My Hazzy 2

By nannea

50.5K 2.6K 944

Sequel for My Hazzy. More

My Hazzy 2
To you, who may comment
Part 1: Tears of joy
Part 2: Hear the wedding bells
Part 3: Good parent, bad parent
Part 4: We just stay the same
Part 5: Are you Horan, too
Part 6: Presents and old memories
Part 8: Harry's mine this year

Part 7: Shut up, Greg

4.3K 313 108
By nannea

"Hazzy, daddy, it's Christmas! Wakey wakey!"

The way Harry wakes up on Christmas morning isn't surprising. There is Aisling sitting on the edge of the bed, poking his cheek, trying to wake him. He groans, closing his eyes and blindly trying to reach for her, pulling her closer.

"Come give a cuddle," he murmurs, pulling her to his chest. Niall is behind him, cuddling him tightly, chest pressed against Harry's back.

"Is daddy sleeping?" Aisling asks, snuggling closer to Harry's chest, head tucked underneath Harry's chin.

"He is," Harry mumbles, pressing his face against Aisling's hair.

"Can we go open presents?"

"Not yet love, you can only open your stocking in the morning," Harry reminds her.

"But breakfast first," he remembers to add.

"Babe?" He hears Niall murmuring against his neck.

"Morning," Harry tries to turn his head to get a glance of Niall.

Niall mumbles something inaudible, nuzzling on the back of Harry's neck and tightening his hold on him. Harry hums before saying Aisling is there too and Niall raises his head, pressing his chin on Harry's shoulder.

"Morning darling. Are you comfortable there?" he asks.

"Very. I want breakfast now and my stocking," she informs, squirming free from Harry's hold and sitting up.

"Have you brushed your teeth yet?" Niall asks her.


"Go do that now," he gently says and she nods, climbing out of the bed.

"Babe," Niall nuzzles back on Harry's neck, pressing a kiss there. Harry hums, managing to turn around so they are face to face, leaning in to peck Niall's lips before hugging him tightly.

"Merry Christmas," Niall murmurs.

"Merry Christmas. I'm so happy I'm spending it with you," Harry murmurs back, pressing a kiss on Niall's cheek.

"Me too. Love you."

"Love you," Harry says, placing a few pecks on Niall's cheek before letting go of him, sitting up on the bed.

"Daddy! Get up," Aisling is standing in the doorway, using a commanding tone. Harry bursts out a laugh, rushing to her and lifting her up. She lets out a giggle, wrapping her arms around his neck and nuzzling on his cheek.

"Did you brush your teeth yet?" Harry asks her.


Harry takes her to the bathroom, placing her on the counter and telling her to sit there while he brushes his teeth. Niall soon joins them, quickly brushing his teeth before lifting Aisling up from the counter, taking her downstairs.

Harry offers to make breakfast, chopping fruits on bowls and pouring yogurt on top, not bothering with anything fancy. Niall puts coffee on, telling Aisling to slow down her eating. She is wolfing down the food, obviously wanting to be fast so she can get her stocking.

"Daddy, can I please go see my stocking now?" Aisling begs while Niall and Harry are still eating their breakfast.

"Fine, you can go," Niall sighs, chuckling when Aisling shrieks and runs to the living room.

"She is so excited to open the presents," Niall tells Harry who chuckles.

"Children always think the presents are the best part of the day," Harry comments.

"Her especially," Niall laughs.

"Daddy! Look," Aisling is running back to the kitchen, showing a set of flower bobbles.

"Did you buy me these?" She asks.

"No that was Harry."

"Thanks Hazzy!" Aisling says before rushing back to the living room, Niall shaking his head. Soon she is back with something else and Niall tells her to wait for a minute so they can come join her in the living room.

Aisling is sitting on the living room floor, surrounded by the small presents from her Christmas stocking. She begins to show everything, trying to guess what is from Niall and what Harry's bought.

"Darling," Niall stops her after the fourth present.

"Do you want to watch a film before gammy's coming?" He asks.

"Yes please," she says and climbs on the couch next to Harry, leaving all her little presents on the floor. Niall chuckles, collecting them and putting them on his desk in the corner of the room.


Maura calls an hour later, informing she is on her way. Harry is excited, thinking he can't wait to start cooking all the food and later in the day, see Niall's family. It's not going to be all of them, only Maura and Bobby, and Greg with his family but Harry thinks it's nice nevertheless.

It's funny how he feels like a part of the family nowadays. There he is, spending Christmas in Ireland with Niall's family instead of being home with his own family. It's funny and slightly strange but Harry loves it.

Once Maura arrives, Niall sets up another Christmas film for Aisling while the adults start cooking. Harry puts on the radio which only plays Christmas music, and happily sings along the music. Niall soon joins him and even Maura gets excited and sings with them.


Later that afternoon, the doorbell rings and Bobby arrives. Harry is there to open the door for him, immediately being pulled into a bear hug by Bobby.

"Merry Christmas son," Bobby happily says and pats Harry's back.

"Merry Christmas," Harry tells him and after a while of thinking, adds 'dad' at the end, earning a loud laugh from Bobby.

"Bobs!" Aisling has heard Bobby then, storming to the hallway.

"Hello my little darling, come here you," Bobby is already picking her up in his arms, hugging her tightly.

"Merry Christmas baby," he wishes her, Harry watching them closely and chuckling when Aisling screams 'Merry Christmas Bobs'.

"Bobby dear," Maura's coming to the hallway, stepping next to Harry and wrapping her arm around Harry's hips.

"Did you bring the present bag?"

"Yeah it's in the car," Bobby answers, still holding Aisling.

"I can go get it," Harry offers and Bobby nods, struggling to get the car keys from his pocket while still holding Aisling.

Harry goes to Bobby's car, chuckling when he sees two massive bags filled with presents. He guesses Niall isn't going to be too happy about it, especially when he realises the other bag is full of presents just for Aisling and Theo.


Greg, Denise and Theo arrive a while later, just when the food is all set and ready.

It's a mess in the hallway, Aisling screaming and tugging Denise's sleeve, the adults trying to hug each other, Theo being handed over to Harry. Greg brings a massive bag of presents too, Niall groaning at it and saying it won't all fit under the tree.

Soon enough they all set around the table, Maura quickly explaining all the different food options they have. Harry is sitting between Bobby and Aisling, grabbing Aisling's plate, asking what kinds of food she wants.

"Do you want to taste the fish?" Harry asks, pointing at a fish dish.

"Ewww," Aisling whines and Harry wants to chuckle at that but knows better than to do it. He's familiar with the way Niall tries to raise Aisling and knows exactly what to do in a situation such as the one he's in now.

"Just a teeny tiny piece, okay? We're going to taste everything," Harry's talking with a gentle tone, knowing it usually helps to make her change her mind about something.

"Pretty please?" He pouts his lower lip, causing Aisling to giggle.

"Fine," she gives in and Harry feels proud, catching Niall looking at him, giving him a fond smile.

"Everyone," Bobby says once everyone's got food on their plates, ready to dig in.

"Cheers for Christmas," he raises his glass and they all toast, smiling to one another. The atmosphere is relaxed and Harry feels exactly like home, laughing when Bobby pats his shoulder and tells him it's nice to have him in the family, too.

"Hazzy," Aisling is calling him then, poking his arm.

"Hazzy," she whispers loudly, Harry wanting to chuckle because Aisling has never known how to whisper quiet enough so others won't actually hear.

"I don't like that," Aisling whispers when Harry has leaned closer, pointing at the fish on her plate.

"That's okay love, it's enough you tasted it," he tells her, giving her a smile. He strokes her hair, raising his head to look at his boyfriend.

Niall is smiling at him already, obviously heard the word exchange. Harry smiles back, heart fluttering in his chest, thinking of how happy he is.

"Hazzy?" Aisling's whispering again when Maura's getting desert to the table.

"When can I open presents?" Aisling continues whispering loudly, poking Harry's arm.

"Not yet love, we'll eat desert first. Gammy made a cheesecake and a gingerbread house."

"Okay," Aisling seems slightly disappointed.

"You'll get to open the presents soon," Harry tries to comfort, ruffling her curls.

"Sit with you?" Aisling asks, looking at him with slightly widened eyes. Harry chuckles at that but gives in, moving his chair back and lifting her on his lap.

"Oh hi there Ash," Bobby grins at her and she giggles, saying Bobby's silly.

"Dad? When's Aisling going to call you grandpa?" Greg is asking. He's sitting at the end of the table by himself, looking at Bobby and Harry.

"Never. Right Ash?" Bobby jokes.

"I don't want Theo catching on it, I want him to call you grandpa," Greg comments and Bobby chuckles at that.

"Why? Grandpa makes me sound old," Bobby huffs.

"But you are old," Aisling interrupts. Harry looks down at her, holding down his laugh when he sees Aisling looking genuinely confused, forehead wrinkled.

"Thanks a lot Ash," Bobby pretends to cry and Aisling starts giggling at that.

"She is right," Maura's back with the cake, placing it on the table. She bends over to press a kiss on Bobby's cheek, patting his head before bringing the coffee pot on the table. Harry chuckles, Niall's parent's behaviour causing him to wonder what him and Niall are going to be like in the future.

Will we be madly in love even when we're fifty? He silently wonders.

Thirty minutes later, they're all gathered in the living room. Harry is sitting on the couch between Denise and Maura, Aisling on the floor by his feet. She is eager to open her presents, Niall, Bobby and Greg in the charge of giving them to everyone.

Niall has told Harry they have a tradition. They give one present to each person and open only one at a time so everyone can see what others have bought them. Harry thinks it's brilliant, although he guesses Aisling won't have enough patience and she'll get restless.

Niall starts handing over the presents, starting with the ones he has bought. Harry is eager to see what Niall's got him, receiving a big, somewhat heavy feeling box. He looks at it, feeling confused, no idea what could be inside.

"Hazzy," Aisling is tugging his trouser leg.

"Help," she is looking at him, handing over her present.

"Can't you open the ribbon?" Harry asks and she shakes her head.

"Here you go," Harry opens it for her, handing it back. He watches everyone else opening their presents before focusing on his, tearing the paper off. He opens the box, seeing all sorts of things inside.

"Harry?" Niall's calling his name.

"There's a bit of everything there I thought you'd like," he explains and Harry nods, blowing him a kiss before focusing on the things.

First he spots a frame, a picture of him, Niall and Aisling. It's taken from Aisling's birthday, Harry recognises, realising he's never seen it before. He thinks either Bobby or Maura must have taken it. In the picture, him and Niall are sitting on the couch. He has Aisling on his lap, Niall holding Aisling's hand, smiling at her. Harry remembers the moment, almost tearing up when he thinks about it. It was right after him and Niall shared their first proper kiss, where it all started, he recalls.

We look like a family, he then thinks, smiling at the though before focusing on other things inside the box.

There's a small key chain, a tiny frame with Aisling's picture in it. Harry smiles at that, thinking it'll look great in his keys, making him happy every time he sees it. He finds his favourite chocolate, a bag of candy and two pairs of fuzzy socks.

In the bottom of the box he finds something that makes him chuckle, deciding against showing everyone what he has found. He looks at Niall who is grinning widely, winking at Harry.

Harry shakes his head, laughing as he looks down at the box. There's a pair of Donald Duck boxers, on top of them resting a condom package, the exact same brand Harry once bought for Niall. He remembers it, remembers the joke, finding it unbelievable Niall remembered, too.

There are three more things in the box and Harry pulls those out, showing them to Maura. Niall has bought him three shirts, which Harry appreciates but thinks it's too much. One of them is a cashmere jumper and Harry knows it must have cost a lot. It's so soft though, both Maura and Denise trying the fabric. There's also a striped long sleeved shirt Harry already knows he's going to wear the life out of and a striped t-shrit.

"Ni," Harry calls his boyfriend.

"Come here," he motions Niall to come over. Niall stands up, walking over. Harry raises his hands towards him, bringing him in for a quick kiss.

"Thank you," he breaths out.

"Did you like the box?" Niall asks, smiling at his boyfriend.

"Yeah, I love it," Harry admits.

"The joke part too?"

"Of course," Harry chuckles.

"Can't believe you still remember."

"Of course I do," Niall huffs but grins happily then.

A few minutes later, Niall's opening the present Harry got him.

Harry only bought one thing he knew Niall wanted, a watch. It's silver hardware, simple and exactly Niall's style. Harry watches a wide grin going on Niall's face and then he's coming back to Harry, bending over to hug him.

"Thank you so much," Niall murmurs, pressing a kiss on Harry's cheek before pulling away.

"Did you check the clock face?" Harry remembers to ask. He had an engraving made in the back, 'take the time offered, don't toss it away' written in cursive.

(The line Harry had engraved is from a song called It won't fade by Sonata Arctica which is a Finnish band)

"It's perfect," Niall breaths out, then leaning in to kiss Harry on the mouth.

"Hey!" They hear a familiar protest in the background, Harry chuckling into the kiss.

"Stop kissing!"

"You heard it boys," Bobby's laughing, Greg chuckling too. Everyone seems to find Aisling's reaction funny which it is, Harry thinks as he grins at Niall happily.

They continue opening presents, Harry and Niall getting a shared present from both Niall's parents and Greg and Denise. Bobby and Maura have bought them a waffle machine which Harry thinks is brilliant, hugging Maura as a thank you. Greg and Denise's present is expensive looking sheets and matching towel sets Harry finds beautiful.

"Thank you," he tells to Denise once Niall's finished opening the presents. She nods and smiles at him, then asking if he wants to hold Theo. She's had the baby in her arms for a while now and wants to use the bathroom. Harry takes the baby, feeling glad to hold him.

"Hi Theo," he talks softly to the baby. Theo is getting heavy, he thinks, not believing how fast time passes. Theo's so big already and Harry thinks that soon enough he's a toddler and not a baby.

"Hazzy," he then has Aisling clinging to his leg. She's still sitting on the floor, presents surrounding her, hands tight around Harry's calve now.

"Hazzyyy," she whines.

"What is it love?" Harry asks, fixing Theo's position on his lap. The baby's half sitting, half laying there, resting against his chest. Harry figures it should be a comfortable position, at least Theo looks happy.

"Open my present for you," Aisling commands him and Harry feels surprised.

"Your present?"

"Yeah she made you something," Niall cuts in, handing over a present to Harry. It's heavy and Harry immediately knows it must be a pottery piece. He places it down next to him, opening it with one hand, holding Theo with his left one.

"Wow," Harry breaths out when he sees the pottery piece.

It's flat, heart shaped piece, painted with red. Harry's got tears in his eyes and soon, he feels one rolling down his cheek. He is touched by the present Aisling has made for him, wiping his cheek clean fast before Aisling notices.

"Come give me a hug," Harry tells Aisling who gets up, climbing on the couch and snuggling on Harry's side. She stands up then, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him tight.

"Thank you so much for the present munchkin," Harry tells her, hugging her with one arm, pressing a kiss on her hair.

"Love you," he hears Aisling half-whispering, feeling himself tearing up again.

"Love you too, very much," he tells her, squeezing her gently before letting go.

"Go open my presents now, daddy has them," he then says and she lets go of him, grinning happily before going to Niall, asking to get her presents.

Everyone seems happy with their presents. Harry bought Niall's parents small presents, for Maura he got an apron and matching oven glovesand for Bobby, he got the first season of Glades, one of Bobby's favourite TV-shows. For Greg and Denise, he got books he guessed they would like.

"Harry," Bobby's trying to get his attention.

"Me and Maura have something for you," he's now handing over a present.

"And this is for you Niall," he's handing the exact same looking present to Niall.

"Denise?" Harry's calling Denise, asking her if she wants to take Theo again. She does, saying it's time for his bottle anyway, Harry's hands free to open the present. Aisling climbs next to him as he does, chuckling a little when he tears the paper off.

"This is amazing," he breaths out, looking at Maura who's still sitting on his other side.

"It says Hazzy!" Aisling notices, poking Harry's arm.

"Yes it does," Harry tells her, looking at the present. It's a sign you're meant to put on a door or a wall, his nickname written in cursive, silver letters. It's beautiful, Harry thinks, reasoning Bobby and Maura must have had it made which is not exactly cheap.

"Babe," Niall's coming over, showing him something. He has two signs, one saying Aisling and the other one Daddy.

"We thought you might like to put those up on the doors when Harry -" Maura cuts herself off and Niall shakes his head, signing her not to continue the sentence. He doesn't want Aisling finding out just yet and luckily, his mother gets it.

"These are amazing, thank you so much," Harry breaths out before throwing his arms around Maura's shoulders, hugging her tight.

"That's okay sweetheart," Maura hugs him back, pressing a kiss on his cheek.

"Those were like housewarming presents," she explains when Harry pulls away from the hug and now he realises why Bobby and Maura bought them two presents.

"Thank you," he breaths out again before getting up, going over to Bobby.

"Thank you," he says as he hugs Bobby tightly, thinking Niall's parents are impossibly nice.

"You're welcome son," Bobby chuckles, hugging Harry back.

"It's nice that you're spending Christmas with us," Bobby murmurs as they're still hugging.

"We all love you very much."

It definitely takes Harry off guard and he feels quite emotional, then again honoured to hear such thing coming from Bobby. He squeezes Bobby before letting go, smiling at him, signaling how happy he is.

"Just marry Niall soon and become a Horan."

Harry chuckles at that, hearing Niall groaning in the background.


Later in the evening, Aisling has gone to bed, Theo sleeping in his car seat peacefully. The adults are in Niall's living room, wine bottle opened. Maura has offered to be the driver so Bobby can drink which he has been doing. After every glass, his jokes become more terrible, Niall thinks, taking a mental note not to let his father drink more.

"Niall," Greg calls his brother, looking quite serious all of a sudden.

"I want to give you my personal Christmas present now," he continues, leaving Niall feeling confused and taken aback.

"Alright?" Niall ends up asking. He feels Harry's arm snaking around his shoulders, momentarily wondering if Harry knows something about it but then deciding that's most likely not the case.

"I've been thinking about this for a while," Greg starts.

"I want you to become a partner of the company."

"What?" Niall almost cries out, feeling shocked and thinking he must have heard wrong.

"I want you to become a partner of the company," Greg repeats himself.

"Are you serious?" Niall now breaths out.

"Yeah. I think it's about time we run it together."

Harry feels surprised by it too, even more so when his boyfriend lets out a sob. Then Niall's getting up and rushing to his brother, Harry watching the two hugging tight. He feels quite emotional himself, thinking what Greg's offering is more than generous.

"What do you think?" Harry hears Greg asking as he's still hugging Niall.

"I love you so much," Harry now hears Niall crying out, Greg chuckling at that.

"Love you too," Greg tells him, squeezing tight before letting go.

"And Harry," he's now talking to Harry, getting his attention immediately.

"If you go back to school next year and need some extra money, I can hire you part time."

"Seriously?" It's Harry's turn to feel shocked, not believing how nice Greg is.

"Of course," Greg nods. Niall's still clinging to his neck and Harry soon joins him, hugging Greg who squeezes them both at the same time, murmuring something about gay men being too emotional.

"Shut up Greg, you'd be emotional too," Niall tells his brother who chuckles, saying it's a fair point.

"Harry," Greg sounds oddly serious when they're all parting from the hug.

"I wanted to thank you," he continues, Harry having no clue what is happening.

"I haven't always been so accepting of Niall – you know," Greg looks uncomfortable, talking with a quiet tone.

"But you have proved me wrong big time. I can see how happy he is and I just wanted to thank you." Harry thinks he's close to tears, trying to hold them back, not wanting to cry.

"I really love Niall and you make him very happy and I just wanted to say thank you. His happiness means a lot to me, no matter who he's happy with. And for the record, I think I couldn't ask for a better person to be with him than you," Greg seems quite emotional too and Harry hears a quiet sob, knowing it's coming from Niall.

A second later Niall is clinging back to his brother and Harry doesn't hesitate to follow. He hears Greg chuckling, murmuring how gay men are definitely too emotional.

"Shut up Greg," Harry hears Niall saying for the second time, hearing Bobby laughing somewhere in the background.

- - - -

Thoughts on this part? On scale 1-10, how misleading was the title? 

By the way I started proofreading this around 7.30 in the morning and it's now 8.45 am now so if there are any mistakes or whatever, it's early and I'm tired. I just wanted to get this part out since I had it written already. 

Which reminds me that I'm going to try updating every weekend rather than during the week. I don't want to set any schedules for myself because those tend to stress me out but updating during weekends seem to work quite well for me (at least right now). It means I can take my time writing during the week whenever I have the time to do that! We'll see though, I might change my mind on this or end up updating during the week or something. 

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