My Demon in the Light

De -FireHearts-

25.7K 958 322

Sesshomaru x Reader So I realize there is not alot of Inuyasha x reader fanfiction. Let alone poor Sesshomuru... Mais

A Stranger
Small Journey of Silence
A Companion
A Crown of Flowers

A Loss and a Gain

7.7K 224 16
De -FireHearts-

Your eyes wandered the darkened woods in curiosity as you came to a small clearing. You had been picking night blossoms as the villagers held a feast, the feast for the great demon who protected their village known as The White Wolf.

 After awhile, a small wolf pup had come into your sights, the white furred figure seemed shaken as it  had retreated into the woods, you noticed that it's white fur was stained red. Pausing your work, you had stood and chased after the pup worried for it's health. After a few moments, you had come to a small clearing.

Small night blossoms covered the area, illuminated by the full moon. The white petals glistened softly as they were tossed into the breeze... trees and shadows seemed to dance to a rhythm you couldn't hear. A small whimper averted your attention from the flowers which seemed to glow, your (E/C) hues flickered over towards the small pup who was sitting by a little pond. Cautiously you approached, your hand extended as you cooed softly. The pup was reluctant at first and tried to squirm away in fear. But after a moment, he seemed to realize you meant no harm and laid still for a moment. A smile curled at your lips as you pushed a strand of your (H/C) hair away from your face. Scooping up the pup carefully, aware of it's small cry as you raised it towards your chest you cooed again. 

"It's ok...I'll fix you up." you whispered softly. You began to hum a small lullaby under your breath as you turned. The pup snuggled up to your chest in comfort as you began walking towards the direction  you came from. That is, until you heard a scream.

It seemed to echo, only one scream. A females. You rushed towards the village in a panic, afraid. You tried to be careful as you ran, to avoid falling, and to avoid the pup from being in too much pain. Soon you came to the treeline where your village would be...or so you thought. Flames seemed to raise into the sky as more screams filled the air. 

"" you whispered in disbelief, quickly you sprinted towards your home which rested on the outskirts of the village. You had noticed a presence...not a human presence. You paused for a moment and pressed yourself against a nearby tree surrounded in bushes. Careful not to make a sound as you settled yourself. Turning your head to the side you tried to listen to the conversation.

"Where is the girl humans." a omonious voice spoke, sending shivers down your spine. You could hear your father's voice tremble as he spoke.

"Sir, our daughter has gone on a journey. She was going to the neighboring village to get some spices for the feast of stars tomorrow evening. It's tradition."

A hiss emanated, the deep tone couldn't be matched or even remotely  compared to the people you knew. A whimper sounded, the wolf cub you held close seemed to shiver in fear. Petting it's head gently, you tried to reassure it, and yourself.

"Lies. We were told she was here." 

Your mother was the one to speak this time, her normally calm tone filled with fear. "She has gone to the village we swear." A silence followed after her voice. Heavy breathing coming from your front yard, only to be ruined by a sickening cry. Lasting for a single moment, then cut short. eyes widening in horror as you realized what happened, you covered your mouth holding back tears. You pressed yourself against the tree behind you for support. As you did,  the rough bark scraped into your back slightly tearing and ripping at the worn seams of your festival gown. 

"I smell her. The child was entrusted to you, she is here."

Your body trembled slightly, you tried to remain calm and quiet. After all, you were unarmed. This was a demon, that much you could tell. Peering over the bush, your eyes fell upon the scene. A demon, yes. Green with a lizard-like body. A small loincloth is all he wore. A blade belonging to the village warriors was in his clawed hand. It seemed to be covered in a dark substance. You tried to deny the thoughts filling your head as you looked at the entrance to the house, which seemed to be splattered. Your eyes soon averted towards a sudden loud voice calling out from the entrance of the village. 

"INUYASHA! WAIT!" it was a girls scream, and for a moment your heart skipped a beat.

"Dammit..." the demon seemed to hiss, the demon looked around once more, so you held your breath. After he did, he ran out towards the back of your home running away. But after a few moments a flash of white and red seemed to whizz by, followed by a few others. 

"Sir, are you ok?" A woman in strange clothing leaned next to your father and opened a bag pulling strange items out of it.

"I am fine...where is my daughter?" he seemed distraught and you ran out with the wolf in your arms. Tears filled your eyes as you approached. 

"Father!" you breathed in relief as you ran to his side. His face turned into one of relief.

"(Y/N) I was so worried...It's not safe here anymore..." he spoke as if in pain.

The woman in strange clothes tapped your arm, and you pulled away your attitude soon changing from one of sadness to one of disgust.

"Don't touch me...I don't know you..." you seemed to growl. Soon you felt your father's familiar grasp on your shoulder as he stood.

"(Y/N), these people should be able to protect you..." he spoke, you looked at him confused. The girl did as well. After a moment a woman in red and black arrived alongside a monk. A small cat seemed to follow them carrying a small ball of orange fur.

"Protect me from what?" you asked, your father seemed to stumble up the steps. Trying not to look at the body of your mother inside. 

"Protect her?" the monk asked. The strange girl dressed in the green and white, well uniform from what you could tell responded.

"That's what I want to know..."

"Your name is (Y/N) correct?" the woman dressed in black and red approached you. You then realized she was a demon hunter. As she came closer, you began stepping backwards.  You held the small wolf in your arms rather tightly. 

"Yes, what is your names?" 

"I'm Sango, the demon hunter." she then pointed to the monk, "He is Miroku...a pervert" then pointing to the woman in the white and green uniform, she smiled. "This is Kagome."

"I see...and what of the cat?" you spoke in a cold tone.

"This is Kirara. My two tailed cat, my companion."

After a moment, you nodded in understandment. Then setting the small wolf cub down on the ground you examined it. After all, the people in front of you didn't seem to mean any harm. Instincts told you that much.  After a moment you examined the small one, but you came to realize she wasn't injured.

"How strange...I could have sworn she was hurt..." you mumbled under your breath. The white wolf pressed it's head against your hand. A small smile fell upon your face, a piece of your heart throbbed slightly. "I'm going to name you (P/N)" In response the pup seemed to rub against your legs, as if contented with the name.

"(Y/N)...I have to tell you something..." you looked up to see your father approaching. A sheath in his hand, obviously troubled.

"Yes?" you walked closer to him, he looked at you and handed you the sheathe. The weight threw you off guard because it was rather light. 

"what-what is this?" you questioned.

"Your inheritance from your father."

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