Don't You Go

By 4010beth

19.1K 892 500

Andy Biersack is a lead vocalist in a band Black Veil Brides. Helena Rae is a 17 year old who's never had tru... More

The Secret Life of Not The American Average
Fan or Flirt?
Don't Drink And Drive
Helena Causes Hell
Caught Black Handed
The Callout
Stuck With A Fuck
Party In Vegas
You Have The Right To Remain On The Dance Floor
An Illegal Lie
Where Will We Go From Here
To The Stage
Bipolar Baby
The Truth
Should This End Or Start Here
Like We're Kids Again
Lose It
Every Night Must End
Too Soon or Too Late?

A Validation Of Forever

803 38 23
By 4010beth


I've been getting my tattoo for about an hour now with my headphones in listening to Issues.

I always listen to music loud when I get a tattoo. Once I got so into a song I moved a bit while getting a tattoo on accident but thankfully it didn't mess them up. They did kinda yell at me tho whoops.

The tattoo is right under my right boob more to the side and under it. I'm pretty sure it's a line of words that have a curve by the way it feels. But I can't move because I don't want to mess her up so I still have no fucking clue what I'm getting permanently on my body. Since it's on my under boob I had to pull my shirt up really high and basically I have major boob slip right now but she tapped down my shirt to stay under my nip nips so Andy's the only one who's gonna have any nip slips please and thank you.

I can just imagine in 50 years my grandkids asking what tattoos I have and me showing them one that I probably won't like by then, it'll be something dumb like "lol butts" or something.

Oh my god what if he made her tattoo on something inappropriate?

I've been laying on my side the whole time, looking directly at a wall with a bunch of posters including a lot of sexy girl tattoos. Andy would like this view more than me.

When is Andy gonna be done anyways? I just wanna get home and have this over with. I wanna go home and go under my covers and-
Oh no. What if Andy wants to do something. Hell no.

I'm exhausted as fuck.

The boys, Trimane and Andy have been talking pretty much this whole time. I can hear them loudly after every song stops or any quite parts.

My song stopped again and I heard Andy's smooth and deep voice become louder and louder.

I paused my music that was about to start so I could tell those little hooligans to quite down.

But then I saw Andy out of the corner of my eye with some clear wrapping over his arm and a huge smile over his face and a glare in his blue eyes. Oh god he's done.

Oh my god my boob.

"Andy fuck off my boob's out!" I said laughing but he knows I really want him to fuck off.

He just walks closer saying "I know right." With his creepy but adorable smile.

Both Jamie and Trimane laugh at that one.

Such a perv. Why did he tell her to do it under my boob anyways? What's next? A tattoo on my vag??

Andy walked a little closer, now being able to see whatever Jamie is inking on my body right now. He gazed at it smiling so big as if he just saw his first born baby for the first time.

He looks so in love with it. I hope I am too.

"It's beautiful." He says looking at me so enjoyed by it.

I smiled at how much he liked it and tried to look at whatever he got but he had so many tattoos I couldn't tell where his new one is. The wrapping is on his left arm where he has most his tattoos so I guess he got something small on there.

Andy just stood there for minutes watching the tattoo be made. Never getting bored, and never stopping that beautiful smile.

"What'd you get?" I asked him.

"I'll show you later." He said with a wink, looking at me for a second then returning to watching my under boob be colored with ink.

And soon Jamie spoke up.

"All right sweetie. Looks like we're all done." She said and put a warm towel over the new tattoo.

I got really anxious to see it.
She gave me a talk about how to properly treat it briefly then said "Okay, you're all good, you can go take a look in that mirror." And pointed to the back.

Oh my god. I finally get to see it.

I got off the tattoo chair and practically ran to the mirror with Andy right behind me, excited to see my reaction.

I held up my shirt to see it.

Oh my god. It's so perfect. Even down to the lettering in perfect, beautiful cursive. I love it.

Andy read the tattoo out loud in his deep voice.

"you're my fallen angel."

He said, barely even being able to speak with that huge smile on his face.

I turned at him with my eyes tearing up and gave him the biggest hug fully embracing myself into his body. I love him so much. It hurt to have my tattoo in pressing contact with something but I don't care. I wanna hug him all the time. Every day. I love him so god damn much. I'll never regret this tattoo. Ever. I'll never regret him.

"U-Uh, Helena," Jamie started. I knew she was gonna tell me I shouldn't be hugging like this with the tattoo yet.

We continued to embrace each other as I could feel Andy take one hand off my back and probably give her the one finger up shh sign as he soon returned it to my back and squeezed me.

He grabbed my two sides and pulled me up like in the movies. My chest was on his neck and I was looking down on him and kissed him. I don't care about Jamie and Trimane right now. I just care about  Andy. I'll only ever care about Andy.

He let me down with his hands still on me and mine on his chest.

Our foreheads were touching as he was now looking down at me into my eyes with a huge smile.

"Helena, will you be my girlfriend?"



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