It Was Always You (A Harry St...

By lmn_145

198 10 0

Harry Styles has been in love with his best friend ever since the very first day they met. He knows it, his b... More

Best Friends
Wake Up Call
Forever & Always
Song For You
Dancing Queen
New York
Welcome to the Tour
Almost Is Never Enough
The Truth (Part I)
The Truth (Part II)


12 1 0
By lmn_145

"Let's go shopping!" Harry says excitedly. The boys have a few days off so we are both laying on his bed in another hotel room watching TV. Very few boys I know actually like shopping. Harry thinks it's relaxing. He doesn't have to think about anything and he can buy whatever he wants. Me, being a typical girl, I love shopping. But just not with a famous boy in a crowded place.

"Yeah cause that won't cause a scene," I joke. But in reality I'm serious, that whole situation makes me nervous.

"It'll be fine. We'll go incognito," he grins and winks at me.

"Harry that never works," I point out.

"Please? Come with me. I'm bored out of my mind!" He gives me the puppy dog eyes and pouts his lips. How can I say no to that?

"Fine let's go. But if it starts to get crazy we leave. Deal?"

"Deal!" He smiles, happy he got his way.

We both get dressed and ready to go and then head down to the lobby. We go out the side door hoping no one will see us yet and make our way to one of the black range rovers used by the crew. We are spotted by a few photographers but Harry gets into the drivers seat and I get into the passengers seat before they can harass us and Harry drives away.

"Success!" He raises a fist into the air. And I just laugh shaking my head.

"So what are you going to buy me?" I grin and ask him.

"Anything you want love," he grins back, dimples showing.

We shop for a while until more and more fans recognize us until I give Harry the look that tells him we should leave.

When we get back to the hotel, a mob of people surround the car, making it hard for Harry to drive.

"What should we do?" Harry asks, clearly frusterated. I know he loves what he does but I also understand that it must be hard not being able to have one normal day.

"Just get inside the hotel. I'll be right behind you. Meet you upstairs? I have a few things to take care of in the lobby anyways." I tell him. It'll be easier to just make our own way inside instead of trying to get through the mob together. It will break up the crowd, making it easier for both of us. He gives me a look, probably not wanting me to be alone with all these people suffocating me, but he nods in agreement and we both get out of the car.

Harry pushes through the crowd ahead of me, making his way toward the doors. I get a little caught behind by all the people. I'm pretty small so it's harder to push my way through. There are people calling my name and asking me questions all around. I start to panic, there are too many people and I feel so claustrophobic.

"Nicole! Nicole! Are you and Harry dating?" One photographer asked.

I just keep my head down like I had been taught and don't respond. People have been asking that question ever since I started working with the boys. Can't a guy and a girl be friends without people assuming they're together?

'Don't panic just stay calm', I tell myself. 'They're not going to hurt you.'

I keep pushing my way through the mob of people, taking deep breaths. I see One Direction fans ahead so I start to relax a little bit. I feel more comfortable with the fans than with asshole photographers. A few of them excitedly say my name and I politely wave back in return.

I'm almost to the doors of the hotel when a fan screams my name. I turn towards the blonde, smiling and ready to say hi, but before I do, she grins evilly at me and pours the big plastic bottle she's holding over my head. Next thing I know I am drenched in red Gatorade. I gasp at how cold it is and look down at my outfit and shoes to see what a mess it made.

Completely stunned and extremely embarrassed, I look around. Cameras are aggressively flashing all around me capturing every second. I am absolutely mortified! I look back up at the girl who did this to me and she says, "You need to back off and stop ruining the band. None of their fans like you so stop using Harry and the others for your 15 minutes of fame."

Tears well up in my eyes but I won't let them fall. I won't give her the satisfaction of that. Instead I turn and bolt for the hotel doors and don't stop running until I get to the elevators, probably getting red Gatorade all over everything. It's not until I am safely by myself in the elevator that I allow myself to cry.

Why would that girl do that to me? Sure I get that fans get jealous but shouldn't they know by now that I work for the guys and are friends with them? I'm not out to ruin their careers and I'm definitely not using them to get into the spotlight. I hate the spotlight. I rather be behind the scenes and let the boys take all the credit.

That girl is a bully. She embarrassed me and the whole thing was caught on tape with pictures to go along with it too I'm sure.

I get to the floor we are staying on and make my way to our rooms, getting strange glances from everyone I pass by. I open Harry's door, hoping he will be there to talk to this about. However, when I walk in, all 5 boys are there playing video games. They immediately stop and stare once they see what a mess I am.

"What happened?" Harry instantly stands up, concerned.

"You look awful!" Louis jokes and he and Niall start cracking up just looking at me.

I can't take this right now. My eyes well with tears again and I can't help but cry so I quickly leave the room and rush to open my door.

"Nicole wait!" Harry calls and follows me to my room. When we both get inside and shut the door he asks, "What the hell happened?"

"Some girl dumped her Gatorade on me outside," I play it up like it was no big deal, but I can't stop the tears. I don't want Harry to get too worked up about it. He worries too much about me already.

"What? Why? Why would she do that?" He's worrying. But I don't do anything to help.

"Cause your fans hate me!" I cry. "Why do they seem to think that I'm not good enough for you guys? Why don't they like me?"

"Are you kidding? They love you." He replies.

"Well not all of them. That was so embarrassing! There were cameras everywhere," I moan and put my head in my hands.

Harry seems angry now. "I should've stayed with you. We shouldn't have split up. I'm so sorry!" And I know he means it even though it was definitely not his fault.

"It wasn't your fault," I say. "She probably would've done it even if you were there with me."

"Well at least if I was there I could've punched her and defended your honor," he jokes and I laugh. "Alright let's get you cleaned up"

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