Through the dark ⚀ Liam Dunbar

By _lilyyyy

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Maya Stilinski has been through all the supernatural stuff since her cousin's best friend got bit. Its her fi... More



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By _lilyyyy

[ chapter 3 ]

Stiles' POV

I got to Scott's house because he needed to tell me more about Liam.

I walk in and see Scott going down the stairs.

"I told my dad everything I could." I said.

"But you didn't tell him about Liam right?" He asked me.

"You barely told me about Liam." And then I realized Maya was with them to. "Is Maya ok?" I said worriedly. Scott stopped a bit and said "Umm. Yeah. She's asleep she kinda freaked out" It seemed like he was lying. So I asked "What did you do with Liam anyways?"

"He's upstairs." Scott said.

"Doing...?" I said so he can continue.

"Laying down" He responded.

"He's laying down with Maya on the same freaking bed?!" I said mad.

He ignored me and we went upstairs to his room. I notice Maya is asleep on his bed but Liam wasn't there. He leads me to the bath room and opens the curtains where we saw Liam tied up in layers of duck tape.

I rolled my eyes and closed the curtain again and go towards Scott's bed.

"So you bit him" I said

"You bit him?!" We both turn around scared and see that Maya was already awake. She hears Liam panting and goes towards the bathroom.

"Yeah" Scott replies.

Maya walks back. "And you kidnapped him?!" She asked still shocked.

"Yeah" he nodded.

"And you brought him here" I said.

"I panicked!" He said defensively.

"This isn't going to end with us burying the pieces of his body out in the desert is it?" I asked. I see Maya's shirt covered in blood.

"Maya what the hell happened to you?" I said she looked at me confused. She sees me looking at her shirt and then she looks down."I don't remember, the last thing I saw was Sean attacking Liam and then the weird albino guy with no mouth killing him on the roof top and I remember seeing my stomach covered in blood." She said kinda scared.

I look at Scott and he stays quiet for a while. "You got hurt and it was pretty I took..your pain away." He said nervously scratching the back of his neck.

"You healed me?" She said.

She walks up to him and gives him a hug. And I hear her crying a bit.

"Thank you." She tells Scott.

"Why are you crying?" He asks.

"You took my pain away , you could've died too!" She told him. He just gave her a smile and hugged her back.

"Okay sorry to ruin this and Scott ... yeah thanks for saving her, means a lot,  but we have a kid in the tub remember?" I said pointing towards the bathroom.

"Oh right." Scott says walking to the tub.

"This is why I always come up with the plans. Your plan sucks" I tell Scott.

I bring out a chair that was in his room and he ties Liam again to the chair.

Maya's POV

Stiles took the tape off Liam's mouth and I stood in between Scott and Stiles with Liam in front of me .

"Okay Liam , now you've seen a lot of confusing things tonight. And more confusing things are going to happen because of the confusing things that happened tonight." Stiles says. "Do you understand?"

"Not really." Liam says.

"Good. That's good." Stiles said

I just rolled my eyes and Scott said "I don't understand either."

"Maybe you should tell him" I told Scott.

"Tell me what?" Liam asked.

"Liam, what I did to you, which I had to do in order to save you, it's going to change you." Scott says seriously.

"Unless it kills you" Stiles said. "Shouldn't have said that" I immediately slap Stiles from the back of the head. "OW" he says rubbing the back.

"What?" Liam says worriedly.

"Is-is he crying?"Stiles asks.
I go up to him and rub his cheek with my finger.

"Hey, Liam it's okay. It's going to be alright. You're not gonna die." I said to calm him down a bit.

"Probably not" Stiles says.

I turn around where Stiles was standing. "Stiles?" I said.

"Mhm?" He responded.

"Shut the hell up please" I said.

"Would you just help us untie him?" Scott said. We all started untying him.

"Liam are you okay?" Scott asks him.

"We're really sorry" I told him.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me behind him then grabbed that chair and threw it at Scott and Stiles.

"Liam what hell-" Stiles couldn't finish because Liam punched him.

Liam ran out the room and the boys tried to chase him.

"Liam!" I yelled so he can stop.

"Get him!!!" Stiles yells while they run and fall down the stairs taking Liam and I down with them.

"I got him! I got his leg!" Stiles said.
They kept pulling and yelling.

"Ow! That's my boob!" I yelled and smacked Stiles.

Stiles realized the leg he got was Scott's and Scott had Stiles' leg. We all looked at the door and saw it was open.

"Your plan sucked too." I told Stiles while helping him up.


I see Scott and Stiles running towards Liam so they can talk to him. I told them not to because he's probably already scared. I start chasing them when they finally reach Liam.

"Liam hey!" Scott yelled. "We need to talk."

"Scott no leave him alone" I protested.

"No, you need to back the hell up, okay? Both of you!" He yelled pointing at Stiles and Scott.

"Can you just listen for one second please?" Scott asked. Liam nodded.
"Liam..we're brothers now."
Oh great. I face palmed myself.

"Scott stop-"

"What?" He asked all confused.

"Oh god-that's.." Stiles tried saying.

"What are you talking about? We just met and you bit me!" Liam said.

"The bite...the bite is a gift." Scott said trying to be serious.

"Please stop." Stiles and I said at the same time.

Stiles left my side and walked to Scott.

"You, you. We're trying to help you, you little runt." Stiles said pointing at him.


"By kidnapping me" Liam raised an eyebrow.

"Just to clarify, Scott kidnapped you. Okay? I aided and abetted." Stiles said defending himself.

"Liam, I've gone through this before..." Scott said. "Something's happening to you. Something big."

"Scott you're not Shawn Mendes. Please stop." I whispered.

"Nothing's happening to me. Nothing!" Liam said taking off the bandage he had on his arm that didn't have any sign of a bite.

I start following Liam when Stiles grabs my wrist.

" Maya , what are you doing?" He asks.

"I'm going to talk to him? You guys have scared him enough." I said and left.

"Liam!" I said walking faster. He turned around and stopped.

"Look Liam I'm not gonna scare you or any-"

"No it's fine you didn't do anything." He said.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I didn't think they would go this far. I mean I should I've known them forever . I just wanted-" I said quickly until Liam interrupted.

"It's okay. It's not your fault. " He gave me that cute smile of his. He must've saw me blushing because he smiles even bigger. We started walking to one of the classes we had together.


I got a text from my phone when I got out of class.


Meet us between the buses right now.

I sighed and started walking to our usual spot.

"I'm not sharing my basement." I heard Malia say as I was walking to the buses.

"Actually it's my basement." Lydia said then she said hi to me when I went to stand beside her.

"And my mom noticed how you tore it up last time." She continued.

"All right she's still learning." Stiles said defending her.

"But we're going to use the boathouse for Liam. It's got support beams. We can chain him to one of them." Scott said.

"You guys are actually gonna make him go with you guys to the lake house? He doesn't even trust you guys! How are you guys going to do that?" I said. Kira pointed at me in agreement.

"I say if it keeps him from murdering someone, we chloroform the little bastard and throw him in the lake." Stiles said.

"I'm in!" Malia agreed raising her hand.

"No! Leave the poor boy alone!" I said raising my voice.

"We're not killing or kidnapping him." Scott said.

"Thank you" I said looking at Scott.

"Then let's be smarter. We tell him there's a party and invite him." Lydia said. I sighed because I knew this wasn't going to end up well.

"So you're going to ask out a freshman?" Stiles asked.

"No. I'm done with teenage boys. But , if we're playing a trick on someone, we'll have to use the trickster." Lydia said and she looked at me which made everyone look at me. "Maya, I know you have a thing for him." She whispered but everyone heard.

"No. What me? No." I said looking at the floor.

"Even if she did she's not gonna ask this bastard out." Stiles said which made me roll my eyes. A very common habit of mine.

"Why can't Kira ask him?" I asked.

"What me? No way." She protested.

"You know what they call a female fox? A Vixen."

"Be a Vixen." I whispered to her.


I got out of my class , finally , and went to locker to put my books in.

"Maya!" Kira yelled when she was in front of me which made me drop my book.

"Kira, holy shit , you scared me" I said picking it up.

"Oops sorry." She said laughing a bit. "I have good news or bad news. Which one first?"

"Bad news."

"Liam might not be able to go." She said.

"Isn't it bad news for the boys? I kinda didn't want him involved." I said. "What's the good news?"

"He asked if you were going!" She said with a smile. I slammed my locker shut shocked.

"He asked if I was going?!"

"Mhm. So you're going right?" She asked.

"Um. I don't know I kinda don't wanna see everyone wolf out during a full moon."

"Maya please? Just go up to him and tell him about the party and tell him I'll pick you guys up , please?!"

I sighed. "Kira, I want to help you guys, really, but I just don't want him to hate me for all of this."

"Oh, he won't hate you. Because he likes you." She said nudging me a bit.

"No he doesn't." I thought for a bit.
"Fine!" I say.

"Thanks!" She says hugging me and pushing me towards him. He wasn't that far so I tripped at fell on my face. Great.

"You okay?" I look up and see him helping me up.

"Yeah , perfectly fine." I say sarcastically.

"Anyways, I heard there was a party at Lydia's lake house and I was gonna ask if you were going." I told him.

"Um. I was actually gonna talk to you about that." He said nervously.

"You can't go?"

"No. I mean like I was thinking about it. But I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go with me?" He said.

"Like a date?"

"Um yeah." He said. I felt bad because this wasn't going to be a real one and he'd probably be mad.

"Sure." I said smiling. "My friend will pick us up around 7ish?"

"Yeah" he said smiling. "I'll see you later" he said.

"Bye" I said. I turn around and blush and realize he's going to end up either mad, or sad. If only this was a real date.

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