
By EssoLloydMpetha

93.2K 6.6K 890

My whole life just changed in one day. I was kidnapped by a scientist gone rogue. Experimented on with nanote... More

Copyright Notice
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
A note from the Author
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 Part 1
Chapter 19 Part 2
Chapter 20 Part 1
Chapter 20 Part 2
Chapter 21 Part 1
Chaper 21 Part 2
Chapter 22 Part 1
Chapter 22 Part 2
Chapter 23 Part 1
Chapter 23 Part 2
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 Part 1
Chapter 25 Part 2
Chapter 26 Part
Chapter 26 Part 3
A note from the author

Chapter 26 Part 2

1.2K 129 14
By EssoLloydMpetha

I'll deal with them Phoenix," the hooded figure says.

"Like I'll let you have all the fun this time," Phoenix says with a smile on her face.

"I'll take the kid, I'd like to see his full potential."

"I don't understand why you have to hide yourself all the time," Phoenix says, her eyes fixed on the team of 5.

"Who are you?" Anna asks.

"We're The Way Forward, TWF for short. You're lucky you got to see me, not many people get the pleasure. Then again, you're all dead, so it doesn't really matter."

"Danny, Andrew and Anna, you finish the mission," Bruce says pointing at the door.


"Go!" Bruce says, a little louder this time, stopping Andrew before he could speak.

They hesitantly walk to the door, Phoenix runs to them blocking the way out.

Bruce disappears into thin air and appears right between Phoenix and the group.

"Go," he says not taking his eyes of her.

They exit the room and leave Bruce and I alone with the two. I look deep into the man's eyes, they showed no fear as a staff extended from his hand.

A blast of energy escapes from Phoenix's fingers. The blast flies through the air in a zigzag, the direction however is totally clear.

The energy passes straight through Bruce, Phoenix's eyes grow wide as the blast passes but they go straight back to normal.

The hooded man stands looking at me. He looks at me as if he brings back thousands of memories. I look at the man, my eyesbrows showing utter confusion.

The man suddenly jumps up and attacks, he holds the staff up and drops it for a vertical slash. I dodge the attack, the attack leaves him totally open, and I swing with my right. In a blink of an eye the man has already moved out of the way, wind bristles in my arm as I punch the air.

A staff to the back sends me rolling on the ground and immediately back up on my feet. The smile on the man's face widens, "Too slow."

Bruce doesn't turn to look at me, he has his hands full with Phoenix. Phoenix must have more than one ability, from what the Controller told us, the woman is powerful. Bruce knows he his outmached, he just hopes he can hold up they free all the prisoners.

Flames appear from the air flying towards Phoenix, some type of burning gas. Phoenix dodges the blasts, sends a gust of wind at Bruce.

The wind reaches Bruce and he just disappears into the gust. Phoenix starts looking around like a lost puppy.

Bruce appears a few seconds next to Phoenix, his hands held up in an attacking position. Phoenix starts coughing and holding her throat. She kneels down whilst still clutching her throat. Her body hits the ground, and she stops moving completely. A smile of satisfaction runs along Bruce's face, acknowledging his victory.

The body turns into rock, Bruce steps back as this happens. The rocks breaks, it starts turning into dust. Only dust is left were the body once was.

Phoenix then appears right behind Bruce knocking him down. He falls right next to the dust, he can now see Phoenix magically appear.

"You killed my clone, somebody doesn't mess around."

Bruce grinds teeth together, he stands up whilst dodging energy blasts. He dodges the blasts, when he steadies himself, one blast catches him. The energy blast explodes, sending Bruce flying  against the wall.

I create energy balls, I then transform the balls into knives. I start throwing them, thhe man dodges and darts out of the knives' way, he deflects some of the knives with his own. I am not sure when he drew out his knives, my knives fly right back at me and I catch them.

As I get a good grip on my knives, one of his own knives is already flying at me. I create an energy shield out if one knive. The shield blocks the knife coming my way.

"Without any ability, you'll never defeat me," I say.

The woman chuckles whilst looking at the floor, "You've grown really confident."

"What do you mean, I've grown confident. You don't even know me."

"I know everything about you, everything."

The man throws his staff at me, I duck under it. I run at the man whilst he is unarmed. I can feel the strength in my arms, definitely not his usual power. I feel like the power has been broken out of a never-ending well.

The man doesn't move as I get closer. When I'm  about to connect my fist with the man's jaw, I get a knock on the back of his head.

"Your knives aren't the only things that can fly back."

The staff falls to the ground right next to me. I fall right infront of the man, my vision a bit blurry. I can see the man pick up the staff, the man rests the staff on my back.

I start regaining my vision, he sees the man looking down at me. The man sends out jolts of electricity down my body.

I scream in pain as my nanobots jump for joy as they get this new burst of energy. My body glows blue, and the man removes his staff, now noticing that this has no effect.

I look up at the man and smile, "Big mistake buddy."

A wave of energy sends the hooded guy flying across a table. The wave reaches Phoenix and Bruce too, it knocks them down. They turn their attention to me, Bruce now sees that this is different from what had happened before. He sees that I'm  still in control of my body, I somehow has this new burst of energy.

A smile runs across Bruce's  face as I send the guy back to the floor. His hoodie now off, he looks straight at Shaun whilst standing up, he does this to make sure he doesn't get attacked whilst standing up.

"How about we give those reflexes of yours a workout?" the man asks.

Shaun's eyebrow goes up in confusion.

"You must already see that I have no ability, so how about some hand to hand combat?"

As good as this guy may be, I believe that I can take him, anything he does, I can do as well. I should not depend so much on my nanobots and learn how to fight. Though the only reason I'm in such good shape is them, I cannot change that, I can only use it to my advantage.

The man throws continuos fists at me, I deflect all of them. The man however doesn't stop doing this, I know that if this continues, I'll make a mistake.

I get a kick on the head, I don't know where it came from. I quickly regain my composure and duck down. I kick the one leg on the ground whilst the other makes its way to the ground.

Instead of the man landing back first onto the ground, he does a backflip and lands on his own two feet. I was not ready for that to happen, so I hesitate when attacking. A kick to the chest sends him falling to the ground, whilst struggling to catch his breath.

We continue fighting and blocking countless attacks from each other. We now stand far apart, panting. We both stand up straight and ready their stances. Right before they jump back into action, the hooded figure raises his hand.


I look at the man quizzicaly, wondering what he is doing, could he be giving up.

"I'm tired of these games, time to end this," the man says whilst taking of his hoodie.

Phoenix turns to look at the man and smiles. The woman begins to quiver and shake, the man's whole body does. The whole body gets deformed. The body starts changing it's  form, in a few seconds, the man is now a woman. Not just any woman, but I now stand infront of my own mother.

"I was wondering how long it would take you to truly reveal yourself," Phoenix says looking directly at Mara.

How's the chapter?

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