James Potter and the Crimson...

By MansoMansour

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James Potter and his gang of dangerous Gremlin friends are in deep deep trouble. They bravely attempt to retr... More

Writers and Publishers
The Quidditch Tryouts

King's Cross Station

374 4 0
By MansoMansour

                                The old Ford Anglia was a bus inside of itself. On the outside it seemed like a plain old Ford Anglia. But James knew better. His Aunt Hermione put an Enlarging charm on it to be able to fit every single cousin and their parents inside it. So he expected to be crammed together. Lily was very excited to go back to Hogwarts, even more than she should have because of the Headmaster. Merlin resumed his post after being "dead" for almost a year. Lily finally would have Merlin as a Headmaster. And since that disliked Debellows figure retired after discovering every student in his class signed up for the Defense Club he felt that his skills were barbarically vandalized hypothetically, and his rights to teach diminished. Good bye, and good riddance.

                           As they were nearing the station, Lily walked up to James' seat.
"Are you and Headmaster Merlin good friends?"
"Yes Lily, it doesn't take a genius to understand that, you know."
"Ok, ok, you don't have to be a sodding git about it."
"You shouldn't be saying those words, you know." James said sternly.
"If you say them, I can say them. You don't have any more rights than me."
"Actually I do, but I won't waste my time explaining it to the likes of you."
"Git, git, git, git, git..."
"Whatever," muttered James to himself. He had more pressing matters to speak of with someone. Zane had stayed over for the summer so he would be going to Hogwarts this year again. Headmaster Merlin made an exception for him and his "girlfriend" Nastasia. James knew better than to call Nastasia as Zane's girlfriend.

                        James walked over to Zane's seat.
"So who's winning Quidditch this year," asked James.
"Oh, Ravenclaw totally."
"No, I meant the Quidditch World Cup. Who'd you think will win?"
" Probably USA. We got so much better."
"Nah, Russia will take it all away from you chaps. Did you hear John Jones used a corked broom in a friendly against Ireland? He got banned from the team, and he's got to be the best American player." James quizzically noted.
"Yeah, but Majedovic also used a corked broom though." Zane countered.
"No, he didn't. What you saw was his beast-like talents. The guy can snatch the snitch away from Krum even if it went slo-mo, and he plays Chaser! He's made the top record for international goals scored in a World Cup. He mad a total of fifty-seven, that's got to be amazing! Also, he's only sixteen. Russia's goalie is also a nightmare. I heard that he once passed to a Chaser right next to the rings, but made it in instead. Although it was sad they didn't count it."
"Okay,the goalie I have to agree with. That Bulgaria vs Russia game was crazy! Bulgaria didn't score a single Quaffle! Talk about a clean sheet, they ended up winning 360 to 0! The Bulgarian coach wanted a Mercy Rule! Then Krum's face--" Zane was interrupted by a sudden stop and a screeching one at that.
"ITS W.U.L.F, GET DOWN!" Harry Potter and his two sons pulled out their wands and started throwing Stunning spells, Disarming spells, and all sorts of curses and jinxes.
"What the bloody hell were they thinking attacking us in open space where muggles can see us?" Ralph yelled as he also joined the fight.
"They want to show the muggles we're dangerous! Zane, behind you!" James screamed.
"They're coming from everywhere!"
"James, take your brother and sister and Disapparate. Take anyone else if you can. Go to the Burrow!"Harry was still fending off five W.U.L.F.'s at once. James grabbed Lily, Albus, and Rose. Zane grabbed Ralph and then put a hand on James' shoulder.
"James, quick! We don't have time!" Albus screamed. James focused on the exact spot he had to land and the amount of people he was bringing. His dad taught him how to Apparate and Disapparate in cases of emergency, this is definitely an emergency. In one second they went through a very unpleasant  experience. It was as though their lungs were being squeezed through a narrow pipe. The next second they were at the Burrow. The only person in the house was Grandma Weasley. But even she did not expect them to be there.
"Children! What're you doing here! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Screamed Grandma Weasley.
"The W.U.L.F. attacked us! Uncle Harry told James to Apparate us here," Rose stuttered.
"Well thank goodness you're alright! But why are only y--" Grandma Weasley was interrupted by the sound of a large CRACK. That only meant that either someone Apparated, or a muggle Christmas cracker was ripped open. James went with the first thought as he ran out to see who came.
"Aunt Hermione! Uncle Ron! Where are the rest?" James worryingly asked.
"Your dad's at the ministry. Kingsley came and got Stunned so Percy and Audrey are at Mungo's with him. As far as Ralph's dad, he's probably at the ministry with your dad," concluded Ron.
"Were there any casualties mum?" Rose asked.
"Yes, three. Luckily it was none of our own. Judith, the Lady of Lake was Stunned by none other than Petra and Izabella Morganstern, and another W.U.--" James interrupted his aunt.
"Petra was there? Where is she now? Does she have Judith?"
"Woah, calm down there Detective James," Ron chuckled, "Petra is in the Auror office with Titus Hardcastle, and yes, she has Judith with her."
"So that's it she's contained?" Zane asked.
"Definitely, but probably not for good," the answer came from Aunt Hermione as she was setting up the Floo. Five minutes later when everyone settled down and had a biscuit (but it was as hard and tasted like a scone, but what can you say,Grandma Weasley's got it old,) with a mug of hot cocoa. Then James' dad's face appeared in the fire.
"Hey, all. How are you coping?"
"Minor scratches and cuts, but nothing major. More importantly, what are you doing with Judith?" Reported and asked Ralph.
"Good to know that you're all good. Judith is going to receive the Dementor's Kiss."
"Thank GOODNESS!" Lily yelled. Everyone turned and stared at her.
"What? I'm just glad she's going to be finished once and for all," Lily muttered. After that bombshell, Grandma Weasley threw a biscuit and a spot of cocoa into the fire which Harry gulped down.
"Fanks," Harry muffled with his mouth, "Sleep well tonight, 'cause tomorrow, hopefully in peace, we will Apparate to King's Cross."
"G'night," everyone muttered, and the went in packs to their bedrooms.

                       James woke up to see the face of his cousin Rose.
"What the bloody hell, it's still dark out."
"Actually no, it isn't its one o'clock in the afternoon, and your arse should be out of bed."
"Says who?"
"Aunt Hermione," Rose said as-a-matter-of-fact sort of way.
"Well why the ruddy hell was it you and not Al or Ralph, or even Zane?" Then James paused to think... If Zane had woken him up he'd probably wake him up with a Wendigoe.
"Actually, I'm glad you woke me up. So what's happening as of right now?"
"As of right now, you are to eat breakfast, and then join the boys on a three on three." Lily walked wearing his glasses.
"What're you doing with my glasses, imp?" James exclaimed furiously.
"Trying on for looks, I didn't like them anyway," she said while throwing the glasses James' way.

                               James got on his Thunderstreak and rode it to the old worn-out field. Once again, the amazing simplicity of steering on it felt as smooth as a chocolate mousse with whipped cream. James mouth was now watering. He rode his broom joyfully until he was hovering over Ralph, Zane, Ron, Albus, and, Uncle George who came with Angelina during the night when he heard what happened. Uncle George and soon-to-be Aunt Angelina were arguing about who would be playing in the three on three, and, of course, Angelina won. James then dived faster than ever and pulled up when he was level with the bickering family. The only Ooohh's and Aaaahhhh's came from Lily who was sitting in the rotten apple tree with Rose.
"Impressive James, but you probably won't succeed in that trick before I knock you off your broom in the game," noted Angelina.
"You wish, buttercup," mocked James.
"You really are asking for it... That means you will get what you're asking for." Angelina's devilish smile put concern in James' brain for about two seconds.
"All right guys, I want to see a nice, gruesome and bloody game. If one of you come back with your brain still intact you will be defected from being a Weasley or a Potter, to a Malfoy. Is that understood?" George stated.
"Cut the crap, Ginger. Or I'll add a few purple freckles." Zane mocked. Uncle George kicked open the trunk, threw the Quaffle, and released the Snitch and the Bludgers. The game began. James immediately took a first swing for the bludger that was coming right at him and aimed it for Angelina's back. James heard a loud satisfying thunk as it hit Angelina's head instead. She looked all loony-woony, at least until Zane threw a  rennervate charm at her and woke her up with a surprise. This was the first time James saw the snitch. It glittered in front of his eyes, and then sped off eastwards. James leaned forward, willed the broom to go as fast as it could, and set off. He was trailing behind the snitch  almost as though shadowing it the way Tabitha Corsica did with her "muggle" broom three years before. James neared the snitch, when all of a sudden he heard a snap as though a twig broke in half. He turned back and saw the tail of his broom had been broken by a bludger. As James was speeding down to the fields, he determinedly grabbed at the snitch. He felt a heartbeat to his sweaty hand. He caught the snitch! But he had more pressing, and rather sudden, matters to deal with. He was about to land in to a mine right before Ralph levitated him right in the air.
"Honestly?!? It's the second time I've done it in 5 years! It gets a bit annoying, you know," Ralph exclaimed with a sigh.
"Hey!! That's not fair. This time Angelina broke my broom with a bloody bludger, you git!" James shouted. That very second Harry Apparated with a parcel in his hand.
"I see you broke you broom James..." Harry noted.
"It's all Angelina's fault, she hit a bludger at it!"
"Ah it's fine... I was gonna wait 'till Christmas, but here you go," Harry handed the long thin parcel to James. James began unwrapping it. When he had finished, he realized it was a broomstick. But not just any broomstick. James had seen this one in a magazine. It costed a thousand Galleons. It was the Nightfury! The beastly beauty of it was shocking! It was smooth, but it wasn't made of wood. It was made of carbon fibre, painted gold, red, silver, and black. The tail was metallic, sleek, and bent in such furious beauty that it looked more than revolutionary, it looked futuristic! James couldn't believe his eyes... His dad bought him the fastest and best broom ever created. It went four hundred miles per hour, naught to sixty in one and a half seconds, and roared like an engine while flying.
"OH MY BLOODY HELL!!! I'M HOLDING A FREAKIN' NIGHTFURY!!!" James screamed. He also squealed like a girl, but he didn't care. After he gave everyone a turn, he rode it himself through the fields. It was as though the broom scanned the fields directing every turn and communicated James' following thoughts on where to go. He barely had to do any steering. It was wonderful. But like all wonderful things, it had to come to an end when they were packing up to Apparate to the platform nine and three-quarters.

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