fight » m.espinosa

By lifeasclaire

203K 9K 4.5K

"you're so big and bad, fight me bitch." a punch was soon thrown. a crowd surrounded them. they kept on fight... More

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character ask !!!
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sequel !!!

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3.3K 166 32
By lifeasclaire



"Gosh, Y'all are really sucking each others faces off." Jack mutters beside us. I disconnect my mouth from Matthew's, and look at him.

"Jeez, I thought you were the principle." I said, sighing in relief.

"You saying I talk like an old man?" Jack jokes, I slowly nod my head, teasingly.

"Yes. Yes you do," I laugh.

Matthew protectively wraps an arm around my waist, bringing me closer to him. I smile as I feel his warmth radiating off his body. 

"Wait.. I thought you had to wait in the office, just in case the principle gets here early?" I ask, getting slightly worried. I was worried since Ms. Green could get into trouble-- She did let us see Jack when he was in trouble, so she could loose her job; or just get into trouble with the principle.

"I didn't know that! Why didn't you tell me?" Jack asks Jay, who puts his hands up in surrender.

"It didn't come up in the conversation?" Jay says unsure, shrugging his shoulders. Jack looks at Jay and rolls his eyes, beginning to go back towards the office.

"Not so fast," A voice stops him, everyone freezes in place, knowing we were caught; and that Ms. Green was now in trouble.

"Why aren't you in the waiting room, I gave Ms. Green specific orders to make sure you stay in there. Especially after you let two students leave the school without their parents, or teachers knowing." The principle says, angered.

"Ms. Green- She, uh.. She had to take care of some family business. Besides, it's not my fault! There should've been a teacher looking after me." Jack defends himself, knowing well that he got the principle in a bad position.

"Well.. Uh, Well- We have low staff this year, and we expected you to be more responsible about situations like these." The principle refers to Matthew and I, the two people who left school.

"Sir, with all due respect.. It's not his fault. Ashe and I just needed a break from the stress from school, but trust me- We did not do anything illegal." Matthew confesses. I bite my lip to keep me from yelling at Matthew, I had told him I had to go to the office, but we had to go to the park since he did not want to be at school anymore.

"You two-" The principle points to us, obviously enraged. "I thought you two hated each other!"

I slowly clear my throat, looking down at the ground. "We got to know each other a little after the fight, and we became friends."

From the corner of my eye I could see Matthew look at me disappointed at the mention of friends. But, what was I supposed to say? Oh hey, Matthew and I started dating after we physically fought, it's no big deal- I mean, to some people (Nash) the fight was a big deal, and didn't even want me near him after I explained the situation.

"Speak up, girl." The principle demands lowly, I raise my head up and look him dead in the eye.

"Matthew and I got to know each other after the fight, and now we're together." I state, raising my eyebrow. I turn my head to the side, seeing Matthew looking at me with a shocked expression. I slowly stand on my tippy toes and connect my lips with Matthew's, caressing his jaw.

My mind was telling me to turn away, and apologize immediately, but something told me otherwise- He had called me a girl, and I know this was a childish thing to do, but I am almost eighteen; The principle could have at least gave me some consideration. I slowly pull my lips off of Matthew's, looking into his eyes. I stand regularly and turn my head back to the side.

"Now.. What was that comment about me being a girl?" I ask the fuming principle, smirking.


"You see Mr. Grier, Ashe has been acting up lately, and I think it's time for her to clean up her act or we will- unfortunately-- Have to suspend or expel her." The principle says, with fake sympathy. I slowly turn my head, sinking in my seat as I see Chad glaring at me.

"What do you mean she's been acting up lately? She's been doing this for a while?" Chad asks, confused. I bite my lip nervously, and try to think of excuses.

"Yes.." The principle says and glances at me. "Haven't you noticed her behavior ever since the fight?"

Chad abruptly shoots his head up. "What fight?!"

"Sir.. The fight that started all this. You know-" I cut the principle off.

"How would he know when you told Matthew and I to keep our mouths shut about it?" I ask him, trying to change the subject off of me.

"You told her what?!" Chad asks, getting angered. "-More importantly, what does Matthew have to do with all of this?"

I didn't think it was possible, but I sunk farther into my seat. "Matthew and I got into a fight, it's no big deal though."

"No big deal?! How did I not know that you got into a fight? More importantly with a practical man!" Chad yells, enraged.

"Dad- Chad.. Calm down, please?" I plea. Chad's face softens at the word dad, and he slowly sits back down in his seat. Chad looks between the principle and I.

"Okay.. I'm calm. Just tell me what happened." Chad states calmly, settling down in his seat.

I open my mouth, beginning to explain. "What happened was a huge misunderstanding. Matthew thought I was stealing his only best friend from him, which was Nash, and he started hating me- Naturally, I started hating him back. Blah blah blah, then we got into a fight, went to the principle's office- The principle had told us not to tell our parents since he didn't want to fill out paper work and stuff, and then Matthew and I became friends because of Nash, and now he's taking me on a date later on tonight."

Chad begins shaking his head furiously. "I won't allow you to go on a date with him. Especially since he's hit you already."

"We both hit each other!" I protest, changing my posture in the seat.

"That does not matter, what else has happened since you began talking to him?" Chad asks, waiting to hear the rest of the story.

I sigh, and sink back down in my seat. "We left school early to go to a park-"

"Exactly! He's a bad influence on you, Ashe." Chad declares, getting ready to leave.

"It wasn't his fault! This guy named Ashton was messing with me, so I slapped him and then we both had to go the office, but then he started calling me names so we almost fought, but Matthew protected me! I was the one who said we should go to the park, since I was frustrated." I know it was wrong to lie, but I didn't want Matthew to take the blame for everything.

"This is amusing." The principle mutters, looking at Chad. Chad glares at him as he taps his foot up and down, thinking.

"Fine, I will let you see him. But, I'm gonna be asking Nash how you acted each day after school, and if he says you got in trouble-- again, I will not let you see that boy ever after this." Chad grumbles, standing up from his seat.

"Why don't you ask me? I'm the principle after all." The principle interjects.

"Because, you're nothing but a liar who also told my daughter to lie, why should I trust you?" Chad scoffs and leaves the office. I slickly smile at the principle and stand up, leaving the office.

"How did it go?" Matthew asked as he came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"It went well, I guess. But, Chad found out about us-- and the fight." I tell Matthew. Matthew's face goes pale and he lets go of my waist.

"He's gonna kill me!" Matthew whisper-shouts, getting paranoid.

"Calm down, I already talked to him." I reassured Matthew, Matthew slowly nodded, and once again wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Thank god, I did not want to die," Matthew chuckles.


ZAAAYYYUUUM, Ashe better watch herself because she's on some thin ice.

Not literally but yanno what I mean :)

Hey, psssstt...


xox, claire

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