Never Apart

By uswnt1317

25K 404 73

Sequel to Forever Friends More

Chapter 1: Its Been To Long
Chapter 2: Forgotten
Chapter 3: From Tobin
Chapter 5: Problems With Each Other
Chapter 6: No More
Chapter 7: Worried
Chapter 8: Sisters
Chapter 9: Last Time
Chapter 10: Memories
Chapter 11: I'd Fight For You
Chapter 12: Never Apart

Chapter 4: Reunited

2.1K 33 8
By uswnt1317

Alex's POV
I laid in my hospital bed with Tobin's letter in hand. I smile knowing I haven't been forgotten. Now that she gave me a reason to why she's not calling, I'm no longer mad at her.

Then the doctor comes in.
"How are you feeling Ms. Morgan?"
"Much better then yesterday. How long do I have to be here?"
"That's great to hear, and you'll be here for two more days just so we know your blood is fine and healthy."
"Okay, thank you." I say to the doctor.

A nurse comes in and gives me some medicine that I have to take. After that I pretty much laid in bed, reread Tobin's letter, and went on my phone.

At around noon Cheney and ARod come.
"Hey Alex" Lauren says as she bends down and gives me a hug.
They both grab some chairs and sit next to my bed.

"So um, how's Tobin and Kelley?" I ask Lauren.
"They're good. They both miss you a lot, especially Tobin."

"Oh and Carli texted all of us saying that our US team will be back together in TWO WEEKS!" ARod says with excitement.
"Really?!? "
"Yea go check you phone!"

I get my phone and open up a message from Carli.
From @carlilloyd :
Hey ladies! I'm glad to say that our team will be together in two weeks! We will be back in our hotel in New York. Everyone should be there on Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest. Can't wait to see everyone and I hope everyone has a safe trip back to NY! See you then!

"Thank god, I don't no how much longer I can go without talking to Tobin."

They both stayed with me for a while which I really appreciated.
"Well we are both going now. See you tomorrow Lex."
"Thanks for staying, see you tomorrow." I give them both a hug then they leave.

I decided to text Tobin. Even if she doesn't respond.
A: "I read your letter and now I understand. I love you Tobs. I miss you and can't wait to see you.
I set my phone down and decided to watch Tv to pass the time until my phone rings. Tobin actually responded.
T: "I love and miss you to. See you in two weeks:)"

I smiled at that. I just left it like that and I didn't reply. Just that small sentence made me happy. I haven't lost my bestfriend. Not yet, not ever.

*time skips! two weeks later*

Alex's POV*
I begin to pack my stuff for New York. We are leaving tomorrow and I'm so excited. Coach Ellis sent us all a lost on who we are going to be roommates with. Thankfully I was with Tobin.

Finally once all my stuff is packed I put them aside and lay down in bed. Then Cheney, ARod, and HAO come in my room.
"You all packed?" HAO asks.
"Yes I am." I tell them.

"Well since it's our last day in Kansas City we decided to take a walk around for a while. You wanna come?"
"Yea sure let me get my shoes.

We walked around almost the entire city and just talked. We were all excited to be going back. Well most of.
"So who are you guys most excited to see?" I asked.
"Umm I think I'm gonna go with KO. I miss that squirrel." HAO says.
"Probably Morgan Brian. I always love messing with her." ARod says.
"Defiantly not Ali." Lauren says in an annoyed tone.

Lauren and Ali aren't really friends and have a lot of problems and drama between each other.
"And I'm going to try and avoid her as much as possible." Lauren adds on.
"You guys are teammates you know this has to be settled." I tell Lauren.
"I know.."

We all walk back to our hotel and said our good nights and stuff.
"We'll see you guys tomorrow." I tell them.

I wake up to my alarm and immediately get out of bed. I was just so excited to be going back. I take a shower, eat breakfast and get the rest of my stuff ready. I felt pretty happy because I was the first one ready. I waited for them in the lobby. We said goodbye to some of my teammates here before we left.

When we went outside there was a limo waiting for us. All of us stopped walking me were a little confused.
"USWNT?" The driver asked us.
"Yes that's us." I respond.
"Well hop on in! I believe Carli Lloyd sent a limo to every players hotel."

All of us smiled and put our stuff in the limo. As some people say, you gotta ride in style.
It was a nice ride to the airport. Once we got there the driver helped get our bags out. And told us good luck this season. We thanked him, grabbed are bags and went through security and stuff.

Once we got on the plane I sat next to Lauren. She was kinda quiet today.
"I guess it's my turn to ask you this, are you okay?"
"Yea I'm fine. I just don't want to deal with Ali. You know how out of hand we get when we are near each other."
"Yea I know. You've helped me out a lot the past couple of months so I can only return the favor. I'll help you out. I can try to talk to her when we get there."
"Thanks Lex."

Pretty soon we were up and flying. We took turns taking naps so we were comfortable while sleeping. After about a 3 hour flight we were finally in New York. We got our bags and went out of the airport were we found another limo. We all gladly put our bags in and got in.

It took about 40 minuets to get to our hotel. When we got there there was a sign that said
"Congrats and welcome back USWNT!"
The four of us smiled and walked back to our hold home.

Immediately I saw Carli.
I run over and give her a hug. Then Lauren, ARod, and who come and give her a hug as well.
"Well I hope your rides here were good!" Carli said with a smirk on her face.
I laughed, "thanks for the limo rides here Carli, they were great!" I said.

"So who's here already?"
"I'll let you guys figure that out yourself." Carli said.

We all go on the elevator and press the third and fourth floor. Once we get on the third floor HAO gets off.
"Well this is my floor, I'll see you guys soon." She says as she exits the elevator. Lauren and ARods room was next to me and Tobin's room on the fourth floor.

Once we got there we found our rooms and got our cards out. I swiped the card and opened the door and the biggest smile formed on my face.

Tobin's POV
KO and me got here yesterday so I was already unpacked and ready. I really just want Alex to get here. I lay on my bed and listen to music. Then I hear the door open. I quickly get up and she's hear. Alex Morgan.
"ALEX!!!" I yell and run up to her and give her a hug.
"TOBIN!!" She says in her raspy voice that I've missed.
I give her the longest and tightest hug in the world. It felt good to finally be reunited with my bestfriend. Then Alex starts crying a bit.
"I've missed you so much Tobs."
"I missed you to Lex." I said as i wipe her tears away and give her another hug.

I helped her unpack all her stuff then after that we were able to just sit down and talk since we haven't in a while.
"So how've you been Tobs? I see your not using your crutches anymore."
"I've been good and yea I've been doing therapy and stuff and I'll be ready to go in 3 weeks! And I've missed you like crazy like you don't even know."
"That's great Tobin! You don't know how much I've missed you to."

"Alex, I'm sorry for not talking to you and stuff..."
"It's fine Tobs, I already forgave you when I read your letter and honestly it was kind of hard for me to."
I relaxed after she said that. I was happy, no more problems between us.

We talked the rest of the afternoon and caught up on what's going on in our life. Alex then decided to walk around the hotel and say hi to everyone. I came with her and first we went next door which was ARod and Cheney.
"TOBY!" Lauren said and came over and gave me a hug. Then Amy came and we had a group hug.

"Hey Alex I'm gonna stay here and talk with them until you come back."
"Okay I'm just gonna say hi to everyone else."

Alex's POV
This was probably one of the best moments in my life. I was so happy. The first room I went to was KO and HAO's room.
I knocked on the door and Kelley opened it.
"Alex!" She says as she jumps onto me and gives me a hug.
"Hey Kel!"
"HAO Alex is here!" Then HAO comes out and I give her a hug to.
I talk to them for a while which was really fun. Kelley has been one of my closest friends on the team so it was nice to be back with her.

The next room I went to was Ali's and Ashyns room. As I was walking there Ashlyn walked out.
"Hey Ashlyn!" I said.
"Alex? Hey!" She says and I give her a hug.
I talked to her for a little because she had to go and do something.
"Oh wait before you go, is Ali in there?"
"Yea she is." Ashlyn says.
"Ok great, I'll see you later Ash. "
I knock on the door so she knows I'm coming in.
"Kriegy? It's Alex."
"Hey Alex!"
I hear her say. I close the and see her laying bed. Her knee still in a brace and crutches by her side.
I bend over and give her a hug. "I missed you Ali."
"I missed you to and it's so nice to see you again."
"So how's the knee doing?" I ask. Guilt fills my body because I kind of caused her injury.
"It's doing good, in about 2 months it should be fully healed." She said giving me a reassuring smile.
"That's good to hear."
I decided to stay in her room longer and just talk to her.

Then she throws out an unexpected question.
"How's Cheney?"

Authors Note: hope you enjoyed 'reunited' I actually really enjoyed typing this one. Sorry for the slight cliff hanger. I'll be sure to update ASAP! Thanks for reading! And sorry for any typos or grammar errors I'm kind of lazy to reread😂

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