The Other Argent ➵ Stiles Sti...

By SpanishCandy

2.6M 73.9K 60.1K

"We all go a little mad sometimes." [#9 IN "TEEN WOLF"] Cover by idkmstiles Itsselenastiles owns Stella Argent More

Holy crap ✔


52.1K 1.6K 706
By SpanishCandy

         "THESE are definitely sacrifices, right?" Scott asked his best friend and his new brunette female friend.

"Yeah, it's the one Deaton Healers." Stiles replied to him.

"What about Danny? He threw up mistletoe. That's not a coincidence, and if he hadn't been with Ethan, he probably would've died. Danny's not a healer." Stella says with a monotone voice but Stiles knew better.

She was concerned.

"Can you hear that?" Stiles asked Scott as he stared behind them.

Scott and Stella turned around to see Sheriff talking on the phone with someone.

"They found a body."

"You okay?" Stiles asked once Scott walked inside the hospital to talk to his mom before leaving.

"Why wouldn't I be okay?" Stella asked crossing her arms in front of her chest as she leaned against the front of his jeep.

"I was just making sure."

"Yeah, I'm okay, Stilinski." She nodded along to her sentence and shot him a forced smile towards him while she stared into his amber eyes once again.

Stiles was just awkwardly standing in front of her, his hands shoved into his front pockets while he tried to avoid eye contact with her but his eyes would always go back to her dark brown ones. Her dark brown eyes that looked so beautiful but Stiles was one of the few people who really looked deeply into her eyes to be able to know that she was broken.

"You're never going to stop calling me that, are you?" He asked squinting his eyes a bit, his body leaning closer towards her direction. His hands still in his pockets.

"Probably not. Why you got a problem with that?" She asked with a glint in her eyes, starting to walk towards him so they were now centimeters away from each other.

"Actually yes I do have a problem with that."

"Good. I'm going to keep calling you Stilinski." She widened her smile at how annoyed he was looking at the moment.

"So, uh... What do you think is going to happen to Danny?" Stiles asked trying to change the subject before his temper clashed with hers which would create a problem between them.

"I don't know and I don't really care." The words that slipped past the girls lips were all lies but she was in denial once again.

Even though she didn't know Danny for long she still cared for him no matter what she tried to tell herself. She was worried about him an hour ago.

That's when Stiles decided to stop trying to keep himself from her. He needed to understand clearly why she's acting in such a way. Why she was acting so.... heartless. When in reality he was able to see that she had a heart of gold but she was pulling herself back from it.

"Unbelievable." He scoffed and shook his head, licking his dry lips before looking down at her.

"Why are you like this?"

"Like what?" She asked with her eyebrows raised.


"It's better to be heartless than to have a broken heart."

"Who even broke your heart?" Stiles asked loudly while Stella unfolded her arms and clenched both of her fists, pulling herself back from him.

She didn't want to harm him and she sure as hell didn't want to show him the effect he had on her.

"That's none of your business, asshole." The words came out forcefully.


"I'm sorry Stella but I have to stay up all night to look after my mom. If its healers that they're going after then I'm going to have to watch over my mom. Stiles could you please take her home with you?" Scott asked his best friend when he jogged up to them and wanted to smile so badly when the two jumped away from each other so quick.

"Why at my house?" Stiles asked not believing his own best friend.

"Because Allison and Chris won't be at home tonight and Allison had me promise to protect her. So, please take her home with you. She's drunk." He begged as he walked towards his bike.

"Wait why won't they be at home?" Stella shouted to Scott but it was to late. He had driven away.

"I'm dying tonight." Stiles whispered to himself as he ran his fingers through his hair while Stella took out her phone and started to text her cousin but didn't get any response from her whatsoever.

"What did you say?"

"Gah! It's like you have perfect hearing or something. Seriously, that's weird. But come on. Let's go." Stiles muttered and opened the front door for her to get in.

Instead she opened the back door and got in without even glancing at him making Stiles sigh heavily. She was completely stubborn and it was frustrating him so much. All he wanted to know was why she was acting the way she was. It just didn't seem clear to him.

But instead of giving up on going through her and wanting to know everything about her. He decided to keep on going, to keep on trying to have her open up.

Stiles closed the door and walked over to the drivers seat, turning on his jeep and then turned on his radio. His music blasting through the radio making Stella groan at how horrible his music was.

"What kind of shit is this?" She complained and started to unbuckle her seatbelt, going to the front seat as Stiles was driving making him yell at her.

"Are you serious? You can cause me to crash!"

She ignored him, placing her hand beside his head and started to push it towards his window while she desperately tried to get to the front seat beside him. Stiles pushed her hand away and then slightly suck in air when he was faced with her butt in his face.

"Get your butt off of my face, oh god!" He whined and pushed her so that she was officially in her seat.

"Oh, please! You wish I could sit on your face. Huh, Stilinski?" Stella winked at him and leaned closer to him, puckering her lips making kissing noises as he just ignored her.

"Just be quiet, god!"

"You are so right... I shouldn't call myself a queen when I can call myself a god." Stella says softly as if she was being serious but if only Stiles knew that she was being 100% serious with that.

The whole entire trip to his house was loud and tiresome. Stella kept on making jokes about werewolves while Stiles kept trying his best to shut her up. That never worked for him so he tried his hardest to try to ignore her.

"Right in here.." Stiles says tiredly as he was holding onto her waist and trying to open the door to the house with his key, his dad working the night shift so he wasn't at home.

"Did I ever tell you how much I love your eyes? They're like the color of gold. A very beautiful gold." She hiccuped, placing his hand on top of his cheek while smiling at him.

The beers finally effecting her hard at that moment. Chugging all those beers in under 10 minutes wasn't one of her best ideas. It was all hitting her at once.

"You reek terribly." He complained once he finally got the door opened and made her walk inside alone.

The second he closed the door her legs crossed and made her almost fall face first until he grabbed onto her waist in time. Stella's back hit against his chest as she was erupting into giggles. Stiles was trying to calm his breathing because he hasn't been so close to her like that before and it was having an effect on him.

Stella turned her head so that she was able to look at him. Her smile slowly fading away once her eyes looked down to his lips. Stiles didn't even notice because he was looking right at her lips as well.

It seemed like they were mesmerized by each other. There was definitely something between them and somehow they both knew that but were to shy to admit it just yet.

Stella's brown eyes trailed up his face and it stayed put on his eyes. She slightly pulled both of the corners of her mouth up.

"Why are you the only person who can make me feel this way?"

"What do you mean?"

The Argent girl grabbed his hand that was holding onto her waist and placed it on top of her chest when she turned around to face him. Stiles wasn't able to hear heartbeats like his best friend considering he was human but he was able to feel how fast it was beating all because he was touching her.

"My skin feels like it's been set on fire, Stiles. I never felt this way before and honestly? I don't want it to end." She whispered, her brown eyes still staring into his amber colored ones.

Although, it made him smile that Stella actually called him Stiles, he still couldn't shake the thought that she was drunk off her ass. She basically confessed to him that she was enjoying the effect that he had on her.

Stiles wanted so badly to just grab her cheeks and kiss her passionately but he wasn't going to do that when she was in such a vulnerable state.

"You're drunk, Stella. You don't know what you're talking about." Stiles sighed heavily, pulling away from her grasp.

It pained him to see the hurt flash her eyes as if he had just rejected her but in reality Stiles would have done anything for her in a heartbeat.

"Don't you want me, though? I'm finally opening up to someone and you're just gonna push me aside?" Stella asked him.

She was starting to tear up which caused Stiles to run his fingers through his messy hair as he tried to think of a response for her.

"It's not that, Stella. God, you're beautiful and you're so amazing but what you're saying right now is nonsense. It's nonsense because you're drunk and probably don't mean anything you say. Actually, you won't even remember that I even said this to you the next day. Just please let me take you upstairs to my room to sleep."

Stella stayed put and raised her arms up in the air, closing her eyes. She was waiting for him to pick her up and take her to his room.

Stiles finally caught on and widened his mouth at her, rolling her eyes at how spoiled she seemed to be.

He snaked his arms around her waist and did his best to pick her up. Stomach was placed on top of his shoulder as one of his hands was holding onto the back of her thighs and the other was on top of her mid back. Her face was facing towards his back, her arms extended out.

Stiles let out a loud groan as he was walking up the stairs with more weight pressed down onto him. Stella wasn't a heavy person, being only 130 pounds, but it still made it harder for him to walk upstairs.

"Stella..." Stiles whined when she had slapped his butt a couple of times making her giggle.

"You have a big butt. A very big butt. I like it. It's squishy."

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