Silence in New York - Book One

By Sicilian-Sensation

4.3M 155K 20.6K _______________✏ “It really is a beautiful piece” he murmured before disa... More

Welcome & Warning!
~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~
~Chapter 30~
~Chapter 31~
~Chapter 32~
~Chapter 33~
~Chapter 34~
~Chapter 35~
~Chapter 36~
~Chapter 37~
Important Authors Note
~Chapter 39~
~Chapter 40~
~Chapter 41~
~Chapter 42~
~Chapter 43~
~Chapter 44~
~Chapter 45~
~Chapter 46~
Thank you & Book Two

~Chapter 38~

62.5K 2.6K 404
By Sicilian-Sensation

Hi there readers!

So before we get to chapter 38... In case you missed my previous A/N... this is a very important note to notify you all that Book Two of the series is now up on my profile.

Whispers in New York

If you could all please head on over there and check it out I would appreciate that a great deal!

Now I have made no promises on actually uploading the story to Wattpad. Firstly Silence in New York needs to prove it's growing in popularity - yep over to you guys! ;-)

Please comment, vote and add Silence in New York and Whispers in New York to your reading lists. This will help the book grow in exposure. Then I'll get more excited and write you all a whole new novel... I think that's a pretty fair trade off don't you think? Yeah I'm all about the bribes... After all I am writing about the mob right? LOL

Now back to Book One...

The interruption of loud music suddenly erupting within the apartment eventually forced the pair apart. Adriana quite reluctantly pulling away from Salvatore who was clearly attempting to hide his disappointment. The pair quietly reminding themselves that this was not the time for affectionate encounters.

She turned the shower off and pulled one of the two towels Salvatore had thrown over the shower door to wipe herself down. Salvatore followed her lead, still staring at her with hooded eyes.
The pair stepped out of the shower, Adriana disappearing into the bedroom for a minute to retrieve some clothes for herself. She pulled on some sweatpants and an off the shoulder sweater before making her way back to the bathroom with her wet towel as she vigorously towel dried her hair.

"Throw the towel back in the shower," Salvatore instructed reaching for his underwear within the duffle bag. "I'll get the guys to bleach your shower, I'll destroy the towels too." He secured his black suit pants and then pulled his white wife beater over his head.

"I feel like we're destroying everything in my apartment," Adriana responded throwing the towel back into the shower. "Why have they got the music on so loud?"

"They're using power tools." His reply coming out slightly blunt and without any real explanation. "Dry your hair," he ordered opening a draw to reveal a hairdryer and plugging it in for her. "Don't want you getting sick."

Don't want you getting sick? Adriana could not help but laugh out loud from his words. They were disposing of a body and his concern right now was her health? "I think I'll be ok" a slight chuckle escaping her mouth. She didn't think it were possible to laugh about anything tonight, but as always, Salvatore was constantly proving her wrong.

"Either you do it or I do it. Either way it's getting done," he stated holding out the hairdryer waiting for her to take it from him. For a few moments the pair seemed to be having a standoff. Neither speaking nor moving, just staring at each other waiting for the other person to crack first.

"Ok," she took the hairdryer from his grasp exhaling in an attempt to regain her patience with him. He was always so demanding and Adriana was hopeless at his games. Tonight it was better to just agree with everything and do whatever he requested. She was in no position to be making decisions of her own.

"Stay here and dry your hair. I'll be back." With that Salvatore exited the bathroom dressed in only his suit pants and a white wife beater.


Luca and Stefano were sweating profusely over Mike's body. It was a warm night and the apartment had no form of air-conditioning. Had they not been working over a body they would have certainly opened the balcony window for air. Instead they battled the task of sawing Mike's body into pieces in the heat.
Salvatore walked around the room picking up random objects with blood splatter disposing of them in another black bin bag. The biggest object was the throw rug beneath Mike which was saturated in evidence.

"She ok?" Luca asked while detaching the final leg off Mike's body and helping Stefano place it in another bag. They worked together wrapping it up then going over the bag with duct tape securing the bag shut before moving onto another body part. They found although it was a long agonising task, it was best to keep everything separate and dispose of everything this way.
He looked up at Salvatore briefly who nodded and continued his hunt around the room.

""What are we doing with the hands this time?" Stefano asked holding up the unclosed bag of Mike's hands.

Adriana stood at the entry of her bedroom doorway looking out at them. "What are you doing with those?" She asked horrified at the sight before her.

"What did I tell you?" Salvatore spun around to face her angrily, "I told you to stay in there! Didn't I?"

"I was done," she replied inching towards the horrific blood scene before her. Her apartment was practically covered in plastic and the plastic was covered in blood spatter. She caught a glimpse of the bloody electrical hand saw and instantly covered her mouth with both her hands. "Oh God. What have we done?"

"We've don't nothing Ade." Luca pipped up almost angrily, "this is on us, not you. Understand?"

"Back in the room," Salvatore grabbed her by the upper arms and attempted to turn her around to push her back into the bedroom. He felt her plant her feet firmly into the floor instantly resisting him.

"No!" She snapped flinging her body back around smacking his forceful arms off her. "I'm in this Salvo. I'm going to help."

"Have you completely lost your mind?" His voice now raised and irritated. He was not in the mood for a fight. Not now.

"Yes. Yes I fũcking have lost my mind!" She yelled back shoving him away from her, "I let him in here. This is my apartment. I'm helping" she quickly shoved past him but was stopped immediately by his hand gripping her wrist firmly and tightly.

"Don't step in the blood." He sighed letting her go. "Fill that bucket with bleach and warm water, boil some in the kettle" he stated pointing towards the red bucket near the front door. If she was going to insist on this he was going to give her mediocre tasks to fulfil. "Once the plastic is up you can help mop ok?"

"Bleach? On my floor boards? Wont that eat through?" She questioned curiously. She had obviously never done this before.

Salvatore could not help but laugh before pulling her in for a quick peck on the forehead. "No baby. Your floors will be fine." He looked back at Stefano who was still waiting for an answer regarding the bloody hands. "Take them to the pigs later."

"What?" Adriana yelped a little louder than she meant too. "You can't take them to the cops. What are you crazy? Are you trying to send some sort of message? They'll fũcking find everything out!" Her hands were in her hair frantically speaking faster and faster feeling her body reacting to the stress she was in right at this moment. "We shouldn't be doing this! I should have called the cops myself! This was self-defence!" Once she noticed the men laughing amongst themselves she finally toned it down releasing her hair staring at the three men slightly confused. "Why are you laughing?"

"We were talking about actual pigs Adriana. Like the bacon kind." Salvatore grinned playfully watching her cheeks blush with embarrassment. "Pigs eat everything. Did you know that?" He continued his walk around the room as he spoke. "They eat everything including bone. Which is why people always use the saying 'you're such a pig'."

Adriana rolled her eyes cheekily at him. "Yes Salvo," she stated back, "I'm Sicilian. Of course I know that."

"Then you also know that after dismembering a body calling the cops isn't an option." Stefano indicated still holding up the bag of hands then finally tossing them aside into another duffle bag.

"No more mention of the cops. Understand Adriana?" Salvatore stared over at her as she organised the boiling water from the kitchen pouring it into the red bucket as instructed. He watched her gaze up at him and respond.

"No more mention of cops."

So there you have it guys... No more Mike... He is definitely done & dusted, now let's just hope this body doesn't resurface!

What do we all think about Adriana growing some lady balls and helping in handling the situation?

So guys, don't forget to check out the small preview for Book Two - Whispers in New York. Expect the high life... Money, sex, drugs & illegitimate businesses! I foresee big exciting things for Book Two and I hope you guys will help in supporting it.

Vote - Comment - Add the novels to your library & Follow me for updates on Book Two ;-)


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