I'm not gonna lift a finger until this story gets 16 votes, so thats only 4 more :)

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