Just a dream

By griersjournal

85.4K 2.3K 1K

Gabby is forced to get back to her normal life in London after waking up from her surreal dream. But what wil... More

o n e
t w o
t h r e e
f o u r
Jack and Madison
f i v e
s i x
s e v e n
e i g h t
n i n e
t e n
e l e v e n
t w e l v e
t h i r t e e n
self promo yo
f i f t h t e e n
s i x t e e n
s e v e n t e e n
e i g h t e e n
Results day
n i n e t e e n
not an update
t w e n t y
t w e n t y o n e
i never know what to put as titles so.
t w e n t y two
t w e n t y t h r e e
story name?
its up!!

f o u r t e e n

2.2K 70 14
By griersjournal

"Gabby" I hear someone shout, causing me to groan

"What?" I try to speak, quickly realising that I had no voice

I quickly sit up and clutch my throat

I've lost my voice...

I'm sick, what the fuck?

I was completely fine yesterday.

"Gabby?"I hear the same voice, realising it is Sammy

I must look terrible right now

I run towards my bathroom before Sam enters my room

I look at myself in the mirror, I was right

I do look terrible.

I have noticeable bags under my eyes, and trust me...they're not designer

"Gabriella?" I hear Sam for the third time

I slightly huff, opening the door

"Are you okay?" He frowns

"Yes, I know I look like shit" I whisper

"What happened to your voice?" He laughs

"I don't know, I guess I lost it" I say, falling back on to my bed

"So does that mean we can't hang out?" He pouts his bottom lip like a child

I put my index finger up at him, signalling for him to wait a minute

I begin typing my message to Sam, because it hurts to whisper

The message read
"We can hang out but I won't be any fun"

"That's not true, we can just chill" he shrugs


Three hours later and we are still sat in my bedroom listening to Shawn Mendes, one of Sam's friends

I can now talk, a little

"Hey, I've heard this song before" I talk quietly

"Oh yeah, it's called The Weight, maybe you heard it on the radio" Sam slightly smiles at me

"It's a good song, Shawn is very talented"

"I bet you're just as good" he nudges me

"Shut up" I laugh

"Sam, can I ask you a question?" I change the topic

"Sure" he looks over to me

"Does Nash's grandparents really live next door?" I furrow my eyebrows

"Yeah, why?"

"I don't know, I just keep having these flashbacks of being with Nash and these other people, sometimes I have flashbacks of Cameron" I say, causing Sam to break eye contact with me

"I don't know what to tell you Gab, maybe you just had a dream but you didn't realise it was one" he shrugs

"But don't you think it's a coincidence that me and Nash both have similar features, the same birthday and not to forget, the same surname"

"I do think it is just a coincidence" he emphasis 'just'

"Maybe" I sigh

I'm not crazy, I know that these flashbacks aren't just from a dream

If I am right, why is my family lying to me?

I have so many unanswered questions,

I just don't want to seem like that crazy girl who believes that she secretly has a twin brother, and her dad is keeping her from knowing the truth.

Sooner or later I'll find out what's going on, because it's driving me insane.

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