A New Life

By ShannonFawkes

477 26 23

When Devon's life is turned upside down by the murder of her parents she and her twin brother Levi are forced... More

Chapter One

Chapter Two

92 10 9
By ShannonFawkes

Chapter 2

A dull, gray light filtered into my room. It slowly pulled me from the clutches of sleep, and my eyes fluttered open. I scooted myself into a sitting position, and as my vision adjusted itself to the light I took in the sights of my new bedroom. The room wasn't as big as I was accustomed to, but it was still beautiful. Painted in a soft green the walls emitted a tranquil, and spring like atmosphere. The wall to my right was decorated in floral pink and white wallpaper.

All of the furniture in the room was made of wood leeched white -drift wood maybe?-. On the opposite wall, near the bay window stood a small vanity cabinet with an aged mirror perched in the middle, atop it was my toiletries bag. Just behind the door was a desk with assorted stationary scattered on top. Above my chest of draws, painted in white delicate letters were the words, “Live with wolves, and you learn to howl.”

I rolled to the edge of my bed and rummaged through my satchel, looking for my cell. I found the brick right at the bottom next to a pack of gum. It blinked to life revealing two text’s from Clara asking if we had arrived okay. I replied to her messages to quit her fussing and then checked the time. 8:45am, think it’s about time to have a shower. I got up and sleepily pulled on my jeans from yesterday.  On the way out I grabbed my toiletries bag and clicked the door shut.

There were six doors in total upstairs including my own. I opened the one opposite me and it revealed a nursery. In the wicker rocking chair next to the window sat Emily cradling her ever expanding bump.

“Oh, sorry Emily I didn’t mean to intrude I’m just trying to find the bathroom,” I babbled.

“Its fine sweetie, I was just having a little think. The bathroom is the last one on your right as you leave this room,” She spoke in a caring tone.

“Thanks Emily,” I smiled

“Devon before you go, do you want some pancakes? I’m making a rather large batch for some of Sam’s friends.”

“I would love some, thank you Emily.”

With that I left the room and padded down the carpet lined hallway to the door Emily had indicated. Sure enough she was correct. I bolted the door behind me and walked over to the mirror.

I looked like a Wookie caught in a tornado. My long, brown hair was knotted and tangled, I had purple shadows under my usually vivid green eyes and my normally tanned skinned looked unhealthily pale. Unzipping my toiletries bag I rooted around for my hair brush, then proceeded to try and pull it through my bird’s nest of hair, but I was fighting a losing battle. I soon gave up and hopped in the shower. The hot water and steam cleared my head and relaxed my stiff muscles.

After washing my hair with my favorite floral shampoo, I got out and dried off. With one towel twirled around my head and another one securely tucked under my arms, I made a dash for my room. Once inside I locked the door and I proceeded to try and find something to wear that wasn’t creased to an inch of its life.

I found a navy blue summer dress with minimal creases; I paired it with a brown belt and a pair of tan Moccasins. The weather was looking quite positive so I felt like I could chance it. If I go anywhere I’ll just take a jacket. I brushed my damp hair, braided my bangs out of my face and applied some BB cream to even out my tired skin.

 The smell of pancakes cooking floated in from downstairs kicking my stomach into a frenzy. I hadn't eaten in over twenty four hours and boy did I know it now. I almost sprinted downstairs but as I reached the bottom I ran into what felt like a brick wall. I bounced back and landed with a bump on the bottom step.

“Oh man. Hey are you okay?” Asked the brick wall.

I looked up and saw what I can only describe as being the most beautiful human I had ever laid eyes on. He had deep russet skin, fluffy black hair and wide, chocolate brown eyes.

“Ye-yeah I’m fine. I-I just wasn’t looking where I was going” I stuttered out. My eyes fixed upon him.

He outstretched his hand, offering to pull me up. I placed my shaking hand in his and it was dwarfed instantly. The second our hands touched this strange pulse travelled through me and tingled down my spine. The look on his face told me he had felt it too. Once on my feet his firm grasp on my hand melted away.

“I’m Seth by the way. Seth Clearwater. I’m one of Sam’s friends. You must be his half sister? Demi right?” He beamed

“It’s Devon actually, but yes. I’m Sam’s little sister.” I couldn’t help but let a smile grow across my face. There was just something about him that was so charming. That put me at ease. Devon snap out of it you’ve just met the boy.

“Sorry for the mix up,” His russet cheeks became tinged with red. After a few seconds of awkward silence he blurted out.

“Are you hungry? Em’s making pancakes and let me tell you. They are the best in the world”

“I-I’m starving” I stuttered, again.

I followed him through a narrow hallway into a cramped Kitchen-diner. It was full of tall, tanned men in various stages of undress. Some just had a pair of jean cut-offs on. They were all wolfing down stacks of pancakes smothered in syrup while arguing about some college football game. Seth cleared his throat and everyone turned in our direction.

“Guys, this is Devon Uley. Sam’s little sister” He announced.

“So?” Replied a boy with a cocky smirk on his face.

“So Paul, you’re gonna be polite and introduce yourself to her.” Seth fired back.

There was something different about his tone. I couldn’t make out what. Suddenly people were wolf whistling and shouting “Hey Devon” “Go Seth” “Nice to meet you” my way. Saying I was slightly confused was an understatement.

“Urm, hi guys. Nice to meet you too” I smiled half heartedly.

“Hey Devon, I have a plate of pancakes here for you. Better get them quick before one of the boys steals them” Emily shouted over the commotion. I could just make out her round figure behind the counter.

I sat down at the breakfast bar and pulled the plate in front of me. I cut into the first pancake drizzled with sweet syrup and brought it to my mouth. My taste buds exploded savouring the delicious taste. I think I might just like it here I smiled to myself. 

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