Love me more- Joe Sugg/Thatch...

De LaLALisaX

656 39 6

This is a different version of Love me my other Joe Sugg Fanfiction, I wanted one that had all the details in... Mai multe

On the way Home
Trying to Forget
The Night Out
When the Lights go out
Contagious Chemistry
Maybe we should...
I think I'm in love with you...
Just say it...
I Love Him...
Go away
Flashing lights

Too much of a Good Thing isn't Good For Long...

63 3 0
De LaLALisaX

Verity's POV

My whole body relaxes on my bed, all I can think about is Joe. My body shivers when I think about his lips and I can remember everything, but on the down side I have a huge headache. As I leave my ruffled bed sheets and move towards my on-suit, I pick paracetamol to push the pain away. I scan myself in the mirror, I admire my panda eyes so much, that I would think that James would be jealous of me, so I use my makeup remover to wipe them away. I make my way into the kitchen, where I notice James making breakfast for two, twin telepathy helps me notice that somethings up. I lean on the counter and give him the look, he soon catches on after he plates up the fried bread and bacon. 'Shannon and I broke up,' my mouth extends open as I'm shocked at the news.

'She broke up with me last night' I can tell he is sad so I comfort him with a twin hug. 'tell me, everything.. And don't forget to miss out her address, location and social service number.' He laughs at my protective threat and we sit on the stoles at the breakfast counter. 'She doesn't love me anymore and she's been seeing someone behind my back' THAT BITCH! I see his eyes tear up and my heart fills with sympathy. Today I'm going to dedicate my time to James and try to heal his broken heart, hey I might even find him a new girlfriend. 'Get changed' he looks at me confused and I glance a this the time 11:46 am, 'come on you have 14 minuets to get your ass in gear!' I stand up and walk in to my room to get changed for the day ahead.

I pick light blue high waisted jeans, pair it with a white tank with 49 on it and i slid on my white converse. As I exit the bedroom I see James' sad eyes, dressed in black jeans and a white top, 'come on. I'm driving.' I try and get him excited, but I fail miserably, I pull him out the door and down the stairs, towards my white Peugeot 107. I body language is dull so I decide to cheer him up, I pick a song from our twin playlist, I click on a song and his face lights up. My singing is purposely off key as I scream the words, a laugh comes from James and I can tell that my plan is working. I take James in to London city, because I know that shopping always cheers him up, it also cheers me up, so i have no problem with spending money, where not exactly poor.

We walk in to Primark and memory's from yesterday flood back, buying clothes with the girls and then the club, Joe. I begin to stare in to space and James notices so he waves madly at me, I let out a classic giggle. We walk over to the men's clothing area and I find some birthday presents for James with out him finding out, luckily I've bought a few other things for me so I cover his stuff up with mine. I check to see if he is alright and his sad eyes are fading away. I look to my right and see a bunch of sale accessories, that are just gold! I run over towards them and decide to really make James laugh I would dress up as a gangster, I buy a long jumper dress, a beanie, gold chains and huge sunglasses. I know I will make a huge fool out of myself, but I don't care, I will do anything for my twin.

Joe's POV

Waking up with a headache was only a little bit on my mind, as all I can think about is Verity. Her lips, the way she tasted, her smile, her laugh, her everything. I'm falling for her and falling hard. Shit! I Didn't ask for her number, but at least I know she lives just across the street. I glance at the time on my phone and It's 11:48 am, I also see an event. I start to rush as in need to help Oli get some new clothes, as he has no fashion sense and I have to be ready by 12. I get dressed quickly, eat a small breakfast and leave the house to be greeted by Oli in his car.

Our first stop is Primark, as we walk in I see James by the men's clothing and he's on his phone, glancing around. I decide to walk up to him and greet him 'hey mate, hows everything.' he smiles at me and looks around slightly, 'despite being dragged in to her by my twin sister and forced to cheer up, because my girlfriend broke up with me...I'm fine, yeah!' I laugh and realize, his twin sister, Verity's here. I become self conscious and begin to look around for her, 'how are you then?' His question comes at me like a dart, what do I say? I remember Verity telling how protective her brother is, so I'm not going to say I'm great, actually I'm falling head over heels with your sister. 'Yeah, everything is good' I reply blankly. I see to arms wrap around James' neck and he leans back and picks up Verity so she sits on his shoulders. She giggles as she peers down at him, I can already tell how close they're just by that one moment, the tension builds as her glance moves to me.

I smile at her and her outfit, she's wearing: big sunglasses, a baggy top, leggings, a beanie, gold chains and she still manages to look like an angel. Her facial expression changes and her cheeks turn turn pink. James lets her down and her gaze is still on me, she takes off her sunglasses and reveals her beautiful puppy brown eyes. James lets her down and her gaze is still on me, she takes off her sunglasses and reveals her beautiful puppy brown eyes. James looks confused 'Verity this is Joe, Joe this is-.' Queue Oli to create an even bigger chance of my getting in a fight with my 6ft 6 inch neighbour. 'Verity!' I face palm, 'you and Joe really hit it off last night, he hasn't stopped talking about you. Sorry James I didn't see you there.' How can Oli not see the tallest person in the shop! My cheeks turn pink and I look to the floor, I can feel James' intimidating stare piercing me. I notice his muscles tense.

'tell me more about what Joe thinks about my sister, Oli.' His tone is threatening and his stare becomes more intense, I can hear Oli gulp. 'verity is...your' he laughs at the awkwardness that he has just created, he walks away not able to stay stood there3 with out again bursting in to a fit of laughter. I see Verity look up to James, and thoughts of how cutely small she is enters my mind. 'umm, the last time I recalled your only 15 minuet older than me and whats it you James? Yeah, Joe and I went out last night, whats your problem?' Her voice sounds slightly mad and I have the confidence to look James in the eye, but it back fire as his eyes are looking at me in a defensive way.

'Yeah, I do actually' his reply sounds extremely territorial. 'So, Joe how many birds have you slept with this week?' My throat turns dry and I begin to feel a rush of anger, I knew he would bring this up. 'Those days are over, I've changed' I try not look at Verity whos probably giving a look of pure disgusted. 'wait... what?' her voice is shaky, and confused as she questions us. I look down at her fragile eyes with hope that she wouldn't have taken my reply the wrong way, she looks worried and this makes me worried. James has this look of disgust, he turns Verity to face him and his hands are placed on her shoulders firmly. 'Joe isn't who you think he is V, you need to stay away from him please, you'll just going to get your heart broken.' Hello, I'm right here, I would never hurt Verity ever, I would hate myself for it. she looks confused and anxious, and its a long wait until she finally replies.

'can I talk to you outside?' I nod at her worried reply, I can see the curiosity in her eyes and she guides me out of the store. while she so she looks back at James asking him to stay put, I'm relieved, I didn't really fancy being looked at like a piece of meet anymore. We make it outside and the air is thick and humid. 'What was James talking about?' Her voice is uncomfortable and nervous, as her arms cross I come to the conclusion to tell her the truth and bite the bullet. I take her soft, small hand and interlock them in mine. 'I went through this stage...'

Verity's POV

Here I'm thinking that I've found the perfect guy, but it turns our 'Joe isn't the guy you think he is' at least that's what James said. I'm scared, worried and slightly heart broken, I mean everyone has a past, but why is Joe's so important? Joe's hands grasp mine gently and my heart flutters, 'I went through this stage...' Stage? What kind of stage? A Goth stage? I remember that stage, I mean everyone goes through stages. he takes a deep breath which is shaky and I can see he is getting nervous and I tighten my grip. 'Look Joe, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to I mean, we've only known each other for about three days.' I comfort him and he smiles up at me, I still want to find out what it is, but I guess its too early for him to open up. 'Actually...' Joe gets closer to me, 'we've known each other for 61 hours and 15 minuets' my heart flutters. How did I get so lucky, to be on that plane? I giggle, 'that's really sad,' he giggles with me and we go to some kind of café around the corner.

I sip my white hot chocolate and the warm liquid goes down well, I look over to Joe who is starring at me the same way he did last, and it brings back memories. 'Your blushing' I giggle and look down to my drink, then I switch my attention to outside. I see this old married couple and I think of idea for a book, I rush in to my pastel purple bag and bring out my note pad. Joe's face looks confused as I scribble my ideas down on my scruffy notepad, my pencil writing one word per second. I sigh and look back up at Joe who still looks rather confused, 'I just had an idea for a book.' He nods, 'whats it about?' I giggle a little bit and answer his question. 'I don't know, I never really know until I have finished the book' I shrug and he accepts my confusing reply.

walking home was fun, we had a laugh, but something didn't feel right for some reason. What relationship is this? I mean we haven't known each other for a week and we're acting like we've known each other for our whole lives, WTF! I start to think and I come to a conclusion, 'I think we should stay friends' I instantly regret my words, but I guess its better than taking things quickly. He looks down to floor and the silence is killing me, I feel so guilty. 'It's not that I don't like you, i do' more than I should actually, 'But, I don't think I'm ready to get back out there and I hardly know you. I just think that we should be friends and get to know each other better, y'know.' I can see how this hurts him, but it hurts me too, to see him so gutted. Does he really feel that deeply about me? After a while of silence, he nods 'OK, but first' he pulls me towards him and kisses me, passionately. I'm stunned, but then I kiss him back. He pulls away, 'I just needed one last kiss.' My heart awes.

'Can I have your number? I realized that that's the only question that I haven't ask you' he says in shyly and a hand him one of my old card, from my old business. 'Your a interior decorator' he says smiling at me, looking up from the card, 'I used to be' I correct him. Walking back in to the house was horrible, why did I ask to be friends with him? I did I do the right thing? I walk up to James who is watching Jeremy Kyle on the TV. I sit next to him and begin conversation, 'so how was your day?' He registers that I'm and finally gains eye contact away from the TV, 'good I spent most of it with Oli as you were too busy with your new boyfriend.' I bite my lip, 'friend, actually. We are friends. Companion, pal, mate, buddy!' He looks at me with his shocked brown eyes, 'oh, I didn't like the idea of you and him anyway' excuse me , but what! 'I didn't really like the idea of you and Shannon, but you still went out with her didn't you?' I'm pissed, 'OK, you win' victory is mine. 'I'm going to invite some lads round tonight do you mind?' I've always felt like one of the lads, as they all accept me and well theirs always one girl that hangs around with boys a lot; that was me through secondary, I never started hanging around with girls until college.

hey, its Joe x Joe's text makes me feel like a teenager again with a crush, this then reminds me of my first ever real boyfriend Josh, I cringe and shiver at the memory. Hey xx it's not long until I get another text, two kisses I thought we're just friends ;) x. I bite my lip and let out a flirtatious giggle, well I was only being nice xx. 5 seconds later a reply come pining at me, I know... I have to go see you in minuet, yeah xxx. what!? He isn't coming round is he? I'm wearing my PJ's and my hair is in a messy bun, and by messy I mean messy!

AN- Hey! I wanted Joe and Verity to be friends before anything really happened, I hope you like it so far Thank you for reading!

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