The KillJoys From Yesterday C...

נכתב על ידי KillJoyMakeSomeNoise

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The KillJoys From Yesterday Chapter Two

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נכתב על ידי KillJoyMakeSomeNoise

(A/N!! HEYY SO GUYS LISTEN UP! i noticed i had a bunch of writing errors in my last one. that's because i was gonna write in in third point of veiw... then erased it all and started in second person point of veiw. then that got annoying because it limited the amount of flexibilty to my story. so i just cut out the "yous" and "yours" and put "I" and "My" instead! just had to clear that up cause there were some parts i missed. imma total grammar nazi lol. k enjoy chapter two!!)


I waited patiently for her response. "Melody... You know i have stage fright.... and thay whole 'Depressed' subject... it'll make playing bass hard. and all the stress. and if we evwn make it as far as your telling me you want to go, believe me. that is A LOT of stress Mel." I sighed. "Jay. Do you trust me?" "yea...." "bring over dillon, donovan and ashleigh. please. tell em to bring their instruments." "Mel-" "Please Jay! you heard the reason and the logic behind it! c'mon! we should show MCR how sad we are they left... but how much we love them and honor them for they're extravagant music!" "fine." *Click* she ended the call.


"And thats whhyyyyy i smile its been a while since everyday and everything has felt this riiigghht and now, ya turn it all around and suddenly your all i need the reason why-i-i-I I smi-i-i-ile!!" i sang. Ashleigh clapped and cheered. " I wish i could sing as good as you Mel! i really wanna be a part of the band. what can i do?" i smile. "you can be.... our... MANAGEMENT!" "YAYYYY!!!" She squeaked. she whipped out her phone. "George. yea. its Ash. yea can you open a gig Saturday night? yea... no... new band... yea... ok hold on..." she places the phone to her shoulder. "hey guys what's the bands name?" we all looked at each other. "lets make it cheesy" dillon said. "Well since my favorite MCR song is 'The Kids From Yesterday' how about we name the band... The KILLJOYS from yesterday...?" Ash was on the phone again. "Yea the KillJoys From Yesterday. Ok. yea. WOA! LIBE BROADCAST!! she said hangin up the phone. "l-l-l-LIVE B-B-BROADCAST?!" screamed Jay. "Hey hey Spider Chill it'll be ok..." "NO! I'M NOT OK!" I giggled. "well if you wanted honesty thays all ya had to say i never wanted to let ya down or have ya go its better off this way for all the dirty looks the photographs your boyfriend rook remember when you brome your foot from jumpin out the second floor I'm not ooookkaaaayyyy-Hay..." I sang. they all stared. Jay was pale. then giggled. "No pun intentions Mel." i cracked a grin. "Cmon lets do ot for our heros!! the ones we love... the ones who saved our lives!! LETS DO IT FOR MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE!" I yelled. i heard a slight 'creak'. i glanced up. HE stood there. my heart began to race. black hair floated in a uncompressed breeze. he stood massively in my kitchen doorway. laughing. whispering. he stood 7''10 at least and weighed probably 145 lbs. his gaunt face stared at me. with no eyes his eye sockets glown a sickly greenish yellow. i began to tremble. tears raced face down my face. "MEL MEL MEL WHAT'S WRONG CALL MOM NOW!! SHE'S HAVING A PANICK ATTACK!!" i wish i could tell him no. but i was frozen. Mr. Tall stood there. laughing at my weakness. whispers all around me. tears rolling down my cheeks. "Make the monsters go away... make em go away..." i whispered. uncontrollable gasps were coming from me and i juat stared at Mr. Tall. he laughed again at my weakness. " w-w-when i was... a young boy... m'father took me into the city to see a marching band...." i started to sing. Mr. Tall flinched. "He said son when... ya grow up... would you be... the savours of the broken... the beatened and the damned?" my voice got stronger as i remembered their message. don't be afraid to be you. you're not alone. we are here for you. take my hand and never be AFRAID AGAIN! i didn't relize i was still singing. until i finished the song. Mr. Tall had fled. i gasped, released from that awful gaze. panting. i looked up. My brother. (as a matter of fact i dont think i have told you his name yet. yea its cheesy but mainly cause i wanted to use one of MCR'S member's names. so my brother's name is Ray.) Ray stared "are you alright..?" he mummers. "yea. imma take a nap." "k everyone left a while ago. Ashleigh told me not to let you forget you had a gig Saturday night. one that'll be on national tv. goodluck and goodnight" i smiled "so long and good night to you aswell"

(A/N i just really badly wanted to use one of their names so i used Ray's. ^·^ Comments please!)

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