Set in Chrome {Chibs Telford}

由 MoxxiZombie

203K 4.8K 248

Sonya Teller, Jax's younger sister, comes back to Charming after being away for years and finds herself in th... 更多

Set in Chrome {Chibs Telford}
[19] Gotta look this life, in the eye...
[20] Fear and Loathing in Charming
[21] These lights don't shine....
[22] Tell me what to say...
[23] Gotta live this life...
[24] On The Road Again
[25] Last night.
[26] The Good, The Crazy, The Broken
[27] Revenge is Sweeter than you ever Were.
[28] Have you ever...?
[29] Getting Close
[30] Upstarts and broken hearts
[31] The Revelator
[32] Leather and Lace
[33] Its in the Blood.
[34] Those words.
[35] Murphys Law.
[36] Smite.
[38] Prison Birds.
[39] XXX Diva.
The Slow Burn [40]
[42] Quality time.
[43] The set.
[43.5] Run.
[44] Say Goodbye.
[45] Never Still
[46] Plans Change.
[47] Killin' me.
[48] Don't live too Fast
[49] Love Company.
[50] Can't take it back now.
[51] Go On.
[52] Relapse.
[53] Mistakes.
[54] June Wedding
[55] Coal War

[37] Fall to pieces.

1.3K 55 2
由 MoxxiZombie

There was a lot going on at ST. Tomas but I couldn't tell you much of it even if I tried. I remember more than a few nurses coming on while I was laying in a hospital bed, some of them were taking blood, some of them were cleaning and closing the wound on my head but I barely spoke to any of them at all which they chalked up to shock. Thats fine. Thats probably why I wasn't screaming at them and trying to fight my way out of this little room. I brought my eyes up to see a woman standing in front of me, holding a clip board and speaking but I didn't hear her. Chibs was somewhere in this hospital, he was in here and I didn't know how badly he was injured. I should be with him right now. I should be with him. I need to go find him. I have to get up.

"Ms. Teller?" Came the doctor's voice suddenly snapping my attention to her. She smiled. "There we go." She said coming over beside my bed and flashing her light into my eyes to make sure they dilated and reacted. "Can you speak yet?" She asked putting her fingers against my wrist as she looked at the watch on her own. I only nodded and she just smiled more. "Can I get an actual answer?" She asked nicely.

"I can speak." I said in a hoarse voice as she took her fingers from my wrist. "Can you tell me anything about Filip Telford?" I asked as my body began to shake a little. "He was brought in when I was." I told her.

She sighed. "I'm sorry; you know we can only give information about patients to immediate family of the patient." I would have been pissed off any other time for her pulling that stupid card on me, but nothing felt right at the moment. "The good news for you though is that you got pretty lucky. You got out of this without major injury but we would like to keep you over night to keep an eye on you. You did take a pretty nasty shot to the head." I nodded. "Well I'll be in to see you again when you're blood gets back from the lab." And with that she strolled out of my room and I fell back on my bed only to have her peak in once more. "Oh, and this probably goes without saying, but you can't sleep." I nodded again and she was gone. I was half expecting everyone to be here already, but I knew there would be some police questioning involved. An explosion? At the garage no less. The dull pain in my head prevented me from trying to think about it any longer.

"Sonya." Jax sighed as him and my mother came rushing into my room. They both grabbed me up in a hug and Gemma sat next to me on my bed pulling me close to her. "You alright?" He asked.

"Bump on the head." I said pointing to the obvious bandage head band I had now. He nodded and I looked to Gemma. "Did you guys find anything out about Chibs?" I asked.

I watched as they shared a look and then my mother cleared her throat. "Hes in surgery baby." She told me softly. I just stared at her. "I'm sure hes gonna be just fine." She said trying to comfort me. I felt my body go cold again and I sighed closing my eyes feeling a tear roll down my cheek only to have my mother wipe it away.

"Whats the doc say about you leavin'?" Jax asked. I shook my head slowly. "We're gonna find out who did this." he told me with this fearsome determination in his voice. I only nodded now. I was exhausted but I couldn't get any rest now. I don't think I could even if I wanted to, not until after I knew Chibs would be ok.

"Wheres everyone else? Did anyone else get hurt?" I asked trying to clear my throat.

Jax shook his head. "Everyone else is fine. They're all hanging around waiting to see if the two of you would be ok." He looked to our mother. "Give us a minute." He told her. She kissed my cheek once more and then left us alone. "You know we won't be able to hold Clay off this time." He started immediately. "First Otto, now you and Chibs. Hes got the club feeding off this."

I nodded. "Retaliation is indisputable." I repeated his words from the earlier meeting and he nodded. "So what do we do now? You know as well as I do Zobelle is pushing us, hes trying to break us, all of us." I told him.

"I talked to the good Deputy Hale, I think he agreed to get me an address on Zobelle and his little bitch boy Weston. Maybe if I get to him first, things can maybe cool down." He told me.

"What are you gonna do when you find him?"

He sighed. "Hale wants me to hand him over alive. He said he can at least bring him in as a person of interest, hold 'im 24 hours and by then maybe we can get everyone calmed down, thinking straight." I nodded.

"Sounds like the best we got right now." I told him. "Ok, I gotta get out of this place. Tell me you have smokes." He smiled brightly and patted his shirt pocket. Jax helped me up out of bed telling me we should go see Tara before we head outside for a smoke. He actually brought me a wheel chair. I didn't like the idea at first, but after a few moments I was thankful he thought about it. Of course we couldn't find Tara yet tonight so we just headed outside. He locked the wheels of my chair in the smoking area and sat on the bench next to my chair as he lit two smokes passion one on to me. "So what happens now?"

He shrugged. "Gonna have one hell of a day tomorrow." He told me. "Looks like you got the day off though." He joked nudging my wheel chair with his shoe. I laughed a little and took a long drag of my cigarette. "You sure you're feelin' ok? Being up and around and all?" I nodded putting my eyes down on my lap. "I wonder what normal people are doin' about now?" He said all of a sudden and I smiled.

"Probably not getting car bombed and getting ready for a nice boring night of trash TV, tucking kids into bed and then sleeping." I said and we both laughed. "Sounds like heaven right?" He nodded. "This is gonna get worse before it gets better huh?" I asked and he just sat there silently. We finished our smokes and talked for a little while before he told me he wanted to go home to Abel and took me back inside and up to my room. He kept asking if I would be alright in the hospital and i told him not to worry about me. "Just go home to the kid Jax." He smiled and hugged me before leaving finally.

The night was long and terrible. I did go outside again a couple of times to smoke a few of the cigarettes Jackson left for me and then to the vending machines to get some sugar to try and help me stay awake. I couldn't stop thinking about Chibs being somewhere in the hospital, so close and I couldn't even go and see him now if I wanted to. I would just have to wait untl morning and it was killing me slowly. I decided to watch some shitty late night television and try to hold out for morning with shit rushing around my head whether i liked it or not.

Morning rolled around after what seemed like an eternity and I found myself being checked out by more nurses and poked with more needles for tests but on the bright side they said I could start moving around if I wanted to so I did. Hospitals were places I hated when I was a kid, but after the schooling and how much time I'd been spending in and around them it felt more like a second home to me now. Free coffee from the nurses' station wasn't bad either. I took my time roaming around the place and found myself up near the maternity ward. Babies always made people feel better, lighter when they were down so I figured I would go and see them before anyone began showing up. I didn't exactly expect them to though since I knew today would be filled with them trying to chase down leads. This Zobelle guy was smarter than that though, he wouldn't just leave his tracks uncovered. Hell they probably wouldn't even find him in charming. I leaned against the wall and looked out over the tiny little faces in their cradles and I smiled. They were very cute. Kids didn't even know yet they had their whole lives out in front of them, and strangely enough I hoped none of them would wind up like me. It was a weird thought, maybe I wouldn't even want my own kids to be like me one day and that caused a little bit of a conflict. I loved the club, I didn't know why I was having such an opposition to them now. They just aren't the same anymore, not with Clay in charge.

I left the maternity ward and went back to my floor. On the way there though I ran into a familiar face and I smiled as he waved to me, beginning to come over.

"Good morning." Doctor Norman greeted me with a big bright smile. "Looks like we just can't get rid of you around here." He joked.

I nodded. "Nice doc." I told him as he began walking with me. "joking about a car bomb." We laughed together and he just shrugged.

"You look like the type to have that kind of sense of humor." He told me simply. He wasn't wrong. He followed me into my room and helped me lay back in my bed once more then handed me a cup of cold water from beside me. He grabbed my chart from the end of my bed and came to sit in the chair next to me. "Looks like you were lucky." He told me.

"Yeah, people say that but I don't feel lucky." I told him honestly. "My guy is laid out somewhere in here..." I sighed. "I can't even go and see him, let alone get any information...." Norman sat there quietly for a moment.

"That Tig guy?" He asked.

I laughed and shook my head. "Nah, Tig was only trying to intimidate you I think." I told him and we shared a soft laugh. "Names Filip Telford." I told him. "I guess he got the...the uh...worst parts of the blast." I said quietly. He didn't say anything for a moment and just like that he got up from his chair and rushed out of the room quickly. I watched the door where he left, being a little confused by what had happened. I laid back in bed anyway to try and relax to pass the time, but about ten minutes later the doc came back into the room with a big smile and sat down next to me again with another chart in his hands. "Whats that?" I asked hopefully.

"This," He paused looking it over. "Is your boyfriend's chart." He told me and I sat up instantly.

"How is he?!" He held up his finger looking over the charts again.

"Well hes critical, but hes stable." He started. "He landed on the back of his head, caused a subdural hematoma." He told me and I felt my heart drop into my stomach. "As you might know, a brain bleed is severe but if it subsides its not life threatening." I sighed and ran my worried hands through my hair. "You ok?" He asked. I nodded. "All we can do now is monitor it." He told me.

I nodded. "And if it gets worse, you'll have to go in and relieve the pressure." I finished for him. He only sat there silently. "Shit, Chibs...." I breathed trying to hold back tears. "Look could you maybe get me in with him?" I asked him. He looked a little hesitant at first. "You know I'm medically trained, I know what to do if something happens and I know that I can't be in the way I just...I gotta see him." I begged.

Norman sighed rubbing his eyes. "Sure." He told me and I jolted up out of bed quickly. "If anyone asks, I got your back so take your time alright?" he told me. I nodded and I went off with him down the halls and up another two floors before he lead me right up to Chibs' door.

As we approached a door I felt the doctor reach out and squeeze my shoulder gently as he grabbed the handle opening it for me. I could hear the beep of a heart monitor from inside and the room was very dimly lit but I followed him inside. My eyes fell on Chibs laying there in bed, eyes closed with a similar bandage around his head and I could swear my heart nearly stopped. "Shit." I sighed going over, pulling a chair up close to his bed. I just looked him over for a minute or so and I covered my mouth to stop myself from sobbing too loudly and I wiped my eyes.

"I'll leave you alone." Norman said beginning to leave.

"Thank you." I choked out before he left. He didn't answer only left me there with Chibs alone. I reached out slowly and took his hand in my own and got up to kiss his cheek hoping he would know I was here with him now. I just watched him like this. I wanted so badly for him to open his eyes, to look at me so I know he was alright, speak to me, something! But there he slept, motionless and silent. I leaned forward on the bed, his hand still in mine, and placed a kiss on it and laid my head down. I was becoming increasingly tired and I knew it wouldn't be long until I was out. At least now I would be close to him. If he woke up he would know I'm here and there was nothing that would pull me away from here if he needed me. I just need him to know that. "I love you Chibs." I said softly as my eyes began to struggle to stay open. I fell asleep sitting just like that, leaning on his bed, his hand in mine and dreamt of him.

I woke up a few hours later because there was some movement in the room so I opened my eyes to see Tara in here with me, checking the vitals on the monitor beside Chibs' bed. Chibs. I looked back up to him, but nothing had changed. He was still laying here asleep, still nothing. I stretched a little and Tara smiled seeing that I was awake now.

"How ya feeling?" She asked. I nodded and I gestured down to Chibs.

"I would be better if he were awake." I told her honestly. She just nodded understanding. "You here alone?" I asked.

"Your mother was just outside too, she wanted to see how he was doing." She told me. "We saw that you were asleep in here so she didn't want to bother you."

"Yeah, I needed that. So thanks." I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see a couple of missed calls from Juice and a few messages from Jax. I opened the message. *Found out Zobelle is gonna be at the Morada Christian center tonight. Hale is having Morada Sheriffs there to pick him up. I'll keep you plugged in.* I didn't like the idea of Jax working this angle by himself, but if he needed me he would have let me know for sure. I pulled up the next message. *Clay found out about the Christian center, hes moving on it tonight. Nothing I can do. Just hope Hale comes through. I'll be in to see ya again tonight. Love you.* I sighed and tucked my phone back into my pocket.

"Jax?" Tara asked nodding to my phone.

I nodded. "Yeah, shits going down, big surprise." I told her rolling my eyes. I got up and went to grab some water from the jug on Chibs' tray table and took a big long drink.

"Your mom told me its not always like this." Tara told me. I just watched her. "That things will calm down again soon, what do you think?" She asked.

I looked down to the plastic light blue cup in my hands. "I don't know." I told her honestly. "This is the first time in a long time that someone has been so aggressive towards the club, they hurt two of our members and now Clay is gunning for retaliation." She looked a little shocked at what I was telling her. "You wanted the truth right?" I asked her. She sighed and nodded.

"Yeah, thanks for telling me." I shrugged. "So what happens now?" She asked.

I looked back over to Chibs, I wish he would just come back to us. "I'm staying with him for the time being." I told her. "And I guess I'm waiting to hear back from Jax, and to see how much longer I have to be admitted here."

"I'll check on your status before I leave." She told me. "How did you get back here anyway?"

I smiled. "I got friends besides you in here ya know." She laughed softly and told me she was heading out. I thanked her for checking in on Chibs and then went back to where I'd been sitting before I woke back up. I wasn't sitting there long before i heard someone else coming into the room. I turned around and saw the female doctor that was taking care of me yesterday and I sighed. "I know, I'm not supposed to be in here....I'm sorry..." I started.

She only laughed shaking her head. "Friend of mine, Doctor Norman, told me about you and your boyfriend here, and your family." She wheeled in a tray with a dinner plate on it covered and brought it over to me. "He said you would be a handful, but that you were harmless so I guess I can look the other way this time."

I smiled. "Thank you." Her kindness and willing to just look the other way kind of surprised me. I would have never expected someone to just give me a pass like this complete stranger. "I'm sorry I didn't let you know, I just needed to see him." I said turning back to the bed, taking his hand up in mine.

I heard her light chuckle. "You're probably doing a lot more for him than you realize sweet heart, just by being here like this. So I don't see the harm, long as you know to get out of the way when you need to." I nodded and she left to let me eat alone which I was happy about. I didn't notice until now but I was incredibly hungry, so hungry that even the hospital food tasted pretty good about now. As I was eating, I flipped the television on in the room and stayed beside Chibs' bed. I kept looking over to him every now and then and each time I hoped he would wake up. I knew it wasn't good, doing this to myself, but I wanted to be sure I was here when he woke up. I didn't realize how zoned out I was until I realized that it had gotten a lot darker through the window. I groaned as I got up, my body sore from being thrown around during the blast and made my way over to the reclining chair in the corner of the room after kissing Chibs' cheek once more. I pulled a blanket from the linen closet and kicked the chair back ready to get a little sleep. Just as I was taking everything out of my pockets my phone buzzed me again. I rolled my eyes and pulled the message. It was from Opie this time. *Jax, Tig, Juice, Hap, Bobby and Clay got nabbed in Morada. It was a set up, not a AB meeting.* I sighed and typed back. *Chibs is stable right now. Should I head back?* It took him a moment to reply. *No. You should stay. Nothing we can do about it tonight. Keep your head up.* I didn't really like that he was trying to be nice again all of a sudden. I hadn't forgot what he said on the run. I hadn't forgot how he was acting. But now another new problem was unfolding. All of them would be going inside for sure if I knew how Clay ran in there. He probably had all of them strapped to the teeth. I shook my head and laid back. I would have to find out everything else in the morning. Everything was falling to shit around us. I needed Chibs now more than ever.

"Please wake up soon." I said quietly, looking in his direction. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep, it was as hard as you could imagine.


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