Adopted by Sleeping With Sire...

By blurryfacelester

244K 6.9K 3.3K

[completed] [in the middle of editing] Monica has been an orphan since birth. Her mother got pregnant in high... More

Adopted by sleeping with sirens
• prolouge •
Presant Day • uno
They Came • dos
They want to adopt me? • tres
Going With Them • cuatro
Unpacking • cinco
Sing To Me • seis
Shopping • siete
Meeting Oliver • ocho
House Party • nueve
Finding Monica • diez
Karma • once
authors note
The Question • doce
School?! • trece
Happy Birthday!! • catorce
Suprise!! • quince
Song For You • dieciseis
Bullies • diecisiete
Thunderstorms • dieciocho
Becoming Famous • diecinueve
authors note
Yes Sir Sorry Sir • veinte
q&a time?! ^0^
Tears and Hospital Visits • veintidos
Back Home • veintitrés
A Day Of Thinking • veinticuatro
Date With Kellin • veinticinco
Netflix and chill • veintiséis
Meetings And Arguments • veintisiete
Thoughts And Song Lyrics • veintiocho
All Those Memories • veintinueve
Happiness and Phone Calls • treinta
Authors note
Tears and Starbucks • treinta y uno
Having Fun • treinta y dos
Iris • treinta y tres
Fireworks • trienta y cuatro
Authors note
Monicas album
Unpublished chapter
Lovley note
Help authors note
Authors note :)
Authors note ideas
Watty awards

No Please Be Okay • veintiuno

3.3K 119 45
By blurryfacelester

"Stop! Why don't you just leave me alone!" Monica yelled crying but her kidnapper didn't stop and he didn't stop for another hour and when he did he just left her there curled up in a ball agaisnt the corner of the room.

"Ill be back tonight like usual." He said with his obviously toxicated voice and then he walked out of the room locking the door behind him.

Monica waited a couple of minutes before crawling out of her huddle and grabbed her clothes and started putting them on slowly as every thing hurt her and again like all other nights she crawled onto the cheap twin bed and cried herself to sleep.


Monicas pov

Sir sighed as his eyes examined over me.

"Im getting tired of you."

Please let me go.

"Do you have an idea of what Imma do to you?" Sir asked.

"Let me go sir?" I squeaked out flinching, expecting to get whipped but I didn't. Instead a cold, laugh filled the air that made the hair on my arms stick up.

"You wish number 22 but nope. Youre going to meet numbers one through twentyone now." He smiled.

He forcefully grabbed by body, trying to pick me up.

"No stop please no sir!!" I yelled.

"Fucking shut up." He growled.

"Stop moving you twit!!" He yelled has he tried pinning me down but I kept squearming all I could do was scream, drowning everything else out around me.

I felt his weight lift off me. I was scared to look but I did. It was to dark to tell but a tall slender... man? Had tackled sir and they were restling, yelling, and grunting.

I heard more people yelling and foot steps. I sat up and backed up till my back hit the wall.

I moved my hair out of my face and I looked at the door. It was wide open.

I slowley tried to get up but a pain ran through my leg. I let out a yelp and slid back down the way. I hugged my knees and I bursted into tears.


I looked up and it was to dark to tell but a male? Came into the room and he had long curlyish hair.

"Monica! Guys over here!" He yelled and then knelt down to me.

"V-vic?!" I hiccupped. He tried rapping his arms around me but I automatically scooted back. A few men dressed in all black came running into the room and grabbed sir and the other guy off each other.

"Monica im here to help you please you need to get out of here okay?" He said trying to reassure me but didn't wait for an awnser as his arms rapped around me and carried me out of the small old lady looking room.

"Monica!" Guys yelled and I was put into someone elses arms. I looked at him wiping my tears away. It was justin so I felt okay but his shirt soon filled with tears and I had a nasty hiccup cry.

"Shhhh shhh its okay Monica its okay now." He said pushing me hair back. I felt us walking and I was put down into a car.

"Justin! Come now!" One of the guys dressed in all black yelled.

"Ill be right back monica." He said kissing my forehead, which I flinched to and then he headed off into the house and I was still hugging my knees to my chest.

I heard gun shots and I squealed and covered my ears.

Sirens were turned on and I saw the men dressed in all black walking out sir wearing hand cuffs but also blood on his raggity, dirty white shirt. I looked away but then there was lots of yelling so I looked back but wish I haddent.

"Kellin?!" I said in shock at first.

"Kellin!!" I yelled as I opened the door to the car and ran out to kellin, ignoring all the pain shooting up my leg and back, when someone grabbed me by put their arms around my waist.

"Stop let me go! Kellin!" I yelled as they turned me around and I was yelling into their chest, trying to get away but their grip was to hard to get away from. I turned my head and saw the doors of the back of the ambulance close with kellins bloody body on it. I turned back to his chest and cried harder.

I looked the other way and saw him watching the whole time. The police car started and the last image of him, an image that is permanently burned into my mind is of him, his lips turning into a crooked, nasty toothed smile and then he was out of my sight.

"Monica its okay shhhh. Shhh where going home." Justin said as he carried me back into the car, sitting me down and Gabe raped his arms around me and put me in his lap.

"Sh its okay monica you're save now." He said.

The sirens had gone to far for me to hear now but everything just happened to quick. Like how did they even know I was here? How did thet find me? Is sir gonna be put in jail? Is kellin gonna be okay?

I cried harder into Gabes chest as Justin was driving home.

Authors note

Sorry I haven't updated but here yall go! Ik its short but monicas okay now!! Or is she? Lol jk but if u didnt read my last "chapter" pllllzzz read it and comment questions okay! I need more. Also like juust wrote this and I've barley had any sleep In the last few days and just ughh so sorry if theres typos or something didnt make sense.

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