My Only One

بواسطة JaureguiObsessed

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Basically it's New kids from my Lauren Imagine book it's a short story and if you choose not to read that the... المزيد



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بواسطة JaureguiObsessed

Your pov
I need to introduce the girls and boys they would totally love each other

"Yo dawg where's our Lauren at?" Dinah asked from behind me with all the girls "um I think she's still in class" I haven't seen Lauren since I left her to class "aren't you worried Luke must be annoying her" I shook my head and they all looked at me with a confused look

I understand why they look at me weirdly but Louis is with her and I don't know I have a feeling I can really trust him

"Um I would've thought you would go all crazy jelly girlfriend and run to find her" Kendall says looking at the girls that were agreeing with her "yes I would've but she's with one of our friends we met"

"The new kids?" I nodded "aren't they going to start flirting with Lauren" I shook my head "nah they know Lauren and I are together and we made it clear that if they do try something well you know" I closed my locker and turn to them but feel someone jump on my back

"I'm here" Lauren giggled kissing my cheek and jumping off "see she's fine" I wrapped my arm around her waist kissing her cheek quickly 

"What took you so long Lo?" Normani asked "oh I was finishing my work I just needed to take a few more notes down"

"Suree" the girl say in uni I looked at them then back to Lauren "what? It's true, if you guys haven't noticed I have a girlfriend and she's literally hugging me from behind" I chuckled leaning my head on her shoulder kissing her neck lightly "we were joking Lo"

We stood by at my locker while the girls talked about who knows what I was joining in too, but they were talking about their classes that they have together and all I wanted to do was go eat already, I'm hungry

"I'm hungry" I mumbled against Lauren's neck "sorry I forgot it's lunch" Lauren giggled kissing my cheek "I'm going to die if we don't eat soon" Lauren giggled again causing a smile to grow on my face

"Girls let's go eat before Y/n dies on me from hunger" the rest of the girls agreed so we started heading to the cafeteria,

"Y/n" I pulled away from Lauren and looked behind us to see who was calling out to me but I didn't see who it was, everyone was talking and walking to their class "what's wrong?" I hear Lauren ask "I though someone called out for me"

"Lauren, Y/n" we both turned our head and it was Kendall calling out to us "come on weren't you two hungry?" "Yeah" I nodded

"Y/n" why does it sound like Luke but I don't see him

"She's mine" some kid walked passed us but he didn't look like Luke, I was gonna go up to the kid but Lauren stopped me "are you okay baby?" I looked into her beautiful green eyes and smiled "yeah let's just go"

Luke's pov,
"Did she see you?" I asked Calum "nah Lauren stopped her" I nodded with a smirk "alright cool if Y/n thinks I'm going to back off because her little body guards of friends are here she's wrong" "what's so special about this girl anyways?" Calum is an idiot hasn't he seen her? I just walked away from him "you didn't answer me?"

"Haven't you seen the girl?" He nodded "yeah she's pretty but come on her friend is hotter what's her name...Camilla" Camilla? Who's that? "Who?" "Bows" bows??, why am I trying to figure this out if I'm trying to get Lauren "shut up your getting me confused and no Lauren is hotter so shut it" "there's no need to get nasty with me"

We walked into the cafeteria and I look around for Lauren, "there" Calum tapped my shoulder pointing at the lunch line but she wasn't alone she was with Y/n, Lauren's arms were around her neck while Y/n were wrapped around her waist her hands almost on her ass...that's my girl she better get her hands off

"Hey forget bows that girl with the dark skin is hot" "Normani? Yeah she's pretty so"

"I'm gonna go talk to her" he says fixing his hair to the side

"No you're not idiot she's Lauren's friend" he groan and followed me to the line

"No my parents want me to go out with Chris and Taylor today which we had planned to go out anyways" "okay so we have to wait until Friday because that's our date night" Y/n leaned down and put her lips with Lauren's I felt my blood boil I fist my hands and pushed Calum "go bump into them"

"What why? We're on line I wanna get pizza" "go Calum!" "Save my spot" he took his hoodie off and walked up to them bumping her shoulder "Y/N!" I yelled and got back on line and see her looking around

Basically my plan is to get her on edge where she gets overwhelmed and starts getting angry where the point where she gets annoyed with everyone and she snaps at Lauren where a fight will brake and I will be there to see its unfold and I will be there to stop it

Y/n seems like a sweet outgoing person but if you get her very angry or jealous she's a whole different person it's not pretty to see

Last year some kid got really under her skin and she send the poor kid to the hospital I'm not scared of her that's for sure I just want her to scare Lauren away so she can come running into my arms

"Ignore it baby" Lauren pulled Y/n further on the line "there, she almost got me this time" Calum says coming back on line

"Don't worry this plan will soon unfold and Lauren will be mine"

We got our lunch and we get a table that was two tables away from Y/n's

"What do you think they are talking about"

Y/n had her arm around Lauren's shoulder while laughing at something someone at the table said Lauren was leaning against her front and she was looking down at her lap

"I don't know but Lauren doesn't look like she's enjoying it "well now she is" I put my drink down and turn to the table

Lauren was smiling up at Y/n while she was talking about who knows what, Y/n looked back down at Lauren and put their lips together while the table awed "they disgust me" "their cute to be honest" Calum mumbled "fuck you"

Lauren's pov
While Y/n and I were on line waiting for our food I noticed Luke a few kids behind he was talking to some kid with a gray sweater I didn't recognized him but they were talking about something and Luke kept staring at us

"okay so we have to wait until Friday because that's our date night" Y/n whispers leaning in I couldn't help my smile so I leaned in half way meeting her a waiting lips,

I can never get over how soft and addicting her lips are I can kiss her all day and never get bored she gives me butterflies with just a hold of my hand

I felt Y/n stumble up against me we pulled away and I see the gray hoodie kid and Y/n was about to say something but I stopped her and we hear her name being called "Y/N" we looked around but didn't see anyone looking our way, "ignore it baby" I pulled her closer to me and she seem to calm down but her arms tight around me which I didn't mind but she seem a little angry

We got to our table and I decided not to say anything or be to touchy with Y/n cause I don't want her to get mad at me so I just sat beside her eating my lunch

"Laur are you okay?" I feel Y/n's arm go around my waist pulling me closer and whispering in my ear "yeah just thinking" she smiled looking calmer like before she pulled me closer to her so my back was leaning against her front

Kendall and Dinah were making jokes and telling stories about everyone but I blocked that out I was just enjoying how loving and cuddle Y/n feels, her left arm was around my shoulder while her right hand was on my lap I just kept my eyes on my lap while playing with her fingers,

I find this so scary how fast I have fallen for Y/n I know we only met each other a week ago but I think of her every waking minute she's just so sweet, caring and charming, i never thought a girl like her would ever like me she's just amazing and I'm thankful for this school for having this tour guide thingy and we got to meet Y/n

I hear Y/n say my name I look up at her and smile at what she was saying about our little moment last weekend with the girls

"I had to take the opportunity you all had me stuck playing games while I wanted to be with my girl so I had to follow her to the kitchen just to get a two minute kiss before team shortys came at me" Camila, Kylie and Ally were team shorty Y/n gave them that nickname because Camz and Kylie were the youngest ones and Ally was the shortest and they didn't leave each other side that whole weekend

"Right baby" I nodded leaning up putting our lips together hearing the girls aw or gag which mostly likely it was Dinah and Kendall

I pulled back smiling hugging her tighter I just feel so fuzzy after we kiss I can't help but hug her to make sure this is real and not a dream

Because if this is a dream I never ever wanna wake up

Luke's pov
It was finally last class and last class I have it with Lauren because when she was comfortable with me I got to see her classes and saw she had art class last so I changed my gym class to art

I walked into class but quickly stopped at the door when I found Lauren and Y/n at the back like they were fight? I smirked did Calum already do what I ask for

"What are you talking about! He came up to us and pushed me so I had to do something" Y/n whispered yelled, "I don't care but you didn't have to punch the poor kid" he hit Calum? "I didn't punch him that hard i do wish I did though" Lauren sighed putting her hands through her hair "class is going to start so leave before you're late"

"I'm not leaving until you tell me were fine because to be completely honest I don't understand why you're mad that I hit a kid you don't even know" she balled up her hands and I knew Y/n was going to snap soon "Y/n leave please"

"No! We aren't done TALKing" She slammed her fist against the desk causing Lauren and even myself jump "Y/n" Lauren looked a little taken back and that just grow a smirk to my face time to butt in

"Hey are you two okay" I say going over to Lauren "Luke fuck off" Y/n husked looking at me with full hate and anger "Y/n you need to chill" I say pushing Lauren behind me "Luke I said fuck off" she almost yelled but kept her chill some kids started coming in and I smirked she's not going to make a seen with all these kids

"Go to class Y/n" I say she picked her bag out and stared at Lauren who looked like she was about to cry "I'm sorry" Y/n mumbled gripping her bag walking out, Lauren leaned against the desk sighing "what just happen?" She mumbled

"Ignore her she gets like this when someone gets her angry to the point where she can't handle it"

Lauren looked up at me and i place my hand on her cheek cleaning the tear off "don't shed any tears for her..she's not worth it" Lauren just bit her bottom lip grabbing her bag "I have to go" she says walking out the class

Damn it I was close to getting her to trust me

Your pov,
I can't believe I let my anger get the best of me, I can't believe I yelled at Lauren and the look in her eyes, she was scared of me I scared her I'm such an idiot I punch the mirror of the bathroom wall groaning at the burning pain "ah fuck" I shake my hand seeing the some glass falling off but I started to freak at seeing the blood "fuck, fuck, Fuck,"

I wrapped my t-shirt around my hand at least that will stop the bleeding a little until I get to the nurses office

"Y/n" soon as I walked out the bathroom I almost bumped into someone

"Liam?" "What happen to your hand?" He asked worried, should I tell him?

"I um..uh" "tell me after come on let's get you to the nurse" "okay" we start walking to the nurse's office and my shirt was totally ruined that's for sure

We got to the office and I explain to nurse Katy and Liam how I got my hand busted well not everything just that I punched the bathrooms mirror which the nurse says I'm going to get suspended for

"I can't get suspended I didn't mean to do it! What if a new kids comes I won't be here to show them around" "I'm sorry Y/n but you ruined well broke something from school and that is a total week suspend"

"I'll be back to wrap up your hand" I nodded sighing "I could take over-I-I-I mean if it's okay with you of..course" I chuckled looking back at Liam "today is your first day, did you really remember the whole school?" He smiled nodding  "yes, I have a very good memory"

To be honest he could be my replacement for a little, Liam is sweet enough and he jokes around so it would be fun "let's just see what happens with the principle" he nodded and nurse Katy comes back

~End of the day~
"What the fucks happen to your hand" I hear Kendall from behind me, I turn and see all the girls

Including Lauren who was just staring at my hand in worry

"Yeah did you beat a locker or something" we all laughed, I guess I'll just tell them I punched a mirror and that I'm suspended for a week but I'm aloud to come and show the school to new kids 

"No, but I did beat a mirror up the bathroom mirror and I'm suspended for a week" "WHAT!" They all yelled causing me to chuckled their faces are adorable

"Yeah it's nothing I'll be back after a week" "how? Like did you fight someone after the mirror thing or something?" Normani asked

"No I destroyed school property that's why I'm suspended"

"That's stupid as fuck" Dinah says rolling her eyes with the others agreeing "yeah I guess" I grabbed my book bag and closed my locker with my good hand cause my left is killing me "did you clean your hand with your shirt" Kylie says making a face and picking my shirt up slightly

"Yes because I almost fainted seeing my blood" I chuckled and I feel Lauren's hands picking my wrapped hand up to her lips kissing it gently "I'm sorry" she mumbled, I'm a little surprised I would've thought she didn't wanna see me or even touch for that matter

"Lo why are you apologizing?" Ally asked softly Lauren just looked at me then back to my wrapped hand "nothing I felt like it was right to say I guess" she let go of my hand and started walking to the schools front door

"Did something happen between you two?" Camila asked with the girls waiting for my answer "yeah" I sighed following Lauren out

Could this day get any worse

Luke's pov
"You own me big time! Y/n grabbed a hold of my hoodie and hit me right in the face and pushed me to the floor luckily for me I covered my face so she didn't see me" Calum yelled at me getting in my car "yeah what ever, next time fucking run idiot" I see Y/n and the rest of her friends walking out the school following Lauren

"If Lauren and Y/n fought why is Lauren standing by Y/n's car?" Calum has a point why is that,

Y/n walked up to Lauren looking down and she started talking "is she apologizing or something" Lauren placed her hands on her neck still listening to Y/n

"I guess she is" they both smiled and Y/n kissed Lauren's forehead "awe that's cute" I glanced at Calum swinging my hand and slapping his chest "ow!" "They aren't cute!, Lauren and I will be cute" he rolled his eyes and we looked back to Y/n they got into her car and started to pull out "please tell me we're not following them"

I smirked pulling out the parking lot behind Y/n's car

A/n: I wasn't going to update until I update my other books but I really love writing this one lol

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