It Was Always You (A Harry St...

By lmn_145

197 10 0

Harry Styles has been in love with his best friend ever since the very first day they met. He knows it, his b... More

Best Friends
Forever & Always
Song For You
Dancing Queen
New York
Welcome to the Tour
Almost Is Never Enough
The Truth (Part I)
The Truth (Part II)

Wake Up Call

18 0 0
By lmn_145

I enter the room next door and see a blonde haired boy snoring with his mouth wide open and left arm hanging off the bed. I gently shake him. "Niall time to get up."

He groans, "Already?"

"Yes lots to do today!" I sing song.

Niall groans again, not moving.

"Up up up!" I shake him again.

"Alright I'm awake," he says to make me stop and reaches over to grab his phone, probably checking twitter. That was pretty easy.

On to the next. This one might be harder. "Lou time to get up." I shake him.

"No!" He yells and puts his pillow over his head. Like a five year old I might add.

I laugh. "Louis come on don't be difficult!"

"Let me sleep," he grumbles.

I try to pry the pillow out of his hands but his grip is too tight but I have an idea. I poke him in the side and he squirms so I grab the pillow from him. "Ha! Now get up!"

"Alright alright, fine," Louis half sits up.

"Promise?" He can't be trusted.

"Yeah yeah."

3 down 2 to go. I go to enter Liam's room but he opens the door to come out at the same time.

"Oh hey Nicole. Good morning!" He says in a happy tone. I swear I have never met anyone who loves mornings more than he does. It's not normal but I'm not surprised. He's usually up before I go to wake him.

"Hey Liam. Since you're already up can you do me a favor and make sure Louis is up too? I don't trust that boy." I say.

Liam laughs, "Sure no problem. You going to wake up the beast?" He jokes and gives me a nervous look.

I nod. "Wish me luck!" I say dramatically and enter the war zone.

"Zayn you have to get up!" I shake him. Nothing. I pull the covers off of him. Still nothing. "Zayn!" I yell in his ear but he just rolls over away from me.

I sigh. "Zayn come on I'm really not in the mood today. Please get up." He doesn't move. "For me?" I beg hopefully.

Suddenly Niall comes running into the room yelling and jumps right on top of Zayn. "Getupgetupgetup!" Niall keeps jumping on top of him until Zayn pushes him off the bed, obviously annoyed. But Niall is a persistent one. He gets back up and keeps poking Zayn telling him to wake up. I stay far away, not wanting to be near mr. grumpy who is definitely not a morning person. The total opposite of Liam to be exact. I fear for Niall's safety but I'm glad he's the one waking the beast, as Liam put it.

Zayn must not be able to stand it anymore because he gets out of bed, glares at Niall and storms to the bathroom, glaring at me on the way there. I put my hands up in surrender as the heavily tattooed boy slams the bathroom door shut. Yikes! Definitely not in the mood to deal with him today.

Niall just laughs and gives me a high five!

"Thank you!" I breathe.

"Thought you could use a little help today," he winks.

After I get ready and get all my things for the day together, I make my way downstairs to the lobby to wait for the others. I order everyone breakfast and coffee or tea. I think Liam can tell I'm having a rough morning because he comes over and helps me carry everything and put it on an empty table.

The rest of the boys finally come downstairs to meet us and I hand out their breakfasts to them one by one.

Liam says, "Thanks Nicole."

Niall grabs his breakfast, already stuffing it into his mouth. "You're the best," he says through a mouthful of food.

"Thanks love!" Louis says.

Zayn sheepishly grabs his breakfast next. "Thanks Cole. Sorry I was cranky this morning." He looks really sorry and I can't help but tell him it's okay.

"It's alright I'm used to it," I laugh and he knows he's forgiven.

And lastly, Harry. He takes his breakfast from me and kisses me on the cheek giving me his famous Harry grin.

I just shake my head smiling and look outside the glass doors. It doesn't surprise me seeing a mob of screaming girls outside. And once they spot the guys through the glass doors they start to freak out. I wince. Although I am used to seeing mobs of people everywhere we go, I don't think I will ever get comfortable with it. I tend to feel claustrophobic in these situations.

"Alright. Get to the van as soon as possible. You can say hi but don't take too long please. We don't want to be late." I tell them. They know the routine. They love saying hi to their fans but they are also so busy that they don't ever have time to stop for too long. It's always go go go!

"Aye aye boss!" Louis salutes me like we're in the army. And I guess in a way, going into a sea of screaming fans is like going into a battle. You better prepare yourself.

Harry squeezes my hand before everyone files out, knowing how much this part scares me. I smile at him, grateful that he knows me so well, and relax a tiny bit. Louis goes out the doors first, followed by the others, with me close behind. I hear all their names being called from every direction and flashes of cameras blind me, paparazzi no doubt. I even hear my name being called.

I think it's sweet that their fans know who I am and embrace me. Often times they call me the 6th member of the band. Too bad I can't sing like them. It's strange to be recognized though. I'm still not used to that and I don't know if I ever will be. But I'm glad the fans are nice to me for the most part.

I say hi to a few of them and so do the boys. They sign a few autographs and then get into the van and I get in after them. I take a deep breath, relaxing a little. Onto the next radio interview!

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