The New Fire Expert ( Jelsa...

By melantha123

300K 13.1K 9.5K

It’s fire station 313. Jack Overland is well known young firefighting chief in Burgess. He is daring and cari... More

1 The Road Called Life
2 Ending or a Beginning
3 The Meaning of Fire
Merry Jelsa Christmas!
4 Fire that Burns You
5 Lift the Cat on Table
6 She's in Town
7 Friendly Ghost
8 A Suggestion
9 Messing Around
10 Odd Events
11 Ghostbusting and Adoptions
12 Modern Fairy Tale
13 Burning Liquid
14 Girl Trouble
15 Passing Away
16 The Awakening of Sleeping Heroes
17 Beating Heart
18 Feeling Hurt
19 Modern Snow White
20 Proposal
21 The Connection
22 The End?
23 Secrets to Know
24 Winter 4
25 Movies are Heart Crushing
A/N All about private
26 Hooked
27 Remember?
28 Obsessed Minds
29 Choices of Life
30 Dream of Something Better
31 Monday the Sick-minded Day
32 Hate is Poisonate
33 The Denial
34 Voice Inside the Brightness
35 Do Memories Hurt?
36 One 'A' Going Down
37 The Ones We Love
38 Damaged Sisters
39 The Plan of Y
40 Friendships Last
42 Yokai
43 Long Story
Final Words
After 8 years

41 Glowing Flames

3.4K 193 68
By melantha123

POV Flynn

Punzie made me drive at the marathon place. Again she had that odd glow in her eyes which she had when she did some miracle curing to her friends sister. We were following the airing from television at our place when we saw the runners collapsing to ground one by one.

"What's happening out there?" I insisted from her.

Her eyes look at me, worriedly and her hand goes gently on her abdomen. The way she frowned was something that I knew she would do when she's nervous and sad over something.

"I think it's the same thing Eugene," she said silently.

I look back at the road, wondering what she meant.

My hand goes over her knee to encourage her. "Honey. I don't know what you mean," I exhaled.

Hand of hers felt soft when she put it on mine. I made the second last turn towards the marathon location. They had collapsed out of the blue some time after when they arrived to the finish line.

"I think it's the same poison which took my father and nearly me," she finally said quietly and I began gasping.

I nearly hit into a small fast going car that went ahead of us. We drove next to it to park. Still we were quite far from the marathon place but there are tons of cars everywhere.

"Geez people drive crazily nowadays," I groaned.

Then I flinched when a large thing dropped down from the cars ceiling. It had a weird armor like costume in red on it. Suddenly the armor popped off and I was staring at a white marshmallow.

"What the heck is that," I mumbled while staring at it.

"Eugene! We don't have time for this!" Punzie said quickly and unbuckled herself, then opening up her door. I followed her lead.

"What could you do anyway to help?" I insisted. "Shouldn't these people be taken to hospital if they are poisoned?"

"You don't understand. I know what to do!" Punzie spoke fast and slammed her door shut. She was ignoring the weird bloated looking white creature. Everything is so messed up.

"Get him out from the car!" A girl shouted and I look back at the car. They pull out a black haired guy who looks familiar. He looks really pale.

"We should've taken him to hospital and not here," one other girl panted out.

"Hiro wanted us to be here. We just need to wait until Wasabi figures out the antidote!" The girl with black hair and purple stripe said.

"PUNZIE!" I shouted when I remembered who that kid reminded me of. Punzie stopped on her steps, she was hurrying towards the runners.

"What?" She shouted back.

"Isn't Hiro from your fire station!" I yelled. It made the group that arrived on the other car stare at me. Hiro was still unconscious.

Now Punzie noticed Hiro. She held her stomach while nearly running to us.

"Be careful!" I gestured her.

"What happened?" Punzie gasped as she kneeled down next to Hiro.

"He found where the arsonists are. He knows them. They did this to him, poisoned him with cold allergy's worse form. That's how much he was able to tell us before passing out," the girl sobbed and brushed Hiro's hair away from his forehead.

"I can help. Can I have some space? What's your name again?" Punzie said quickly.

"GoGo," the girl said.

"My name is Fred."

"Honey Lemon."

They all introduced themselves and Punzie smiled faintly at them before nodding her head.

"Okay everyone, give me some space," Punzie spoke securely and everyone backed up a bit.

Punzie's golden long hair was resting over Hiro's chest as she took his hand. Then she began singing.

"Flower, gleam and glow

Let your power shine

Make the clock reverse

Bring back what once was mine

Heal what has been hurt

Change the fates' design

Save what has been lost

Bring back what once was mine

What once was mine"

Everyone was staring in misbelieve when her hair began glowing in gold. It was like warmth and care was flowing from her to Hiro. And then, he opened up his eyes and sat down.

"Wow. What happened?" Hiro questioned while rubbing his neck. He was clearly confused.

"I think my wife just healed you," I replied smiling.

"SHE HAS SUPER POWERS!" Fred laughed and cheered.

"How did this happen Hiro?" Punzie asked.

"I found the arsonists. They want to kill the aid workers. We need to help them now!" Hiro spoke quickly and jumped up. "C'mon!" Hiro yelled while waving us to follow him.

While we were running Hiro explained us how he was poisoned and all the plans he managed to hear while being captured. He is so sure that Punzie can help out the people who are near death at the moment.

Everything was devastating once we got where the marathon participants were. Their families were trying to help the policemen, firemen and hospital worker who had mysteriously collapsed down in the middle of final celebration of the charity run.

"We need to get them into hospital!" Someone yelled.

"What can we do?" I whispered as I stare at the people laying in the ground.

"Help them of course," Punzie replied.

Suddenly a speaker began whistling and we look at a stage. An auburn haired guy walks in the middle and grabs the mic.

"Thank you all for participating to charity marathon event. It's great to see this many aid workers taking part and... to die soon. Yes, our plan was to poison you and soon even a slightest trace of cool wind can kill you all. And to those workers who stayed in call at hospitals, fire stations and police stations... Well... we will kill them too," the man laughed.

"That bastard," Hiro hissed and clenched his fists.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!" Punzie screamed. She was close to stage now, she had went close to it without me noticing it.

"To gain power. My friends might have other goals but that's my goal," he chuckled.

"H-he tried to kill Anna," a weak voice speak near to me. I look down and see Kristoff who is a police officer. He is laying on ground and not looking too good.

"Who is that asshole?" I muttered and glared at the guy on stage.

"Hans... his name is Hans," Kristoff sighed and passed out.

"LET'S GET HIM!" Hiro yelled and began running towards the stage. I ran after him.

"HE HAS A GUN!" Punzie yelled to us. She was hiding at the moment.

I barely managed to pull Hiro out from the way of the bullet. Then everything happened fast. We all made our way to Hans, Hiro and me and Hiro's friends. We managed to knock Hans down but it didn't solve any of our problems. Now he was just passed out with a bump on his head.

"Now what?" I said panting. My knuckles were hurting after hitting that hard head of Hans.

"I need to sing. Please, connect everyone's hands and if I need to get my hair rest on the first person," Punzie explained.

We were doing as she asked. Soon every runner was holding hand of other and Punzie was kneeling down next to Kristoff. She held a microphone on her hand and her hair was tangled around her and Kristoff's hands which they held together.

"Will she try to heal everyone like she did with Hiro?" GoGo whispered.

I nodded my head and crossed my arms. "Yeah, I think so... I just hope that it won't wear her off. Did Hiro have any luck contacting the aid workers who are on duty? Warning them?" I asked quietly when Punzie started singing. Her hair began glowing and soon the glow spread among the people. Even the sky was shimmering in gold shades when she was singing her healing song.

"No. The emergency lines are stuck. His fire station team members are not responding to their cell phones either," GoGo exhaled and looks at me worriedly.

"After this we need everyone to go and help them. Before it's too late," I mumbled.

"Hey! Look guys!" Fred cheered and pointed at the people. Slowly everyone was starting to sit down and their families were crying from relief.

Punzie ended her singing and I go to her. "I did it Eugene," she laughed a bit and smiled. I took her hand in mine and kissed her cheek after helping her up.

"I knew you could do it," I whispered to her ear.

"I'm glad that everyone is alright," Punzie sighed and took a step towards Kristoff who had just got up and was holding his head.

Suddenly Punzie whimpered and embraced herself. Something was not alright.

"Punz. What's wrong?" I asked quickly.

"T-the baby... I think it's coming," Punzie panted out and winced.

"She needs to be taken to hospital," Kristoff told me after he got back to his senses.

"H-Hans is unconscious on stage... t-they planned to kill the aid w-workers who are on duty. D-do something," Punzie told to Kristoff.

"Of course. Eugene, get her to hospital. I have things to do," Kristoff said and touched my shoulder. I nod my head and place my hands on Punzie's shoulders.

Hiro and his friends had gone to search for Jack and his team, to warn them. It's a disaster that the phone lines are down. They had chosen the most vulnerable day of all to put their plan into action.

POV Elsa

"We need more hose!" I shout through my helmet radio when we were again jammed.

"Here it comes!" Merida responded and the water stopped running. Immediately the flames around us increased and their heat radiated everywhere. Thankfully just few seconds later when I thought that we would boil the water started coming again. Merida had added some more hose for us.

"Let's continue to upstairs," Hiccup told me when he began going up the stairs. It's our first fire location and we were told that people are trapped here.

"How's it going downstairs?" I asked.

"I'm holding up. Just try to be quick, I don't know how long I can keep the flames away from the ceiling and burning down the floor in upstairs," Jack panted out his reply.

We're outnumbered, we're never alone in fire locations but Jack had to work on his own because Merida needs to keep the water supply. This was the only possible way, for me and Hiccup to go up and get the people out. Then we would just leave the building, there's no point on saving it anymore but to keep the fire from spreading.

Hiccup took care of the flames. The artificial leg that Hiro had done for him was helping him to move like before. Finally we reached the upstairs and then we moved forward on the corridor where vicious flames were licking the walls.

There was only one door in the end of the corridor and we headed there. I touched the door to feel if it was safe to get in. It wasn't feeling too hot and we went in.

"So where's the people?" Hiccup gulped while he tried to keep the flames away from us.

"There's something!" I pointed at a corner where was something that reminded me of people who had crawled up together.

"Jack, we found them," I said when both Hiccup and I went deeper inside the room. I could now see the figures of the people.

"It's a trap!" Jack yelled loudly. He was out of breath.

"Trap?" I replied in shock. Hiccup glanced at me quickly.

Then I heard Jack yelling more, panting through the radio. It was like he was struggling against something.

"Jack! What's going on?" I tried to reach him again.

"They got me! Get out!" Jack shouted and then I just heard some buzzing through the radio.

Hiccup had gone to see the people we came for. They turned out to be dolls. Just some regular dolls where they display clothes. We were fooled.

"RUN!" I shouted at Hiccup when I heard couple loud bangs from up.

However we were too late. Parts of the ceiling came down, blocking our way.

"We are trapped. Jack, please respond. You need to be alright," I cried through helmet radio.

"The hose got cut," Hiccup panted out as we had no more water to use to protect us.

"What's all this shouting and yelling?" Merida's voice reached us.

"Thank god!" I sighed.

"Elsa? I really had issues to connect to your radio signal. What happened? Jack just said that he saw someone and then I lost connection," Merida spoke fast. "And why the hose freaking flew outside the building shooting water everywhere!" She groaned.

"The hose was split. We're stuck and Jack was taken by someone," I explained the situation.

"We will burn! Get us out!" Hiccup gasped.

"No we won't.. we won't burn," I tried to calm down Hiccup. They don't know what I'm capable off, how I can use my powers of ice and snow to bring the flames to an end.

"I'll come to you," Merida exhaled and I heard how she began collecting things.

"Stand back," I told to Hiccup who moved away from the door. If I just can finish the flames over the junk, then we can take them from our way and get out. They had done a trap which we triggered, a set of explosions that made the doorway collapse along with parts of the ceiling.

Just when I was about to release my powers something began cracking loudly.

"WATCH OUT!" Hiccup yelled but it was too late.

A large piece of ceiling fell down on me, hitting on my head. That's when I lost track of things which were happening around me. I just wanted to rest.


Try to guess which Pov's are coming on next chapter!

And... who took Jack? o-o

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