Submitting To Her

By MissLeeAnn

112K 5K 516

*Sequel to Submitting To Him* Queen Danni and King Jacen have searched the country far and wide for their... More

Submitting To Her
Returning Home
A Clue & An Inn
Memories of the Lost
Identity Check
Dragon's Past
Reunited & Gifted
Training & A phone Call
Nerves & Celebrations
A Meeting & A New Face
Muffins & Mates
Old Romances & Second Chances
The Library & The book
Training & Talks
A Ball, A Bash, A Birthday? & Chaos
A Ball, A Bash, A Birthday? & Chaos
A Wounded Heart&A Broken Soul
Julian's Return
Submitting To Her
Epilogue- Saying Goodbye
Books by MissLeeAnn

Mike's Plans&A Lightning Show

3.7K 195 28
By MissLeeAnn

The sun had now set and only the light of the moon was our guide. As the darkness settled in our vision became more clear with the help of our wolves. We ran with a deadly force throughout the land and quickly made our way to the hills. The growls and snapping of the rogues were clearly heard. One thing about rogues that worked to our advantage was the fact that rogues can't stand other wolves and that means other rogues as well. So even though they're on the same side they'll end up fight each other too.

Dead ahead, we need to split into two! My father linked.

Not two groups, three. I replied as we ran faster. Two smaller groups need to split off from the sides. Each group takes a side, east and west. The third and biggest group goes for the front. This should keep them from splitting off and making it to the castle. My father nodded in agreement and then linked all the wolves.

Prince Julian. Dragon linked while catching up to flank me.

Dragon, glad you could make it. Where have you been all night?

I've been busy but I'm here now and that's what counts. His words made me curious. Something was off about him I just couldn't pin point the emotions coming from him. Your dad and Alec is taking the east and Samuel is taking the west. That leaves me and you to take the frontline, are you ready kid?

I was born ready. I growled and quickened my pace. Dragon and the rest of the frontline followed my lead as the two outer groups split off. The trees quickly began to thin out. A howl sounded off in the near distance and suddenly wolves came storming through. With teeth bared I charged and leaped for the closest wolf. Digging my claws into his side I pulled him down and rolled causing him to be pinned underneath myself. Extracting one paw I quickly swiped it over his exposed throat. His dying howl pierced the air as his eyes turned ghostly.

With only one thing on my mind I left him and spotted my next kill, a golden brown rogue attacking a young looking alpha. With deadly speed I raced through the the trees and tackled him. As we went tumbling away from the alpha the wolf was able to dig his claws into my ribs. Ignoring the pain I managed to get to my feet once we stopped rolling. Not giving the rogue time to get up I lunged for his throat. My teeth sunk deep into the fleshy meat and with a tight force I ripped his jugular out.

One by one I pinned down my enemy and ended their life, as I did so I made my way out of the dense forest and into a clearing. What use to be green fields were now covered in blood and bodies. I couldn't see the hot red liquid but I smelled it. The moon's lightning only shown the grass to look wet. Over the large acreage of land I couldn't see or sense my mate, mother, or sister. I opened my link up for every wolf and listened to any chatter. Most of the chatter was war cries and violent threats but a certain conversation caught my attention.

Quickly I sprinted off while listening to the chatter.

How could you? That's my mate, your future queen! Samuel's voice was full of betrayal. He was angry yet saddened. I told her not to trust you Jimmy, but she can't help but look at only the good in people. She saw the good in you and ignored the bad and you took advantage of that.

I'm sorry, I really am. Mike said he'd kill my father if I didn't do this! Please understand, my father isn't stable and I'm the only family he has left, I had to save him! There was pleading in his voice and that sickened me. Just as I reached the two wolves I saw Samuel's defense drop and knew he wouldn't kill the man. Without a thought I leaped for the traitorous guard and snapped his neck. He fell limp to the ground. His body shifted back to his human self. Samuel looked to me with guilt.

Why did you kill him?

Traitor. Was my only reply.

Yes, but we could have worked something out with him, he had a reason for his actions.

So does Mike! Would you let him get away like you were going to do with that guy? I asked extremely pissed. Samuel huffed.

That's totally different and you know it! He growled.

What's done is done. Sometimes the right thing to do is the hardest. With that I left. I didn't have time to be nice. My family is in danger and it was all up to me to rescue them. The noise inside my head became too much as rogues came rushing out of the trees and into the clearing. Within a few seconds alphas came running after them. The plan to split into three groups worked like a charm. We trapped them in the clearing with no way to go except backwards. Seeing that most of the alphas had it under control I began to search for any scents that would lead me to the women. Soon I smelt the richness of Roxy and began to follow it. As I raced through out the fields I would occasionally stop and kill a rogue that would try to attack me. Soon the scent of my mom and Jewel joined with Roxy's. My pace quickened.

I found their scent! I linked Samuel and my father. I felt my father link Dragon and Alec as well. As I ran I searched for a fourth scent hoping I could catch Mike's but I had no luck. I wasn't paying attention to my surrounds as I sniffed my family out and felt the sharp pain of claws racking down my back. A howl escaped from my throat as I turned to see my attacker. A nasty looking rogue licked his paws as he stared at me with a deadly expression. I opened the link, curious to what he was thinking.

Our dear sweet prince is no longer sweet. He teased bitterly. I watched as you mercilessly killed that so called traitor. You didn't even give him the chance to defend himself. Tsk tsk. What kind of king are you going to be when you can't even show your enemies mercy. Your father would be so disappointed in you. He spoke as he slowly began to circle me. I followed his movement and kept him across from me as we dance this war dance.

I know what you're trying to do. I hissed. It's not going to work. I'm not going to be king anyways, that's Samuel's job. This took the rogue by surprise.

Your sister's mate? Why would you just give the throne to someone else?

Samuel is the right man for the throne, I will have other duties. I growled when he took a step closer, making our circle grow smaller. He was getting ready for the kill and I too knew I'd have to kill another rogue, I'd have to steal another man's life. I kill without a second glance but I knew after this was all over and done I would regret each life taken and those ghostly eyes would forever haunt me.

It's sad to think that when the sun rises there will no longer be a royal family. A bone chilling grin spread across his wolf features, his canines sparkled with the thick mucus that slowly pooled out of his muzzle. With those words he jumped at me but I had already expected that. I dodged his attack and before I knew what over came me I felt a jolt of energy fly from me to him. I watched as he fell to the ground and shook radically. I stopped the flow of energy and watched as the wolf form laid lifelessly. I listened and sighed when there was no sound of a beating heart. I hadn't meant to use my power and that itself scared me. Turning away I jolted for the women's scent.

It seemed as if I ran for hours when in reality it was merely one measly hour. Looking to the moon I could tell that dawn would be approaching in just around two hours. Their scent was everywhere, as if Mike purposely dragged them in circles to confuse us. Most of the rogues had been taken care of but every once in a while I'd cross paths with one and have to engage in a fight with it.

After half an hour I found Samuel, Alec, my father, and Dragon. All four looked stumped. As I jogged over I opened the link.

Why have you stopped? I asked.

The scent is leading us no where. We need to think about Mike and what he would want to do with the ladies. What is his purpose with them? My father asked. There was no answer, only silence.

When I was fighting a rogue earlier he said something about how when the sun comes up there won't be a royal family anymore. Maybe the rogues know what's up. Here's a thought why don't we catch a rogue and get some information?

Julian how do you expect to catch a rogue and get information at that?  Samuel asked with a knowing glare.

You tell me. You and your father are the rogue experts. I glared at him and nodded to Alec.

Blood. Alec replied. They crave for bled shed. The smell alone will bring a rogue out of hiding.

Great. Dragon muttered. So who wants to bleed? He asked sarcastically.

My back is not fully healed just reopen the cuts. I said looking towards Dragon who in returned gave me a funny look.

I wasn't being serious Julian. I'm not going to-

Dragon do as I asked. Knowing my authority over ruled him he sighed and made his way over.

Forgive me your highness. He spoke as he ripped the newly healed flesh apart with his sharp claws. I tried to keep quiet as the wound throbbed in agonizing pain, but a rumble of displeasure escaped. What do we do now?

We hide and leave Julian  for a rogue to find. Alec linked. Julian play dead.

I'm not a dog Alec. I rolled my eyes.

Act hurt, you know what I mean. We'll be watching. With that they all took off into the surrounding area. Quickly I stretched causing the wound to rip open a little farther. I began to rub the blood off onto the trees and surrounding brush. Howls sounded in the distance and I knew they had caught the scent. Quickly I ran in the opposite direction rubbing myself against the passing trees. Within a few minutes I stopped and laid down acting as if I was too worn to move. I opened the link to anyone in range.

Dad! I cried. Help me! Someone please! The crunching of leaves and twigs on my right caught my attention.

"Someone got you real good kid." A scratchy throat sounded. "Don't worry it will heal soon." He wasn't in wolf form, which surprised me. A tall lanky man stepped out of the shadows. The moonlight hit his face letting me catch his human identity. His eyes glowed letting me know he too was using his wolf's vision to see in the night. I took a whiff of the air and frowned. He wasn't a rogue, he belonged to a pack. No, he owned a pack. He was an alpha, so why was he here?

You're not a rogue? I questioned.

"Correct. I have a pack across the great waters. I came here with Mike." Hearing this I couldn't help but growl. I went to get up but remembered I was playing hurt. I whimpered and dragged my self a few inches only to collapse.

Why are you here and working with Mike?

"That's quite simple. You see, across the waters we live in a small world where there is no authority, or so you call it, royalty. We have alphas and that's it. No one to boss the alphas around, no one saying we can't mess with humans. Here you hide away from the nasty little humans and let them rule your land but over there our kind rules. The humans are like bugs and if they step out of line we squash them."

That's murder! They don't deserve to be killed just because they're weak. We let them live in peace, lead them to believe they're alone in this big world. We try to protect them whether they know it or not. Why would you want to take that away and how does this have anything to do with my family? How are you even keeping the humans over there? Wouldn't they want to leave? I was curious as to why he was saying this all and hoping his answer would lead me to my family.

The man chuckled and walked closer. I had a bad feeling about what was coming but I knew I had to take one for the team to get the information we needed. "That's simple, let me explain. A human is not permitted to leave our land, if they are caught trying to do so they die."

That's insane! I growled out.

"That's not insane." He leaned down close to my face and whispered. "You want to know what's insane?" He stood up and smirked down at me. "I'm insane!" He yelled as he brought his foot up and them slammed it back down, crushing my front leg and paw. A pained howl escaped me. I felt the bones crack and then slowly began to slide back into place. The process was agonizingly painful and slow. "I am one of the top alphas over there. I figured if I could take down the royal family everyone would respect and fear me, making me the ruler. Only, I didn't have any link to your family or a plan. Then I met Mike and his lovely daughter. Well, I didn't meet her but Mike told me all about her and his little plan."

Which was?

"Mike had first thought of just revealing himself and her to the king and then killing her in front of him but then you came along and ruined it. He then told me that once he realized that Jewel wasn't the best target he decided he would go after the original target."

My mother. With out warning his foot came crashing down on my leg again.

"I wasn't finished boy." He growled.

You're crazy! I growled. He awarded me by grinding his heel into my hand causing the bones to splinter inside. I couldn't help but cry out in pain but I knew he was close to finishing so I decided to play along a bit longer.

"When Mike told me all about his plans we made a deal. I'll get my pack and a rogue pack I know to help carry out this plan of his but in return I get to kill the king. All Mike wanted was to be able to kill everyone your father loved before ending your father's life. When we arrived here things changed a bit. Your sister had a mate and both your sister and mother was heavily guarded at all times when they weren't with you, your father, or your sister's mate. The plan changed once more when you announced you found your mate tonight. It was shocking really. Too bad Mike plans on using your own front yard as your families grave sight. The wolves and humans will come here only as a memorial of how life use to be before I took over."

With that I lost it. Not caring about my damaged leg or the pain racing up my back I shot up with so much force and speed it took the man by surprise. You can't take over something when your dead! I growled and then lunged for him. He moved just in time and quickly shifted into his dark wolf. Raising his head he howled, within seconds dozens of wolves came running. I knew I wasn't able to fight long while my leg and back was healing so I did what any smart warrior would do. I brought in my own back up. With my howl came my pack.

My father's black wolf and Samuel's larger one headed the formation. My father on the left, Samuel on the right. Flanking my father's left came Dragon's golden wolf while Alec's smoky gray one flanked Samuel's right. A surge of power radiated from the group causing a few rogues to tuck their tails unintentionally. If I had to call on anyone these men would be my first choice.

Let's go! I howled signaling them and the rogues. Both sides ran towards the other with determination. Everything went silent and then we collided causing a scene of chaos. Wolf on wolf, man on man. The growls and grunts of the battle was the soundtrack that played on what seemed like a never ending loop. Rogue after rogue, I took another life. When I began to grow tired one of the guys would come in and help as I tried to heal faster. It seemed as if two more rogues replaced the one we killed. There's too many of them and not enough of us! I linked.

We can't give up! My father replied.

Julian, your gift! Dragon said then filled my head with a picture of a memory, no, not a memory, a glimpse of the future.

I don't think that's possible, I haven't had enough practice!

Kid, we have a real problem, no more time for practicing. This is the real deal and we don't have any other option. I sighed. He was right, I had to try.

Guys stay clear of the rogues! Retreat. I shouted into the link. Giving them time to do so I stood my ground and began to quickly focus on all the energy coming off of every single rogue in the vicinity. Once I got a mental picture in my head I pulled the energy from the ground and from the surrounding atmosphere. I heard thunder crack as the stars began to disappear behind thick boiling clouds. Lightning became visible in the distance and that's when I realized I was creating this small thunderstorm. The rogues ran after my family as they went to escape but with a jolt of energy I stuck a few rogues.

The first man that had told me of all the plans howled again causing all the rogue to turn their attention to me. With angry eyes they charged. With strength I never knew I had I pulled the energy from the storm. The clouds flashed with blue and hot white light. The energy grew to a raging commotion. With a thundering clap a show of dozens of lightning strikes hit the remaining rogues. The Lightning played on till all the energy was drained. The clouds slowly rolled away allowing the stars to light the night once more. As I looked around everyone of the rogues were now laying lifelessly on the forest floor. Smoke billowed off of them causing the surrounding area to look eerie. Slowly I laid down and focused on gaining my energy back and healing the rest of my leg and back.

They plan to over take the world. How could anyone be so heartless and evil? Samuel asked approaching me. My father simple shook his head.

Mike has been a bit off his rocker since his mate died and it's all my fault. My father sighed and bowed his head in disappointment. I had heard the story about Mike and my father once before, when I first understood where my sister was and why she was gone from our lives. Mikes mate was loyal to my father and saved his life from a rogue attack. Mike blames my father for his mate's death.

It's not your fault. My father looked up at me. The past is the past and we can't change that, but right now your mate, Samuel's mate, and my mate are all in danger and we can change that, so come on, let's go. He nodded his head with a determined look as did the others.

Julian's right, let's go. Samuel called out as he turned and led the way. Everyone followed with a quick speed. Standing up I felt a lot better. The run back to the castle was a good hour or so meaning two things. One, I could finishing healing on the way and two, that we would barley have enough time to get back before dawn and that thought startled me. I fell behind as I began to worry about the girls.

Prince Julian, I need to speak to you. Dragon linked me privately, slowing down so that we ran side by side now.

Dragon, you have always had permission to speak to me, why are you being so formal?

I want to say this with as much honor as possible. I nodded and kept running keeping pace with him.

You may continue on then.

I have watched over you since you just a small child and I have trained you as if you were my own. I want you to know that you hold a special place in my heart and that no matter what happens today that you have made me proud. You've grown into such a strong, wise, and brave young man. A type of man that only few will ever be able to become.

Dragon do you not have enough faith in me to believe that I will make it out alive today? I asked with a chuckle trying to lighten the thick atmosphere he had began to create. I had never seen such a serious and kind side of Dragon before unless he was talking to Jewel and the way that he was talking caused me to grow weary of him again. He was hiding something.

I have plenty of faith in you. You'll make it out alive, maybe a few bruises but nothing too bad. He winked and nudged me as we ran. But if you don't remember any of this conversation promise me you'll remember my next words.


Promise me Julian.

I promise you Dragon.

The key to living a long life that seems hopeless and unending is to always remember how to love and how to forgive. How to teach and be taught. How to overcome yet show mercy.

I'll remember it, I promise, but what does this have to do with anything?

You'll understand later, right now let's focus of getting back to the castle. With that we pushed ourselves harder and prayed that we make it back in time.



So sorry it took forever to update I've been so busy and in a terrible writing slump! Sad face! But I have good news and bad news. good news the book is nearly at a end! bad news, the book is nearly at a end : (

Please vote and comment. Tell me what you think is going to happen or what is going on with Dragon! If you guess correctly or I just so happen to like your comment I'll dedicate the next chapter to you!

P.s. Next chapter should be up by this Friday or Saturday!!

Comment, vote, share,

And Always,

Be Blessed!

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