A Surprise Around Every Corne...

By ridingintokansas

835 25 7

Taylor Rogers has lived her whole life knowing Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, and Natasha Romanova... More


A Surprise Around Every Corner- An Avengers Story

591 9 0
By ridingintokansas

I raced down the hall, my toes padding the ground as I sprinted.

I finally hid behind a rack of guns and rifles, panting.

I slowly, quietly, lifted a gun off the rack and set it on my lap, breathing in and out heavily.

"You may run," a voice snarled gruesomely. "But you can never hide."

My breathing started to speed, up, I could feel my eyes going pink as tears of fear pricked the edge of my eyes, threatening to spill over my cheeks.

I was scared, no, that was an understatement.

"First I will find you, and capture you." The low, raspy voice said. "Then, I will hypnotize you into killing every person in your life that you love dearly. I will make you murder them brutally, slowly, and you'll have no way to stop yourself. Then, I will replace yourself back into your own body, let you watch your own handywork, the bloodbath you started, and before you scream, I will slit your throat, slowly, aggressively."

By this time I had dropped the gun and my hands over my ears, and tears were already splashing down my face like a river.

I screamed at the top of my lungs, imagining the horror this monster could do to me, and the ones I love.

"Stop!" I screamed. "Please, stop!" I jumped up from where I was hiding.

I heard a devious chuckle.

I saw Only a blur of someone, patches of golden and green.

The last thing I remember was a bright flash of only blue.

I sat up screaming, my face wet with both sweat and tears. My breathing was fast and heavy. I slowly fell backward and broke into sobs into my pillow. That was the worst, most monstrous nightmare I had ever had.

Suddenly, I could feel the lights turn on around my as I heard my father enter the room.

"Hey, hey.." His voice was soothing as he crawled in next to me, cradling me in his strong arms.

I cried into his chest as he tried to calm me. "Shh.." He cooed. "Why don't you just calm down and tell me what happened?" He asked.

"H-he tried to.. He t-tried t-to.." I sniffed between each word. "He tried to turn me in to a.. A killer!" I sobbed. "H-he tried to make me kill everyone I care about!" I sobbed again.

"Shh.." My father shushed me again, sympathetically. "Don't worry, it was just a dream."

"No it wasn't!" I protested into his shirt. "It was a nightmare." I whispered.


"Wait, what?" I said, shocked.

"Um, yeah. We're meeting them today." Dad gave me and awkward smile from his spot on the recliner. I just stared at him, fased in shock.

"18 years, Dad!" I yelled, standing up. "It's been 18 years. You didn't feel the need to tell me this in any of these years?"

"We had to wait until you kids were ready." Dad said, sighing. "We're leaving in 10. Be ready." He patted my shoulder and stood up, walking off .

"Wha- aren't we going to talk about this?!"

"Nope." He said simply, walking down the hall and into his room.


I sighed, doing a quick check of myself. I know what happened earlier may have been confusing to you, allow me to explain.

Okay, so my Dad's best friends, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, and Natasha Romanova have kids. And I didn't know about this, for what? The number of years I've been alive, about eighteen. And we're going to lunch with them all today. Grrrreeeeat.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing red eye shadow, my old fashioned sunglasses hiding my eyelids as I slid them on.

I was also wearing a flowy American flag shirt over a white tank-top, royal blue jeans, and my red leather high-heeled boots.

Soon I walked out and grabbed my brown leather jacket off the couch.

"You took your time." Dad rolled his eyes.

"I'm a girl. It's what I do." I said simply as I grabbed the keys of my bike off the small table near the door and walked out.

Going to meet the new kids. Oh boy.


I rode my motorcycle down to where dad said we'd meet; A little place in Brooklyn called "Danny's Café''

I slowly parked in a parking space along a sidewalk, seeing my Dad's bike one spot ahead of mine.

I walked up the steps and entered the restaurant, seeing Dad and Uncle Tony sitting in a booth near the back talking.

I walked toward them. They looked up at me and smiled. "Took you long enough." Dad rolled his eyes.

"Not my fault I don't have a fast military bike." I said back. I looked around him to Tony. "Hey Tony!" I smiled.

"Hey Taylor." He smiled back. "Watcha' been up to?"

"Oh you know, same old same old, the other day we- Dad stop playing Pac-Man on your phone!" I said, looking at Dad as he slowly lowered the phone down.

Tony chuckled. "So, Steve, what's up?" He asked.

"The sky." A new voice answered sarcastically. We looked up to see a girl with sunglasses atop her head like me, with dark hair that fell just to about her stomach, an orange shirt with a red leather jacket over it, and jeans, also yellow and red sneakers.

"Well hello to you too, Sam." Tony said to the girl as she slid into the booth next to him.

"Hi." She said, holding her hand out. "I'm Sam Stark."

"Taylor Rogers." I smiled at her, shaking her hand.

"So, where's Clint and Bruce? And Natasha?" I asked, looking around.

"They should be here soon." Dad replied, doing something on his phone.

"Actually, Clint's busy so Natasha's bringing Derek." Tony informed me. I nodded.

"Somebody lookin' for me?" We looked up to see Natasha, her hair still red, wearing dark wash skinny jeans with black heels, a purple blouse and a black leather jacket over it.

The corners of her lips twitched upward in a smile. "Hey kids, hey Tony, Steve."

"Hey Tash." "Natasha." Tony and Dad said at the same time. Me and Sam waved at her.

She looked over her shoulder, towards the door. "Hey, Romeo!" She called.

I followed her gaze and found a boy, about my age, taking to a girl. He had blonde hair swept up in a small quiff, ripped jeans, white Michael Jordan sneakers, and a jean jacket over a "The Beatles" shirt.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah I'm coming!" He called as he trotted down the restaurant and stopped by Natasha.

"Who are they?" He asked, as if referring to us as creatures.

"Well gee, thanks."

"Pleasure to meet you too." Sam and I said at the same time, scoffing.

"These are Tony and Steve's daughters, Sam and Taylor." Natasha growled, obviously not very happy at her son's behavior.

"Huh." He said, crossing his arms over his chest. A smirk twitched at his lips. "They're kind of cute."

Me and Sam both raised an eyebrow while our fathers shot him warning glares.

Derek's hands shot up in defense as Natasha slapped his arm.

They slid in the booth, Natasha next to Sam and Derek next to Natasha.

"So, girls, this is Derek." She gestured to the boy.

Derek's arms were crossed over his chest again. "Sup?"

"Hey.." Me and Sam said at the same time, almost as if we were groaning.

"Well, this is going well.." Dad sighed.

"Where's Bruce?" I asked.

"He should be here soon.." Natasha looked around. "Oh, here he is!" She said.

I looked in the same direction.

Bruce was bearing a blue button up and dark khakis, with blown loafers. His hair was graying and he wore small glasses.

"Hey kiddos. Natasha, Steve.." He looked at Tony with a big, genuine smile. They had become best friends ever since they met. "Tony." He held his hand out as Tony returned the smile, shaking his hand.

"Oh! Before I forget, Taylor," Dad elbowed my arm softly. "You should tell them what you're doing Saturday."

I started to blush as everyone's eyes trained on me.

"Mm what's going on Saturday, Tay?" Natasha asked as she rested her had on her chin with a smirk, obviously entertained with this situation.

"I um..I- I'm performing in battle of the bands on Saturday.." I tried my best to keep my face from going red as I received a series of congratulations, mostly from the adults and one from Sam. I think we are going to be good friends.

"What are you going to be singing?" Tony asked, intrigued at the subject.

"Radioactive by Imagine Dragons." I informed him, feeling less shy as the blush went down.

"Oh, I love that song!" A new voice said.

We looked up to see a boy with shaggy dark hair in a blue sweatshirt over a dark shirt, jeans and black Nike sneakers.

"Bout time you got here, slow poke." Bruce scooted over a little and patted the seat next to him as the boy sat down.

"Guys," Bruce began. "This is my son, Devon." He gestured to the boy.

"Hey." Me and Sam said as Derek gave him a "Sup".

Suddenly my phone buzzed inside my pocket. I pulled it out and found a new text.

'Dude! You're late again!' It was a text from the drummer in my band, Bradley.

I was confused until I realized what he was talking about.

"Crap! I gotta go! Bye, band practice!" I quickly got up and ran out of the Café to my bike.

I got the keys out of my pocket and shoved them in the ignition, turning it before zooming off down the street.

After a while I stopped at a red light, impatiently tapping my fingers against the handles if the bike.

"Hey babe." A voice said, trying to sound seductive.

I turned to see non-other than my ex boyfriend, Mike.

I simple scoffed, rolling my eyes as I paid my attention back to the light and as soon as I did it turned green and I sped off again.

Soon enough, I arrived at the empty theatre that the owner let us practice in when no one was in it on Mondays.

I parked my bike and took the keys out of the ignition and hopped off the bike, trotted into the building.

Once through the door I continued down a hallway, now walking.

"Hello, beautiful." A voice growled.

I was about to turn but before I could I found my self trapped in a strong embrace.

"You wanna lose these arms?" I hissed.

"Feisty are we?" The voice asked gruesomely.

"Get away!" I snarled, breaking free from the grip. I turned and oh. What a surprise. Mike.

"Aw, the big bad girl gonna hurt me?" He teased, pouting his bottom lip.

"You bet your butt she will!" I turned and Brad was standing there with drumstick in each hand, arms crossed as a smirk played on his lips. Our new guitarist, Louis was standing next to him, looking scared and concerned as his grip tightened on his guitar.

"Oh please." Mike scoffed, rolling his eyes. "What's a stupid little-" he was cut off as I took both his wrist, bending one arm as I screwed his hand in between his shoulder blades. I smirked as he cried out in pain and, still grasping his other wrist tightly, bringing it to his hip on the opposite side of his body.

"Brad, open the back door for me.'' I said as I started walking toward it. Brad hurriedly opened the door as I pushed Mike out as hard as I could. He stumbled a bit before tripping over his feet and into the metal trash bins.

"And stay out!" I yelled and slammed the dour shut. Swiping my hands against each other quickly, I turned to see Brad, a proud smirk across his face with his arms still crossed triumphantly and next to him Louis still stood, his grip on the guitar was loosened and his jaw was to the floor.

"That is so hot." He gasped.

"Yeah it is." Brad agreed.

I walked in their direction. "Close your mouth, Lou." I said as I put my hand on his chin and pushed it up as I walked by. "You'll catch flies."


"I'm, radioactive! Radioactive! Oh, I'm radioactive! Radioactive!" I sang loudly, finishing the song.

"Alright, alright that was good." Our lead guitarist, Spencer nodded. "Now just one more-" I cut her off with my whining.

"But Spence!" I whined. "That was the seventh time! I think we're good now. Can I go now?"

Spencer groaned. "Fine. But don't come crying to me if the lyrics slip your mind on Saturday because you didn't practice enough."

"Don't come crying to me when I can't sing because I practiced too much!" I retorted as I grabbed my jacket and headed out.

I had my jacket on by the time I hopped on my bike.

I took off down the street and soon enough I was on the highway.

Soon I was just simply driving down the highway road when I heard a screeching noise. I turned and saw nothing. I shrugged and looked forward.

My eyes widened and a shriek escaped my mouth as I witnessed a car barreling towards me.

I immediately turned hard and slid in between two speeding cars and smashed into the guard rail. .

The last thing I remember was flying over the rail and rolling down the hill and hitting my head hard on a tree before blacking out.

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