Adopted By Zalfie

By xoxSelenaFanxo

152K 4.3K 1K

Catherine Ash, a girl whose hope is all lost as she loves her day to day life in a adoption centre. Never di... More

Twenty One
Twenty two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine + A/N
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Important A/N
Forty One
An end of a Zalfie fanfiction


3.1K 84 30
By xoxSelenaFanxo

Hey guys! Ah, we made it to chapter 30, I'm so proud *wipes tears away from eyes* What, I wasn't crying, no, no It was just the fact that Hometown are to perfect for me to handle, cause SHE'S KINDA HOT.

Okay, I will stop, I apologise.

Enjoy my children!x

PS - Over 20,000 reads on my story, someone call 999 'cause I'm having an heart attack.

Not literally 'cause with me its possible! But gawd this is amazing!

I should make a speech! *Makes note*

Okay, I'm crazy af right now. I will go before I make more damage...



Catherine's POV -

I love it.


"Oh. My. God!" I squeal

It's a cannon camera. I know what this means, we all know what this means.

For the past few weeks I have been contemplating starting a youtube channel as I am 13 years old but I was going to do a variety of videos.

"That's not all... James and Catherine there is another present for you... James you can have yours first" Alfie stands up, followed by Zoe, James and I

"You know we have a few free spare, empty rooms that Zoe and I had no idea what to do with them. Then we found an idea" he smirks

We walk upstairs and Alfie swings open the door and James's eyes widens at the room.

"No. Freaking. Way" He yells "It's a whole gaming room!"

Yeah, James got a whole gaming room, and it's absolutely awesome!

"Wow" I look around in admiration

"James, this is your main Christmas present. Catherine, you ready for yours?" Zoe questions and I nod eagerly

We walk right next door and Zoe swings open the door and my first impression is to hug Zoe and Alfie

I can't believe this!

It's the two part room, the first part is a small lounge area, which is a pink and blue theme and a whole recording set up is all prepared, with lights and everything! There is a camera stand that my cannon camera will be placed. Then I go through the other glass door and I squeal once again at the sight in front of me.

It's a recording studio, where a Camera stand and lights and everything that is possibly needed set up, obviously I will do my singing videos in here.

"Thank you guys so much, this means so much to me!" I blink back my tears

I didn't realise that I would get this much, I was really only expecting maybe a Christmas jumper and that is it! But I get this, like what?

"We knew you wanted to start a YouTube channel for a while now.. So, we thought we'd help you out"

"You didn't have to do this" my eyes filling up with tears

"You're right we didn't" Alfie agrees "But we wanted too"

Aw. My heart.

"This means so much to me" I gush

"Well, a lot of family will be coming over around noon, so you guys want to get ready?" Zoe suggest

"Okay!" I reply.

I could use my new makeup and clothes I received this morning.

"Oh and guys" I stop them when James and I are about to enter our own separate rooms

"Thank you" James and I say in sync before walking inside and shutting the door firmly.

I look through everything I could wear for today and I decide on something festive to get more into the spirit of Christmas.

I finally make the decision on wearing a wooly Christmas jumper that has Rudolf printed on the front with a 3D bright red woollen nose, under the jumper I just put on a simple plain white long sleeve shirt. I step into my favourite black, ripped denim jeans. I then step into my old, slightly worn out, black converse.
I apply minimal makeup to my face and I make the decision on curling my hair with time to spare. I smile at my reflection in the mirror as I slip my phone into my front pocket.

"James and Catherine! My mum, dad, poppy and Shaun are here!" Alfie's voice booms as James and I shout back a small answer in return

I love Alfie's parents, and I adore poppy and Shaun, they are all the best so I'm more than excited to see them again.

I know once Alfie's family leaves, Zoe is going to drive us to see her dad where Joe will be, and then after that we will drive and meet Zoe's mum and grandparents.
I've only met Zoe's mum once and she seemed nice enough and she is practically my grandmother now so I would love to get to know her more.
I also am so hyped to see Joe.

I love the holidays!

I stroll downstairs and the first thing that happens I'm pulled into a tight hug by Alfie's mum, and James is pulled into a hug of Alfie's dad

"Merry Christmas!" Everyone hollers


We've just arrived at Zoe's fathers house and the first thing I notice is Joe laughing inside the house, as he glances out the window and when he notices us, a larger grin forms on his face as he rushes to the door making me shake my head laughing silently.

As soon as I step up I run up to Joe and he hugs me tightly lifting me up in a tight hug and spinning me around.

I hear Zoe's giggle behind me and I realise she is vlogging, I wave at the camera before turning my attention back to my uncle.

"How are you Joseph?" I ask formally "and merry Christmas, ho-ho-ho"

"Wow Catty, a strange child you're" Joe chuckles hugging me once again before leaving me inside

James and I get a high five and a hug of Zoe's and joes dad, aka; our grandad now.

"Right! I want you guys to open your presents!" Joe rubs his hands together happily with a smirk on his face and I stare at him confusingly

"I got you an extra present" I inform him, only James knew about this "it's a bit of a joke present though"

"I will open it after you and James open your present of me"

I stare at the envelope infront of me as I open it I pull out a note and I eye it suspiciously, before reading it.

I couldn't help but notice you slight obsession with Romeo Beckham, and I realised you're practically in love with him, yet you never met him? So, I pulled a few strings and well, on
December 28th you have been invited to spend the whole day with Romeo Beckham!
I know it's not a preset but I thought you would love this.
Ps; Caspy misses you;(

Joseph & Caspar xXXXx

"Oh my.. Are you serious?!" I squeal

"Seriously serious" he winks as I pull him into a tight embrace "Thank you! And tell Caspar the same! I love you guys!"

"We love you too" he smiles brightly

"In going to meet Romeo Beckham!" I cheer

James's mouth goes wide at the sight of his present as he tackles Joe into a tight hug.

"Thanks so much!" James explains and I go to check what he got

"Seriously" I roll my eyes "You don't need anymore Xbox games James!"

"You can never have too much Xbox games Cat'" James and Joe say in unison as a shrug carelessly

"Mine is so much better" I gloat, sticking my tongue out as
James decides to tackle me to the ground and begins ticking my sides

"S-STOP!" I pant, in between fits of giggles

When he finally stops I push him out the way and glare at my brother

Why do we laugh when getting tickled? It's not like we enjoy it!

"Okay! Okay!" Zoe interrupts, biting her lip obviously to stop her from laughing "Save your fighting for later!"


We knock on Zoe's mothers door and it soon swings open and the first then that happens is Zoe is pulled into a hug by her mum.

"Hi mum, merry Christmas" Zoe welcomes softly

I know she's upset because she doesn't see her mum that often which is upsetting but Zoe seems to be handling it well.

"Merry Christmas darling, and merry Christmas my two beautiful grandchildren!" Her mum greets, kissing James and I on the cheek "come in! Come in!"

It's about an hour later and we're all settled in the living room as Joe and Zoe opened their presents as James and I opened our present were all just talking amongst ourselves.

"I'm moving back to Brighton" Zoe's mum randomly blurts as Zoe and Joes eyes goes wide, as does my brother and I our mouths hang open.

"W-what?" Joe stutters

"I miss you guys, Brighton is closer to London aswell so I can see Joe. I have grandchildren now that I barely see and I want too, I want to see my daughter.
I've missed out on so many years and I don't want to loose out on more..." She confesses, Zoe's eyes clouding with tears

"Really?" They asks with hope


Everyone cheers loudly as we all hug my grandma

"When are you moving? And where about?" I question curiously

"I will be moving in a months max" she nods her head "I've already got the house... It's about a ten minute drive from your house"

"Mum that's great!"

"I know.. I'm going to make it up to you" she promises and a few small tears manage to escape Zoe's eyes


By the time we get home it's about 5:00pm and Zoe has begun cooking Christmas dinner when she announces something while James, Alfie and I are watching FRIENDS reruns on the TV.

"Marcus,Niomi, Tanya and Jim are joining us for Christmas dinner"

I squeal with excitement

"Are thy bringing their new dog?" I ask but Alfie chuckles shaking his head

"No they're not. It wouldn't be a good situation with nala" Alfie informs us and I pout sadly but nod understanding anyway

"I think I might start on a channel trailer" I speak my thoughts aloud

"You should! Do you know how to edit?" Zoe asks and I shrug

"Well, I've edited Alfie's videos for a while now and nobody's noticed" I answer

"Shh, she wasn't meant to know that" Alfie hushes making me laugh "but yes, Cat's good at editing, I'm sure she'll be great"

"What if they don't like me?" I worry "I've already got a small amount of hate when it came out that you adopted me"

"There will always be haters out there, but there will always be loyal, supportive fans too. That's what you have to focus on.
If they hate you so much, why do they bother to click on the channel? It's just jealousy" Alfie kisses to top of my head

"Is that what you tell yourself"

"Always" he nods

"Okay! I guess I will start? If that's okay?" I suggest

"Of course it is! We have a while till dinner so go right ahead!" Zoe yells excitedly

"Okay" I take a breath "Okay"

Then I begin to film my first video that I will be uploading to YouTube.
I have to make my YouTube channel first though.

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