Then There's You (Harry Style...

By herfictions

5.2K 150 17

We need to stop this.' I told him... he stood up and he held my shoulders tightly, his eyes started to look a... More

Personal Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 21

111 5 2
By herfictions

Harry's POV

'Where's Nikki?' I asked Liv the moment he slid inside the car with me.

'She's with Lou together with the other staff members.

'Is she alright?'

'Dont worry. She's fine.' He assured me.

I let out a sigh, of relief, of annoyance... I dont even know. The whole fucking flight Im on a seperate plane and I couldnt even do anything about it. And now she's on a seperate car. How fucking fortunate is that.

'Harry I can see youre not in the mood, and I know why. I just want you to know that she's fine. Really.' Liv told me.

'Yeah maybe it's fine with her but it isnt for me.' I answered.

'You know that this would eventually happen right? You guys need to do this. I mean... look at this...' Liv handed me his phone and then I saw the tweets that was directed at Nikki.

...'and you're not even official yet.' He added.


Im sure that whore @NikkiGarcia is just there to suck @Harry_Styles dick. Oops! #sorrynotsorry




Guess what @NikkiGarcia, @Harry_Styles is still fucking @taylorswift13 #haylorshippersforever


You guys need to stop harassing @NikkiGarcia it's not her fault if @Harry_Styles is maybe inlove with her. We dont know the whole story.

Yes. One positive tweet. I logged on to my account and favorited it, Retweeted it, and followed that person. You are an angel @SamSmithberger. Loads of thanks.

Then I tweeted,


@NikkiGarcia I LOVE YOU.

*tweet sent*

Yes, Im a rebel.

'What did you do?' Liv asked. Suspicious.


'Did you just?' He checked his phone and logged on twitter to see my account.

Oh yes. Feast your eyes Liv, feast your eyes everyone. Feast. your. eyes.

'Oh. I thought you tweeted her or something.' He seems relieved.

'Ehmm... I did.'

'You didnt...'

'What?' I grabbed his phone again, checked my profile and...


Australia, it's nice to be back. So excited for the shows. All the love. H

Where is my original tweet.

This is not my fucking tweet.

'This is not my tweet, Liv.' I told him, irritated.

...'My retweet was removed, even the tweet I favorited.' I continued.

'Bloody hell, Modest got your account.'

'Fuck. They can do that?'

'You'll never know what technology can do... next thing you know you'll be able to smell pictures of food from your phone.' He joked and then said,

... 'But seriously, sorry about that mate. Modest is being really careful these days. It's for the sales.'

'I know Liv, but I thought my relationship with Nikki wouldnt be treated the same like what happened with Taylor, now Im afraid it's kind of happening again. I thought maybe the management would be a bit more understanding with Nikki because she's not even a public figure for cryin' out loud.'

'Harreh, dont think about that for now. Focus on the tour. Im sure she's doing just fine. I promise you that.'


Nikki's POV

When we got into the hotel, we were given our room key-cards, Lou and I are in the same room. The rest of the staff were also separated into two's.

'This is cool! Is this where we're staying for a month?' I asked Lou while she was sitting on her bed fixing her things.

'Absolutely not...' she chuckled.

...'you gotta get used to sleeping on different hotels every 2 or 3 days. We'll be touring around Australia and other countries so we're always on the go.' She continued.

'Ohh. I see.' I laughed

Ding... dong...

I opened the door and a woman which is a staff from the hotel was there bringing a room keycard..

'May I speak with Ms. Kristine Nikki Garcia?' Asked the woman.

'Yes, it's me. What is it?'

'Oh, Nice to meet you ma'am...' she shook my hand.

...'Here are your keys for the VIP Suite ma'am, Mr. Styles requested if you could transfer there.'


'I uhmm... Im sorry I cant take that. I'm fine. This room will do. Thanks anyway.'

'But Ms. Kristine, Mr. Styles personally paid for your VIP Suite in cash awhile ago. We recommend you use it. It would be a waste if you didnt.'

Why is he doing this? Throwing money for nonsense. I am absolutely fine here. Ugh.

'Sorry, tell him I cant...'

'We'll take it...' Lou interrupted and then immediately grabbed the key-card from the woman.
She smiled at the woman and said,

'Thank you.'

When we closed the door, Lou told me,

'Are you insane? This is a VIP Suite, and Harry paid for it. Not Modest. Oh my goodness, this is so sweet!'

'Yes it is, but he didnt have to bother, you know.'

'No, it is fine. Maybe he knew that Modest placed you in a normal room while they paid for the VIP Suites of Eleonor and Sophia. It is unfair, ye know. You're a girlfriend too. He's just standing up for you. This is his way of saying, you cant treat my girl like that.' She said imitating Harry's voice and accent.

'But it doesnt matter, really. And I wasnt even particular about the rooms or whatever.'

'To you maybe... but to him... maybe it matters. I know Harry, he gives the world to the people he loves. And clearly, you're one of 'em'. She giggled.

...'come on, let's fix our things and go get ready to work. They'll have a press interview this evening.'


'You sure this looks good?' Harry asked.

'Yeaaaah. Im your stylist remember?' I answered while fixing his shirt.

...'and... my girlfriend, by the way.' He smirked, Then he pulled his paper-plane necklace outside his shirt.

I playfully rolled my eyes at him, tucked his necklace back in his shirt and smiled. The moment the media caught him wearing his paper-plane necklace again, im sure... it will cause another headline.

'There, you look good.' Lightly tapping him on his chest.

...'Im gonna call Miss Claire for your make up.' I continued.

'Wait!' He said and then he grabbed my arm and said,

'This is your first day on your new job. This surely deserves a snap.' He pulled out his phone from his pocket and then he smiled and posed beside me.

'Wait I dont look good! Im not ready. Look at me!' I chuckled.

I was only wearing my dark blue jeans, flats and my navy blue polo shirt. My hair on a bun and I dont even have make up on, even a lip balm.

'Does it matter? Come on. You look lovely! I want to take a snap cause this is memorable. And... we havent really took enough pictures of us together.'

'Fair point.' I told him.

And so, we took waaaay too many selfies of us. Smiling, laughing, Him kissing me on the cheeks and I kissing him on the cheeks, angry face, disgusted face, the best ones are the wacky faces where in we were doing extreme nose flaring on the camera while it's zoomed in.

'This... without a doubt, will be my wallpaper.' He told me, smirking. And when I looked at his phone, it was our faces doing the nose flaring thing. We laughed so hard I couldnt breathe.

'Id like that to be my wallpaper too.' I told him.

'Naaah, this is mine. Get your own wallpaper!' He playfully told me.

...'These really made my day, baby.' He continued as he browsed our selfies, smiling.

Then there was a knock on the door and it was Liv informing us that the press interviews was about to start and Harry needs to go to the conference room immediately.

'Come on.' He told me as he grabbed my hands.

We were walking at the hallway from his room up until the elevator, his hands holding mine. But when we were about to reach the lobby, Miranda reminded Harry of the management's policy.

He then looked at me for a second and squeezed my hand even more, I know he's being stubborn... but Im not. Im stubborn too but for him, Im not. This time, Im not. For his image. For him.

I then looked at him and mouthed,


He sighed and then loosened his grip; I immediately pulled my hand away from his. I moved back and Miranda stepped forward beside Harry. Leaving me behind them.

The conference room was packed with people. Media from almost all over the world were there to interview One Direction. The conference was conducted to promote their new fragrance, their On The Road Again tour and their upcoming documentary movie THIS IS US Part 2.

One Direction and the other staff and crew were guided directly at the backstage first for briefing.
Miranda told the boys,

'You have the freedom to not answer anything personal. Do not answer anything that you're not comfortable with. Alright boys... off you go.'

Then Lou, Sophia, Eleonor and I were left backstage together with the other staff. But Eleonor invited us to watch on the sidelines for a bit and because we had nothing to do, we went ahead.

When the boys finally went out, Miranda took one of the microphones first and said,

'Hello, We will just talk about the tour, the fragrance and some bits about the documentary movie. Anything other than that will not be entertained. Thank you.'

The moment Miranda left the stage, blinding camera flashes followed. But the boys were obviously used to it.

Liam! Please look here!

Smile, Zayn!



Harry, right here!

Louis step forward!

The photographers shouted. And the boys were following their instructions.

After the photo op, the presscon proper started.

Liam is it true that you're engaged?

Liam: So our next album I think will be more special because we personally wrote it for the fans...

Ooohhh nice dodge, Liam. Sophia was also chuckling beside me when Liam answered that question... or not.

I asked her,

'Are you guys engaged though?'

'No. Not yet. But I think we're getting there. We're talking about weddings already you know...' She answered.

'Whaaaaat. Happy for you guys.' I told her.

'Thanks, Nikki.'

The press conference went well. The boys were all fun and cheery, maybe because the media was cooperating. Well, except for that one reporter who asked Harry about his womanizing image but he just dodged it off and didnt took it personally, he just glanced at me while he's trying to answer but I avoided his eye contact while he stuttered saying;

'I think... ehmmm... I dont know... it's kinda like... i dont know... ahhh...hmmpffft.'

Then the reporter continued pressing on about
sex, drugs and groupies while on tour... He glanced at me a bit; and when he saw me laughing, he comicaly did his sign of the cross and jokingly told the reporter,

'This... is a family press conference, by the way.' And almost everyone in the room including me let out a chuckle.

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