
By XxDemigodsxX

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Many of us have been longing for an adventure that we want to remember all our lives. We look and look where... More

Introductions, Victories and Kidnapping
Nighmares, Fears and Determination
Lies, Strangers and The Son of Death
True identities, Discoveries and Powers
True identities, Discoveries and Powers

True identities, Discoveries and Powers

27 7 10
By XxDemigodsxX

Chapter 4 part 2

Flashback on Chapter 4 part 1

"Run you idiots! Stay away!" Jack yelled. But there was nowhere to run. The group was surrounded. And with that the monsters attacked, ready to pierce of their flesh.

The group huddled together ready for their inevitable fate in the hands of these blood thirsty creatures.


"Scatter!" I yelled. As I yelled out the command the whole group dispersed in different locations, momentarily confusing the enemies and narrowly missing our quick death.

Each of us faced off with our own opponents. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Gabe and Arryn huddled together as they handle a hell hound. They grabbed some scrap swords and shields to arm themselves. With collaboration and great skill they destroyed the monster with little damage to themselves. I was amazed at how they have no combat intelligence, but killed a hell hound with little problem.

Behind me a few meters away, a crowd of monsters closed in on Mark. With his stygian sword he summoned a mob of skeleton warriors, crawling out of the underworld with swords and shields ready. He slashed and hacked at all the monsters that came near him and completely annihilated them. I can't but feel jealous of how he handled all those horrible creatures with ease, and I can sense how powerful his aura is.

Though, I have my own problems to deal with. A faced off against a cyclops who tried to smashed my head opened, but missed. I quickly punched it's nose and stabbed it at his side. The monster disintegrated into golden dust, which blinded me for a split second. Then another cyclops hit me like an annoying fly using that split second as an advantage. I winced at the pain, but got up to counter attack. He made a grab for me and I rolled out of the way. I quickly touched the ground and made vines grow out of the ground. They exploded out of the earth and entangled the monster like snakes suffocating its prey. The cyclops struggled harder, but I made the vines thicker and thicker. As it struggle against the trap that I laid out, I started slashing at the monster and soon he disintegrated in to monster dust.

    After we defeated most of the monsters we came as a group again to aid Jack. Though we destroyed most of the monster, we can hear a mob of them near the area ready to fight us.

   "No time for celebrations" Mark said. "Let's help out Jack" I pointed out. They nodded and we started forward, but we didn't even get close to him as powerful hand threw all of us backwards and we slid and fell on the crates smashing them.

   The being have a head of a Bull and the body of a man. The Minotaur. Great. Just Great. Can my day get any worse? You can see his ripped muscles contract beneath his skin. His foul stench stinking up the air burning my nose (Well I guess my day CAN get any worse. He smells bad. Really bad.) at his unpleasant aroma. His eyes so black it looked like its a black hole. You can see a huge club at his side ready to smash anyone who gets in his way.

He pulled on Arryn's hair while she cried out in pain. She yelled and yelled. Stop, I though. I tried to get up, but a crate was on top of me. I used my remaining strength, but to no avail. Then I saw her bite the Minotaurs meaty hands (Gross). He cried out in pain and pulled harder on her hair making her yell out in pain again.

"No one will leave this place alive" said the Minotaur now calmly. If a bullman could smile, I swear he did. And his eyes glinted evilly. Then he started to choke Arryn.

"Help" she gasped. "Arryn! Please stop! Don't hurt her!" Yelled out Gabe. "Poor little demigods" the monster mocked. The other creatures laughed and started forward. This is it. We're going to die. No one can stop them.

"No! Please! Stop!" Begged Gabe. I could hear him crying now. Then I felt an explosion of presence. I felt a strong aura coming from...Gabe. He stopped pleading and I saw his head down. He looked up. And I felt goosebumps. His eyes. It' His eyes burned sea green. And he seemed to glow. Glow with power. He grabbed a sword on the ground and walked towards all the monsters. You idiot, I wanted to yell, but I was so deprived of strength and the pain over took me that I probably gasped making me sound like a dying llama.

Two laistrogiants tried to crush him with their cannonballs, but he dodged them with inhuman speed. His movements seemed to blur. He caught the monsters in surprise. He past by them easily and without turning back the monsters disintegrated beneath his feet. I didn't even see his sword hit them. "I'll kill you" Gabe said to the Minotaur with so much hate and confidence in his voice that I felt the hair on my skin jump.

The Minotaur looked up in shock. It took a few moments to register what happened and soon the monsters regained their posture and the Minotaur yelled out an order, "Kill them all!"

The monsters surrounded us, but didn't get near because Gabe slashed, hacked, dodged, and slew all the monsters. He caught the Minotaur in surprise and punched him at his face, freeing Arryn form his grip.

    "Ryn! Please tell me your okay" he said worriedly. She looked like she passed out and he carried her in his arms, protecting her with his new found strength.

He set her down the ground gently and faced off with the Minotaur. The one who hurt his best friend. Beside me is Mark. And he's unconscious. Summoning the dead must really take a lot of energy.

    I still can't get off the crate on top of me. I'm stuck. And I can't help my friends.

At Marks place

   "Damn, we missed them" said a little annoyed Nico. They've shadow traveled from camp to Marks temporary hideout. It wasn't really that hard, but it still used up Mrs. O'learys strength. We don't know if she could shadow travel again if we have to.

"Percy we have to move again" said Nico more urgently this time. I looked at Nico's face. That young happy nerdy kid is gone now replaced with a 21 year old young man who fought into two great wars. He's grown a lot, but sometimes I still see that happy mytho magic Nico in some moments.

   Its been seven years since we defeated Geae. At that time span we've had a peaceful time. No wars and no one trying to destroy all humanity and gods. We repaired most of the damages done in the war from both camps. Annabeth finally finished remodeling Olympus in her own image and it was beautiful. We added a school at camp for those kids who didn't want to go to mortal schools. We taught a different approach to learning with half-bloods. Us  six chosen demigods went back to our lives and finished their education. The seventh chosen demigod, Leo, was still not found all these years even though we've searched the entire country and all the possible locations he's been. We tried to ask the gods about this, but they just ignored it.  So we made a statue of him in honor of his bravery. Since then it was all peaceful, and almost boring even.

   "Hello? Percy?! Dude are you even listening?!" Nico said, interrupting my thoughts.

   "Oh...sorry I got lost in thought" I said. He looked a bit surprised. "Percy and thinking are not a good match" he joked. "Hey!" I said a little offended.

    Suddenly a gust blew in our way sending sediments and dirt around. A rainbow and gold winged stallion landed beside us and my sister hopped down and grinned at us while we stood in shock.

   "What? Something in my face?" She asked.

   "Julia, why did you follow us? And more importantly, how did you find us?" Percy asked.

   "No, more importantly why did you two sneak out of camp then?" She replied turning the tables on us.

   "He's Idea" I said pointed accusingly at Nico. He frowned, and explained it to her. "And this...A letter from the Prince of Death himself" she mocked as she waved a piece of paper from her hand. This time Nico blushed and said "It was the right thing to do, Chestnut face" teasingly.

    This time and In A more seriousl manner Nico said "Enough talk, let's go find my brother. I sense death near by"

    He can sense his brother now. And he's near. Very near. But he also feel two powerful presence at his location. They must be the demigods that my brother and Alexis have been protecting. One of them feels like Percy and Julia. Could there be another one? I asked myself. But the other one. He or she is different. And he or she special. And powerful. "Let's go" he said and they hurried up.

    He hoped that they won't be too late for the worse.



   After that hit, I felt my self drop like a brick and I knew that I passed out. My friends need me, I thought. I groaned and I opened my eyes with great effort. I heard a lot of screaming and it sounded a lot like Gabe. And then a cry for help. With that I made my self get up and saw a sight I didn't want to see.

    "Mark!" shouted someone beside me. I realized that the person who called my name was Alexis. She looked like she's stuck with a crate that fell on top of her. With our combined effort we got herself out. She thanked me and I scanned the situation.

    On top I saw Jack still up in chains and watching us fight to the death for his safety. We locked on eye contact for a second and I usually see nervousness and uncertainty in his eyes, but this time it's full of anger and grim determination. And more importantly power.

    I saw an unconscious Arryn laying beside a wall. I saw that she's been hurt and took a lot of damage.

    Near her is Gabe fighting the Minotaur with a sword he just picked up, against the Minotaurs giant club. His eyes burned the color of the sea and I can observe that his physical capabilities improved. He's fighting the monster with such great skill and courage and his stance looking similar to someone I know. He must be a child of Ares or Nike. Maybe Hermes because he always make deals for reason.

    The remaining monsters are waiting for the Minotaurs orders to kill us. They surrounded us and we're outnumbered. We're tired and exhausted and I can't risk of using anymore underworld magic. I remember Nico saying that he almost faded and turned into a shadow after nearly exhausted himself using his powers.

    But what to do! I questioned my self. This was my mistake now I have to correct it. We're all going to die if I don't do something quickly. I realized that I'm panicking and the palms of my hands are sweating. It's hopeless, someone whispered to me. Just give up and all your problems will disappear like you, the voice continued. Yea I should just sleep. I'll just close my eyes for a second and-

    Get a grip on yourself! Said a different voice. Start thinking of getting us away from here alive, commanded the new voice. Then I realized that the voice is Arryn. I know this because, come on who's as bossy as that. Well maybe, Annabeth, but come on. No fourteen year old should be that bossy. I smiled, thanks Arryn, I said. No one replied.

   I made numerous different plans and simulated them in my head, but none of them work except one. I'm going to use my life force to disperse all the monster from miles away for my friends to escape.

    For them to live I'll have to sacrifice myself.

    I breathed heavily, but I was calm. As a son of death I'm not afraid to face my own death.



    I watched as my friends get hurt and beaten up by these creatures as they  fight to the death to save me. I've never known to be loved by other people, but now that I do I won't let these monsters hurt those people that I care about.

    If you ask my me a couple of days ago if I believe in magic and monsters that could kill you, I would have never talked to you again as you would've sounded so weird. But seeing Gabe fight this bull man with a sword, Arryn getting hurt, Mark raising skeleton armies and Alexis growing plants out of the ground, they convinced me that were special and we have our own special abilities.

    I concentrated hard on the chains. If I could just get free I could help them. I concentrated so hard on these chains I thought my head would explode. Then just as I thought I've failed yet again to do something, I smelled smoke. I looked at the chains and their smoking. I looked at my friends again, all helpless and beaten. My anger grew and the chains started to bend. I realized that the reason the chains were bending because of the extreme heat that I'm giving off. I thought that was pretty cool, but I remembered that I'm supposed to be helping my friends.

    The Minotaur and Gabe's fight raged on and I could tell that Gabe's movements are getting slower and the intensity of his presence is dropping. How do I know that? I thought. Then at a second the Minotaur seemed to get the upper hand and he smacked Gabe with his club like a baseball.

   That's the last straw.

   Upon seeing Gabe hurt and on the ground, Jacks anger and hatred towards the monsters exploded.

   "Enough!" my voiced boomed. Power surged through my body and my vision burned gold. Jacks brown hair turned to gold and an unmistakable air of authority fell upon him. As his anger exploded a bright warm light engulfed the warehouse and instantly destroyed most of the monsters. The chains around his wrists and ankles instantly melted off.

    Gabe seeing the Minotaur blinded momentarily used this as an advantage. The monster was full of openings and Gabe unleashed all his fury on the monster and watched it as it disintegrated.

    The light died down showing now a normal Jack with his normal eye and hair color. The temperature changed back to normal and his and Gabe's skin stopped glowing.

    "I helped" I whispered. My vision turned back to normal and my skin didn't glow anymore. I saw Gabe drop on to the ground with exhausting. That's nice, I thought tiredly. Why do I feel so tired? Then I felt my legs give in and my eyes dropped and my face greeted the hard cold ground.

   My vision blackened and I fell into a dream.


At the warehouse

    Nico and Percy rode on Mrs. O'learys back as she came bounding as fast as she can with Julia and her pegasus Spectrum gliding beside them as they saw the blinding light at an old warehouse.

    They checked and they saw that all the monsters have been killed. They came running through the entrance and saw the five demigods, three which are unconscious and two who are ready to pass out.

    As soon as Nico saw Mark he came and bear hugged the little guy. Even as Mark winced at the pain he was glad that his brother's here. He saw Julia and Percy beside him and he was happy that the adults have arrived, though he didn't even contact them

    Then Mark passed out as they hugged, but Nico was happy that his little brother was okay. His instincts were correct that his brother was in trouble, but he didn't need any off his help. His little brother has it under control.

    They put the four unconscious children beside each other and gave them ambrosia and nectar. This is the food of the gods and it speeds up the the healing process. Alexis explained the whole story with Jack being kidnapped and to now that they arrived.

    Julia helped tend the wounded children, but she can't help and just stare at Nico and how he handles his little brother. He's usually really hard and serious and quiet near people, but near Mark he's caring, emotional and kind.

    "What are you looking at?" He asked.

    "Nothing Death breath" she smirked and he just rolled his eyes.

    "We should go and take these kids to Camp Half-Blood before anything else's happened" Percy said urgently. We all nodded in agreement.

    "Leaving so soon?" Said a menacing voice and startling us. "We were just starting to have fun" the voice whined. The alert demigods raised their weapons for their next battle against this unknown opponent.

    "No one shall leave here" it hissed. Around them the voice laughed evilly.

                To be continued...

Authors note:

Hehe...I wonder who could that mystery person or monster is?? I made this pretty long because I love you guys. I'll try to update as soon as I can again!!

Comment please!!

Vote!! 👌🏽

Thank you!!

Have a great day!! - Franz

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