The Other Argent ➵ Stiles Sti...

By SpanishCandy

2.6M 73.9K 60.1K

"We all go a little mad sometimes." [#9 IN "TEEN WOLF"] Cover by idkmstiles Itsselenastiles owns Stella Argent More

Holy crap ✔


47.2K 1.3K 863
By SpanishCandy

           HEAVY footsteps were heard in the hallway but Chris was extremely way to tired to hear it. Instead, he was in a deep peaceful sleep he wishes to always stay in but life wasn't like that. Life was always going to go against you whether you like it or not. It didn't care what you wanted or what you needed. It just does things for you and you can't do anything about it but watch from a distance.

The door creaked open to Allison's bedroom and more darkness was present. However, you were able to see some light coming from her window from the stars and the moon.

Closing the door, the person who was walking in had stood right next to where Allison was sleeping.

The moment Allison had heard the smallest creek near her was when her eyes had snapped opened in worry but she soon sighed in relief when she found out who it was.

Her chocolate brown eyes met to a very similar pair of eyes like hers. Of course similar to hers because she was her cousin after all.

Stella had tears rolling down her cheeks and had her nose stuffed from all the crying. Her hair was slightly wet and sticking against her skin because of her sweat.

"What's wrong?" Allison whispered and quick sat up to comfort her favorite person in the world.

Stella sat down next to her and laid her head on top of her shoulder. "I had that nightmare again."

"It's not real, Ella. There's no strangers screaming your name for help and there's not a burning house. But do you wanna know what's here?" She asked softly and laid her head on top of her cousins while she wrapped her arm around her, soothing her down by her touch.

"Me." She whispered to her and kissed the top of her head.

"I'm always going to be here for you no matter what, Stella. When ever you have a nightmare just come to me, okay? I'll be the one to wipe your tears and tell you that everything is going to be okay."

"Do you promise that?" Stella asked as she snuggled closer to her cousin because she was afraid.

She had a terrible fear of being alone. Not only did she lose her mother but she lost her father since before she was born. She lost her aunt as well and even her grandfather. The rest of her family is dead because of their hunting tradition.

Now she only has Allison and Chris. So, you best believe that Stella wasn't going to let go of any of them anytime soon. She'd die for those two if it meant saving them from death or to stop them from abandoning her.

It was selfish to think about it that way but she just couldn't help her own fear. She was extremely close with them and now she's not able to let go of them.

"Promise." Allison looked at her and smiled widely at her once she started to wipe her tears off of her face. "Come on. You're sleeping with me tonight."

Allison had Stella lay next to her and get under the covers.

"Hey, Ally?"


"Do you think Boyd is happy in heaven?" The question came to a shock to the older brunette because she didn't think her cousin would ask such a question.

"I'm sure he is, Stella."

"I really hope so. He deserves to be happy." She whispers and closed her eyes in order to stop herself from crying even further. "Why do people die? Why do they deserve to lose their life?"

"Oh, honey." Allison cried and pulled her younger cousin closer to her, hugging tightly but it only made Stella to let go of all of her tears.

Allison always knew that Stella was such a sensitive sweetheart inside. But the thing was that she hadn't seen her since she was fourteen and the younger girl was thirteen. She was glad that she was still the same girl but it breaks her heart every time she saw her cry like this over death.

When Stella's pet goldfish died it had been the most heartbreaking scene that Allison had to witness as a child. That's because she had to see her own cousin break into millions of pieces. The poor girl didn't understand why her favorite fish was ripped away from her so early. Why it had to go away and leave her alone in this world. Why god had to take something so precious from her.

"I don't know, honestly. I don't know, Stel." Allison whispered to her and got off of her bed. "I'll be right back, okay? Stay right here."

Stella only wrapped herself with the blanket even more and nodded to her cousins command. She didn't even feel like trying to act tough anymore. So, she just let herself fall in the arms of someone she trusted with her entire heart.

Allison came back to Stella with two ice cream tubs in her arms and two spoons. She smiled when she Stella smile at her slightly and sat up with the blanket wrapped around her still, stretching out her arms to grab the ice cream.

"Chocolate for you and mint chocolate chip for me." Allison announced as she handed the chocolate ice cream to her along with the silver spoon.

"I love you."

"And I love you."

It was only 11:37 in the night when Stella walked into her cousins room for some comfort after she had a bad nightmare and about Boyd's death. But the time soon ended up being almost 5 in the morning when the two brunette's in the same family were eating up all their ice cream. Having the time of their lives and just laughing about old memories or about some memories they shared with the pack members.

The members of the pack that Stella was now able to call family. She was indeed incredibly over joyed at the fact that she had other people to count on. It was something she never thought in a million years would happen but here she was sitting on her cousins bed, laughing about what one of them had done or said.

Although Stella had them as new family members and close friends she still favored Allison. Of course she would always favor Allison from all of them. Allison was there for her way before music ever was and that was saying something.

The two girls were there for each other ever since they were in diapers. The two girls would share baths, play, and even make bad decisions together as kids. Now, here they were together all grown up. Still very close to each other.

So she really appreciated that moment she was having with her best friend in the entire world.

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