Wolf Lake

By Saphire79

1.5K 35 21

Lexy's life is pretty dull, until the first day of school when she meets the new guy. More

Preface/Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 2

318 7 5
By Saphire79

                 Here is the next chapter. Please comment to let me know what you think.




I got home and took my bag to my room, and when I went back down stairs I noticed the light on the answering machine blinking. I hit the button and heard my dad.

“Hello, Alexa it’s dad. Just calling to see how your day went. Guess I missed you. Give me a call when you get in. K love you bye.”

I grabbed the phone and went to the fridge to get the number. It rang twice and he picked up.

“Hello Rick Morgan.”

“Hi dad.”

“Hey how was the first day back.”

“You know the usual handing out books, and lots of home work.”I replied.

“That sounds like fun.”he chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

“Oh yeah great fun.”I laughed too.

“I’m glad you called, Mr. Peterson needs me to stay a couple days longer to get one more training session in, so I won’t have anymore until spring. So I won’t be home until Monday.”he said.


“So you think you can handle that?”he asked.

“Yea, I’ll be fine. You worry to much. You know I am 17.” I stated. Like he didn’t know how old I was.

“I know, but I worry with you being alone all the time.”he said.

“So do you have any plans tonight?” he asked.

“Emily wanted me to go to Ryan’s house for a back to school party, but if you don’t want me to I understand.” I crossed my fingers that he would say no.

“well will Ryan’s parents be there?”

“I think so.” I said.

“As long as you don’t stay out to late, that would be fine.”he said.

Well there went that idea.

“Ok I will be home early.”I promised. At least I could leave after a couple of hours.

“Listen honey I have to go but give me a call tomorrow ok.” he said.

“Ok love you.”

“Love you, and be safe. K bye.”

“I will bye.”

The line went dead and I hung up. Well I guess I better change and get my home work done. I trudged up the stairs to my room. I looked through my closet for my green baby-doll shirt and my sandals. I got them out and sat them on the bed so I could dress after I got my work done. After I finished I got my clothes on and looked around my room.

It was still painted a light purple color. I had a white twin bed on one wall and the dresser on the other. My desk with my computer was over by the window, with a shelf full of books beside that. I was going to miss this room next year, when I go to college. I had applied to Oregon state but I haven’t heard an thing yet.

I was starting to worry about my dad. I feel bad leaving him, because of what my mom did to him. But he says he will be fine. I hope so. I put my sandals on and went to the bathroom to fix my hair and to check my makeup.

I finished up and went to the kitchen to find something to eat. There was some left over pizza in the fridge so I got me a slice and put it in the microwave. While that heated up I got a piece of paper and started to make a list for the store. The bell dinged and I got my food and sat at the table to eat. My phone rang and it was Emily she was on her way. I washed up my dishes and then while I waited I flipped through the stations on the TV. .By the time I found something relatively interesting to watch I heard Emily honk. I grabbed my keys and locked the door on the way out. I slid in the passenger seat and put on the seat belt.

“I am so excited, I hope Justin is there.”she said.

I was excited for her but now my nerves were starting to fire. I hated going to these parties with her new friends. No one wanted me there, but Emily was just not seeing that fact.

“Um... me too.” I lied. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy parties, but I know when we get there she will find Justin and I’ll be left to fend for myself. Besides Emily I don’t really hang out with anyone else. I’m not what you would consider popular, or very social. I think the only reason they tolerate me is Emily.

Emily does cheerleading, volleyball, and is on the student council, so she is the all American high school student. Me on the other hand is her complete opposite. I’m not into sports or extra curricular. I just try to get good grades so I can get into a good college. We are lucky that were still friends though not as close as we used to be. I’m sure when she finally snags Justin that I will see considerably less of her. I understand that sometimes friends part ways, and if her other friends get their way it will be sooner than later.

By the time we reached Ryan’s I thought I was going to be sick. The music was booming and I could hear people splashing in the pool. Emily was just bouncing with excitement. She bounced up to the door and I reluctantly followed. Ryan answered the door.

“Ladies, welcome you are looking hot tonight.” he observed.

I rolled my eyes as he gave us the once over.

“Thanks.”we replied. Me with a little more sarcasm than Emily.

“Everyone is by the pool so come in and enjoy.” he said.

Emily walked in and I tried to follow but Ryan stepped in front of my path.

“So Lexy.... do you think you might want to go out this weekend?”he asked.

“We could go grab a bite and see a movie.”he added.

“Oh well my dad is just getting in from out of town, so I’m booked this weekend.”I fibbed. “Sorry.”

“Well, maybe another time.”he said sadly.

“Ok.” Why did I say that. I mentally smacked myself. He led me to the back patio, then he went to go find Justin.

I looked around at some faces I knew and some I didn’t. He had set up a snack and drink table by the door. I grabbed a coke and then tried to find a dry chair. I spotted Emily giggling at Justin and Ryan by the DJ. I got more comfortable in the chair and tried to at least enjoy the music. I spotted Hillary and Sadie arrive and head for the DJ booth. Then some guys I didn’t know thought that it would be fun to throw random people in the pool. I watched as they made their way closer to me. I of all people know my luck. So I got up to join Emily and my luck ran out. Stupid coke I should have left it. They grabbed me from behind and I screeched. Before they could do any damage Ryan yelled.

“Hey, put her down.” he yelled. I froze and cringed embarrassed. So much for a low profile. I could feel the heat in my face.

“Ryan sorry we were just having a little fun.” the blond said as he righted me on my feet.

I saw Hillary blazing bullets at me. Well crap.

“No harm done, just be cool guys.”Ryan said.

They trudged off and I thought I saw Hillary shrug at the blond one. Figures.

“You ok.”he asked.

‘I’m fine.” I muttered.” Thanks.”

The party started back up and Emily came to check on me with Justin in tow. I assured her I was good, and got direction to the restroom. I was on my way back outside when I ran in to Hillary.

“Man those guys were jerks.”she commented. Like she didn’t put them up to it.

“Yeah, luckily Ryan saved the day.”I shot back. She glared at me. Then she pretended to loose grip of her drink, and it spilt all down the front of my shirt.

“Oh, oops.”she acted innocent. The damage was done. My shirt was soaked.

I gave her an eat shit look.

“Sorry, I am such a klutz.”she said trying to hide a smile.

I stood shocked as she left me standing there. I went back to the restroom to try to soak up the worst of it, then I was going home.

I found Emily with Justin they had just finished dancing. She spotted me and came to see what happened. So I told her what Hillary did.

“I’m sure it was just an accident.”she replied. My temper flared.

“Well accident or not, I was just letting you know that I’m going home.”

“I’ve had all the fun I can for one night.”I added.

“You need me to drive you.”she asked.

Now I felt bad.”No I think the walk will do me good.”

“You stay and have fun.”I gave her a wink.” Give me a call later.” I added.

She smiled and I headed out the side gate to avoid running into Ryan or Hillary again.

The night was warm and the sun was just getting ready to set. You couldn’t see it though because while I was almost tossed in the pool and had a cup of.....I stopped to smell at my shirt....beer dump on me the clouds had filled the sky. The walk home was just about a mile, I was officially in a terrible mood. I fumed all the way down the street. Blinking tears away the whole time. I was feeling a little better when I reached the end of Ryan’s street. I wanted to get home, take a shower and go to bed.

Just when I thought my night could only get better, it started to rain. I tried to walk faster but I was making water slosh on my jeans. So I slowed down. I heard the car before I seen it. It passed by at an alarming rate. Then the driver hit the breaks and put it in reverse. As the car backed I edged to the side of the road. The passenger window rolled down.

“You look like you could use a ride.” the driver said. I thought I recognized the voice.

It was Collin. I should have known. No one in this town has a car like that. At least he wasn’t glaring this time.

“Thanks but I think I’ll walk.” I snipped. I started walking again. His car kept pace with me.

“Your going to catch a cold.” he teased.

“So..what do you care.” I muttered. He was glaring again.

“I don’t know.” he said talking to himself.” Look, you can stand out there and freeze if you want, I was just trying to help.”

I was just about to start walking again, but I stopped and realized I would get home faster. Then turned back to the car and against my better judgment I got in. It started to down pour. Good choice.

“Thanks.” I muttered. My stomach was doing flips. My heart felt like it was going to flutter right out of my chest. The electric current from earlier was there again.

“Where do you live?” he asked me.

I gave the directions and tried not to fidget. The ride there was tense. The car had a very woodsy smell, like pine and sage. A scent so appealing that I couldn’t help but breathe it in more deeply. It smelled wild . dangerous.

“So you live here in Blue Lake?” I asked. Trying to make conversation.

He looked at me like that should be obvious. “Yes.” he replied.” We moved here from back east.” he added.

“Oh, what brought your family here ?” I asked.

“My dad got a job offer in Eureka.” he was starting to look irritated.

“Oh, ok.”Well I could see he didn’t want to talk about it so I tried to let it drop. But I had so many questions bubbling to the surface.

“Were the two guys at the school your brothers?” I pried.

“Yes, Chance and Chase. They are twins, and Juniors.” he answered.

“Oh, ok.” I was going to ask another one but he changed the subject.

“Did you have fun tonight.” he chuckled eyeing my shirt.

My face flushed red. Not wanting to explain the whole story again. I looked over to him and gave a weak smile.

“No... I didn’t.” I had to get out of here, before I made a fool of myself. Though I’m sure my pathetic life would not interest him in the least. We turned on my street and I pointed out my house. He pulled up to the curb.

I opened the door and mumbled another thanks. Before I could get out he was out of the drivers side with an umbrella in hand. He walked me to the door. I got my key and unlocked it. I turned to tell him good night. We both spoke at the same time.

I went first.” Thanks again.” I mumbled. I could feel his gaze on me as I stared at the toe of my sandal.

“Hey no problem.” he answered.

I chanced a look up. He still had his gaze fixed on me. I started to squirm. I had seen that look on his face in the car on the way over here. Something like interest. Wow. My imagination is running wild tonight. I had to get inside before I said something stupid.

Then as if he read my mind he turned with a smile and went to his car and drove off. I stood there staring after him with confusion. I went inside shutting the door behind me. I went upstairs and got my things together for a quick shower. I feel my life just got more complicated, and in terms of Collin it could be a good one.

After my shower I got a snack from the fridge, and remembered that I still had to get to the store. I would do that tomorrow so my dad doesn’t have to do it. As I sat in my room and thought about the days events. Everything seemed to be happening at once. I had been enjoying my quiet meager existence, and now I had people mad at me, asking to take me out, confusing me with looks and glares one minute, and then the next giving me a ride, and walking me to my door. A friend that I have known most of my life who seems to be pulling away, just when I need her the most. Usually I don’t mind being alone, but this is the first time I have actually felt alone. I rolled on my side and hugged my pillow. I eventually fell asleep. That was the first night I had the nightmare.

I stared into the most beautiful silver-blue eyes I had ever seen. They looked back with such intensity, I felt like I should be afraid but I wasn’t. The eyes stared into mine with such love and longing that I had never felt before. Then from out of no where something grabbed me from behind, my breath whooshed out of me , and before I could turn to look I seen the blue eyes full of anguish, and rage. I tried to scream, but the air wouldn’t collect in my lungs. Terror seized me. I twisted to see what had me and froze. The eyes looking back at me were cold and black. The feeling of dread came over me. I knew I was as good as dead. My mind was working overtime to figure a way back to the blue eyes. I wish I had a face to go with them, the shadows always kept the face hidden. What ever had me was headed into the darkened forest ahead, and my fear was hitting an all time high.

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