I'd Rather Lie

By fabfourstories

5 0 0

Madi, Celeste, Kayla, and Sabrina. Four 13 year old best friends who have similar yet different personalities... More

Chapter 1

5 0 0
By fabfourstories

Kayla's POV:

"MADI CELESTE KAYLA AND SABRINA GET YOUR BUTTS DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT!!!" screamed our favorite person in the world, Ms. i feel like being a bitch everyday because my job sucks or in other words, Ms. Maple.
"Hello Ms. Maple" We all said with fake smiles.
"Hello girls. There will be a man coming later to adopt and he's looking at girls your age. Make sure you don't screw it up."
"And why do you care" Celeste snapped
"Yeah you've never liked us" agreed Sabrina
"Exactly, I don't like you. So I don't want to see your faces ever again. We can both agree on that. Can we not?" she's got a point.
"Good point but we don't exactly have decent clothing"
Ms. Maple sighed and said, "Don't think anything of this but here you go" She handed each of us a bag from Forever 21. Omg she didn't. I looked into my bag and saw black legging, a graphic tee from Brandy Melville, and white converse. I started to squeal really loud causing everyone to laugh at me. "Hey" I said ," don't act like you're not excited either"
"Thank You" the other girls and I said to Ms.Maple. huh thats the first and last time I say thank you to her.
"Yeah yeah whatever. I told you to not think into it that much" "Ok now run along get ready" she told us with a smile? weird. Once I got to Sabrina and I's room I took a shower. Luckily their wasn't many kids in this orphanage so each room had their own bathroom. After my shower, Sabrina went to take one and I put on all my brand new clothes. A few minutes later Sab came out wearing legging and a crewneck sweater with white converse. I'll admit we looked really good.
After she finished with other necessities, we walked down the stairs to wait in the living room for the other 13 year olds. "Do you think someone will adopt us?" sabrina asked. I honestly didn't know how to answer. "Maybe" was my genius answer. I hope we get adopted though. At least one of us.
A minute later I saw Celeste and Madi walking towards us. Celeste is wearing ripped boyfriend-fit jeans, a white sleeveless shirt, and white converse. Madi is wearing Adidas soccer pants, a white v-neck, and white jordans. She ruined the converse mood smh.
After all of the 13 and 14 year old girls were put into a line a man came in to the room. He looked very familiar and had bodyguards with him? He looked at all of us and his eyes landed on Sabrina. YAAY I'm so happ- wait he's looking at me. Now he's looking at Celeste. Ok now he's looking at Madi. "MAKE YOUR MIND UP DUDE" I mentally screamed.
After an hour which was really 2 minutes he walks up to Ms. Maple and whispers something to her. Ms. Maple looked stunned so I guess it's none of us. What she did next surprised me, she called me, Sab, Celeste, and Madi. We looked at each other confused and walked into the document/meeting room. Once we entered, I took a seat on Madi's lap while Celeste sat on Sabrina's lap because their was only 3 seats. The man took a seat next to me and Madi.
" Girls Mr.Cowell"
"wait hold up Cowell as in Simon Cowell?" Madi interrupted.
"Yes that is me" Mr. Cowell chuckled/smirked.
" ok no more interruptions" we all nodded
" Girls Mr. Cowell would like to adopt you. All of you" Ms. Maple said silencing all of us. You could hear a pin drop. That's how quiet it was.
"So what do you girls say? Would you like me to adopt you?" Mr. Cowell asked hopefully.
"YES" all four of us screamed. We then ran out of our chairs and bear hugged Mr.Cowell or dad i guess. He laughed at us and went to fill out the forms. While he was filling them out i asked him a question.
"um so do we call you dad or Mr. Cowell?"
" Well you could call me dad if you want but you don't have too"
" oh ok dad" He smiled a really huge smile. Like he could be the new grinch.
Once we were all packed, we rode off into the sunset. jk We just went to our new home.

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