The Scarlet Scepter

By lexietot

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Book 1 - When her father dies in an accident, seventeen year old Annaliese Carter is faced with decisions she... More

Chapter One (Revised)
Chapter Two (Revised)
Chapter Three (Revised)
Chapter Four (Revised)
Chapter Five (Revised)
Chapter Six (Revised)
Chapter Seven (Revised)
Chapter Eight (Revised)
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten (Revised)
Chapter Eleven (Revised)
Chapter Twelve (Revised)
Chapter Thirteen (Revised)
Chapter Fourteen (Revised)
Chapter Fifteen (Revised)
Chapter Sixteen (Revised)
Chapter Seventeen (Revised)
Chapter Eighteen (Revised)
Chapter Nineteen (Revised)
Chapter Twenty (Revised)
Chapter Twenty-one (Revised)
Chapter Twenty-two (Revised)
Chapter Twenty-four (Revised)
Author's Note

Chapter Twenty-three (Revised)

142 10 0
By lexietot

They were fighting all over the place. The fountain in the middle of the garden was smashed, burnt leaves and flowers were scattered and the whole front lawn was scorched. I heard shouting from our nearest neighbors who were about a hundred feet away, and I knew I'd hear some police sirens soon.

Cepheus only had a few cuts and scratches on him, and he clearly had the upper hand. Cyrus was tired. Blood oozed from his wounds. He took the brunt of Celia's barrier, and I can see that his wounds were starting to slow him down, but they were still fighting face to face. I considered stepping in between them, but that would do more harm than good.

"Cyrus!" I called. I couldn't help it.

"Don't worry about me," he said as he avoided the thin sword. He gave me a quick glance, but I understood what it meant. I almost forgot that fifteen people were watching us from the patio. I ran towards them.

"Are you guys okay?"

"Yes, Ma'am," they replied.

"Annaliese!" I turned and Carole was marching towards me. Her robe was torn and her styled hair was in tangles.

"What is this? Look at my house! The garden is--"

"Now's not really the best time, Carole. I just wanted to make sure you were all safe."

"What is this? Who was that lady? Who are they?" Her eyes flashed as she looked at me from head to toe. "What in the world are you wearing?"

The words came out like an automatic response, maybe because I was used to being sarcastic around her. "This would be the battle between good and evil, I guess. That was Celia, a princess who tried to kill me, those guys are from Seriah, and I'm wearing armor, if it isn't obvious."

She gaped at me, but her eyes calmed down. "Are you all right?"

"Yes, I'm fine."

"That was amazing, back there."

I had no idea what to say. "Uh, thanks?"

"Miss Annaliese!" Hilda cried. She pointed to the men fighting yards away.

No more time. "Listen, all of you. Get out of here. Go somewhere safe."

"What about the house?"

"Your lives are more important. Go!"

"But what about you?" I turned to leave, but Carole caught my arm. "Where are you going?"

"I have to help Cyrus."

"Cyrus? Annaliese, let's go."

"I can't explain right now. Please. I have to help him."

"You might die!"

"I don't care!"

She stepped back, stunned.

"Look, Carole, I have to go. He needs me. Maybe I can do this right. Please...he saved my life."

"Fine." She released her grip and turned to the maids. "What are you waiting for? Let's go!"

I nodded and ran off.

"You made me do this, Cyrus."

"No!" I lunged and shot Cepheus flying backward with a load of electric current from the sword. I knelt next to Cyrus, and he was gasping.

"I'm fine," he spluttered.

"No, you're not," I said.

Can't you heal him? I asked the Scepter.

"Well, would you look at that." Cepheus stood up like nothing happened and casually brushed off the smoldering pieces of fabric from his body.

"Be careful, Annaliese. He's not like—" Cyrus rasped.

I saw Cepheus pounce and I instantly shot up to my feet.

"I always knew you had a warrior in you," he said with a cool tone.

I steadied myself for his attack, and I felt my knees shake when our swords clashed. He's probably five times stronger than Celia. His thrusts came after another. I tried to back up, but he gave me no chance. Within a minute, he sent my sword flying in the air.

"You could use some training," he said as he caught my sword from the air. There was something weird about him, but I couldn't figure it out.

"I'm a princess, remember?" I growled.

"Nevertheless." He threw the sword at my feet. A sparkle caught my eye, but I couldn't tell where it came from. Thinking back, something was shining when Cepheus appeared at the temple. But what does it have to do with how Cepheus is now?

"If you're going to kill me, Cepheus, just kill me."

A look of surprise spread across his face. "What? No, I never intended to hurt you, Annaliese. I cannot kill you. I do not want to kill you."

"Then why all this? Why did you have to do this, Cepheus?"

"I told you already, did I not?"

"But this is unlike you! You were friendly and nice and—"

"I'm afraid that was only a front. I had to watch you. Because of your little incident, I almost got caught."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm surprised you still have the energy to talk. I stole the Scepter the night that Altair decided to send the Agnai to Seriah. How do you think they got in so easily if I was there?"

I gripped the sword and slashed at him. He dodged and countered the attack, and then switched to offense. I could feel my arm shaking at his force.

"Seriah is a very big place for Cyrus to defend alone, don't you think?" He's very strong. It's only a matter of time before he kills me. "I thought they were chasing me. That's why I ended up in the Eleos border in the first place, but it turns out that Altair did not even know that the Scepter was missing. I got back in time before anyone started wondering where I was, and that's when we were sent to save you."

"You mean you went to Eirene in a few hours? Without the Scepter? That's impossible!"

He grinned. "There is so much that you do not know." He parried my attacks like we were only playing. "Where is the Scepter, Annaliese?"

"You don't also know everything, Cepheus. You're looking at it."

I went in for a strike during that half-second distraction, and I was sure that I got him, but I had the weird feeling that my hand and the sword were deliberately avoiding hitting Cepheus's body. I missed.

"I don't want to hurt you, but this is necessary," he whispered, and I felt his elbow on my back before hitting the ground. There was something different about him, but I couldn't figure out what. I stared up at him after spitting blood. His clothes were tattered, his auburn hair was swept to one side and his friendly smile was replaced by an evil grin. I could feel my head get heavy, and I made no attempt to stop my fall as my strength left my body.

"Don't you dare touch her!"

My head popped up as Cyrus slammed Cepheus to the ground, sending the long piece of metal far away. I tried to speak, but no sound came out of my mouth. He had nothing in hand, but I felt a strange power radiating from him. He was surrounded by a faint green glow. "Cyrus, you're—"

"Well, Your Highness," I heard Cepheus say. "Yes, Cyrus, I know who you are. No matter what Arioch plans to do, he cannot keep secrets like you for long. Enyo confirmed it. That girl Celia should have known. If it weren't for you, we would have been in that maze forever."

"But you were--"

"Enyo recognized me and trapped me in her maze. Legends are not just legends, Cyrus. Considering our past friendship, I might at least let you die like one."

"Leave her out of this."

"Defeat me and I will."

I looked for my sword. Cepheus had flung it yards away. I started to crawl towards it, but then I saw Cyrus's dagger two feet away. Further away was a dying fireball from Celia's blasts. I could use it. . .

I clutched the dagger with my hands. I glanced back at them. Cyrus's green aura was getting stronger, and the eagle around his neck was glowing. I had no time to lose. I tried to stand up, but my legs felt stiff. I crawled towards the fire, silently cursing myself for moving too slow. "This is so lame. All you have to do is to crawl," I muttered. I managed to move a few more inches, and my arms gave way. "Stupid."

The dying fire was not that far. But I couldn't move. I slid the blade towards it, desperately hoping that it would work. My angle was wrong, and I could see that it would miss the fire by inches, and it almost did, but when the tip of the blade touched the fire, the fireball blazed stronger. The flames traveled through the metal until it engulfed a three-foot sword.

"Now if you could just stand up," I whispered.

I wobbled towards the sword, and when my fingers touched the handle, a warm feeling spread within me. I held it firmly, and I forced myself to walk. The two men were evenly matched; however, Cepheus seemed to be dodging every single attack. I was sure that every strike would do some damage to his body, but when Cyrus's fist would come in close contact, it would appear that the hand would deliberately miss at the last second. I had to give Cyrus the sword, but I can't distract him. Maybe I could use myself as a decoy. I started to run towards them, but when I saw the sky, I stopped. I looked towards the horizon. The sun was starting to rise.

I felt a weak vibration from the sword, and the inscriptions started glowing. I held the blade up. As Cyrus and Cepheus came closer to me, I finally saw where the sparkle was coming from.

"His sword!" I shouted. Both of them stopped, and I tossed the sword at Cyrus. "Aim for the base of his sword!"


"Just do it!"

Cepheus got ready to defend, but Cyrus immediately lunged and slashed. He parried it just the same.

"I taught you everything you know, Cyrus. You can't defeat me."

"Wrong," Cyrus replied. He pounced again, and Cepheus raised his sword, ready to counter. Cyrus's sword slammed into his.

I just stood there, watching them. I wasn't sure if I could do anything.

"You betrayed Seriah, Cepheus. You betrayed the king. The people. Me. But what I could never forgive you for is hurting the princess!" Cyrus pressed harder, and with one slash, broke the red stone at the base of Cepheus's sword. He then whirled around and kicked Cepheus in the chest. Cepheus tumbled backward.

I expected an outburst from him or a fit of rage, but when he looked up, he had a sly smile on his face. He laughed and picked up his sword. "Well done. But I'm afraid this isn't over yet." He raised his sword which still looked perfectly fine, only without a stone near the handle. He leaped at Cyrus, and his speed wasn't the same as before, but the strange feeling had not disappeared.

I recalled the first time I met Cepheus and compared the person in front of me. His clothes were normal. I remembered he wore no jewelry except for a black stud in his earlobe. He was still wearing it now. Everything was the same, except for bandages on his arms and legs.

Cepheus's skills were still strong, but Cyrus seemed to grow stronger every minute. His attacks were more aggressive. The smile on Cepheus's face slowly disappeared. Cyrus kept slashing, stabbing and thrusting until Cepheus fell to his knees.


Cyrus raised his sword. "I'm tired of this, Cepheus."

"Kill me."


"There's no time. I was only delaying you. By the time the sun rises in this world, the Enchanted Woods would have destroyed everything in Seriah."


"Believe what you will. I did my part. I got my revenge, so if you kill me now, it won't matter."

"You're lying."

"Finish me now."

"Cyrus, you can't possibly—" I interrupted. He can't kill Cepheus.

"No matter how much I hate you, how corrupted you have become. . . you are still my friend."

"Kill me, Cyrus."

"No . . . I will not." He lowered down his sword and offered Cepheus his hand. "Stand up."

Cepheus looked up gratefully and took it. "You have no idea how much this means to me," he said as he stood up. "But it just proves your foolishness." He stabbed his best friend before my eyes. "Friend."

"Snake. . . this is low and cowardly, even for you. . ."

He kicked Cyrus away, and then he turned to me. My legs froze. My sword was ten feet away. "You're wondering what it is, aren't you?" he said. His hand went to his earlobe. "This is mine. The one you broke was a gift from a relative."

"A relative? I thought . . ."

"You should be more observant." He turned slightly to the left. Peeking from beneath the cloth was a green lion.

"I thought your mother was. . ."

"She was an Eirene citizen. That's what I wanted to find out when I ran away. It was only then when I came back that I found the answers." He came closer to me. "You seem clueless. Would you like me to refresh your memory?" He inched his face closer. My hand went up and slapped him. He flinched slightly, putting his hand on the reddened area. The next thing I felt was dirt in my mouth as I fell face first.

I heard a grunt and when I got up, Cyrus was pummeling Cepheus.

"Cyrus, no!"

Cepheus kicked him, but before he could fall, he caught Cyrus and punched him in the face.


Their brawl became a fist match. I staggered towards them, but a whisper stopped me. I looked around. The Scepter was not far from where I was standing. I glanced back at them, and both of them were on the ground. Cyrus was unconscious, and Cepheus crawled towards his sword. I grabbed the Scepter quickly.

Please, I pleaded.

Cepheus stood over Cyrus, his sword ready.

Please. For one last time.

I aimed the tip of the sword and fired.

"You missed," Cepheus rasped. I hit a tree several yards behind him.

"I wasn't aiming at you."

The black stud in his ear fell to the ground in pieces. Before he had a chance to react, I charged. I ignored my tears as I stabbed him in the stomach.

"I'm sorry."

"It's all right," he whispered.

I drove the sword deeper and then pulled it out. My tears were flowing uncontrollably as I watched him fall.

"I'm so sorry," I sobbed as I knelt next to him.

"Why are you crying? You did the right thing," he croaked.

"Please, don't talk anymore. . ." I whispered.

He wiped my face with bloody fingers. "Tell Cyrus and that fool I am sorry . . ."


"Watch out for saba. . ."

"Cepheus, please stop—"

"One more thing . . ." he fumbled for the pieces of the stud and took off the remnants of the red stone on his sword. He opened my fist and pressed them to my palm.

"Take care of it, Annaliese. I made it the color of your eyes. Promise me you will be strong. Be strong for me, Annaliese."

"I will."

"There was only one thing I did not lie to you about," he gasped. He brought my hand to his mouth and he gently kissed it. He smiled and then closed his eyes.


His hand went slack, and then he was gone.

I opened my hand, and two beautiful earrings sparkled in the light of the rising sun. I quickly put them on. I heard a moan from behind me. I stood up and rushed to him.

"Cyrus!" I put his head on my lap.

"Where is he?"

"He's...he's gone."

He closed his eyes. After a few seconds, he stopped breathing.

"Cyrus? Cyrus!" I slapped his cheek. "No...not you too! Wake up!" I shook his shoulders, but he still wasn't breathing. I checked for a pulse. There was none.

I tried to put pressure on his wound, but it was too deep. "Please. . ."

Step aside, child, said a voice.

"Who--" I turned, and the wolf loomed over me. "Please help him!"

It made a gesture with its head. A harsh sound like the cry of a million birds deafened my ears. A huge green eagle swooped down on us and landed beside the wolf. Light emanated from them, and they changed from huge beasts to shimmering human figures. The wolf turned into a man with flaming eyes and hair wearing red fur. The eagle changed into a lady with flowing green hair and matching dress. The lady bent over Cyrus and touched the eagle on his chest. His wounds started to heal. I also felt a hand on my shoulder, and I saw my cuts and bruises were also starting to close. "Thank you," I said.

They nodded at me. "Well done, Princess of Seriah. I was right about you," the man said.

"Yes, it was interesting indeed," the lady said in a soft silken voice. "I told you." The man chuckled. The lady looked at Cepheus. "Time to go." They changed back to animal forms. "This is only the beginning," they said in unison. The eagle had Cepheus's body at her back, and they vanished into thin air.

Cyrus's eyes flew open. "Annaliese?" I nodded in relief. "Are you all right?"

"I wasn't the one who almost died," I laughed.

He smiled and then stood up. "My wounds are--"

"Healed. Long story."

I scooped the two swords from the earth. I tossed him his sword and it transformed into a dagger. My sword turned back into the Scepter.

"Look," he pointed at something. It was Cepheus's sword. I picked it up.

"How are we going to go back?" he asked and then stopped like he just said something offensive.

"What is it?"

"You won't go back, will you? You are already home," he said sheepishly.

"Of course I'll go back. We're not yet finished."

The Scepter glowed, and the same black circle appeared from nowhere.

"Come on," I said. He offered me his hand, and I held it as we went into the darkness together.

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