The Promise

By ValDee3

24 1 1


Chapter 1: Online Dating

The Promise

18 1 1
By ValDee3

The Promise


In the middle of summer where it all started. I was browsing the net because as always it was another boring day. See random faces, random statuses and random emotions. It was a roller coaster ride for me to see what kind of emotion people can make you feel by simply stating a quote or the picture itself. It was quite amazing how one statement can change a whole lot of you. Someone added me on facebook, at first i was like "He's kinda cute" then i went to his wall wondering or at least trying to prove myself that he's cute. When i opened the picture, my first impression was "oh, he's younger", his hair was perfectly in place with highlights covering his forehead with such a sexy pose of his hand, his eyes shines the brightest among the lads i saw, he was just so perfect. I can actually say that i have a crush on him. His name was Sam Laetter. I dont actually stalk him but his name always shows up in my news feed because he keeps on writing statuses and stuff. I dont know why but it's like it is meant for me, i can relate to every statuses he post. Auto-liker indeed, yes i am. It actually gave me a heart attack when he mentioned me in his comments saying "You keep on liking my post Sam Wood:)" Yes. I know. We have the same name, Im Sammantha Wood, your average girl. And it all started with that simple comment.

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