Alone In A Sea of Boys

By musicXadict

220K 4.4K 828

Breanne Shayler is you average tough, bad ass chick. She get's in a lot of trouble when she is caught almost... More

Alone In A Sea of Boys
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
New Characters
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
New Character
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Epilouge (final Chapter)

Chapter 2

11.2K 255 39
By musicXadict

 "Flight number 153 to Samton California is boarding now." The female voice smoothly said over the intercom. I sighed as got up from the seriously uncomfortable air port chairs. 

"Can I see your ticket?" The lady at the ticket checking booth asked in her sickenly sweet voice.

"Here." I growled and shoved the ticket at the lady. She just smiled and handed it back. I rolled my eyes and walked down the walk way and onto the plane. At least I was riding first class.

"This is your captain speaking. Welcome to West Jet, We hope you enjoy your flight.." The captains voice droned on.I zoned it out and began thinking back to the week before.

After the cops shut down the party and 'arrested me', the ass holes figured out I was actually yo young to be arrested. They kept my at the station over night though.

The next day was D-day. The day I would learn what was going to happen with me. Saying I was scared was an understatement, but I kept my facial expression bored, and all emotion out of my eyes.

Long story short I was put under house arrest for a week while the court looked for 'reformative' schools that could help my 'Despicable, delinquent, ways'.

Now I'm going to some school called "Dr. Reid Reformative". Apparently it's the best reformative school around. I highly doubt that after what I read about it.

"Miss would you like a drink, or some food?"A flight attendant in a disgustingly short skirt asked bringing me back from my thoughts.

"Yes. Coke." I demanded. The flight attendant looked taken aback but quickly brushed it off and handed me a coke. I murrmered a quite thanks and the lady walked off.

"The flight is going to be another five hours, please feel free to watch the TV's on the back of the seat in front of you." A different flight attended announced to all the first class passenger.

I groaned loudly. Another 5 hours on this fucking plane? I think I'm going to die.

* * *

"Fuckin' Finally." I groaned as I cracked my back, waiting for my luggage to come around the luggage thing.

After 10 minutes of agonizing waiting I spotted my luggage. It wasn't hard to spot since it was zeon pink and black zebra.

After getting my all my suitcases and figuring out how to carry them all, I started walking towards the door.

Apparently I was getting an 'escort' to the school, so I looked for a guy holding a sign with the name Breanne Shayler on it.

After a moment of looking around I saw a guy around my age holding a cardboard sign with my name on it. I walked over to him.

He looked me up and down, "You Breanne?"

"Yeah." I replied shortly. My voice was fairly cold and emotionless.

"I'm 'spossed to drive you to Reids." He replied flipping his black hair over his eyes. I could see a... smirk?on his face as he said 'Reids'.

"Then why the hell are we standing here for?" I snapped angrily. The guy actually smirked this time. He grabbed one of my suitcases and started walking away. I folded close behind him.

We walked in silence down the side walk. I assumed we were walking to his car. The guy pulled keys out of his jean pocket and unlocked a sick car.

"This your car?" I asked nodding my head in the direction of the car.

"Yeah, you like?"

"I've seen better." I scoffed. I was lieing but he didn't need to know that.

"Sure you have." His voice was beyond sarcastic, as he took my other two suitcases from me and put them in the trunk of the car.

I walked to the passenger side of the car and got in. The guy got into the driver side. He pulled off the curb and sped down the freeway.

After a silent 10 minutes I asked, "Dude what's your name?"


"Clayton?" I laughed.

"Shut up." He growled. I continued to laugh. He glared at me. Well as best as he could while driving.

"Imma call you Clay." I told him once my laughing stopped.

"What's your name? Bitch?" He smirked. I smirked too.

"You already know my name fuck-tard."

"Oh right." He stopped smirking at once and looked a little sheepish.

Another ten minutes passed in silence. It was odd. I started flicking through radio stations until I found one playing actual good music.
It was 'The Thespian' by Alesana.

"Well at least you have good taste in music." Clay commented. His voice was hard, and emotionless. It reminded me of my own voice.

"Yeah, anyway, how long does it take to get to the stupid school anyway?"

"Dumb fuck, we are here." Clay retorted. I put my hands up defensively. He rolled his eyes and turned the vehicle off. We both got out of the car. He helped me carry my bags, which was the least he could do.

"Heres the main office building. The blond slut will tell you what you need to know." Clay said over his shoulder as he walked away leaving me in front of the building.

"Thanks ass hole." I muttered as i got all three suitcases firmly in my arms and opened the door.

There was a very slutty dressed blond girl sitting behind a desk. She looked up when i opened the door.

"Oh you must be Breanne! Dr. Reid waiting for you in his office! Just that way." She faked a smile sweetly.

"Thanks." I mumbled as I walked the way she directed. I left my bags in front of her.

I came to a door that had the name Dr. Myran Reid on it. I knocked. A voice called 'come in' so I did. An old looking man was sitting behind a big desk.

"Please sit Breanne." He gestured towards the big chair in front of him.

"So Mr. Reid, whatcha need to tell me?" I said casually, as I put my feet up on his desk.

"Feet off the desk please." He had a stern look, "You know why you are here. You need to respect the rules here at my school. You are to attend all of your classes. The uniform you are given today is to be worn during classes. Finally you are not to fight here."

All the rules kinda of just went in one ear and out the other. I didn't really care about them. I'll make my own rules when the time comes.

" 'Aight sounds good, D R." I saluted him. He shook his head. I stood up from the chair and walked towards the door.

"Oh and Breanne. You are the only girl who has done anything bad enough to come here. So your all alone in a sea of boys." His tone was casual.

I stopped dead in my tracks. "Say what now." I growled.

"Have fun Miss Shayler." Reid smirked.

Well this wasdefiantly going to be a great year.

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