University (BoyxBoy)

By gilandalv

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Jared is from a small town in east Texas. He recently started college and is new to the city. He came out to... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine

Chapter Five

470 28 12
By gilandalv



Jared’s POV

College is not awesome. College sucks. It’s only been a month and I’m ready to quit. I stay up late every night doing homework. I haven’t slept properly in ages. I was starting to form bags under my eyes. I also lost some weight. I wasn’t really eating well either. They talk about the freshman 15, you know. They say that everyone gains 15lbs freshman year. That wasn’t my case.

I hadn’t seen Dustin in a while. I hadn’t run into him since that night in the shower. Sometimes I would walk by Retro hoping to catch him going into the club. No luck. I wasn’t bothered by it. I knew that if I did run into him, I wouldn’t do anything about it. I still wasn’t ready to look for someone, despite Fallon’s insistence on dating some gay guys she knew.

I would stalk Dustin’s Facebook every now and then. Maybe he posted something?...Nothing.

Heather would come over regularly. Sometimes she would stay the night. Violating dorm rules. On those nights I would leave the room. Even though they weren’t shy about having wild, crazy sex while I was present, it bothered me. A lot. I would usually try to sleep somewhere else like Keaton or Fallon’s place. Keaton and I had been hanging out quite a lot. We had a similar schedule so I saw him every day. It was safe to say we were best friends. We spent our time playing football in the courtyard, or playing MW3 on the Xbox. And on Fridays we would go to football games.

It was now October. I was caught up with my school work and figured it was time I had some fun. Keaton’s frat house was having their annual Halloween Bash that Friday. Keaton lived in the Miu Beta Theta house. He was the typical frat boy. The MBT Halloween Bash was the party of the semester! Almost every year, the party had to be shut down by the police for being too out of control. I was excited. It would be my first official college party. And I was ready to party!

Friday came around pretty fast. I had just gotten out of class and ran back home to get ready. I walked in the room and was greeted by Heather. She was putting fixing her boobs into the tiny dress she had on. I swear that if she had her legs were more than shoulder-width apart, that dress would slide up into a tube-top. But hey, she looked hot.

“Anthony’s in the shower.” She informed me.

Shower. That’s a good idea. I grabbed my things and headed down to the bathroom. I had been taking more showers than usual lately, in hopes of running into the titanium guy. I never really had a name for him. Sometimes he shower guy, sometimes he was singing guy, and sometimes he was just the bathroom guy. To my disappointment we never encountered again. Oh well.

I wash up and head back to the room where now both Anthony and Heather were dressed and ready to go. Since Anthony’s old roommate was now part of MBT, Anthony and Heather were invited. The thing about the MBT parties was that they were invite only. “Every fraternity brother is allowed 4 guests,” Keaton had explained to me earlier. There was about 30 guys in that frat house so it was definitely gonna be packed. Anthony grabs his car keys and heads out the door.

I look through my closet for something to wear. Hmmm. I want to go for something that says, “I’m a man’s man, but I like to suck dick.” I laughed at myself. Since I wasn’t an obvious fag, I wanted to wear something that would slightly hint it. I went for some tight jeans, a leather belt, my suede boots and a button down shirt. I left the last three buttons open so that my bare chest was visible to the eye. I figured cleavage would be my giveaway. My phone buzzed. It was Keaton. He was waiting downstairs. He had offered to give me a ride.

The frat house was only 3 blocks south of campus. I jumped into Keaton’s car and we drive off. I couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous. Keaton went on and on about some hot girl the he was gonna try to bang that night. I didn’t pay much attention to him.

I was overwhelmed by the thought of this being my first college party. It was gonna be so different. I mean I partied back home, but it was all in moderation. I didn’t drink too much at parties, never enough to get my drunk. I always feared that I would end up revealing to everyone that I was gay and start trying to kiss all the cute boys. Brooke always had my back though. But Brooke wasn’t here anymore. Then again, I didn’t need her to be. So what if I got hammered and started dancing on a table and woke up next to a butt naked frat boy. Not that I planned on that. But I was in college now. I was openly gay. I promised I would enjoy myself and say yes to everything life through at me. I was ready to not give a fuck and be who I wanted to be. And little did I know that this night would prove that.

When we turned onto the street where the house was, it was evident that the party had started. There were tons of cars parked on each side of the street. The music was loud. Loud enough to make the house look like it was vibrating. A ton of people were walking down the lawn and into the house. Some carried cans or beer, other carried bottles of patron, someone even brought a keg stand. My kind of party haha. We parked at the end of the street by the stop sign. We took our time heading towards the house. Keaton ran into the girl he like and kind of forgot about me. Whatever. I walked into the house. The smell of beer and mixed liquor entered my nostrils. It was strong but I liked it. People were dancing, drinking. Just having a good time. I made my way to the kitchen for a drink. “Hey” I spotted Anthony and Heather. They were sipping on some Crown Royale.

“Oh hey” they said in unison.

“Fun party,” I said. Nodding my head to the beat of the music.

“Yeah…” Anthony grabbed Heather’s hand and headed to the living room, which seemed to be the dance floor of the house. Great! I’m left alone again. I pull out my phone to text Fallon, “Hey. U coming tonight????”

“Nope. Made plans with the family,” read her text. Since she was from here, she had the chance to hang out with friends and family on the weekends. I missed my family, but mostly my friends. I sighed in self-pity. I guess that calls for a drink. I grab a solo cup from the counter and pour myself what looked like some spiked punch. I pick up my cup and being the clumsy, dumb-nuts that I am, I elbow someone standing behind me. I lose hold of the cup and the stinky red liquid splashes all over the white T-shirt of the person behind me.

“I’m so fucking sorry. I’ll pay for it.’ I tried to compensate for my stupidity. I bend down to pick up the cup and wipe the floor with a napkin.

“It’s fine. It would’ve probably ended up getting stained anyway,” said the husky voice above me. I was still wiping away at the tile floor. “Jared, right?”

Jared. Huh? This person knew me? I slowly get up, my eyes following this person from feet to face. I have to admit, I paused a little at the groin and later at the abdomen. The damp T-shirt was hugging his abs just right. Enough for me to see the outline of a perfect sixpack. Yummy. I finally reached the face and got lost in the deep blue ocean that were his eyes. Jesus! It was Dustin. Duuuuuuustinnnn! My heart started beating faster.

“Yeah… Jared” I managed to mumble out in a nervous voice. I coughed, trying to cover up the nervousness.

“See, I remembered!” he exclaimed. Yes, yes you did. I blushed a little. I hope he didn’t notice.

“I’m truly sorry about your shirt though.” I now said in a more confident and louder tone.

“Don’t even worry about it,” he said. He sounded different. He sounded relaxed and a bit playful. Very different from the egotistical, arrogant way I had heard him speak before. He was also smiling. I hadn’t seen him smile yet. He had a great smile, white and shiny. All his teeth seemed to be in a perfect row. “It’s a dumb shirt anyway,” he laughs and puts his own cup down on the counter. I stare in awe as I see him cross his hands and hug his body. His fingertips grab hold of the ends of his, now soaking, white t-shirt. It happened in a second, but to me it was an eternity… I fixed my eyes on the edge of the shirt as it slid up his perfectly sculpted body. My GOD! He revealed to washboard abs, and a tattoo that ran from his V-line up to his navel. Shit! He had defined peck muscles and some sexy hairless nipples. His chest was overall barren, except for a small triangle shaped patch of thin blonde hair in the center. His shirt was now completely off. He chucked it at a waste basket in the corner of the kitchen.

“There!” he said as he wiped away some excess liquid from the shirt that was now rippling down his abs. I kept staring. I got a bit hard too.

“Jared. Jared” he called for my attention.

“Huh?” I hadn’t noticed. It had been a few seconds after his shirt was off but I was still in a trance. Snap out of it! Stop drooling! My conscience scolded me. Crap I hope it wasn’t too obvious that I was completely checking him out.

I had seen many nice-bodied guys before. Almost everyone on my football team had a slim body and rock hard abs; including myself. But no body I had ever seen was as sexy as the one standing before me. Maybe it was the fact that he was gay, and that his body was possibly attainable. I smiled at the thought of having his body all to myself. The things I would to it. Mm mm mmmm. Stop it Jared!

I was now looking him in the eyes. Trying not to get lost in his gaze. He wasn’t wearing a beanie today, so his hair was basking in all its glory. All blonde and messy. Just how I like it. I don’t really have a type. But if I did, it would be the kind that looked like Dustin.

“What were you drinking anyway?” he asked, then turned to the counter to pick up the drink he had set down.

“I don’t even know.” I replied. I honestly, had no idea what it was. It was red and smelt of alcohol so automatically I poured me some.

“Oh well the good stuff is in the back,” he pointed to the back of the kitchen. Was he trying to start a conversation with me? He was. The only times we’ve ever talked were at the coffee shop and in the bathroom. But this was an actual conversation. And all thanks to me being a dork and spilling my drink. It must’ve happened for a reason.

“Oh cool. Thanks. You know I actually pretty knew to,” I began but was quickly interrupted by some skinny little prick. “Hey, I found you!” a scrawny brown haired boy walked over our way. He stood behind Dustin and wrapped his stupid hands around his chest. “Oooh why are you naked?” He’s not naked, I argued with him in my head. This guy looked totally wasted. “Let’s go upstairs.” He giggles and slips his tongue into Dustin’s ear. Fucker! Dustin squirms a bit and starts smiling. The boy then grabs Dustin’s hand and pulls at it. The piece of shit drunk didn’t even acknowledge that I was here.

“I’ll see you later.” Dustin says to me. Noooo! The scrawny boy drags Dustin out of the kitchen and heads to the staircase.

I grab a bottle of vodka from the counter and take a long, much needed sip. “Aaargh!” I hissed. The alcohol stinging in my throat… I can’t believe Dustin would be around a guy like that. Dustin looks classy, like a guy with self-respect. I wouldn’t think he would stoop down to be with someone like that. A drunk, skinny, rude little slut. I didn’t know the guy but from the actions of his slippery tongue, I could assume. If it’s a drunk Dustin likes, it’s a drunk he’ll get. I pick up the bottle of vodka and press it to my lips. It stays there for a second. It’s not worth it. I put the bottle back down. Sure I wanted to make a move on Dustin. But getting drunk was not gonna work. Besides, that guy could be his new boytoy. I wouldn’t wanna start my gay life as a homewrecker. No matter how much I thought they didn’t fit together.

I grabbed a soda can from an ice chest on the floor and made my way over to the couch in the TV room. I sat and pulled out my phone. I was flipping through old text messages, checking my twitter account and really just wasting time. I had been there for about 20 minutes. I finished my soda can and set it down. I wondered where the bathroom was. I had to pee. I walked through the hall and opened every door until I found the one with the toilet in it. When I did it was locked.

“Hurry up please! I have to go!” I yelled as I banged roughly on the door. I really did have to go.

“Hold on.” Someone yelled back.

I heard some shuffling noises and a high pitched squeal. “Eeep.” Out comes a guy, I’m guessing a frat brother with a skanky blonde in a tube top right behind him. Hmmm, I wonder what they were doing[.] I squeeze through the threshold as they exit the bathroom. It smelled alcohol and vomit. Very romantic[.] I unzip my jeans and do my business. I tilt my head back in satisfaction. I really had to go.

 Some bangs on the door. “Just a second,” I yelled. They banging continues, this time harder and louder. “Just a second!” I yelled out even louder, now a bit irritated. The banging continued. I shake my willy and zip up. “BANG! BANG!” I head to the sink and wash up quickly. The door was about to burst open. “Jesus Christ.” I mumbled in annoyance. “What the fuck is taking so…” I swung open the door, interrupting the person behind it. It was Dustin, still shirtless. Yay for me.

“Excuse me,” he says as he quickly slides behind me and into the bathroom. I felt his abs graze my left arm. Dustin looked horrible. Well not horrible, that would be impossible. He looked tired and very sad. His eyes were swollen, as if he’d been crying. He was crying. His nose sounded stuffy too. “Are you oka..?” I was cut off. He had shut the door.

Why was Dustin crying? What happened to him? Surely that slutty douche bag did something to him. Dustin did not look like the guy to cry, so it had to be something really bad. I would find out later.

I walked over to the staircase. I kept my view on the bathroom door, waiting for him to come out. About 5 minutes passed by and he was still locked inside. Great[.] I took a few steps up the stairs so I could have a birds-eye view of the house. My eyes wandered above the drunk grad students, the doped up law students, the kissing lesbians, and a few people I recognized from class.

I spotted Keaton. He was standing in the corner of the living room with a solo cup In one hand a girls hand in the other. She was cute, very similar to what he described. She was the girl he’d been wanting to sleep with. Keaton was talking to someone else though, a tall, spiky haired boy in a black cardigan.  He was probably a frat boy that lived here with Keaton. Keaton sees me and waves. I wave back. He turns over to the spiky haired boy and keeps talking. Then he leans over to the spiky haired boy and whispers something in his ear. It must’ve been something funny because the spiky haired boy grinned ear to ear. Then they both look over at me. . . Strange.

I look back over to the bathroom door. It was now open, and the light was off. . . Shit! I missed him. I step back down the stairs on my way to find Dustin. I make it to the foot of the staircase and come face to face with someone blocking my path. It was a boy. The spiky haired boy. “Hey,” his breath had a stench of tequila. He smiles at me.

“Umm. Hi,” I smile back. Now that he is in front of me I can appreciate more of his face. He had shiny green eyes and a bright smile. Both his ears were pierced and from them hung glimmering diamond earrings. His eyebrows were done. A little too feminine for my taste. “Hi I’m Jaxon. Keaton’s roommate.” He continued. I didn’t remember Keaton talking about a Jaxon. Well we really didn’t talk about his frat house much anyway. Mostly about football, baseball, and video games.

“I’m Jared. I’m Keaton’s friend.” I say and stick out my hand for a shake, like the southern gentleman that I am. He takes it and shakes. When he lets go I try to sneak by him and try escape to find Dustin, but my plan fails.

“You’re cute, you know,” he snorts out and smiles. Did he just call me cute?

“Thanks.” I said back to him. Was he hitting on me? I was oblivious to it. I’m telling you my gaydar is broken. I should’ve known he was gay by the diamond earrings and the perfectly shaped eyebrows.

“You seeing anyone?” Jaxon asked, gliding his finger down my right arm. Yeah, he was totally hitting on me. This was the first time a guy ever talked to me like that. It felt nice. Wait but how did he know I was gay? Hmm, it had to be the cleavage. That, or Keaton told him. Which would explain why Keaton was whispering in his ear and making him smile.

“Umm, actually I am. Sorry.” I lied to him. I wasn’t seeing anybody obviously. But I wanted to. Just not “Jaxon.” I wanted Dustin. Which reminds me, Dustin! I have to go look for him. I excused myself and headed to the hallway. I heard a small snort from Jaxon as I walked off. He was cute and everything, but I was just fixed on Dustin.

I open every door I saw. Most were bedrooms. Some had people in them drinking, smoking, or playing a game of naked twister. That looked like fun. Dustin was no where to be found. Hmm. Ran back to the stairs and figured he might be on the second level. Jaxon must have found somebody else because he wasn’t by the stairs anymore. I check all the rooms upstairs. They were all empty. Well, except for one. The last room I walked into must have been Keaton’s. Because there he was. On the bed. Leaning back in satisfaction. His pants were down and the girl he’d been talking about was sucking on his wiener. He had a nice fat one too. Excuse me for looking. The girl didn’t notice me but Keaton did. His head snapped over to the door. I smiled. “Sorry,” I mouthed over to him. I press my index finger against my lips making a shhh sound and closed the door.

Where is Dustin?! Did he leave?! He probably did, I mean he was crying. He probably wasn’t in the party mood. Maybe he was still outside and hadn’t left yet. I walk out the front door and look across the lawn. I spy a shirtless man walking down the sidewalk. It’s him!

I ran over to him, trying to look casual and not too eager to see him. “Dustin. Wait up,” I say as I get close enough to him. He turns his head back at me and squints. It was dark out so he probably didn’t recognize me. “It’s me,” I get close enough for him to see my face.

“What do you want?” he snaps. Jeez. His arrogant attitude was back.

“Nothing, jeez.” I snort, “I just noticed you were upset earlier.”

“I’m fine.” He snaps at me. Jesus this guy knows how to act like a real prick. Yet, he was still sexy to me.

“Okay then,” I snap back, trying to sound as rude as possible. It worked.

“I’m not fine.” He confessed in a sigh, drooping his head. Well obviously, I thought. This time he sounded different. He was less arrogant and more vulnerable.

“Wanna talk about it?” I asked. I didn’t really care so much as to why he was crying. I just wanted to comfort him.

“No. Not really,” he chuckled. His head was now up again. He looked over at me. God those eyes! We took about five steps without talking.

“So are you headed back home?” I asked him.


“Me too.” I looked at my phone and pressed the power button. 11.50. It wasn’t too late. The party was at it’s prime right now. I wished I could stay and have the whole college party experience and wait for the cops to come and get lost in a stampede of people running away. But I would much rather stay with Dustin. I wanted ask Dustin something. We took five more steps and I built up the courage to ask. “Wanna walk home together?” There I said it.

“You’re not staying?” he said before answering my question.

“No. Parties aren’t really my thing.” I lied. I liked parties. But I like Dustin more.

“Oh. Okay, yeah sure.” He finally answered. Success! I couldn’t help myself from smiling ear to ear. I was walking home with Dustin. Dustin, the sex god he was. He was still shirtless, so ever so often I snuck a peek over at his perfect torso.

Campus was 5 blocks away so it took us about half an hour to get to the dorm. On the way we chit-chatted about different things. I mostly let him talk because I just wanted to hear his voice. Dustin gave me a background story of his life. He played tennis in high school, he was top of his class, he liked watching Glee and eating Rocky Road Ice Cream. He was studying to become an architect, like me. He wants to get a job at a big development company and work on building homes in the ever growing Houston area suburbs. Dustin is a junior, so he was 21. I was still 19, but I wasn’t gonna let 2 years stop me from going after him.

When we finally made it to the dorm lobby, we had to be very quiet. Most the lights were shut off and there was nobody behind the main desk. We quickly ran up the stairs to the second floor. Since Dustin was on the fourth floor, I thought he’d leave me here and continue on up to his room. But no, he followed me down the hallway and to the door of my room.

“Thanks for walking me home Jared,” he spoke in that raspy, manly voice of his.

“No problem dude.” Dude. I said dude. I’m a loser.

Just as I go over to open the door to my room. Dustin speaks.

“Hey, you want to get some coffee or something tomorrow?” He asked me out for coffee. Granted, I didn’t like coffee but still! I was jumping and kicking of excitement inside. Dustin asked me out…on a date.

“Yeah. I’d like that,” I said back, in my best flirting voice.

“Cool. Umm. I’ll text you… Wait I need your number first,” he says. He looks too cute right now. I could just pull him into my room, throw him on my bed and just eat him right up.

“Yeah no problem.” I go to reach my phone but then stop as a great idea pops into my head. I reach into another pocket where I remembered leaving a pen. I was initially going to write out my phone number on the underside arm, like the popular girls do to boys in the movies. But then my idea got even better. I take the cap off the ballpoint pen and make my way closer to Dustin. I put one arm on his shoulder, grabbing him firmly. I had the pen in the other hand. I am a fucking genius, I thought to myself.

“Here.” I hold him closer and begin writing my name on his chest, right above his left peck. It was the perfect canvas. I struggled a little, having to rewrite some numbers because pens don’t really write as well on human skin as they do on paper.

At first Dustin was confused as to what I was doing. But then he smiled and tilted his head back in a chuckle as soon as he noticed my intentions.

“That’s just great.” He laughs, his soul-bearing blue eyes looking straight into mine. I was swooning. “I’ll…call you tomorrow.” He said. Emphasizing the word call. Call? Yay! A phone call is way better than a text. Because I’d be able to hear his voice. “Night Jared.”

“Night Dustin.”

“See you tomorrow,” he turns away and heads back to the staircase. I stare at that his ass as he walks down the hallway. I force myself to stop. Just in case he turns back. I didn’t wanna look like a creep.

It was now 12:30am. I was pretty tired. But mainly happy. I cant believe what happened just now. I started getting nervous as to what I was going to wear or what I was going to say to Dustin on our date tomorrow. . . Date. I smiled. I pulled my clothes off and went to bed, too tired to even brush my teeth. “Night Jared,” I said to myself, trying to recreate Dustin’s voice. I sighed and fell back. It wasn’t long before I was asleep



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