Wolf Lake

By Saphire79

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Lexy's life is pretty dull, until the first day of school when she meets the new guy. More

Preface/Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4

Chapter 3

280 8 1
By Saphire79

I woke with a start, my heart was pounding a hundred miles an hour. I got my breathing under control and sat up. It was just a dream. My throat was dry so I got up to get some water. As I walked to my door I had the same feeling I wasn’t alone, the feeling went away as I reached the bathroom I flipped on the light and was temporarily blinded. I grabbed the glass on the counter and filled it. After I got done I walked back to my room the clock said 2:00 a.m. I got back in bed but kept the bed side light on. I had to get some sleep, but I kept thinking of the dream that had woke me. After about twenty minutes my eyes were starting to get heavy, I must have fallen back to sleep, the next thing I knew my alarm was going off. When I rolled over to look at the clock I gasped 7:30 I was going to be late. I jumped up and grabbed my clothes on the run. On my way through the kitchen I grabbed a granola bar then headed out to my bug.

By the time I got to school the lot was pretty much full. I grabbed my usual spot in the back. No surprise there. Then l headed for first period. I got there just as the bell rang. I slid into my seat as Mrs. Harris started the discussion about proper sentences expected on our essays. Emily slid me a note, asking if I wanted to go shopping tonight for dresses for the dance. I wrote her back to say that I would love to. When class got over I headed for next period. The rest of the day flew by, I was starving, good thing it was lunch time. I made my way to the cafeteria to get my food. I seen Hillary and Sadie sitting at the same table as yesterday. Emily was just paying for her food, and was headed to the table. I made my selection and paid for my food. I walked to the table, and just got seated when Justin and Ryan came to the table.

“Mind if we join you ladies?” they asked.

Hillary’s eyes lit up, then flashed to me in a silent warning. I stayed quiet and ate my food.

“Sure anytime guys.” purred Hillary. Offering the chair next to her for Ryan. Justin sat by Emily. I tried to act preoccupied. As I scanned the lunch room I saw Collin. He was sitting with his brothers at a table across the room. One of his brothers said something to him and he laughed. Our eyes met and I dropped my gaze to my plate. I felt my face heat as I started to blush. Scared of being caught looking at him again, I kept my eyes at my own table the rest of the lunch.

As I had been playing peek a boo, I had missed Emily invite Hillary and Sadie with us tonight. I groaned to myself. Just my luck, I was picturing a cat fight in the back seat of Emily’s escort. This shopping trip was not turning out how I expected. The one good thing that happen was Ryan Sadie and Hillary made plans to go to the dance together. I didn’t hear how that happened, I guess I lucked out with that one. I kind of felt bad for Ryan and Sadie having to spend the entire evening with gossip girl. It made my head hurt just thinking about it.

As I walked to sixth hour, my stomach started to do flips. I had to admit that I was excited to get there. Not for class, but for the person I sat next to in that class. I know he could never see me as anything more than ordinary, and pathetic but I could still wish. I got to class and went to my seat. He wasn’t there yet. I tried to calm my disappointment. I opened my book and got my note book out to take notes. I noticed out of the corner of my eye as he took his seat. My heart started to gallop. Every time he gets near me it’s like my body has a mind of its own. I chanced a look over at him. He was looking towards the front of the class, I took a minute to admire his beauty and perfection. The emotions I felt just looking at him were silly. One- I hardly know this guy. Two- I was afraid for the first time in my life that this guy is one I would like to know better. Like I had a chance. He smiled and I know that he seen me giving him the once over out of the corner of his eye. He glanced my way, and the side of his mouth twisted up in a half smile. I wonder why no glares today.

“Hi, glad to see you got here ok.” he teased.

I gave him a confused look.

“No stain, or wet clothes.” he chuckled.

I blushed.

“Um.... yea.” I replied.

He smiled at me, and I thought I must sound like an idiot. I can never sound clever when I need to.

“So did you walk today?”

“Um.. No I do have a car.” I stated. It came out snippier than I meant.

“Oh right, the bug.” he chuckled sarcastically. I gritted my teeth.

Was he purposely trying to aggravate me? I ignored that comment. When Mr. Benson came in, I tried to pay attention, but I could smell the pine and sage coming off of him. It was distracting. I had the urge to lean over and breath in deep. I caught myself, that’s all I needed to do, he really would think I was a nut case. So I just tried to ignore him as best as I could. I took impeccable notes and tried not to notice the energy coming off of him. By the time class was done my nerves were stretched to the limit. The bell rang and I gathered my things, my pen rolled under the table and Collin reached down to grab it. He handed me the pen and his fingers brushed mine. His hand was so warm. Where our fingers touched felt like I had been shocked, but I felt no pain, just the charge from the contact. I jerked my hand back, and looked at him. He averted his eyes. I mumbled a thanks as he hurried from the room. I walked to gym in a daze. There was something weird going on.

I feel this connection to Collin that I can’t explain, and that scares me. It also makes me want to find out more. How pitiful am I. Gym was good. We got to work out in the weight room today. After class I got dressed and went to the parking lot. As I walked to my car I heard a commotion, I saw a group of people in a circle. I glanced over as I passed. Then I noticed who was in the middle. Collin and some jocks where pushing each other. One of the guys threw a punch at Collin and he ducked just in time. Three against one. Why wasn’t anyone stopping this? As if he could take all three at once. I looked at Collin and saw his eyes flare. He grabbed the guy that punched at him and pushed him back so hard that he flew through the crowd. I looked back to the school and saw that Collins brothers were running this way. They reached the circle and all hell broke loose. Curses where flying and punches and you could hardly tell who was who. Then just as suddenly it was over. Collin and his brothers looked better for the wear, but even they had what looked to be starts of black eyes.

Everyone started to go to their cars. I stood there rooted to the spot. Collin glanced around probably looking for teachers. His gaze landed on me and a half smile slid to his lips. I knew I had a surprised look on my face. I wonder if that’s why they moved. Maybe he had been in trouble back east. He changed the subject fast when I asked last night. I didn’t return the smile. His brothers slapped him on the back. He broke eye contact, and I turned to go to my car. I felt eyes on me again, but I didn’t glance around. I got to my car and pulled out in line to exit the school. While I was waiting my turn out of the parking lot I glanced around, and saw Collin and his brothers getting in their car. Collin bent down as if to get in then straightened back up, and looked right at me. It was as if he new I was watching him. I felt a shiver go down my spine. The car behind me honked, I had been holding up the line. I got my bug moving and I thought I saw him laughing as I passed by.

I stopped by the store to grab a few items I needed. I was already running late , I was not looking forward to the trip with the girls tonight. But I promised Emily already and would feel bad backing out at the last minute. So I just sucked it up and hoped that the evening went by fast.



When I got home Emily had just pulled up. She gave a wave and I ran into the house to dump my bag off, and put the few groceries I got away. While I was inside I went upstairs and ran a brush through my hair. On my way out I grabbed my wallet from my bag. I got to the car and Hillary opened the passenger side door, I slid in the back and tried to be polite. Sadie said hi to me and so did Emily. All Hillary did was glare. On the ten minute ride to Eureka we listened to the radio, and the girls were all buzz about the fight after school. I would just ooh and aha at the right moments so I wouldn’t have to comment. Emily pulled up to the store on the town square, and we got out. As we walked into the store Hillary started in.

“So.....Lexy who are you going to the dance with?”

“I might not go to the dance.” I replied.

“Oh that would be a shame.” she tried to act sad, but I seen right through it.

“Lexy you have to go.” Emily cried. “You can come with me and Justin.” she offered.

Great.... the only thing worse than going to a dance without a date, is going as the third wheel.

“I could never impose.” I said. I saw the relief flash across her face, and knew that it was the response that she had hoped for. Not that I blamed her, if I had been going with a new sort of boyfriend then I would surly feel the same way.

We made it to the dresses so it was time to get to work. At first I sat on the sidelines, but then after watching the others I couldn’t help myself. I tried on a few that I noticed, while I was helping the other girls. There was one that I fell in love with it was turquoise, silk on the top with chiffon at the bottom that flowed out the back. I decided that I would get it, whether I go to the dance was another thing. At least I would be prepared if a miracle happened. After we found the dresses and all the accessories we were starving. We took our purchases to the car and went to our favorite diner just a few doors down.

The place was packed when we got there, we snagged the last booth and the waitress came with the menus. She took our drink selections and promised to be back for our orders. I had been dreading today, but it turned out to be a good time with the girls. Hillary even smiled my way before she remembered it was me and then looked the other way. The waitress came back for our orders, and while we waited for our meals I gazed out the window. The other girls where cheer talking about the game on Friday.

My thoughts kept roaming back to Collin. He had all the bad boy habits to go along with the looks, and I never thought I would be attracted to that type of guy. It seemed he had all the luck looks, money, and the ability to fight multiple attackers. As if my mind conjured him up I spotted him across the square. He was talking to a group of guys, they were laughing and I saw one of them hand Collin a small packet. I wondered if it was drugs. I had seen those same guys before and I always thought they looked like a gang. They all wore dark colors and rode chopper bikes, and had tattoos all over. I have no proof of that of course it was all hear say. That made me wonder what Collin was doing with them. Not that it is any of my business.

Just then our food came and we dug in. After we ate we drove back to Blue Lake. All of us happy to have found our dresses. The dance was a week away, so that was the topic on the drive home. We pulled up to my house around dark. I got out and after a round of goodbyes, and went in to shower and get ready for bed. After my shower I made sure I had everything ready for the next day. I pulled my covers back and thought I saw something out the window. I took a peek and saw a big dog trotting down the street. I smiled to myself. Oh what a life that would be. No one to impress nothing to do but dig in peoples garbage. As I lay in bed I thought not of the things I needed to do, but my mind kept running the scene of Collin and the possible gang members this afternoon. What was I thinking to like a guy like that? I needed to just not be interested, but I feared that my mind was already made. If....and that is a big if.... I ever got the chance to go out with him I have no doubt what I would say.

The next day at school went fast and before I knew it the bell rang for lunch. I made my way to the lunch room, and got in line. I grabbed a tray and was bumped from behind, that was all it took to loose my balance. As I was headed down strong hands caught me and sat me up right again. I turned around to see who it was and found myself staring into Collins deep blue eyes.

“OH!” I gasped in surprise.

“Sorry.” Collin said.” My brothers are idiots sometimes.”

I saw their retreating figures headed for the same table as yesterday.

“No....it’s fine.” I stammered. Blushing in embarrassment, I turned to continue in line.

“So how are you today?” he asked.

Was it just my imagination or was he walking a little too close. My heart started beating double time. I grabbed things not even seeing them.

“Um...good.” I replied. I reached the counter to pay and he jumped ahead of me.

“I’ve got the both of us.” he told the cashier.

Oh no.

“Um......that’s ok really.” I said.

This was so strange. Why was this guy trying to buy my lunch?

“No really I got it, take it as an apology for almost knocking you down.” he said.

I gave up. People were staring and I just wanted to disappear. I gave in.

“Ok....thanks.” I told him.

He gave me a wink and went to the table where his brothers were. I saw Chase and Chance exchanging laughter, looking right at me. Like they had heard the whole exchange. I went to the table where Emily and the others were. They had all witnessed the exchange too. Their eyes went from me to Collin, and then back again. I sat down and they asked what that was about I just said I had no idea. That got a glare from Hillary. After that I was dreading the next class where I had to sit by Collin the whole hour. Before it seemed time the bell rang.

I got to sixth hour before he did. He came in right before the bell rang. I lucked out there. Class started and Mr. Benson was telling us about the lab we would be doing next week. I glanced sideways and Collin was looking at the front of the class. So we never got a chance to talk. I was intrigued by him. The bell rang and he never said anything to me the whole hour. Maybe lunch was just that lunch. He felt bad for bumping into me and made up for it buying me lunch. I hoped the disappointment didn’t show on my face. I was being stupid. Of course he wouldn’t be interested in me, he could have anyone in the whole school. Why would someone like him choose me? I shook my head at my self as I walked to last period. Gym dragged on and on. Finally the bell rang and I hurried and changed, then practically ran to my car. I started the car and got ready to backup when a knock on my window scared me half to death. I looked over and saw Collin. I waited a second for my heart to slow down, then rolled down the window halfway.


“Hey Lexy.......I was wondering if I could ask you something?” he said.

“Sure” I replied hesitantly.

“Well... being as I’m new here and don’t know that many people, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the dance next week with me?” he asked.

I stared at him in utter shock. I took a moment to recover.

“I know we don’t know each other very well, but I thought we could just go as friends if you wanted?” “Unless you already have a date.” he added.

“Um....no” he looked disappointed.” I mean... I don’t have a date yet.” I explained.

“Good then is that a yes?” he asked.

“Yes” was all I replied. He gave me a grin.

“Well you looked to be in a hurry, so I’ll see you Monday.” he said.” Unless I see you at the game tonight, or around this weekend.” he added.

“Um…ok.” then he turned and walked back to his car.

I sat there in shock for a few minutes more then I headed home. Thinking of what I had just agreed to. I cannot believe that I just promised to go to the dance with Collin, and I usually don't go to the games on Fridays, but maybe I could make an exception just this once.

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