Runaways -A One Direction Fan...

Por whispersong312

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People go missing everyday, whether from kidnapping, homicide or they just simply ran. The world is cruel, th... Más

Chapter 1: A Normal Morning
Chapter 2: Changes
Chapter 3: Not Exactly as Planned
Chapter 4: Time to go
BONUS One-shot #1: The Blizzard
BONUS One-shot # 2: The 12 Days of One Direction
BONUS One-shot #3: All I Want For Christmas...
Chapter 5: There's Only One Direction Away From Home
Chapter 6: Italy
Chapter 7: The Best and the Worst
Chapter 8: When all is Quiet
Chapter 8: Return of the Cookieman
Chapter 9: Nickolette Swan
Chapter 10: Breakfast Before Bros
Chapter 11: There's a Time for Panicking and That Time is Now
Chapter 12: Mariokart with Larry Stylinson
Chapter 13: World News
Chapter 14: You Can't Run From Everything
Chapter 15: Last Nights
Chapter 16: Goodbyes
Chapter 17: Home Sweet Home...I Think
Chapter 19: SuperPaul
Chapter 20: I Never Thought It Would End Like This
Epilogue: A Normal Evening
What is this?

Chapter 18: Game Plan

263 4 15
Por whispersong312

A/N: 3rd last chapter here! OMG I can't believe this story is almost over I just...ugh the feels, I was actually freaking out during the part when Harry and Louis are at Nando's. But here it is, typed super fast on Sunday because I forgot it was Sunday. Yeah....I don't have a very good  sense of time....

Once again, thank you to everyone who's been reading this story, you guys are phenomeniall and I love you all! Did that sound creepy? I don't think it did...

Also, for those of you who don't know, I'm going to be posting 2 new stories in May, and it would mean a lot to me if you could check them know.....when I actually get around to posting them....

Does anyone even read these author's notes anymore? Hmmmm......

Today's Question is....

If you could go on a date with any of the boys, who would it be?

^^^^Tough one I know^^^^

If you liked it....






Liam's P.O.V

"Okay lads, we're gonna need a game plan if we're planning on rescuing Safaa." I say, pacing back and forth in front of my four bandmates sitting on the couch in front of me.

After paying the cabbie more than necessary for putting up with our ridiculousness, the five of us pooled the little bit of money we had left to rent out a hotel room, earning quite a weird look from the lady at the reception desk. I don't blame her though, five teenage guys sleeping in one room does sound kinda fishy. She probably thought we were going, bad Liam, you do not have the mind of Zayn, Niall, Harry or Louis, don't let your train of thought veer that way. Anyways, almost immediately after, the five of us sprinted upstairs and began formulating a plan to get back Zayn's sister. And by we I mean the four of them plopped their lazy asses down on the couch and listened as I came up with a plan.

"But Liam, I'm pretty sure Adam has Safaa, and I don't think he's going to willing hand her over." Niall says from his position squished between Zayn and the end of the couch. Huh, so it's true, Zayn is the one who takes up all the room.

"That's why we're all going to dress up in black and go all ninja on his ass." Louis says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

I mentally facepalm, "Louis, you know we can't do that, not if we don't want to get arrested...or shot."

Louis huffs and settles down back into his seat beside Harry and Zayn, "Then what exactly are we going to do? Because we are making absolutely no progress."

"Well um...." I trail off at a loss for words. Yeah, I have absolutely no idea what we're going to do.

"Well we're going to need to sneak into the studio. Which means that we need some sort of distraction." Zayn pipes up.

"We could throw a bomb!" Harry says excitedly.

"Yes Hazza, because we all just have a couple of spare bombs lying around in our pockets." Louis says sarcastically, earning him a look from the curly haired boy.

"A distraction." I mumble to myself, that's actually not such a bad idea, but exactly what will we use as a distraction?

"Umm...." Niall begins, his eyes darting around the room, "If we go outside, without any disguises. We could start a fan-mob."

"Okay, that's even worse than my bomb idea." Harry says, but I stop him by holding up my hand, "If we got enough people gathered to force Adam outside of the studio, we could slip inside unnoticed. Lads that could work." I say

Louis, Harry and Zayn just stare at me like I have a screw loose, while Niall just looks stunned at the fact someone actually agreed with his idea. "Liam. Have you gone mad? If we did that, we wouldn't make it out of the mob alive!" Zayn says after a period of silence.

"Well you want to get your sister back don't you? And I don't see anyone else coming up with any better ideas."

"I guess it could...." Harry says.

"HELL YEAH IT COULD! BE MORE ENTHUSIASTIC HAZZA!" Louis yells in the curly haired boy's ear, causing all of us to jump. It is just me or does Louis always pick the quietest times to just explode like that?

A small smile worms it's way onto my face as the four of them begin arguing about what the best approach will be. Finally, they're taking something seriously...

"Harry could poledance on a street lamp like he did in Gotta Be You. I'm sure that would attract a lot of attention."

Well.....everyone but Lou.

"I'll just get my spare stripper clothes then."

Everyone except Lou and Haz.

"I call picking the music!"

Niall, Harry and Louis.


Okay, so no one is taking this seriously.

"Guys! No pole-dancing. We need to focus!" I yell over the din, quieting the boys, "And Zayn, why would you want to take pictures?"

He shrugs, "I could sell them to some gossip magazine and get rich."

"You're already rich twat." Harry says, reaching over Lou to flick Zayn on the head.

I sigh. This is going to be a long day if these antics keep up. "So, we're creating a distraction without the aid of Harry's pole dancing skills. Does anyone have any idea of where we go after this?"

"Well, as the fans are looking for us. We can sneak in through the back door." Harry offers.

"Yeah. And then 2 of us can go look in Adam's office to see if there's any clues." Niall pipes up, "Someone'll have to be the lookout though, but the other 2 people can scope out the studio."

I nod my head, "Good job Nialler. Never would've thought you could be so secret agenty." The Irish boy smiles in appreciation.

The next 2 hours are spent with the 5 of us discussing different approaches to our plan. By the time the sun is starting to set, we've formulated a plan that would make the CIA jealous. Tomorrow at approximately 10:30 in the morning, Harry and Louis will take a cab to the grocery shop 3 blocks down from the studio with nothing but hats concealing their identity. From the newscasts that we watched earlier, there are quite the number of fans crowded outside the studio, which means that there is a very high chance some of these fans will spot Harry and Lou almost immediately. While those 2 walk around town. Zayn, Niall and I will take a cab to the back of the studio, where we'll wait until Lou and Haz lure the giant mob of fans to the front before sneaking in though the back door. I'm hoping that by this time, most of the staff inside will be at the other side of the building, trying to contain the riled up mob, but some might have stayed behind, so on a suggestion from Lou we're going to be bringing little confetti poppers to draw attention away from ourselves. Once the 3 of us have scouted the area and deemed it all clear, Zayn and I will start to look inside Adam's office while Niall keeps a watch for any unwanted employees. When Harry and Louis manage to get inside the studio, they're going to be snooping around for anything suspicious until me and Zayn leave the office. It should take us about 10 minutes tops to look for anything inside the studio, meaning that at 11:00 am, we'll be headed back to the hotel room.

God I hope this works

***********Le the next morning********* (still in Liam's P.O.V)

"It's time to get up in the morning...."


I abruptly sit bolt upright, only to have the 4 grinning faces of my bandmates stare back at me.

"Come on sleepyhead! It's 10:00 and we have a big day ahead of us!" Louis says before throwing a cup of water over my face.

Cold, cold, cold, cold. I wriggle out of the little cocoon of blankets that I made for myself on the floor last night and jump up. "Really Lou? I was awake, you didn't have to do that." I say, blinking the water out of my eyes.

The Doncaster lad smirks at me, "I wanted to, so I did."

I internally groan at his logic and stumble my way tiredly over to the chair where I plop myself down. God this feels better than sleeping on the floor. The 4 boys shuffle after me, with those same cheshire cat grins on their faces, "Why are you guys up so early?" I ask after I've had time to adjust to the bright morning light streaming in through a gap in the curtains.

"Niall's phone went off about 15 minutes ago. I'm surprised you didn't wake up considering the fact that it was so loud the people 3 floors down are probably cursing the idiot who had his alarm on the loudest setting." Harry finishes his sentence with a pointed glance at Niall who looks down at the floor, his cheeks coloring, "Sorry." he says.

"Well since we're all up and smiling. Let's get ready." I say, pushing myself out of the chair and walking slowly over to my suitcase.

I pick out a simple outfit, nothing that would draw too much attention to myself. A pair of black chinos and a simple white v-neck shirt complemented with a pair of white converse sneakers.

"OH MY GOD CAN WE GO TO NANDO'S?!?!" Niall shouts as I zip up my bag, causing my fingers to almost get caught in the zipper.

"Jesus Niall you almost gave me a heart attack." I say, turning around to see the hyper Irish boy, wearing nothing but a pair of jeans bouncing around the room in excitement.

"Well you're going to need to get dressed. Can't have a member of One Direction walking around shirtless." Zayn says, shrugging his jacket on over his shoulders.

Niall stops his ecstatic jumping and quickly tries to pull on a grey hoodie, but only succeeding in getting his head stuck in one of the arm holes.

"Do you think we should take him to Nando's?" I whisper to Zayn, the both of us watching Niall's struggles amusingly.

"I think we can take him afterwards." Zayn says.

"Hey lads, this place has a complementary breakfast righ.....what is Niall doing?" Louis says, walking out of the bathroom, with of course, for the first time in a long time, his red skinny jeans on. Yup, you totally look straight Lou.

"He wants to go to Nando's." Harry answers, shutting the closet door, having finally located his jacket. Well, at least Harry isn't wearing obnoxiously bright trousers, but where did he get that neon yellow shirt?

"I'VE BEEN DEPRIVED FOR TWO WEEKS! THAT'S WAAAAAAY TOO LONG!" Niall says, poking his head out of the hoodie and pulling it on the rest of the way, "If I'm going to do a good job at this raid thing then I'm going to need nourishment."

The 4 of us laugh at Niall's tousled hair, rosy cheeks and wide eyes. Awww, he looks so much like a baby duckling. "I promise you that after we've successfully completed our mission. We can all go to Nando's." I say, causing the Irish boy's eyes to light up even more.

"YAY!!!! I'M GOING TO NANDO'S! I'M GOING TO NANDO'S!" he cheers, jumping around the room in happiness.

I chuckle and grab my jacket from where I discarded it the previous day. Only Niall can get this riled up about food.

*******IT'S TIME FOR THE HEIST!!!***********

Harry's P.O.V

Lou and I wave out the back window of the lorry to the three figures standing on the pavement, waiting for their own lorry to show up.

"Oh my god I'm freaking out right now. I think my heart's going to bloody explode." Louis says breathlessly as the lorry turns a corner, hiding the 3 boys from sight.

I nod my head in response, "It won't do much good if I passed out in the middle of the street now would it?"

"If you want to be trampled by a bunch of fan-girls, then no." Louis responds, eliciting a grin from me, "See? There's those dimples." Louis reaches over and starts poking the dimple on the left side of my face. I keep the smile on my face, letting Louis amuse himself. It still baffles me as to why he enjoys poking me so much.

We sit there in silence for a few more minutes before Lou ceases his poking, "Harry. Why did we do this?"

"Because we need to get Safaa back."

"No I mean, why did we even go to Italy in the first place? Wouldn't it have just been easier to stay here?"

I open my mouth to respond but quickly close it. That is a good question. Why exactly did we take those plane tickets and run halfway across Europe? We could've avoided all this trouble and sneaking around had we just remained here. Adam would've been mad at us for...knocking him out, but the fact that we've only managed to piss him off more every time the hour hand reaches a new number and he doesn't have us. But if we had stayed here, then we wouldn't have met Nickolette....and we wouldn't have had that taste of freedom.....

"Haz?" Louis asks, still staring at me expectantly.

"I think we ran away because deep down, all of us knew that if we didn't, the band would only keep falling apart."

He nods his head in understanding, "Wow, that's deep man."

I flash him my signature cheshire cat grin and instantly the serious mood inside the lorry vanishes, "Why thank you."

"Okay boys, we're here, that'll be £7 please." (A/N: I have absolutely no idea how taxi prices in London work so bear with me and my terrible knowledge of the UK) The driver says, rolling to a stop.

I take a deep breath, this is it. "Okay, you go." I say, rummaging around in my wallet and depositing the amount inside the little box thinger. I never have known what it was called.

"You have a nice day now." The driver says as we step outside into the frosty mid-april UK weather. Louis and I nod our heads at him in return and he speeds away.

To: Daddy Direction

From: Haz :P

just got dropped off, commence operation "get people to notice Louis' gay clothing"

"Why does everyone always have to criticize my taste in fashion?" Louis pouts, looking over my shoulder to read the tiny phone screen.

"Why do you always have to look at everything I text?" I counter, sliding my phone back into my pocket.

"Touche Styles."

I let out a little chuckle before looking around at our surroundings. Much to my disappointment, everyone walking around don't appear to be the type of people that would fit the description of a direcitoner, but I could be wrong.

"What? So did all the directioners decide to take a field day or something?" Louis voices my thoughts perfectly.

I shrug, "I don't know, let's go a little closer to the studio and we'll see."

Louis and I begin walking across the pavement, attracting no curious stares, which is a nice change from the usual screaming mobs that follow us. I sigh, there's no turning back now, back into the world of having your eardrums blown out by screaming fans.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I unlock it to see a new message from Liam.

To: Haz :P

From: Daddy Direction

gr8. me niall and zayn are a few minutes away. any1 sen u guyz yet?

I shake my head at Liam's as pitiful as always spelling skills and type back a quick reply

To: Daddy Direction

From: Haz :P

you think if they had, I would have the time to txt u back?

I slip my phone back into my pocket as the 2 of us turn the corner.

"I still don't see anyone. Did we get dropped off on the wrong street or something?" Louis says as we are met by yet another road filled with adults.

"Nope, see, the Nando's is right over there and...."

My eyes widen in realization as Louis and I exchange a look, the expression on his face a mirror image of the on my own. "They're probably all at the Nando's!" The both of us exclaim, before power-walking towards the restaurant. It makes sense, anyone who's a directioner knows how much Niall loves Nando's, and considering this is normally the time we would venture out to get food, people are probably crowded there hoping for a glimpse of us. (A/N: Once again, I have no idea what London looks like, so I apologize if a Nando's isn't remotely close to the studio)

Our suspicions prove to be correct as we arrive in front of the restaurant, only to be met by the sight of about 40 teenage girls inside the restaurant.

"Well, how do you propose we do this?" I ask Louis, who shakes his head.

"I have absolutely no idea."

"That's a good start."

"I know right?" he laughs nervously and I join in, "Let's in there and hope for the best."

We cross the street and I place my hand on the door handle, "I'm still confused as to how you think getting mobbed by fan-girl is classified as the best."

"Tosser." he murmurs under his breath while swatting me on the arm. I take a deep breath and push open the door. Instantly, the warm restaurant air and the loud noise of all the combined voices rushes out onto the street, only to be muffled as the 2 of us step inside the restaurant, letting the door slowly close behind us.

"You just had to wear your pants again didn't you?" I whisper to the lad walking beside me.

Louis winks, "I thought it was a good time to bring these back again."

I stick my tongue out  at him as we walk over to an unoccupied table near a window. To say I'm nervous would be an understatment. The dragons are back, and this time they're fighting with the dinosaurs.

"I feel awkward, do you feel awkward Haz?" Louis asks.

"I feel like I'm going to throw up."

"Aww Harreh, you'll be fine."

"Hello and welcome to Nando's, may I take your order?" A very pretty black-haired waitress says, coming up to our table. Surprised, Louis and I whip our heads around to face her, not even bothering to disguise our appearances. She studies our faces for a second before her eyes widen and her mouth drops open.

"Oh my god...are....are you Harry and Louis?" She stutters, her eyes the size of saucers.

"Umm....." I respond. Way to go Styles, seriously, I don't think you could've made it anymore obvious.

"YOU ARE!" she squeals, causing more than a few heads to turn in our direction. Hehe, direction, it's funny because our band name is One Direction. No? Okay...

"Good time to go now?" Louis asks me in an octave higher than his normal voice.

"I'd say so."

In a flash, both Louis and I have grabbed our jackets and go sprinting for the door. A few seconds later, it crashes open behind us and I know we have a tail.

That went well.

A/N: Yeah, I was having a heart-attack while writing this part :P

**********At Le studio****

Liam's P.O.V

"Where are they?" Niall whispers, shifting from his position crouching down behind the dumpster with Zayn and I.

I shift my balance so my weight is resting on one leg, dang uncomfortable ground, "They're coming, give them a chance."

No sooner have I said this than the sound of screaming girls reaches my ears.

"And here they come." Zayn says, grinning like a madman.

We wait in silence for a few more minutes before the sound of 2 pairs of quickly moving feet come sprinting down the alleyway. "Come on out ya tossers, we know you're back there." Harry pants.

The 3 of stand up at the same time Louis and Harry collapse onto the ground, "Well, it looks as if you two had fun." Zayn teases, obviously amused at the fact 2 of his friends are dying of exhaustion on the ground.

"3 blocks.....we...ran....3 blocks....." Louis huffs.

Niall lets out a guffaw of laughter before opening the door, "Come on then lads, we haven't got all day."

Zayn spares one last glance at Harry and Louis before following Niall inside the building. " help me up?" Harry says, holding a hand out to me.

Being the good guy I am, I comply and drag the curly haired boy to his feet. He brushes the dirt off of this trousers before yanking Lou into a standing position. "Thank you Lee-yum."

"Don't mention it, now c'mon, we have less than 10 minutes to do this." I say, holding the door open for them.

"Why are the lights off?" Louis murmurs before whisper-yelling, "Zayn. Niall. Can you turn on the lights?"

Our little trio waits for a few seconds before the bright florescent lighting flickers to life, making my eyes water at the  sudden change in light.

"Okay, I'll go find Zayn and you 2 go find Niall and look around here for anything." I whisper. The 2 boys nod their heads and set off in search of the Irish lad.

"Oi Zayn? Where'd ya get off to mate?" I call, weaving my way through the various equipment scattered about the floor.

"I'm over here Liam." Comes the response and I stop. Something doesn't seem right.

Suddenly the large room feels too claustrophobic and the lights to bright, I take a deep breath and push the feeling away. It's just your nerves Liam, you need to calm down.

I re-start in the direction I thought I heard Zayn in but stop dead when I reach the other side of a particularily large piece of stage lighting and behold the man I never wanted to see again.

"Hello Liam, long time no see."


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