Hearts On Fire {Alex Gaskarth}

By ughabuggabandlife

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Grace Adams started a new school. She left a place where she knows and started new. The only thing holding h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 Epilogue Part Uno
Chapter 31: Epilogue Part Dos

Chapter 7

747 26 32
By ughabuggabandlife


What person in their right mind would do this to someone? Let me rephrase that, what father would do this to his daughter. Especially Gracie, she was so quiet, she was so sweet. She didn't deserve this. I was enraged. Firstly, because it might've been two days but I was already attached to Gracie and felt extremely protective over her.

That's why I was tensing when Jack was flirting with her because Jack has a rep for being with a lot of girls and I didn't like that he was currently looking for his next casual fuck and it bothered me. Secondly, her dad beat the shit out of her. No one fricking deserves that! No one. It made it even worse that it was one of the people that I've been growing closer to.

She was currently asleep in my arms as I laid on the couch watching the credits for mean girls roll up. She said it was her favorite movie so I put it on and it helped her calm down as she mouthed some parts of the movie. She was adorable i'll give her that. I haven't heard anything back about what happened at her house, I felt like my mom knew something and she wasn't telling me for the sake of my sanity and Gracie's.

She came down stairs for the tenth time to check on us smiling at the sight each time of Gracie cuddling up to my side. She looked at me and her smile slightly faded.

"Can you please tell me what you know?" I asked. She looked shocked and looked anywhere but my face.

"I don't know anything, what are you talking about?" She asked

"Look mom, she's had a pretty shit night, I just want strawberry shortcake to be ok." I was basically pleading at this point and I know, that's bad but in some ways it can be good because your mom can hardly deny the beg.

"Her mom," she paused and rubbed her hands together "her mom saved her again." She wasn't done I knew that much. "She stabbed Derek with one of her school pens on the desk." She said. I didn't think Rebecca had it in her. She seemed too nice and soft. I guess when it comes to defending your flesh and blood you'll do anything. Motherly instincts. I know for sure it was that because if anything ever happened to me my mom would probably rip that persons heart out and sacrifice them to satan. Too much? I have a mama bear. And apparently so does Gracie.

"What happened to her dad?" I hated calling him her dad. Derek wasn't her dad, he was her nightmare. Although I hoped that he died, I knew it was wrong so I was begging that he got arrested.

"He got hauled to the emergency room where they fixed him up. He's currently hand cuffed to the bed." She said with a chuckle.

"Just, I don't want anything happening to her. I already think of her as a daughter Alex. Please keep her safe tonight." My mom pleaded. She had that look in her eyes and it literally broke my heart because I wondered if I had the same look. She meant so much to me in such a short amount of time, I didn't know if it was okay to feel this way.

I simply nodded and she smiled and kissed my forehead and then Gracie's before going back upstairs and closing the door to her room. I took a deep breath and ran my fingers through Gracie's hair. I touched the bruise along her cheek softly. My mom put a little butterfly bandage across the cut on her temple. It was cute. Although, I don't know where she got the butterfly band aids from. Was it creepy that I was admiring her as she slept. Or that I dozed off to the thought of her face and cradling her in my arms. Well, I guess that's to bad because that's exactly what I did.


"No." I heard whispered. I groaned and quickly fell back asleep.

"I said no, stop it." I heard said. I felt someone moving around on my lap and opened my eyes to see Gracie looking obviously distressed, but she was sleeping.

"Grace." I whispered shaking her shoulder lightly. She moaned and creased her eyebrows turning over.

"I said don't touch me." She said a little louder this time.

"Leave, leave, leave." She repeated. It was only 5 in the morning but my fear was keeping me quite awake right now.

"Gracie, please wake up." I said shaking her shoulder more. I didn't know what to do in this type of situation. I've never experienced someone having a nightmare before.

"Don't do that." She said and pawed at the space in front of her. She looked she would be having a normal dream, but she was breathing heavily and moving around a lot. Maybe she was running. I didn't know I was just scared.

"Gracie wake the fuck up." I said starting to panic.

"Get away from her asshole." She said. "Get away, no please don't, stop, NOOOO!" She screamed as she woke up banging her forehead into mine sending a pain shoot through my head. I've never heard her yell.

"Agh, fuck." I hissed and held my forehead and leaned back on the couch with me eyes squeezed shut trying to make the throbbing go away. I snapped my eyes open and looked at Grace breathing heavily and shaking. I quickly wrapped my arms around her and comforted her as she cried into my chest. She wasn't quiet either, she was full on sobbing and shaking. I didn't know what else to do but to rock her back and forth and rub her back as she clutched my shirt. I felt the tears go through to my chest but I didn't care.

After she calmed down she was still clutching my shirt hiccuping every once in a while and making sure she was near me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked. She looked at me and widened my eyes as if she were surprised to see me.

"I had a nightmare." Was all she said and laid her head back down on my chest. I sighed and cradled her close as she shook her head taking deep breaths.

"I heard what you're mom said." She whispered. I froze and hooked my finger under her chin and brought her face up to look at me. Even in the little light there was I could see the glossiness her eyes held as I looked into her eyes.

"You heard that." I whispered. It wasn't a question, more a statement but she nodded anyway.

"I really appreciate that. It makes me feel more secure now." She whispered and looked down at her feet. She wasn't done talking I knew that by the way she bit her lip trying to figure out what to say next.

"My dream," she started and took a deep breath "I saw my dad," she took a deep breath and laced her fingers with mine hugging my arm as she continued the story "hitting my mom, but then he came for me." I rubbed her back as she rocked back and forth still hugging my arm.

She turned towards me and looked me dead in my eyes. "Those were the times when I didn't have anyone or anywhere to run to." She said and let go of my arm and hand.

"Now I know it's only been two days but now that I have somewhere to go, it's a secure feeling." I brushed my thumb along her cheek again feeling her bruise

"Does it hurt?" I asked softly. She smiled and held my hand against her cheek.

"Just a little bit, not much." She answered softly.

"Alex?" She said breaking the silence that I was dozing off too.

"Hmm?" I said with my eyes half closed.

"Promise me that you won't leave." I opened my eyes and looked at her seriously.

"What?" I asked.

"Promise me that no matter what, you'll be my best friend." She said and held out her pinky.

"What are we in third grade?" I asked with a laugh. Truth was I didn't want to promise her to be her best friend. After tonight and everything, I think I wanted slightly more. She meant a lot to me.

"Yes we're third grade seniors, now take my pinky and promise me." She said rolling her eyes. I took her pinky in mine and looked into her eyes while I held it.

"I promise." It was in that moment where I just knew that I had some type of feelings for my best friend. And I wasn't so sure that it was good.

An: oh dang. I think it's ship name time! WOO WOO!

Song of the chapter: she's kinda hot by none other than 5 seconds of summer

I think they're ok, I listen to some songs so I apologize to those who like don't like them. But hey! Lets hate one direction together huh?

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