Living in a Poem

By BluesBubbles

92 2 3


Living in a Poem Ch 2

Living in a Poem

65 1 3
By BluesBubbles

A/N- This is a story in poems. Just not random poems :p

Alyssa POV:

I am 5, and a dreamer

I wonder Why the kids I know think having Dylan as a best friend is different

I hear The whispering of the grass in which I lay

I see The beautiful glimmer of the sun as it lays it's rays of light on me.

I want To live life to the fullest

I am 5, and a dreamer

I pretend That I am a princess and that no one can knock me down

I feel As though the wind blows just for me

I touch The hearts of anyone who I speak to

I worry About the little ants and their familys that get stepped on daily

I cry The tears that were given to me. Not one more, or one less

I am 5, and a dreamer

I understand That my whole world could change in an instant

I say Lets keep this beautiful world that we have as kids, forever

I dream About beautiful brightness and serinity of the world around me

I try To keep peace and to live out my dreams

I hope That everyone can see the world just as I do

I am 5, and a dreamer.

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