Neighbors (a Cameron Dallas F...

By JaidinGrace

34.4K 693 57

*WARNING: this story was written four years ago. My writing improves over time but keep that in mind. If you... More

New Start
Friendship vs Cameron: Which will win?
New Information
Graduation = New Start
First Expeditions!
Best night of my life.
Lets Get Out Of This Town
Cause we're 'Halfway there'!
Welcome to L.A.
The Meeting
Fourth Of July
Buggy Take Out
Clubs, Close Calls, and Colins.
Artwork in the Sky
Pranks! Pranks! & More Pranks!
New Things
"No one told you life was gonna be this way"
Justine and Tiffany
Dares can Scare
Lost in Life and Love
Just Friends...
TOGETHER AT LAST...? Chapter 28
quick update

Malls and Mistakes

692 21 0
By JaidinGrace

I pulled out my phone since Cam fell asleep. I texted Jack.

To Jackie Chan💙😂
* hey Cam thought I cheated at first but I explained and he feels sorry about believing we would do that to him. We're all good!*

From Jackie Chan💙😂
* good so you think he would let us hangout again?¿*

To Jackie Chan💙😂
* idc what he says I'm not his property I can hang with anyone so yea it'd be fine!*

I got up and decided to get Cam. I saw Dani in the kitchen. "Dani film this." I gave her my phone open on vine. I started climbing on Cam and kissed his jaw line. "Hey babe." He said waking up smirking. "Oh hey." I said getting up and sitting on the other couch. "What the heck?!" He exclaimed and I laughed. "Vine!" I said. He nodded in understanding. "Your such a little tease." He said. I nodded. I then say down at the island that contained lots of breakfast Dani made. I helped myself. I heard the door open and turned to see the guys walking in. That's why there is so much food. I saw Jack and Jack J walk in. "Hey hey hey!" I said. "Hey hey hey hey." Said Jack. It's our thing we do now. I gave him a big hug and then hugged the rest of the guys. "Woah you guys sure Jace isn't a couple ship name now!" Exclaimed Matt. I slapped his arm and he whined. "No Gameron is still jamming!" I said. I walked over to Cam and sat on his lap so we had enough open chairs at the island. I ate and so did he. "What are we doing today?" I asked. "How about mall?" Asked Cam. "Yas and that's just an example of why I love you so much." I said then gave him a big kiss. "Hey I was gonna say mall too!" Said Matt smirking. "Okay then." I said laughing. I walked over and leaned in but turned just quick enough so that he kissed my cheek. "What the-" "you really thought I'd kiss you?!" I asked cutting him off. "Yeah I should of known better." "Yea duh!" I said walking back over to Cam. All the guys were laughing so hard and Nash got it on vine. "Rejected!" I yelled for Nash to use to end the vine.

I ran upstairs to get ready. I went in my bathroom and washed my face and brushed my hair. I put my hair up in a pony tail. I then proceeded to my closet. I pulled out a pair of light blue skinny jeans and a white and grey baseball tee. I put on my high top white converse as well. I sat down at my vanity and applied some makeup, I used a little concealer, bronzer, mascara, winged eyeliner, and lipstick in a nude shade of Please Me by Mac. I then went to my jewelry box and put on a couple rings. I ran downstairs and joined everyone else who were congregating by the front door. We walked outside and got in our cars. Cam, Jack, Dani, and I drove in my car. Nash, Hayes, Matt, and Carter drove in Nash's car. Jack J, Shawn, Taylor, and Aaron drove in Jack J's car.

When we arrived we had to talk to security first. We were to have four bodyguards present at all times. It was annoying but you know better safe then sorry. We went to American Eagle first. Then Dani and I wanted to go to Forever 21 so we dragged the guys in there.

After a couple hours we were all hungry and had gotten everything we came for. We walked to the food court but saw endless amount of preteen girls so we decided to eat somewhere else. We all drove in the same except Dani and Hayes switched places because Dani and Nash wanted to be together. I'm still waiting for them to officially announce it but I'm gonna talk to Dani when we get home!  We pulled into  In-n-Out and the guys got excited. We all ordered our food and then ate outside. When we finished we said goodbye because almost everyone had to be somewhere. The rest of us drove to Dani and I's house.

Cam, Nash, Hayes, Jack and Jack J, Dani, and I sat down in the living room and tried to find something to do. We decided on Truth or Dare. It was Dani's turn first. "Grace, truth or dare?" She asked with a smirk. "Dare! Isn't that always my answer!" I said. "I dare you and Cameron to go upstairs and not to come back down until we say. I looked at her and shook my head. I stood and up and walked upstairs with Cameron following. "She is so stupid." I said once she was out of hearing range. "I agree." He said. We laughed. I laid down on the bed. "What are you doing?" Asked Cam as I got under the covers. "It might take her awhile so I might as well get some sleep." I said. He chuckled then crawled in next to me. He wrapped his arms around me. I turned around in his arms so I was facing him then wrapped my arms around him and laid my head on his chest. His heartbeat was soothing and slowly put me to sleep. I was drifting into a deep slumber when I heard Dani yell "Yo get down here!" I groaned and got up with Cam and went downstairs. "Did you even kiss?" Asked Dani. I shook my head and laughed. "You laugh now until you wish you had." She said. I shook my head and sat back down in the circle. "What did we miss?" Asked Cam. "Nothing we were trying to listen in on what you were doing." Said Nash with a sly grin. I slapped his arm. "Okay my turn!" I said. "Nash dare or dare." I said. "Your lucky I always do dare." He said. "I dare you to... kiss Dani." I said. I gave her a sly grin and she gave me a 'how could you' look. "Trust me you'll thank me later." I said. He crawled over to her and leaned forward and so did she. They kissed and didn't pull apart until I realized Hayes was in here and yelled "woah innocent being here!" As I ran and playfully covered his eyes. They pulled apart and we all started laughing except Hayes. "That's not funny I'm very mature." He said. This made us laugh even more. "I know you are Hayes that's why we let you hangout. I still like you Hayes!" I said to him hugging him tight. "Maybe you can laugh at me more often." He said with a sly grin. I just laughed. Cam pulled me over to him and I gave him a pouty face. "Is someone jealous of Hayes?!" I asked. Everyone laughed and Cameron just nodded. "Yep cause you are irreplaceable!" He said meaningfully. Everyone awed while I just kissed him. It wasn't a long kiss but it was a meaningful one. "Ok my turn. Hayes Truth or Dare?" Asked Nash. "Dare." Said Hayes. "I dare you to... makeout with whoever you find prettiest in this room." He said. Hayes face paled and Dani and I had worried looks on our faces. We all just stared at Hayes. "Oh and that person has to kiss back." Added Nash. I could feel Cams grip on my wrist tighten. I looked at him then my wrist for him to notice but he just stared at Hayes. Hayes came toward me and kissed me before I could even process what just happened. I felt Cams grip tighten and I heard Nash yell I had to kiss back. So I did what any rational person would do or at least I hope what they'd do. I kissed back and Hayes was slightly aggressive but I think that's cause Nash was pushing him to be. After a minute or two Hayes pulled away and I just sat there with a look mixed of terror and guilt. I didn't dare look at Cam. I felt him let go of my arm though and walk away. I stood up before I knew what I was doing. I gave Nash a glare and looked at Hayes to see him have the same face expression I did, a look of confusion and guilt. I looked at Dani who looked at me sympathetically and I turned and raced after Cameron. "Cam!" I yelled after him. He was running out the door. He didn't have a car here so he started running down the street. He only lives a few blocks away. "Cam plz listen to me!" I yelled. "Cam plz!" I was sobbing and my knees were shaking I couldn't run anymore and my vision was blurry I couldn't see him and didn't know which direction my house was all I knew was I was alone and without Cameron. I don't what to be without Cameron because just having this little glimpse of what it's like is killing me. I sat down with my face in my hands and my elbows resting on my knees. I just sobbed. Our street was barely busy and all the houses were pretty far away form each other. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I hoped so badly it was Cam but who I saw made me cry. "I'm so sorry!" Said Hayes "I didn't know who to kiss cause if I kissed Dani my brother would be pissed at me and if I kissed you then Cam would be pissed. I didn't even think about how he'd be pissed at you." He said. "Aw Hayes I forgive you I'm pissed at Nash not you. You've always been my favorite Grier!" I laughed. He held out his hand that I gratefully excepted and helped me to the house. When we walked in I saw Dani and Nash rush to me. "Where is he?" They asked. "I don't know he ran off and I couldn't see clearly." I said. "He shouldn't have reacted like that." Said Nash. "Well how did you frickin think he would respond!" I yelled at Nash. "Woah calm down." He said. "Calm down you what me to calm down you may have just ruined my relationship with Cam!" I yelled. Nash went to touch my shoulder but I flinched. "Don't touch me!" I yelled smacking his hand away. I ran upstairs and slammed my door closed. I jumped on my bed and sobbed into my blanket. I lost Cam and I may not be able to get him back. I've always liked him and I finally had him in my life and now he's gone. "He won't be gone for long cause he's always liked you and he finally had you in his life and now your gone." Said the voice coming from the door.


Hey guys so what did you think of this part? I'm really happy with it. Is Gameron still jamming?!

Who is the person that the mysterious voice belongs to? Comment who you think it is!

Thanks for over 300 reads and keep on voting and commenting I love to hear your feedback!

Should I do more of these a/n with questions for you to answer? Comment down below whether you think I should or not!

Bye guys

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