Through the dark ⚀ Liam Dunbar

By _lilyyyy

204K 3.7K 2.7K

Maya Stilinski has been through all the supernatural stuff since her cousin's best friend got bit. Its her fi... More



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By _lilyyyy

I walk to the lacrosse field and to see Kira, Scott talking. And Kira looked pretty scared.

"Nervous?" I asked her.

"About someone trying to kill us? Or about playing the game."

"Both" Scott said.

"Definitely both" Kira replied. Stiles comes up to us talking on the phone with is dad asking is he was coming. I say bye and walk to coach.

"Stilinski, you're finally here, you're co-coach." He said quickly.

"Um. Okay" I said then walked up to Mason and Liam.

"Hey." I say. They both turn around and Mason says hi and Liam just smiles.

"Ah. You're here finally, Liam can stop talking about you." I just laugh and Liam blushes. They turn back around looking at someone. Brett. He maybe a jerk but he had a good body.

"I don't care if he's a foot taller than me. I think I can take him" Liam said.

"Yeah." Mason mumbled and I just chuckled and Liam turned to look at him.

"What do you think you're doing." He asked Mason looking annoyed.

"What? Me? I'm agreeing with you. I'm being agreeable." He said.

"You think he's hot don't you?" Liam scoffed.

"No! No " Mason said. "Yeah, maybe a little"

"He wants to destroy me" Liam said.

"I think you can take him" I said patting Liam on the shoulder.

"And then, give him , to me." Mason mumbled. We all laughed.
"No, just go out there and kick their smug ,prep school asses" he told Liam.

Mason walks away to sit down and I was going to tell Liam someone when Brett came up to us.

"Hey pretty" I roll my eyes and so does Liam. "What's your name?" I don't even look at him but look at the grass.

"Maya" I mumbled.

"Pretty name. Look , you're lucky I had another lacrosse stick , but I forgive you. And if you and Liam don't work you can always give me a call" he winked. "Now, can I get a good luck kiss?" He says looking down at my face since I was shorter than him. I push his chest away.

"No but I know someone else who'd want one" I said smiling.

"Who?" Liam and Brett say at the same time. I turn around and grab Liam's face with my hands and kiss him. Brett just scoffs and walks away. I break the kiss and see Liam with wide eyes and a big smile on his face which made me giggle.

"Good luck" I said.

"Thanks" he said. I give him a quick peck and walk to coach. Stiles goes up to me shocked.

"Maya! What the hell!"

"What? Are you mad you didn't get a good luck kiss from Malia?" I raise an eyebrow and he just sighs and walks to the bench. I put the whistle necklace around my neck and fix my beanie.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Coach yells.

"Coach, his leg's still healing. I don't think he should play." Scott told coach.

"He said it's fine" coach said not looking at him.

"As captain, I'm suggesting Liam sits out of the game." He tried convincing him.

"And uh, as president of the United States, I'm vetoing the suggestion." He says laughing.

"What if he gets hurt?"

I was standing behind Liam while he was getting ready until someone yelled.

"Liam think fast!" I see Brett throw a ball towards my face but it doesn't hit me. I open my eyes and see it in Liam's hand.

"Oh he plays!" Coach told Scott. "There you go! Stilinski , McCall, Liam!"

"Be careful." I whispered knowing Liam and Scott can hear me. Liam turns around and winks at me and mouths 'always'

"Hey Maya , think fast!" I hear Brett yell. He throws another ball and I see it coming towards me. I lifted up my hand and smacked it down to the ground. Liam looked shocked to see me hit the ball really hard.

"Perks of playing volleyball for a few years." I said. He just nodded and jogged on the field.

It just started and the other team has scored already.

Kira , Scott and Stiles walk to the side talking and I join them.

"Why do I feel like this is going to end badly." Kira said.

"Because it usually does" I said.

"Kira, you keep an eye on Garrett. I'll watch Liam." Scott told her.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna play lacrosse!" Stiles yelled. I laugh and smack his shoulders.

"You got this." I told him and walked to the side.

I see Scott and Brett in the middle of the field. Scott was trying to tell him something but when they blew the whistle, Brett caught it before him.

He ran and Liam tried to get him but two other players slammed him to the floor. Liam got up took off his helmet and threw his gloves off getting ready to beat them up but Scott and Stiles grabbed him on time.

"C'mon Liam. Relax. You got this." I whispered. He look at me and calmed down a bit then got his gloves and helmet.

Stiles went to the center and started talking to the other player.

"You guys know that anabolic steroids are illegal in the United States? You wear a lot of facial hair for a teenager. What are you on? Seriously? HGH? Gamma radiation?" Oh god, Stiles.

They blew the whistle and Stiles grabbed it and passed it to Kira. "Run Kira! Run !" We all yelled.

Kira was dodging everyone and ran.

"Pass the ball! Pass it!" Coach was yelling.

She threw it and scored.

"Woooo!" I yelled. Everyone went crazy.

"Yukimura! Over here!" Coach yelled. "Take a seat. You're benched for the rest of the game."

"What?" I said

"Why?" She asked.

"You didn't pass!"

"But I had an open shot!" She protested.

"The play was for you to pass. This is a scrimmage, it's about teamwork. So you're benched." We both sigh and Kira sits down.

I turn around and see Mason and Violet. She was giving me a glare then I looked at her necklace. The one she used to cut people's heads off.

I turn around and see Liam and Brett on the floor. I run to them and they were both in pain.

"Okay, back off!"

Liam was groaning in pain and we help him up.

"How hard did you hit him?" Scott asked.

"I didn't! He hit me!" He said showing us his arm with his bone popping out. It looked gross.

"Close your eyes" Scott said. He grabbed his arm and put it back in place.

"Ow!" He yelled.

"You okay?" I whispered and he nodded.

"Okay Brett, let's go." A man said picking him up taking him somewhere.

We saw Garrett put his blade back in the stick then looked at Liam.

"Are you cut. Did Garrett cut you?" I asked worriedly.

"No, I'm okay"

"Then he missed" Scott said.

"What do you mean?"

"It's you, Liam , you're the one he's after."


"I talked to coach. I'm out for the rest of the game" Liam said walking to us.

I look at Violet and saw that she was gone.

"I'll be right back." I said. Liam grabbed my wrist knowing where I was going. I turned to look at him and he looked at me then kissed me.

"Be careful." He whispered.



I walk into the locker room and see a paramedic on the floor then walk around and see Brett crawling on the floor. I grab a stick I saw from the side and hid. I see a wire wrap around Brett's neck and see Violet. I run behind her and push her to the sink that broke.

She grabbed my neck with her hands but I kicked her in the shin. I hit the side of her waist with the stick that had a broken part which stabbed her a bit. I didn't see her anymore so I hid behind the locker. I turn around and feel something wrap around my neck.

"Why are you chocking me? I-I'm not supernatural" I said trying to breathe.

"Oh I know, I just wanted to see what everyone would do if you were dead"

"Please no! Don't!"

I then head someone come behind but Violet pushed the button and it was burning. I feel it loose and see Scott and Violet fighting. I fall on the floor panting.

"Maya. You okay?" Scott said kneeling down looking at me worriedly. I slowly nod and he gets up but Violet is behind.


He turns around but Violet puts her necklace around him and pushes the button.

"He said we shouldn't try. But I got you! I got an alpha!"

Scott grabs the necklace and stretches it out he grabs Violet by the neck and pushes her to the wall knocking her out.

Stiles runs in and looks at us.

"I think you better call your dad" Scott said. I run up to Stiles and hug him so tight. He rubs my back calming me down because I was sobbing.

"Did she do this?" He asked looking at my neck. I nod in his shoulders.

"I'm sorry." I said through sobs.

"No don't be sorry. It's okay." he told me rubbing the back of my head. "You're okay"

The cops have showed up and my uncle wanted to take me home but I decided to stay.

I stay sitting down and I see Liam come in and I jump up.

"Maya!" He runs to me picking me up hugging me tight. I just cry even more and he puts me down wiping my tears.

"Who did this?" He said lightly brushing my neck. I wince from the burning pain. He mumbles a sorry.

"Violet" I mumbled. He growls and moves away but I stop him.

"Liam it's fine she's gonna suffer anyways in prison." I said.

"I'm sorry"

"For what?"

"You probably wouldn't have this if I didn't go with you."

"It's fine I think it would've been worse. And plus you had to stay for the game. Did coach even notice I was gone?" I said chuckling a bit.

"No" he laughed. "He was too busy yelling"

He held my hand while we went to walk  inside the locker room.

"Guys back off!" Coach yelled. "If any of you see Garrett , you notify the police immediately! And tell him he's off the damn team"

I walk away but Liam stops me telling me to shush. I turn and see Scott talking to his dad.

"Dad really I'm okay" Scott said.

"I should've been here. And I said I would be at the games" he said.

"It was just a pre-season scrimmage. I didn't even tell you about it."

"But I promised your mom I'd be around so she could pick up some double shifts at the hospital. I should've been here" he mumbled.

"You're here know" Scott said.

I see Parrish holding Violet's arms while walking through the hallway. She gives me and evil smirk and I give her a glare. Liam puts an arm around waist and brings me closer.

"Jordan Parrish?" She asks surprised.

"Deputy Parrish"

My uncle comes up to Scott's dad with the necklace in a bag.

"Is that the weapon?" Mr McCall asks.

"Yeah. It's a thermo-cut wire."

"Parrish hold up" his dad said.

"Where's Kira?" Scott asks coming up to us.

"She took off. Stiles told her about Lydia cracking the second part of the list." Liam said.

"Her moms on it"

"Everyone's on it." Liam said.

"You're not" Scott told him.

"Not yet. There's still another third right?" He asked sounding scared. I rub his hand with my thumb.

Scott's dad starting talking to Violet. Scott, Liam and I scooting closer to hear.

"Thermo-cut wire's a very unusual weapon, Violet. Now we've got a file at the bureau on something similar. Used in over a dozen murders" he said.

"I don't know what you're talking about" she scoffed. "I just go to this school"

"My ass." I said rolling my eyes.

"Maybe we should call your parents then" he said. "Oh wait, you don't have any parents, that's why they call you the orphans." The officers took her and she just gave all of us a look. "We need to find her boyfriend, Garrett" he told my uncle.

"Coach, I'm going to need both their locker numbers and someone find me a set of bolt cutters."


Scott went into the locker room to go through Garret's locker before the cops did and wanted Liam and I on the look out. All I wanted to do was sleep.

"I think someone's coming" Liam said. "Hurry."

"Did you find anything?" I asked.




"You ready?" My uncle asks. I nod my head and say bye to Stiles since he was going to stay here and go to Scott's.

"Liam do you want me to take you home?"

"Um sure" Liam says. He holds my hand we walk to the cop car.

"Hey, can Liam stay over?" I ask him quietly even though Liam can here me. My uncle gives me a confused look.

"Please? I was literally strangled, I'm pretty shaken up and I don't wanna be alone. " he sighs and looks at Liam.

"He means a lot to you doesn't he?" I look around biting my lip.

"I mean we just met but he does make me happy" I said.

"That's good. You know since your parents left , you weren't really yourself. You were always happy. I'm glad someone has made you happy."

"You know you and Stiles make me happy" I said.

"Yeah I know, but he's different, he means a lot to you, and you know it"
I sigh and go inside the car. It was an awkward silence the whole car ride until we finally made it.

"I'll be off in another few hours but Stiles might not be home till later. I'll see you guys later." I was half asleep and yawned before I unbuckled my seatbelt.

"Thanks dad, love you" I said.

"Love you too"

I grab the key and unlock the door and turn on the lights.

"I'll go get you some extra clothes." I told him walking into Stiles' room. I go back to my room and hand him a shirt and sweats.


"There's a bathroom right here" I said pointing to the small bathroom that was connected to my room. "And there's one across the hallway" he walks out of my room and I change into my pjs. I put on a sports bra and a tank with yoga pants. I then brush my teeth and open the mirror to look for a cream for my burn.

I get a lotion out and rub it lightly. I also clean my scar a bit on my shoulders. I go back to room to see Liam on my bed. I uncover the sheets and crawl in there with Liam next to me.

"Goodnight Liam." I whispered, my back facing him.

"Goodnight." He says. He wraps his arms around my waist. I was slowly falling asleep when I feel his fingers lightly touch my scars. I hear him sigh and I feel his lips kiss my scars. He thought I was already asleep because he whispered something.

"I'm sorry."

The next thing I knew, I was deep asleep.

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