Breaking Point ~ e.d + g.d

By megan25__

365K 6.8K 6.9K

Tara King has known the Dolan twins practically her whole life. Her and Ethan are inseparable until a forbidd... More



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By megan25__

"Your girl?" Grayson laughs. "In case you haven't noticed- she's laying in MY bed, wearing MY shirt, cuddling up to ME."

"Gray leave it" I say soothingly. I rub my hand on his chest beneath the duvet to calm him down. I've discovered that any kind of contact between us will immediately stop him from raging. "Why don't we all  just go to sleep unless you two have other plans?"

"Maybe we do" Ethan says not even looking at me.

"Actually I don't think you do" I say pointing to Cailin who is now passed out on Ethan's bed.

"Why did I pick the one girl who can't handle her drink?" Ethan mutters.

"Hey, that's my best friend you're talking about" I say getting out of bed and walking over to her. Ethan used to be my best friend. Things have been so bad with us lately- ever since the stupid waterpark. I can feel him slipping away. I grab Ethan's old shirt and take it to Cailin. I pull the shirt over her and then pull her dress down from underneath so that neither boy can see anything more than arms and legs flying all over the place.

"You're so good to me T" Cailin smiles as she keeps her eyes shut. I lay her back onto the bed and lift her legs under the duvet.

"Now you can either get in with her and make sure she doesn't choke on her own vomit in the night or you can sleep on the floor"

"Well considering she's a hot girl in MY bed" Ethan smirks looking at Grayson.

"You so much as look at her wrong and I'll snap your dick off" I warn him. I'm strong but I don't actually think I'm that capable.

"Chill T, I'm kidding" Ethan says with a small laugh but then soon realises he's mad at me and his expression snaps back to complete hatred.

"Whatever" I roll my eyes and flop back into Grayson's bed.

"I'm convinced your half fish" Grayson laughs.

"I'm a mermaid not a fish" I giggle as Ethan shuts off the light.

"You two make me want to vomit" He groans.

"Thanks babes" I laugh. I kiss Grayson softly and shut my eyes.

"I love you" He whispers. "You're beautiful and perfect and don't you forget it."

"I love you too Gray" I say in a hushed tone before falling fast asleep.


I wake to Grayson kissing my forehead as he lays fast asleep. I look up at him and kiss him softly on his lips. He quickly kisses back as I begin to pull away.

"I could get used to this awakening" He smiles, his eyes shining in the sunlight that bursts through the curtains.

"You're the one who woke me up" I say, a smile playing on my lips.

"Was I snoring?" He says apologetically. "Ethan says I snore but I'm convinced that it isn't me"

"You do snore. Really loudly. I'd appreciate it if you waited until I've fallen asleep before you do in future" I laugh. "But no, you kept kissing me on the head."

"I did? That's cute" He smirks.

"It is indeed" I laugh. Out of the corner of my eye I see Ethan get out of bed and storm downstairs. I sit up immediately and look in the direction he left in.

"You should go talk to him" Grayson says tracing circles on my back with his finger as I hold onto his chest for support.

"You're right" I groan. I don't know if I can face it. Face him. I get up out of bed and throw on a pair of tracksuit bottoms found on the floor of the boy's room.

I run down the stairs and into the kitchen where I know Ethan will be. As soon as he wakes up he always heads to the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal. Surprise, Surprise, there he is. He sits at the kitchen table staring at me as soon as I get in view of him.

"Hey" I say slowly. Was he waiting for me or something? I grab a bowl and fill it with the same cereal as Ethan has with some milk. I sit down next to him and we eat for a few seconds in silence.

"I thought you might come down" Ethan says still staring straight ahead. "I want to tell you something"

"What's up?" I place a hand on his shoulder. He still looks straight ahead. I grab his face and pull it to face me. I hate it when he does this; refuses to look at me.

"I want to say sorry" He breathes. "For being a dick and self centred and for not thinking about your feelings"


"I'm sorry I exploded when I found out about you and Grayson. I thought you were using him to annoy me and I thought he was using you to do the exact same thing. The two people I love more than anything in the world got together. I thought you were going to forget all about me."

"Eth, I'd never forget about you"

"I thought you would get heartbroken because of him and not want to see me because I look exactly like Grayson"

"And what's changed?"

"I can see how much you love each other. I've never seen him like that with any girl. Ever. Last night when he told you how you're beautiful and perfect, it hit me. He really likes you and I can see it in your eyes that you love him more than anyone you've ever met."

"So you're okay with us?"

"Yes. I'm okay with you and Grayson being together. Just know that if he hurts you I will kill him. And if you hurt him then I will kill you."

"You don't know how much that means to me for you to say that."

"I'm your best friend- I can read your mind. Trust me, I know"

"So we are friends?" I ask just to clarify that he doesn't hate me anymore.

"No because you're my best friend. I'm so sorry T" He smiles. I throw my arms around him in an awkward hug until he stands up and hugs me properly. "I'm always here for you"

"I love you Ethan" I smile. It's true. Of course I love him. I love both twins just not in the same way obviously.

"So you guys made up then?" Grayson says standing in the doorway, beaming.

"Yup" Ethan laughs. I pull Ethan towards his brother and engulf them both in a hug.

"You're my favourite twins ever" I laugh into their chests. Once we let go, I look at them both and smile. "So what are we doing today? It's the first day of summer shouldn't we set it off with a bang?"

"What about the waterpark?" Grayson laughs.

"I know you're kidding but that's actually a really good idea."

"I won't invite Scarlett this time I promise. It can be just the three of us." Ethan beams.

"Actually, I'm sure Cailin doesn't have any plans"

"She's right. I don't" I hear Cailin's voice.

"Do you want to come to the waterpark with us?" Ethan smiles as she walks into the room. The look in his eyes tells me that he's over me. He has the same look that I see in Grayson when he looks at me. I can see this relationship going a long way. Grayson nudges me as we both watch Ethan give Cailin the googly eyes.

"Well I have to go home and take a shower and get my bikini on" I announce, walking towards the door.

"I'll give you a lift to yours?" Ethan says.

"Ethan, I live across the road" I laugh. I quickly realise he isn't talking to me. Awkward.

"Bye baby" Grayson says kissing me deeply. I smile as we break apart and quickly leave, running across the road and into my house.

"Tara is that you?" I hear my mom call.

"Yeah" I say following the sound of her voice until I find her and Chase in the living room watching television. "I have an announcement. I'm going to the waterpark today with Ethan, Grayson and Cailin and by the way, Grayson and I are dating."

"About time" Chase yells.


"I may be 11 but I can still see how in love with each other you have been over the years." How could my little brother notice anything between Grayson and I before we even knew how we felt?

"How-? What-?" I stutter.

"You call him rude names. You call me rude names. You love me therefore you love him. Duh." Chase laughs. I stand there shocked for a few seconds. "You don't call Ethan those things"

"Wow. You aren't as dumb as mom says you are" I smirk. I watch as he looks to mom shocked as she begins to explain how 'Tara's just messing with you, I'd never say you're dumb' and I take that as my cue to leave.

I run upstairs and jump in the shower. I don't bother washing my hair because we're going to be swimming in a couple of hours so there's no point. I tie my hair into a messy bun and change into my white bikini, pulling the jogging bottoms and t shirt that I was previously wearing on top. I flop down onto my bed and play around on my phone as I wait for my 3 best friends to arrive.

I hear a knock on my front door. I scramble up from my bed and race to the front door.

"It's for you Tara- it's your boyfriend" Chase sings having already opened the door to reveal two twin boys and a beautiful girl stood eagerly waiting. De ja vu much?

"Thank you Chase" I smile giving him a big sloppy kiss on the cheek. It's weird, it feels like my relationship with everyone has completely changed over the past few weeks. Grayson and I are in love. Ethan and I have just got back to friends again. Cailin and I are developing feelings for the most unlikely people. And weirdest of them all, Chase and I are getting along. "I'm taking you out for ice cream as soon as I get back. I feel like I haven't spent time with you in an eon."

"What's an eon?" He says tilting his head in confusion.

"Never mind" I shake my head with laughter.

"But YES to the ice cream" He yells.

"Bye" I grin at the little male, mini me.

"Bye. Love you" He says before he clamps a hand over his mouth.

"Love you more butt breath" I smirk leaving the house.

As I watch my friends and boyfriend make their way towards my car I think about just how lucky I am. The last few weeks have seen me beaten up, hit on and  broken hearted. Never in a million years would I ever guess that Ethan and I would start world war 3, Grayson and I would start a forbidden love and Cailin and I would go shopping. Seriously, the last one surprised me the most.

I can't help but smile as I think of my situation now. I have 3 amazing friends that I can rely on for everything. Yes, I may not be the most popular girl in school or the girl that everyone has a crush on but I know that I'm loved. I see it in their eyes. I'm more than grateful for these amazing people who I know that through all of this craziness, I will cherish for the rest of my life.

Sure, it's been tough but it's all over now. It hurt me mentally, emotionally and physically but I'm all better now. It pushed me to the edge but I'm back on the safe side now. I'm no longer at:

Breaking point.

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