Roommates (A Maximum Ride Fan...

Av itchyforirwin

155K 4.3K 3.7K

Lissa and Max despise each other. They can barely stand in the same room as the other. Unfortunately, they ar... Mer



5.9K 186 196
Av itchyforirwin

A/N Yay! So I'm gonna try to update a lot before school starts. So here's another chapter! I know, you all love me!

Max: Can you just get on with the story?

Me: Where did you come from? *looks around*

Max: James Patterson's head.

Me: Guess that means I don't own you then, right?

Max: Right.

That was my disclaimer! On with the chapter. :D


Friday rolled around fast. I had told Nudge, Ella, and Angel about my date and they had been more excited than me. I woke up on Friday to a horrifying sight. Nudge, Ella, and Angel were all smiling down at me as I laid in my bed. I sat straight up and let a small scream escape me.

"What the hell are you doing in my room?!" I said to them.

"We're here to help you get ready for your date." Angel said in a 'duh' voice. I panicked and tried to fight my way out the door.

"Ohhhh, no you don't, Max." Ella said holding me back. "You're getting changed then we're heading to the mall to find you an outfit."

"NO! I WILL NOT LET YOU!" I screamed still struggling to break free of there grasp. I finally just gave up and let them drag me to my bed.

"We'll be out here waiting." Nudge said over her shoulder as they left my room.

When the door closed I grumbled some "colorful" words under my breath and walked to my dresser. I pulled out a Breaking Benjamin tee and some black skinny jeans. Slipping those on, I put on my favorite pair of black converse and grabbed my keys. I ran a brush through my tangle of hair and headed out the door with Nudge, Angel, and Ella at my heels.

When the mall came into view I groaned while the girls all squealed with excitement. We got out of the car and went inside through the food court entrance. They dragged me to several stores making me try on outfit after outfit. We were in Forever full-a-crap (A/N That's what I call it. No offense to people who like that store.) and we found nothing.

"Can't we just stop looking and use the clothes I already have?" I whined for the millionth time. My feet were killing me, I was starving, and if I had to here another comment from a sexist pig about how "fine" I looked I thought I might murder someone.

"No, Max! We have to find the perfect outfit!" Angel looked horrified at the idea.

They dragged me into yet another froo-froo-magoo store and stuffed me in a dressing room. I had already tried on 3 outfits and they made me show them everything.

"Come out, Max." Nudge ordered. I walked out of the dressing room and they all looked amazed.

"Max, you look awesome!" Ella said.

"I agree!" Angel seconded.

"That's it!" Nudge said.

They had me in a tan, high-low skirt, a fitted, salmon, tank top, a crocheted, cream, vest, and a brown belt. The belt went over the vest and around my waist. I looked at myself in the full length mirror and gasped. I saw my face but the body looked like someone else's. The skirt showed off my tan, toned legs, and the tank top made my core look long and flat.

"I love it!" I said to them. "Thank you!" I went back into the changing room and put on my normal clothes.

After we bought the stuff, we headed to the food court. As we sat there eating I couldn't help but get nervous. I looked at my phone for the time. 3:30 it read. We finished lunch and headed back to my dorm. When we got inside it was around 4:30.

"OMG! Max, go change into your outfit!" Nudge squealed at me shoving me towards the bathroom.

"Why? The date isn't until 7." I said still being pushed.

"That's barely enough time! No questions!" Ella said and slammed the bathroom door in my face.

I changed into my new outfit and came out of the bathroom. I was immediately ushered into my room and sat down in a chair. They got to work on my makeup and hair. Since my outfit was so simple and pastel they decided on a natural look. They put a slightly darker shade of pink on my lips and a light brown for the eyes. They also used a brown pencil to line my eyes and little blush and mascara.

For my hair they curled my natural waves and put it into a side ponytail just below my right ear. I looked at myself in the mirror and was shocked. They made me look…...pretty.

"Thank you guys," I said and gave them each a hug. Right as I finished with the hugging I heard a knock on the door. I gave them a glance and walked towards the door. I opened it to find Sam.

"Wow, Max. Just…wow." He said looking me up and down. The gesture made me kind of uncomfortable but I smiled and said "thanks," anyways.

I felt vulnerable in my tan flats and skirt but I walked out the door, shooting a glance at the girls before I shut it. I walked with Sam to his car and stood next to the passenger door.

"Aren't you going to get in?" he asked through the passenger window.

"Yeah, sorry," I said. What a gentleman. I thought inside my head. Notice the sarcasm.

"What movie are we seeing?" I asked a few minutes later.

"I was thinking The Bourne Legacy. Does that sound okay?"

"Yeah," I responded.

We pulled up to the theater and he bought our tickets. The movie didn't start for another twenty minutes so we sat in the theater munching on our popcorn in an awkward silence.

"So, what's your favorite type of music?" I asked trying to break the silence.

"I like indie, and pop." He said. "What about you?"

"I'm a fan of all types." I said. He nodded and we lapsed back into an awkward silence. The movie started and we turned our attention to the screen.

About halfway through Sam "casually" put his arm around the back of my chair. I tried to keep my attention on the movie but turned to glance at him. He smiled at me and looked back at the screen. When the movie was over he drove me back to my place and walked me to my door.

"I had a great time." He said.

"Me too," I said and smiled back at him. I really was kind of bored but I didn't want to hurt his feelings. He started to lean in and I started to panic. Why am I panicking? It's just a kiss. I told myself. Our lips met and I felt nothing. No spark, no connection, whatsoever. I pulled back and saw the hurt in his eyes.

"I'm sorry. I just don't think this is going to grow into a relationship." I told him honestly.

"I see. Well, it was nice while it lasted. Bye, Max" and with that he was gone.

I stepped inside my dorm and sighed. It wasn't my fault I didn't feel a connection between me and Sam. He just wasn't right for me.

"How was it?" Angel asked from the couch. They were all sitting watching a movie.

"It wasn't meant to be." I said. They all looked disappointed but quickly wiped the looks off their faces.

"It's okay. It's not like the world ended." Nudge said. They all nodded and I walked into my room to change. Right when I was done I got a text. I looked at my phone. It was from Fang.


How was ur date?

It wasn't ment 2 happen.

Aww, I'm sorry.

Not ur fault.

Well, I g2g. bye.


I put away my phone. Fang cared about how the date went. That was so nice. I caught myself smiling and immediately went back to an impassive face. I walked out of my bedroom and sat on the couch with Ella and them. I couldn't stop myself from thinking about Fang. What is wrong with me? I wondered.

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