My Fallen Angel (A Liam Love...

By Jaylor4ever

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Erika Smith is traveling with her best friend Lindsay Berry to London, England over the winter holiday break... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 5

125 3 1
By Jaylor4ever

A/N: I know I haven't updated this one foe a long while either!! Please don't hate me, and thank you so much to the people that are reading this story!! SO SORRY!! Erika, love, my deepest apoligies



There was scuffling across the tile as someone finally picked up the phone. There was a loud sigh and the sound of a door being slammed closed. Silence filled my ears as I waited anxiously for the person to speak. My heart jumped when a soft voice spoke, "I'm s-sorry. I-Is this Li-Liam?"

I smiled knowing she was also nervous like I was. "Y-Yes. Hello Erika. I'm glad you called."

A sharp intake of breath was taken on the other end. "Well technically haha you called me. So I'm glad you called." She giggled.

I chuckled, "Haha oh technicalities are a pain." I loved when she laughed. "Um..I was wondering if you wanted to do something sometime?"

She answered; fumbling her words - she was so cute. "U-Um yes! Definately! But aren't you...busy? I mean you're  iam-Lay  ayne-Pay." 

I chuckled again, "And you're  Erika-ay  mith-Say. And I am....I guess I'll have to talk to Paul."

"I miss you  iam-Lay," I could tell she was blushing. 

I heard her yawn. "Are you tired  Erika-ay?"

She giggled, "I mean...a little."

"Well you get to bed; it's a bit late love." I suggested. "And Erikah?"

"Hmm?" She said.

"I will find a way to be with you again, I promise."

I heard her smile, "Goodnight  iam-Lay."

I smiled, "Goonight  Erika-ay." 



After I ended the call with Erika, I hopped over to Paul's office. He was still seated in his wheely chair, huddled over some paperwork and his laptop. The only light in the room eminating from his small desk lamo. His head flipped up at the soft click of the door being closed. "Josh?"

I chuckled, "No Paul. It's Liam, Josh is asleep."

Paul laughed to himself. "Well Josh said he'd wanted to talk about one of the songs for your next tour stop; so I was expecting him. Anyway, what's on your mind Liam?"

I sat down in one of the arm chairs across from his desk. I sighed, "I wanted to ask you a question."

He nodded, leaning back in his chair. "Shoot."

I inhaled deeply, "Well, I was sorta wondering... Is there anytime where I could possibly be free to go do something with a certain someone. Say sometime this week?" I sat back and waited for his answer as he pondered my question.

He finally took in a breath, "Well, I suppose you could have a little free time after rehearsels on Wednesday of this week." He then eyes me spectically, "Is this 'certain someone' a special someone?"

I was thankful for the darkness in the room so Paul wouldn't see me blush. "Um, yeah. She is. Her name's Erika Smith."

Paul's face was now brandished with recognition. "Oh! Was this the girl you met at the coffee shop? Yeah, Louis told me about her." I could hear the smile in his voice.

I groaned. "Ugh, Louis's the worst. All the lads have been teasing me about her."

Paul chuckled, "Yeah, Louis's quite the teaser. But I understand what it's like to have a young love. It's pretty magical, isn't it?"

I grinned in the dark, "Yeah, it is." I stood up from the small seat and nodded at Paul. "I owe you a massive thank you Paul. Goodnight."

Paul just laughed, "Goodnight Liam. And don't let the boys be late for rehearsels and wardrobe tomorrow!"

"Sir Yes Sir!" I saluted him as I walked out of the room and back down the hallway to my room.  

I turned the corner and entered into my room and flopped onto my duvet. I closed my eyes and smiled as I remembered that tomorrow was Tuesday. I only had to wait a couple hours before I was allowed to see Erika again.

* * *

Wednesday Morning


I awoke to the anooying and persistant sound of my phone's alram. I reached out onto the nightstand and rummaged around until my fingers found the vibrating piece of technology. I pressed the power button and rested my head back to my pillow; basking in the silence. I was still holding my phone when a *ding* spiked the air. I slowly opened my eyes and stared at my phone's screen. I had gotten a text from Liam:

"Hey Erika, it's Liam.

Are you free today?

- L P"

I smiled and unlocked my phone sliding the bar that read "Slide to Reply".  I furiously tapped away at my keypad before pressing "Send":

"Yeah! Practically all day. What's up?

- E S"

I watched as the loading bar finished and his name reappeared for spot with the contact name. Three small dots in a gray bubble popped up on my phone; he was writing back! I waited patiently and soon my phone dinged again with his reply:

"Good. I was hoping I could take you out today ;)

I'll pick you up around two?

- L P"

I smiled wider than my cheeks, and I replyed back immediately:

"I'll be ready ;)

- E S"

I powered off my phone after glancing at the time: 11:00 AM. I had a couple hours to get ready, I thought as I hopped off the mattress. I made my bed and then skipped over to the bathroom to take a shower. Even though it was wintertime and I was going to be wearing skinny jeans; I still shaved while I was in the shower. After I finsihed up, I wrapped a towel around my chest and tucked it in so that I didn't have to constantly hold it up. I went over to my granite vanity and plugged in my hair dryer and straightener. I blew dried my hair and then straightened it layer by layer. I took a piece of hair from my left and braided it; pinning it to the back of my head with two glittery bobby pins. 

I unplugged both of the appliances and went over to my suitcase to find some clothes. I grabbed my suitcase and carried it into the bathroom, closing and locking the doors again behind me. I rummaged through the case until I found some apparel. I dropped my towel and strapped on my white bra and underwear and then pulled a white tank top and dark wash skinny jeans over them. I threw on my coral blouse and my light wash, jean jacket. I wrapped my white scarf around my long neck and pulled on my light brown combat boots over my white socks. 

I brought out my makeup bag and lightly brushed powder into my cheeks, chin, nose, and forehead. I swept a light coral shadow over my lids and then applied a thin strip of eyeliner and some mascara. I took out my chapstick and stuffed it into my pockets after brushing my lips with it's clear stick.  I threw my make up bag back into my suitcase and plopped it back onto my bed. I took my phone and looked at the clock again: 1:56 PM. Wow, I thought, Time flies when you're getting ready.

I ran over to my suitcase once more, grabbing my pair of white mittens that matched my scarf. I also grabbed Liam's jacket before placing my phone in my pocket and writing a quick little note to Lindsay, telling her I'd be out for a while. As soon as I set the pen down next to the slip of paper, the intercom buzzed and one of the bellhops let me know that someone was here to see me. 

I raced down the hallway and into the elevator; becoming impatient as it descended at a turtle's pace. It finally dinged, letting me now I was on the ground floor, and opened it's doors to the lobby. I stepped out and found a hooded figure waiting by the front desk. I sprinted over to the desk, smiling at Karen's suspicious gaze. She raised her eyebrows and wiggled them at me. "Shut up," I giggled as the figure turned around to face me. Liam smiled at me from underneath his gray hood and leather jacket, shades still covering his eyes - but I knew it was him. He turned to Karen, "Thanks love." He then turned back to me and grabbed my gloved hand. 

He led me out of the hotel and onto the streets. "So where are we headed?" I asked shyly.

"Oh, somewhere..." He said vaguely, driving my mind crazy. It only took a couple of minutes before we took a right turn into an open ice rink. I smiled up at him as he watched my reaction, "You are too amazing Liam." I giggled.

He took me over to the front desk and paid for both of us and got us both skates. We pulled them on and helped each other waddle over to the ice. He stepped out first, helping me onto the ice after he was secure. I hadn't realized until I saw his beautiful brown eyes, that he had taken off his aviators. I smiled, happy that we could have fun without him having to be in hiding.

We skated around and laughed as we attempted to do tricks, but in the end, failing miserably. I then challenged him to a race around the rink, "On your mark...get set..." I took off leaving him to taste the shavings of ice my skates produced, "GO!" 

He called out laughing from behind me in his cute accent, "That's no fair, Erika! You're such a cheater!"

I just laughed as I glided through the round corners, weaving my way through people. I was just turning another round edge when someone reached out and grabbed my waist. "Gotcha..." Said a familar voice. I giggled as we slowly fell into the walls, grasping onto the support bars. I twisted around to look at him, "Who's the cheater now?"

He just smiled, "You started it."

I giggled, falling against his chest, "What are we? In grade school?"

Liam chuckled as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "I've never felt this way about anybody else Erika. But when I'm with you, I can just be myself. I feel like I don't have to act for you; that you will accept me for me and not for the 'One Direction Liam'." 

I smiled, reaching up and kissing his cheek. "I'm glad you can be yourself around me because I don't care too much for fame. I just love your personality, and your big brown eyes."

He smiled and leaned down to kiss my forehead, "How was I so lucky to have met you?"

"Ditto," I grinned up at his handsome face. I pointed my finger at him and stated, "You know I still won that race though right?"

He looked at me with his mouth opened, "You most certainly did not!"

"I believe I did." I said skating backwards away from him. "But if you are so upset by being beaten by a girl...we can have a rematch?"

He laughed and skated up to be my side. He shouted, "On your mark, get set, GO!" 

We both started skating sround the ring, neck and neck most of the time. When the "finish line" was in sight, I reached over and slightly shoved Liam. He gasped, "You are such a cheater, Erika!"

I shrugged, my mouth turning up at the corners. "What can I say?"

As we were just about to finish our race, a toddler with her mother swerved in front of me. I quickly slid to the right to avoid them and ended up tripping over my skate's loose laces. My head hit the ice and I rolled over onto my side. There was a slight ringing in my ears and I felt someone's hands on my shoulders. Liam's face danced around in my vision, slowly going from one face to two faces and back again. "Are you okay?" I heard him ask. But listening to him talk was like listening to something echo in an empty tunnel. He picked me up from the ice, bridal style and carried me off the rink to the benches.

I closed my eyes and sighed against his chest; my head still throbbing. I felt him sit down and pull back ro survey my body for injury. "Does anything hurt?" He asked worriedly.

I nodded, but then quickly stopped because the movement had my vision swimming again; nausea pulled at my stomach. He looked at my face and his mouth formed an "o" shaped as he came across the bump on the side of my forehead. He gently stroked the area with his cold fingers, making me wince in pain. I started to sit up, but he resisted me and pushed me back down. "Don't move, I don't want you to hurt yourself." 

I leaned my head against his chest and slowly felt the darkness creeping up into my vision. I could feel my eyes roll back and then everything went black.


I suddenly felt Erika go limp in my arms and I watched as she passed out, unconscious. I held her close to me so that she wouldn't fall out of my arms. I, again, inspected the bump on her head. It must have been a nasty hit, I thought as I stared at it. The hard uprise in her skin was now started to flush with purple and blue, creating a blemish on her perfectly flawless skin. I fisheded out my phone from my jeans pocket and dialed the first number on my contact list.


"Hey Harry! Can I ask a favor?"

"Yeah, aren't you supposed to be out with Erika?"

"Well, yes. But she's unconscious in my arms at the moment; so I need you to come by and pick us up. We're at the rink about three blocks away from our hotel."

He sounded a bit surprised as he spoke over a bunch of rustling - he must have been getting his stuff together. "Yeah, I'll be there in a couple minutes. Talk to ya when I get there."

He hung up and I put the phone back into my jeans. A couple minutes later, Harry's Audi68 pulled up next to the rink and he hurried out of the car to me. "What happened mate?" He asked me as he noticed the bump on her head.

"Well, we were racing around the rink when she fell, trying to avoid a little girl, and then she passed out. Did you tell Paul?"

Harry grimaced. "Only, that I was coming to get you; nothing about Erika though."

"Well then we should call him, because we're gonna have to bring her back to our place."

Harry raised his eyebrows, "You sure Paul's gonna be okay with that?"

I shook my head, "I don't know, but I'm not gonna leave her alone, unconscious in her hotel. I'm sure Paul will understand."

Harry pondered the thought, "You have a point. Alright, let's get her to the car." He followed me and opened up the door for me to get in with Erika. I sat with her in the back, her head on my lap. Harry climbed into the front seat again and revved the engine. We pulled away from the rink and started to head back down to our hotel. I took my phone out again and dialed Paul's cell. He answered the call on the fourth ring, "Hello?" His gruff voice came through the receiver.

I stroked Erika's cheek with the back of my hand and sighed. "Hey Paul. It's Liam. I have a favor to ask of you."


A/N: Hope that was a good chapter!! How Paul will react? How Erika will react when she wakes up in the hotel of her favorite band? You'll found out soon!


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