Alone In A Sea of Boys

By musicXadict

220K 4.4K 828

Breanne Shayler is you average tough, bad ass chick. She get's in a lot of trouble when she is caught almost... More

Alone In A Sea of Boys
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
New Characters
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
New Character
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Epilouge (final Chapter)

Chapter 12

6.3K 120 6
By musicXadict

"What, the fuck, was that all about?!" Rage asked in complete and utter confusion.

"I'll tell you later, first tell me what that guy's name is." I demanded. Adrenalin was starting to pump through my body. So far only 1 person knew what I had done to my moms boyfriend, and I intended in keeping it that way.

"I don't know. The guy just keeps to himself." Rage replied immediately. I'm sure he could see the panic in my eyes.

"Bree! Bree! Why was that guy talking to you?" Parker yelled as he ran towards me, Hayden, Kyle, and Jacob following close behind him.

"So now you care." I mumbled under my breath. Rage head and gave me a confused look. I gave him a look that clearly said 'don't ask'. He immediately backed off.

"Bree, tell me what's going on." Parker said softly, standing right in front of me. His hands securely on biceps.

I looked at all of the guys in turn, my eyes lingering a little longer on Rage. "Everyone to our room. I'll explain there. I don't need anyone else hearing this." 

Everyone just nodded their heads and walked silently towards our room. 

There was so much running through my head. What was this guy going to do? Was he going to tell people what I had done? Had he already told people?

I was brought out of my thoughts by someone lightly pushing me down to sit on the couch. I hadn't even noticed we were already up to our room.

"Okay, now tell us what happened." Kyle said genitally, as if I could snap at any moment.

I took a deep breath and told them everything I told Parker a long time ago. Nobody interrupted me, they just let me talk, which I was grateful for. But by the end of my story I was shaking violently and tears were running down my face.

"I can't believe that bastard had a son!" Jacob growled. I guess we both have a habit of growling.

"I really though you were stronger than this Bree." Rage stated, shaking his head in disappointment.

"Rage can I talk to you?" Parker asked in a friendly tone, but I could see the anger in his eyes.

"Uh, sure." Rage replied slowly, as he stood up and followed Parker out of the room and into the hallway.

"So what are we going to do?" Kyle asked. His face was pale and his hands were shaking a little.

"Just go on with life, like every other time." I said the last part quietly. I'm used to having to deal with this stuff, it's just really starting to wear me down.

"No. You shouldn't have to." Hayden said defiantly. He was more angry about the whole threat thing than Parker was. 

"Guys I can handle it, I promise." I tried to smile to prove my point, but it ended up just proving their point. 

"Nope, not happening." Jacob said. His voice was serious so I knew he meant business.

"Fine, but I blame the fact that I'm getting soft, on all of you." I sighed.

"your not getting soft Bree, your just getting more lovable!" Kyle said happily, coming over to the couch and giving me a hug.

"Hey! Hands off my girlfriend!" Parker cried, pointing his finger at Kyle. Kyle slowly realized me from the hug and back slowly away from me.

"Parker!" I whined. He just sighed and walked into our room. What a drama queen.

"Oh look at the time! Kyle, let's go." Jacob randomly shouted, getting really nervous really quickly. Obviously he didn't want to get caught up in the upcoming 'Bree, Parker' drama.

"Bye guys!" I sighed as they ran out the door. Just as they were walking out, Rage was walking in. He was holding his side slightly.

"Rage are you okay?" Hayden asked, rushing over to Rage, who looked really faint.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He assured us, but I didn't buy it.

I stood up from the couch and put my hands on my hips. "What did Parker do to you." My voice was serious.

Rage looked down, "He didn't do anything. Don't be mad at him." His voice was quiet, as if he was really sorry.

"Rage, please. Tell me what happened out there." I walked up to him. As mad as I was, I kept my voice calm and friendly. Hayden left Rage's side and went into the bedroom. 

"He didn't do anything terrible, I promise." Rage smiled a little. I still didn't put it.

"Lift your shirt up a little." 


"Rage! Do it!" 

"Fine." He slowly lifted his shirt up to show his abs. There was a fight shaped, blue and purple, bruise already forming.

"Why'd he do that?" I asked softly as I traced the bruise softly with my fingertip.

"Because I'm always and ass to you." He whispered pushing my hand away and pulling his shirt down.

"Your not always an ass to me." I whispered, looking down at the floor. Neither of us said anything. Finally I walked over to our room.

When I entered I didn't say anything, I just grabbed a pair of sweats, and a tank top. I slowly walked back out without another word. After changing my clothes I walked back into the room.

"Parker, can we got for a walk. Please." I asked quietly. Parker was sitting on his bed, staring at the roof.

"Sure." He got off the bed and walked out the door, me behind him.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Parker asked, taking me hand in his as we walked.

"It's about what I want to talk about, its more what we need to talk about." 

"That doesn't sound good." Parker looked worried. At the moment, I think he should be.

"It's not." I sighed, Parker looked even more nervous. "Why did you punch Rage?"

Parker heaved a huge sigh, his hand got really clammy too. Ew. "I acted without thinking." 

"Obviously, but why."

"He is always talking shit! And he- he's mean! And I'm pretty sure he likes you." Parker was getting really worked up. I stopped walking and stood in front of Parker, my hands on his shoulders.

"Parker. Calm." He took a few deep breaths and was all calm again.

"I don't care if he talks shit or is mean, I'm used to it. It's fine. And as for him liking me, you don't have to worry. The feelings aren't mutual. I only like you." I meant everything I said. There was no word of a lie in my little speech.

"You should care, it's not right." Parker said taking my hands off his shoulders and started walking again. He completely ignored the whole 'I don't like Rage' part.

"Parker stop right now." I ordered, but my voice was still calm. He turned around quickly and glared at me. What did I do?

"What." he growled. Oh look, he copied my growl.

"Jealousy is a major turn off." I smirked. He just growled a little and pushed past me, back towards our room. I just stood there shocked. 

That was really... me like. I didn't understand it. Why would he act like me? Only I was aloud to act like me.

"Awe, not everything is good in Miss Murder's land?" Mystery dude snarled.

"Fuck. Off." I growled. He was not going to start ruining my life now. 

"Why the hell should I?" He snapped. I just gave up that argument, I had killed his dad.

"What's your name at least." I asked, my voice was hard.

"Shane Tyler." He replied. I just nodded my head. The next thing I knew There was a fist swinging at me, and I was knocked out on the ground. 

(sorry! crappy ending :( )

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