Her Wicked Billionaire Boss

By TodayIWillWrite

6.2K 68 3

Aprilynn Wellsmith. The girl who survived the fire attack. The girl who lost herself in the crowd of the para... More

Her Reality
Her Opportunity
Her Moment

Her Nightmare

4.7K 29 0
By TodayIWillWrite

© Copyright 2014 by Momina19/ Momina Qazi

"I hate you. You are the worse Mum ever!" Screamed my 17 year old self. Its not fair. Everyone is allowed to have a party except me.

I got up from the sofa in the living room ready to stomp my way up to my room. I know, how childish right. Deal with it.

"Aprilynn Wellsmith. How dare you speak to me in that tone, young lady! I am your Mother and I know what's best for you. No Party means none at all. No alcohol. No boys. No nothing! I know very well what happens in these parties ok. I was once a teenager too and when I say trust me you don't want this, then listen from my experience!" She yelled her lungs out. Both of her hands on her hips giving me 'The Famous Angry Mum Look'.

I quitened when mother brought up 'her experience' and from her intimidating glare. She had been raped in one of these parties she went to when she was a teen. She is a very over protective mother but sometimes, it's really annoying. I am usually not a party person, but I want this to happen because it's going to be my birthday this coming Saturday in six days. Yeah, it's Sunday today. I can't wait till I'm 18 on Saturday!

Back to my mother, she met my dad in college and married at 21 years of age. I have an older brother who is 22 years old and in jail. That's another story. I also have a younger sister who is 14 years old and is as annoying little sisters can be but I still love her.

"Whatever..." I muttered under my breath.

I heard my mum sigh and shift from feet to feet.

"Look Cookie," That was my nickname since childhood and you can guess why, because I loved cookies. Mum continued "you can't get everything you want in life. sometimes, things happen for a reason. For instance, remember that Reynolds girl? what was her name? Alicia Reynolds. Last year." Trailed off my mum and I got the idea of what she meant.

I shuddered. What happened to that girl was truly horrific. Alicia Reynolds was a party girl and last year she went to the one of those fancy teen parties in a mansion that was nearby a wonderful river with a great view. With this being a party, obviously it was night - almost midnight. Remembering from what I heard on the following day on the news channel, it was said that she was cornered by a gang closeby when she left after getting drunk. You know what happens after that and the next thing is she was found in a river with her body parts cut. I shivered violently. She wasn't my friend nor my enemy but she was a great enthusiastic person. Too bad that night wasn't for her.

Ok so now, my mum officially creeped me out by that horrendous incident. No way am I holding a party now. I know, you might be thinking, is that how long it took to persuade her to back out? Seriously if you saw that incident, you'd totally understand why.

" I'm sorry Mum, I got carried away there." Yes, I did. But I am human so I did still feel that I wasn't able to host a party for my birthday. Mum's not against parties but only the ones with teens in it. What the hell, parties with no teens are officially boring. So what's the point of a party?

" You know what Cookie? Let's forget this and on Saturday, we could go to that Space centre you were talking about." Said my mum. My mood instantly brightened. Okay, call me a geek, nerd or whatever, I honestly don't care. I love learning about space. I want to be a scientist, yet I still can't spell the word tommorow correctly. < Is that even correct? Listen people I don't care. Hahaha.

"Cool." I say and with that I head to my room. Looks like change of plans, no stomping to my room.

I decided to finish up my homework and called Clara my best friend since forever. I told her about my little argument if you can even call it that because from my view, I hardly screamed and stomped. Yeah, that's what I call an argument and you so don't want to see me when I'm angry.

After finishing my homework, speaking to Clara and bribing my little sister Priscilla out of my room, I finally drop on my bed and let my eyes close.

The next thing I hear is screams. Not just anyones, but Priscilla's.

I get up quick to find out what happened but from what I saw around me, I wished that I never did. My room was on fire. Literally on fire.

"Help! Somebody Help!" Screamed Priscilla, guessing from her room. I started to make my way outside my room but the door was on fire too.

" Silly!" Yes that's my nickname for her. Right now is not the time to discuss this.

" April, is that you? Help April. I'm scared!" I heard her cries and felt tears come strolling down my cheeks. No. No time to cry April. Save your family.

I heard a loud thud sound. I never heard Priscilla's voice ever again. I had a feeling I knew why.


" MUUMMMMM!!!!! DAAAAAADDDDDDD!!!!! GET THE HELL UP NOW!! WHERE ARE YOU?? YOU'RE NOT DEAD. DON'T LEAVE ME HERE ALONE!!" I screamed my lungs out. My breathing out of control. It didn't matter to me now whether or not I'd get burned. I reached for the door knob the same time my the roof collapsed on my bedroom. I ran towards Priscilla's room and knocked down her door. With Rage, comes power. Usually I am not strong but when you know your family is in danger, you'd do anything to see them again.

There on the floor was Priscilla. Her body bleeding itself out. I saw her rapidly trying to breathe. I went to her side and heard her voice. She looked at me. Directly into my soul. I picked her up and lay her on my lap whilst sitting beside her on the floor.

" Run. .... " Slow breathing. " I Love you sister." She smiled at me. A real one. One that showed I had a life ahead of me if I took her advice and ran. One that showed, she'd never get that life.

"Priscilla. Stay with me, help is coming." I called the fire brigade and ambulance using my phone whilst I was stuck in my room, but I was notified that our neighbours already called them.

"April, don't stay. Go. Live for me." That was the last thing she said. My sister died in my arms. I was frozen. All those memories of playing together in the past years immediayely played in my mind. Now, you must be thinking what happened to my parents. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew they hadn't survived. If they did, we would be at safety and I would surely have heard their screaming voices like Priscilla's.

Moments later, my ears were filled with siren sounds. Everything happened in a blur. Some paramedics came to check up on me. Questions were raised. How was I the only one to survive. It was concluded that my room was the furthest from the room where the fire actually began downstairs in the kitchen. My parents room was right above it so they had no chance. A tear escaped my eye. Then came Priscilla's room on the same side. My room was towards the end on the hallway on the opposite side right next to my brother's vacant room.

I saw my parents body and by looking at their experiessions, they died in their sleep. I found some kind of weird relief inside my heart that my parents didn't have to go through what Priscilla did.

Her last words echoed in my mind. ' Live for me.'

The next two days went by quick and I was still in shock. I didn't say anything at my families funeral. I don't even know if my brother was notified. I didn't see him there. I don't know what I feel towards him anymore. I just don't know.

Since I am still 17, technically I was still a child. My Aunty and Uncle felt like they needed to care for me. I didn't care. I didn't say anything and was shipped off to their home. I didn't feel like me.

Will I ever find myself again? Does ME even exist anymore?

I woke up, panting. Sweat covered my body and my hair sticking to my face. I looked around the room, my room and then to the side of my bed. I saw the flashing light of my 24 hr clock; 05:17.


Bad memories.

'Live for me' Priscilla's words still remained in my mind.

.......and that's exactly what I did. Live.

Just Live.

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