Found horse

By StephanieShear

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Going under major editing- Certain things may change. Josephine Williams has had a great life good parents, f... More

falling apart
saying good bye.
Found horse!!
Blue Hill High School!!
Abused and Drake
Meeting Trevor!!
Finding and Fixing Paddock
Beaten By The Bullies!!
Hostpial and meeting Peyton!!
Depressed Angel!!
Chole's party and singing!!
Riding Angel poop war!!!
The Phone Call And Water War!!!!
The Kiss and Saved Twice!!!
He Hit Me!!
The Date!!!!
Forgiving Lucas and Angel gets hurt!!
We never did get the milk or cat food...
Horse Show!!!
Josh and Lucas!!
Dad's Finds out!!!
I've Failed Her!!
We Found Her!
Saving Angel and Midnight!!
I don't care about me as long as Angel is safe!!
Please be okay Josie!
Just a Dream?!?
Not a Update! Sorry! New Book!
Preview for Found horse Sequel..
Sequel is up!

Move On!

141 3 1
By StephanieShear


Chapter 32!!

Josie's POV_Point Of View!

    Its been a week since I woke up from my coma, Trevor has slept and showered now but he's still always here I don't mind though I love having him here I love his company, And I hate being in this dreadful hospital where the food is horrid, Aunt Linda and Uncle Steve have come to see me and they were both shocked, angry and sad to find out that dad had abused me and almost killed me right under there noses, I called Josh two days ago to see if he knew cause he hadn't called or come to see me and turns out he knew but wasn't at all mad at our dad he was mad at me cause apparently now because of me dad will probably wind up in jail where he belongs but Josh doesn't want that and he hates me now I was very upset after that phone call and I cried into Trevor's chest for hours after, I can't stop worrying about Angel she's in her depressed state and I need to see her she's my baby girl I need her and she needs me, the guys that beat, starved and neglected Angel and Midnight have been caught and will be in jail for a long time, Dad still hasn't been caught and I'm scared he's going to come for me...but on a good note I get out of this dreadful hospital today.

Right now Trevor and I are headed to his truck that's in the hospital parking lot after he checked me out and got the pain meds I needed for my still healing ribs, Aunt Linda and Uncle Steve payed for all my hospital bills earlier this morning, We got to his truck and Trevor opened the passenger door for me I climbed in and buckled up he shut the door and went to the drivers side getting in buckling up and starting the truck we set off..Now I needed to go see Angel..

"Trevor..Can we go see Angel?" I asked smiling and biting on my lip anticipating his answer, he glances at me chuckling he grabs my hand intertwining our fingers and starts so rub circles on top of my hand with his thumb smiling. "Of course you can baby, but first we are going to get something to eat" he said I sigh slouching in my seat and pouting. "Please Trevor, we can eat later, Angel needs me" I begged with puppy dog eyes he sighed. "Josie you need to eat, you haven't eaten barely any of the food the hospital gave you, and you forced me to eat most all of it for you, so you need to eat" He sternly says I pout sighing in defeat as I knew he was right but it didn't mean I liked it . "Fine, but it wasn't my fault that the hospital food is disgusting" I grumbled scrunching my nose up in disgust as I think of the food they gave me, he chuckles as we pulled into Chick-fil-a and went to drive threw, I ordered a spicy chicken sandwich and Trevor ordered the same thing, after we got our food we headed back onto the road again headed to the barn by Lucas's house that Angel and Midnight are at while eating.

When we pulled up to the barn I jumped out of the truck having ate all my food, and I ran into the barn my ribs hurting me a little but I ignored it, I round the corner of where Angel and Midnight are kept...

"Angel" I called out and that's when I heard rustling in a stall of the shavings and hay as if the horse was in a hurry to get up from laying down, And then Angels head popped over the stall door when she saw me, she nickered and tossed her head about and pranced around the stall in excitement and she whined loudly to me, I ran over to her quickly opening the stall door and rushing in I hugged her around the neck tightly tears of joy flowing down my cheeks, I was finally with my Angel again, seeing, touching and hugging her we were together again, Angel nuzzled my hair and inhaled my scent , I sniffled and took my face out of her neck to look at her, She nickered nuzzling into my shoulder I smiled widely and moved over to her head and leaned my forehead against hers and sighed in happiness with a wide smile on my face the whole time, I raise my hand and start stroke her muzzle she licked my hand and snorted in a happy way, I giggled and lifted my head off of hers and start to scratch behind her ears and under her forelock she sighed in content and drooped her head she had her bottom lip hanging down in pleasure I giggled..

"Oh girl, I missed you so much, I love you so much Angel my baby girl" I whispered softly she lifted her head and breathed in my face and bobbing her head up and down nickering, I laughed her eyes shined with happiness and relief that I was back and wasn't going to ever leave her again... I planted a kiss on her nose still scratching behind her ears.. "Oh girl..I'm so sorry that I was gone for so long..I promise you girl that I won't leave you again ever" I whispered as guilt ate at me that I wasn't here for 3-4 weeks, I felt guilty none of this would have happened if I had just let Trevor come with me that day.. she nuzzled my shoulder again and snorted as if saying that it was okay I smiled and hugged her around her neck again smiling with happiness, I buried my face in her neck and she brought her neck around my back hugging me back..

"Hey" I heard a deep voice say from behind me I take my head out of Angel's neck and turned my head to see Lucas standing right there behind the stall door with a strained smile on his face, I smiled steeping out of Angels and I's hug I turn to face him. "Hey Lucas" I said smiling and patting Angel's neck, he smiles but it seems forced I furrow my eyebrows together in confusion, What's going on with him?. "How are you?, Now since your out of the hospital?" He asked nervously scratching the back of his neck, I raise a eyebrow at him. "I'm great now that I've seen Angel" I said smiling he chuckled half heartily, I frowned what is up with him?, I thought to myself. "Yeah, you know if it wasn't for Angel..We may have never it wasn't for Angel we could have been to..late" He said his voice crackling in sadness his voice held pain and sadness, I swallowed hard this whole thing must of been tough on him seeing me almost die, He almost had to go through with me what he went through with Leah, and I never wanted to do that to him, but what does he mean by if it wasn't for Angel they might of never found me? "Lucas what do you mean by that?" I asked confused he rested his hands on top of the stall door sighing.

"It was Angel who lead us to the barn where your dad took you and when you weren't there I figured out that your dad had took you and we rushed over to your Aunt's and Uncle's house and that's where we found you beaten severely so we called the police and ambulance " he said pain in his eyes as if just talking and thinking about it pains him, I turned to look at Angel smiling that she is part of the reason I'm alive and breathing today, I remember that day I told Angel to run and she did and I had hoped she'd run to the barn to signal the others but I didn't think she would actually do it, and she lead them to where I was last at I've never seen a horse do that before it just proves how strong our bond is...

I stroked Angel's muzzle and leaned my cheek on her forehead smiling . "Thank you so much girl..I love you to the moon and back Angel" I whispered she snorts softly as if to say 'I'd do anything for you' I smiled and kissed her forehead, Then I turn back to Lucas to see he still had the same pained, sad and broken look on his face, I sigh walking over to him Angel following after me. "Okay Lucas, what's up?, what's wrong with you today?" I bluntly asked he sighed and looks me in the eyes with so much sadness it brought tears to my eyes. "Josie, Don't you get it I almost lost you, I lost Leah and almost losing you broke me Josie.. I'm still in shock you almost died I know you didn't but you almost did and I'm still recovering from that..I almost lost you Josie and the very thought of that crushes me.." he cried desperately tears welling up in his eyes, tears of my own welled up. "Lucas I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to put you through that it wasn't your fault it was mine like I've said a million times I should have turned him in.. I'm so sorry Lucas" I cried blinking the tears back , sadness and anger fill his eyes. "It was my fault Josie it is, And what I don't get is how you can carry on like nothing happened when you almost died, How Josie?, How?, Its like it doesn't even bother you" He exclaimed angry tears welled up in his eyes and his hands started to shake, I looked at him with wide eyes, shocked as tears to silently roll down my cheeks.

"You think it doesn't bother me Lucas?, That's not true I'm scared out of my mind that my dad is going to come for me, I keep thinking that I almost died Lucas and I don't ever want that, it does bother me Lucas but I carry on cause I don't want to live my life in fear or by what happened, I want to carry on and Live my Life Lucas" I exclaimed hot angry tears flowing down my cheeks, he looked shocked, pained, sad and guilty, he walked into the stall and gathered me into his arms, I cried into his chest hugging him tightly clinging to his shirt as I sobbed, he rubbed my back soothingly.

"Shh..Josie shh" he whispered in my ear I let another sob escape my mouth and I swear I felt him wince. "I'm so sorry Josie, I was way out of line I shouldn't of said those things, Please Josie forgive me" He whispered pain and guilt in his voice, I sniffled and looked up at him wiping my tears away. "Its okay Lucas I know it was tough on you, I'm sorry for putting you through that" I whispered he smiled and opened his mouth to speak but I beat him to it. "Lucas we can't dwell on the past , we need to move on from this and you need to move on from Leah, I'm not saying to forget her no she will always be a part of you but what I'm saying is you can't live your life dwelling on what happened to her, we can't dwell on the past we have to let go of the past and live in the present and look forward to the future" I said he purses his lips and gives me a tight smile. "I know Josie but its hard" He whispers I nodded in understanding as I know it was gonna be hard for him with Leah and me to move on from what my dad did to me. "Lucas I'm not going to end up like Leah, I won't leave you you are like a brother to me and your not going to lose me" I said he smiles wide and hugs me tighter, I smile seeing that I had got to him. "Thank you Josie that means a lot" He says I smiled and pulled away from him, Angel nudges me so I scratch behind her ears.

"No problem..Now where is Trevor and Nikki?" I asked he laughs at my sudden change of subject. "Trevor is in Midnights stall he said he wanted to give you some time alone with Angel, And Nikki is somewhere around here" He said I laughed and he ruffles my hair I glare at him slapping his hand away he chuckles amused. "I'll leave you alone to spend time with Angel" He says leaving the stall I chuckled and turned around to see Angel standing right behind me looking at me with a curious gaze I pat her neck..

"Oh girl, if only you knew how happy I am to see you" I said giving her a kiss on the muzzle...


1 1/2 hour later.....

After I had spent a good hour with Angel playing, feeding, petting, loving on her and talking to her, I went to go find Trevor and I checked Midnights wounds there all almost all the way healed, he's gaining weight and standing.. Lucas and Nikki went off somewhere and returned with Ice cream 15 minutes later.

Right now Trevor and I are sitting in Angels stall side by side eating ice cream that Lucas got us and Angel is eating her hay..

I turn to Trevor and smile innocently he smiles back at me and I take that chance and stick my spoon in his cookie dough ice cream and before he can blink I stick it in my mouth, he turns to me glaring playfully I giggle. "You've got your own ice cream eat yours and leave mine alone" He growled playfully pointing his spoon at me accusingly, I giggle and make a move to steal more ice cream but he moves it out of my reach I pout in mock sadness. "nuh uh not gonna happen again Josie girlfriend or your own" he playfully said with a playful growl I pout again. "Yeah but yours is better " I said sadly still pouting looking at him I give him sad puppy dog eyes, he groans and throws his head back in defeat. "Fine we can trade" He said I grin as he hands me his cookie dough ice cream and I hand him my plain chocolate ice cream, I smiled wide at him and he just rolls his eyes at me. "Thanks babe your the bestest" I said pecking his cheek he raises a eyebrow at me and turns his head grabbing my chin he lifted my chin up to him and gives me a gentle but passionate kiss on the lips once he pulls away we are both grinning from ear to ear. "I deserve a real kiss for giving up my ice cream" He cockily says smirking I laugh rolling my eyes I punch him in the shoulder, he pouts rubbing his shoulder. "Ow" He whines I roll my eyes at his whining. "Oh stop being a baby that didn't even hurt that bad man up" I said giggling as he glared at me for calling him a baby. "I am not a baby I am a manly man" He said puffing out his chest I burst out laughing clutching my stomach as I was laughing so much.

"Trevor men don't say that there manly men" I said giggling laughing my butt off still he glared at me but then smirked. "Hey you got a bit of ice cream right..there" he said taking his spoon full of ice cream and smothering it all over my nose I squealed in surprise and glared holes into him as he laughed his butt off just as I was about to get some ice cream and pay him back running footsteps were heard coming towards the stall, I looked up just as Peyton and Drake came running up stopping at the stall with smiling and excited faces. What is going on?, What's got them so excited? Why are they so happy?, Did they kiss or something I thought to myself..

"What's going on?, Why are y'all so excited? " I asked both Drake's and Peyton's grins grew wider I rose a eyebrow in suspicion as they opened the stall door and walked in. "Well actually its 2 things we need to tell you" Peyton says excitedly glancing up at Drake with a smile her eyes glistering with happiness, I rose a eyebrow again as did Trevor as they were acting really weird. "Let me guess you two kissed?" I asked casually but on the inside I was freaking out wanting to know the answer, she blushed bright red and buried her face in Drake's shoulder he laughed as he rubbed her back smirking and that was my confirmation that they had indeed kissed. "Seriously?, You guys kissed?" I asked excitedly Peyton turns to me blushing and biting her lip she nods at me, I squealed excitedly jumping up I rip Peyton away from Drake and hug the life out of her. "Awe this is so great y'all are so cute together, Eeeek we can go on double dates now" I squealed excitedly she giggled blushing bright red as a tomato. "Hehe yeah" She nervously says biting on her lip, I laughed smiling, I was happy for her.

"So..was this what you wanted to tell me?" I asked she nodded tucking a strand of her brown/blonde hair behind her ear. "Yeah that and..." She trails off teasing me I glare at her for torturing me, she laughs. "And what Peyton?" I asked impatiently she giggles and I narrow my eyes into slits staring at her her giggles only grow stronger though. "Okay Okay, My mom bought me a horse, he's a sorrel gelding, with a stripe not a blaze a stripe, no leg markings, he's a thoroughbred/warmblooded cross, 8 years old and absolutely loves to jump" She said excitedly jumping up and down squealing and I squeal with her. "Oh my gosh, Now we can go riding together" I excitedly squealed she smiled nodding. "Yeah, You know I was thinking that this place would be great for a horse stable if you just fix it up a bit it could be great and I could bring my horse here and we could ride together all the time" she said she does have a point it would be a great place for horses if we fixed it up a bit I actually had the same thought earlier and I'm thinking about mentioning it to Lucas, Trevor and Nikki to see what they think. "Yeah your right Peyton it would I was thinking the same thing earlier" I said smiling she smiled and just as she was gonna say something Lucas appeared at the stall looking happy but cautious at the same time.

"Hey Josie, I need to tell you something" He says I look up at him and smiled, what could he possibly want to talk about?. "Okay talk" I said plopping myself down into Trevor's lap he grunted in mild pain and glared at me I smiled innocently at him he rolled his eyes I chuckled and layed my head on his shoulder looking at Lucas who looked nervous. "Well um you see..uh the police caught your dad..he's in jail Josie" He said my smile dropped and I froze my body tensing, Trevor hugged onto my waist protectively, My dad's in jail, that means he can't come for me, he can't hurt me anymore and he can't kill me, so why don't I feel happy about this?, Why do I fell guilty about this?, I should be happy about this he deserves to be in jail for what he did to me, So why don't I feel happy?, I looked up to see everyone looking at me with worried and anxious eyes awaiting my reaction "Yeah that's great I'm happy he's in jail" I mumbled out although it was a complete lie, Lucas came and knelt in front of where I sat in Trevor's lap. "Josie I.." He started but I cut him. "No its fine Lucas I am fine" I said lie lie lies, I'm not fine and I don't know if I ever will be., I got up off of Trevor's lap and started to walk towards the stall door turning back I muttered.. "I'm going for a walk" I muttered before walking out of the stall , out of the barn and I walked till I got to a grassy area with tall grass and daisy's.

Why don't I feel happy that he's in jail? I asked myself in my head, sitting down on the grass I put my head in my hands. ' Cause he's your dad and no matter what he does your always love him' the little voice in my head says, I sigh How can I continue to love him after he did this to me?, He almost killed me?, But yet somehow I still love him and I hate myself for loving him. ' Move on Baby girl move on, do what ever it takes to move on' another voice piped up in my head but this time it was my mom's voice, How can I move on though mom?, How its to painful.. 'Just move on' She whispers in my head I sigh running a hand through my hair tears pricking the edges of my eyes, How?.. My head shoots up as I came to the realization of what I needed to do to be able to move on from this..

"Hey Josie, Are you alright?" Trevor asked coming to sit beside me, I turned to him to see his eyes full of worry and love. "Yeah..But I need you to do me a favor" I said biting on my lip in nervousness he nodded. "Yeah sure what is it?" He asked I take a deep breath you can do this Josie just ask him. "I need you to drive me to the..jail" I said keeping eye contact with him so that he knew I was serious and not at all joking with him, he searched my eyes and face for any signs that I was joking but when all he saw was seriousness he blinked with a shocked face then looked at me with bewilderment in his eyes. "What?, Why in the world would you want to do that?, Are you out of your mind?, Are you insane?" he exclaimed looking at me like I was crazy and maybe I was but I knew I had to do this no matter what anyone says or thinks of me, I expected that he would react in this way I mean no one would have expected that I would want to go to the jail to go see my dad.

"Trevor I need to do this or else I will never get over this, I will never be able to move on, Please Trevor" I begged pleading him with my eyes, he sighed in frustration and ran a hand stress fully through his hair looking torn in what to do. "I..Josie.. I don't think its a good idea I think its a bad idea" He said softly trying to make me understand I sigh and turned away from him tears building up in my eyes I blinked them away and turned back to look at Trevor. "I have to do this Trevor, Whether you take me or not I will find a way to go cause at the end of the day no matter what you want to say he is still my dad and no matter what he does or did to me I will always love him he's my dad, I just want to know if he feels any guilt at all for what he did to me or if he's just a cold hearted abuser who has has totally changed and is not my father, cause if that's the case then I will forget about him and he will just be a distant memory " I said tears trickling down my cheeks as I looked at him in the eye, he looked shocked at my speech as he sat there stunned staring at me for a good while till he finally snapped out of it and scooted closer to me bringing me into his embrace hugging me tightly to his chest, I hugged him back crying into his chest..

Finally after a few minutes he pulled back and lifted my chin to look at him and wiped my tears away with his thumbs and smiled gently at me. "We will go..I don't like it at all but if you feel you need to do this then we will go" He said softly keeping his voice gentle, I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck, I pecked his cheek then his lips letting my lips linger there for a couple more seconds than necessary before pulling away and smiling widely at him. "Thank you" I sincerely whispered he smiled and kissed me tenderly on the lips, I smiled into the kiss loving the feeling of his lips on mine. "Anything for you baby, but I do have 2 conditions for when we go" he said I nodded telling him to go on without words, he sighed and grabbed my hand as if that calmed him down. "1, Is that when we go I will be in that room with you I will not leave your side at all, the whole time no matter what you say I will not have you put in danger at all, 2, after this can we please after this move on and get on with our lives?" He asked as he looked me in the eye awaiting my answer. "Okay to the first and I will try to the second one" I said he smiled and hugged me I chuckled hugging him back, we both stand and he grabs my hand and we start to walk to his truck.

"Come on lets go before Lucas see's us, cause you and I both know that he would never allow this" He said as we speed walked to the truck, I chuckled nodding exactly why I didn't ask him or mention it to him I thought to myself as we both climbed into the truck, he started the truck and drove off and onto the road.

Suddenly though as we were driving down the road I felt nervous and scared, my hands and knee's started to shake from being nervous and scared, Trevor took my hand and gave it a squeeze of reassurance. "I'll be right there with you the whole time Josie, You can do this" he encouraged as we pulled up to the police station jail house, I took a shaky breath ringing my hands together in nervousness, suddenly not feeling so confident in my decision of coming here. "Hey, we don't have to do this if you don't want to" He said as he pulled me to his side I take a shaky breath and looked up at him determination in my eyes. "No I want to.. I need to do this" I said worry flashed in his eyes but he nodded and we climbed out, I grabbed Trevor's hand and held onto it tightly as we walked in, The front desk lady looked up with a questioning look seeing a couple teenagers come in. "May I help you?" She asked as Both Trevor and I walked up to the desk. "Yes we would like to see Rick Williams" Trevor spoke for me seeing as I was a nervous wreck her eyes widened in shock and she raised a eyebrow. "And who may you be?" She asked narrowing her eyes on us I glared right back at her not liking her attitude. "I'm his daughter Josephine Williams.. The one he abused" I said blinking the tears back her eyes widened and sympathy filled her eyes as she pushed a clipboard towards us. "Sign your names in and a police officer will take you back" She softly says guilt in her eyes, I nodded and both Trevor and I signed our names in then we sat in some waiting chairs against a wall, we sat in silence both of us to lost in our own thoughts to talk.

"Josephine Williams and Trevor Miller" our heads snapped up to see a large bulky man with a police uniform motioning us to follow him, we both get up and follow the police officer, he leads us into a room and over to a table where my dad sat his hands and feet chained to the table so that he couldn't harm anyone and his head bent down, I held onto Trevor's hand tightly and I felt him wince a little so I loosened my grip a little as my stomach twisted in knots, The officer motioned us to sit at the other side of the table, I swallowed down my fear and sat down scooting my chair as close to Trevor as possible, Trevor was to busy glaring holes into my dad's head to notice.

Finally my dad looked up at me and I flinched back fear crawling its way up in me, my dad looked the same in appearance except for the bags under his eyes and the huge bruise on his cheek, but it wasn't that that had me cowering back in fear it was his evil smirk that he always had when he beat me that had me cowering in fear leaning into Trevor he wrapped a arm around my waist protectively, The officer went off and stood off to a wall watching us with a keen eye, Finally after several long minutes I gulped and sat up gulping down my fear time to face the music Josie this is what you came here for ..

"H..hi D..Dad" I stuttered Trevor rubbed my knee in reassurance to me to which I was grateful for. "Oh honey..I thought you would have known this by now, I'm not your dad and you are not my daughter" He said with disgust in his voice, I flinched as hurt filled my heart but I did not let that show, and pushed his hurtful words away and continued. "How are you?" I asked small talk lame I know, but I couldn't just come right out and say what I wanted to say first thing, he glared at me and I flinched back instinctively into Trevor who held onto me tighter, Dad stabbing me with a knife flashed through my mind and I gulped. "What do you think?, huh?, My so called daughter had me put in jail" he snapped glaring at me I started to lightly shake as I stared at my Father this was a bad idea I should have never done this, fear griped me Trevor noticed that I was shaking in fear and started to rub my back soothingly. "shh its okay, I'm right here I'll protect you I won't let him hurt you" He whispered in my ear, I took a deep breath and nodded sending him a thankful smile to which he smiled at.

"What did you expect?, Did you really think that I wouldn't turn you in after you tried to kill me?, Cause if you did that's just plain stupid" I said with confidence he glared daggers at me. "Well I didn't expect you to turn me in so fast like you did, and your alive aren't you so I don't see the problem" he said I rolled my eyes I couldn't believe he thinks he didn't do anything wrong. "Fast?, I endured almost 2 years of abuse and didn't turn you in and you call that fast?, Cause I don't" I exclaimed anger flaring up in me, he stayed silent cause he knows I'm right he didn't have a answer to this one, I took a deep breath calming down my anger and finally asked the question I came here for. "Do you feel guilty at all even the tiniest bit for almost killing me?" I asked quietly he looked up with a blank face with no emotion showing. "No I don't" He said staring me straight in the eyes I looked away biting my lip tears building up. "I guess we're done here then" I said standing up he looks up at me a emotion I couldn't place flickering in his eyes. "Just know this, You are no longer my dad or Father you are just simply part of my DNA, you have lost all rights to call me your daughter your not my father, and know that if you ever do get out of jail which you won't, You won't be seeing me or my children when I have kids, I don't care if that's harsh so what I'm saying is Rick Williams I disown you as my Father" I snapped glaring down at him as tears flowed down my cheeks, pain and sadness flickered in his eyes but I could care less, I wiped my cheeks of tears and said one last thing.

"I hope you rot in jail" I said coldly and turned on my heel walking towards the door, I heard Trevor speak so I slowed a bit so I could hear him. "If you we weren't in a jail right now with a bunch of police watching our every move I'd be beating your sorry butt till I killed you for doing what you did to Josie, Rot in jail just like she said" He angrily snapped then I heard his footsteps walk after me, I sped up my walking, I walked out the door of the room, into the hallway to the lobby, out the door and over to the truck and that's where I slid down the side of the truck till my butt hit the ground I let a sob out as I put my head in my knee's, my shoulders shaking with each sob, Suddenly I felt myself being lifted and into someones lap by the smell of the cologne I knew it was Trevor, he rubbed my back and whispered sweet nothings into my ear..

"I should have never came, it was mistake..I...I" I broke down into sobs again clutching onto Trevor tightly as heartbreaking sobs escaped my lips. "Hey hey shh, Its alright its over now and you can move on just like you wanted" he whispered I nodded deciding that he was right moving on is what I want, my sobs calmed down and became soft sniffles, he smiled and kissed me on the forehead and wiped my remaining tears away with his thumbs .

"You okay now?' He asked I nodded smiling I was so lucky to have Trevor in my life. "Yeah but it was a mistake coming here all it did was make me upset, I should of known" I whispered he smiled gently and brushed the hair out of my face. "It will all be okay, I don't think it was a mistake because now you can move on just like you wanted to" He said I smiled and pecked him on the lips. "Thank you" I whispered he really is the best boyfriend ever, he smiled and we both got up and got into the truck to drive back to the barn.

Now all I need to work on is to move on but I don't think it will be to hard now that I've done this I thought to myself as we drove down the road, it was silent as we drove I think Trevor knew I needed some time to think to myself but then his phone rang he dug it out of his pocket and looked at the collar ID wincing as he saw who it was, he turned to look at me. "Its Lucas" He said and that's when I knew that Lucas had found out that we had went to the jail how I don't know but he some how found out.. and I know he's gonna be furious.

Sighing Trevor reluctantly answers the phone and all I heard was yelling on the other end even from where I sat. "Lucas stop yelling, look I had my reasons as to why I took her there-" He was cut off by more yelling he sighed and clenched his jaw. "I'll see you at the barn" he muttered then hung up and threw his phone in the cup holders place, he gripped the stealing wheel hard making his knuckles turn white, he was angry.

"You okay?" I asked even though I knew he wasn't, he sighed and looked at me his gaze and jaw softening when he locked gazes with mine. "No...I mean I guess I kinda expected him to act this way but it still makes me angry that he thinks I can't protect you just as good as he can" he said running a hand through his hair, I smiled softly and scooted closer to him he instantly wrapped a arm around my waist, I looked up at him smiling. "I know you can protect me" I whispered he looked at me with his award winning smile. "I love you" He whispered I smiled and leaned up pecking him on the lips. "I love you too, Now turn around and keep those pretty eyes of yours on the road" I sweetly said he chuckles and turned back around making me sigh in relief I wasn't going to die today, he kept his arm around my waist though. "So you think my eyes are pretty huh?" he teased I giggled and shoved his shoulder he laughed. "Yeah I do, there the color of the ocean and I love the ocean" I said smiling he grinned. "I love your eyes too, there the color of chocolate and oh do I love me some chocolate" He said his eyes sparkling I laughed and that's how we spent the rest of the ride teasing and joking with each other..

But as we pulled into the driveway of the barn and saw Lucas standing there looking beyond furious all the teasing and joking vanished as we both knew we were in for it..and big time..


Description of possible sequel to this book Found horse in Authors note go check it out and let me know what you think of it by commenting in the comments:), Vote, Read and Comment:)

Authors note!

Woo hoo another update I'm on a roll here bull yeah lol, Anyway what did you think of this chapter?, I know its not the most interesting chapter but the book is coming to a end so the chapters are not as interesting but anyway tell me what you think??.

So.. There's only 1 more chapter left I'm feeling heartbroken about it how about y'all?, How do y'all feel about the ending of this book?, Sad or happy?, Happy or mad?, angry or heartbroken?, let me know in the comments, Me personally I don't want the book to end but I know it has to come a end as there's not much more I can do on this book, but I hate to part with it as I have fallen in love love writing this book, and fallen in love with all of the characters and I just don't want to part with this book I'm sad to see it ending but happy at the same time mixed emotions, I have loved writing this book I'm in the process of writing many other books but none of those I have loved writing as much as I have loved writing this book I love my characters and I just love writing this book and I don't want to see it go but I know that it has too... Only 1 more chapter to go..

So I promised in my last authors note that I would put up a description of the idea of a sequel for a sequel for this book so here it is...

Its been 3 years later and things are looking good for Josie and her friends, Josie and Trevor are engaged and have plans to get married before they go off to college, and Josie has been accepted onto the college riding team at her college along with Angel, yeah you could say things are great for Josie, Trevor and Angel... But when a tragic accident happens on the way back from a horse show it puts everything on hold, Angel got hurt badly and now she has gone completely crazy and wild, she doesn't trust anyone not even Josie she has lost all trust for anyone, Not only is Angel hurt, wild and untrustworthy but she's pregnant too, And unless Josie can get Angel to trust her again she could be in danger, Angel being wild and dangerous like she is not only could she hurt other people and herself but she could also hurt the baby, Josie not only has to gain Angels trust back but she has to do it before she hurts herself or the baby, Will Josie be able to gain Angels trust back?, Or will there once so strong bond be forever broken?, Can Josie Gain Angel's trust back before its to late?, Before she hurts herself or the baby?, What will happen?......

That's the idea for the sequel let me know what you think:)

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