New York's Heroes (A Percy Ja...

By MiliMillNettie

85K 2.7K 2K

First, it was aliens. Then it was Titans. And just this last summer, it was Romans. Poor, poor New York. A ap... More

When in Rome...
A First World Problem: Avoiding an Angry Annabeth
Okay. Who Gave Repair Boy Caffiene?
Too Many Escapees, Too Many Questions
So We Meet. (And Almost Blow Up Central Park)
We Are...Whoops. Look at the Time.
A Worried Percy is Not a Good Thing

Meetings and Cleanings....What Fun...

15.5K 398 572
By MiliMillNettie


Ugh. Another meeting with Shield. Pepper had forced me to go.

I really did not want to be here, in this high tech conference room with a man who really defines his name and a Russian redhead. Oh, and an annoyingly calm doctor who actually speaks English.

Now we're waiting for two more people.

I started to get up and head out of the room.

"Get back here, Stark."

I sighed. "But I want to test my new suit."

"Tony, stop the complaining. Steve and Clint are going to be here soon." Natasha assured.

I scowled. "Can I just go get something to drink?"


"Way to be a Debbie Downer, Fury." I muttered. He glared at me.

"So, what's the miss-why are we assembled?" Steve barged into the room, Clint after him, both covered in dust and panting heavily.

"What did you blow up this time?" Bruce asked, not looking up from his book. I thought I caught the title. Though why he would be reading The Hunger Games is a mystery to me.

"A couple houses, no biggie. The people were evacuated before the terrorists set the bombs in their houses." Clint answered, plopping in a chair next to me.

"Without me?! Come on, Clint, I love blowing stuff up!" I complained.

Fury sighed. "The mission I'm giving you all is to check out the reason that there are many children and teens going off Shield's radar during the summer, and sometimes just disappearing from it without a trace."

"And you need us why? Can't regular agents do that?" Steve asked, frowning.

"Because of him." Fury slid a manila folder towards the super-soldier.

Steve's frown deepened. "Who is this kid?"

"He appeared on Shield's radar when he blew up the St. Louis Arch when he was twelve. Then he kept avoiding the radar during the summer, and showed up all around the country, even in Alaska."

"Let me see." Natasha asked. Steve slid the folder to her.

She muttered something in Russian. "Tony, this kid is like a young you."

The folder was passed to Bruce, then Clint, then finally me.

The "him" Fury pointed out was an 17-year-old.

"How could a kid so so much damage?" I asked.

Then I looked closer, examining the slightly fuzzy class photo of a black-haired, green-eyed guy with the signature troublemaker smirk I see when I like to pose and take mirror selfies...before Pepper catches me...

The next page was a list of information:

Name: Perseus (Percy) Jackson

Born: August 18th, 1993

Parents: Sally Jackson, mother
Gave Ugliano, stepfather (dec'd)
Paul Blofis, stepfather
Birth father unknown

Current age: 17

Suspicious activities:.....

Wow, this kid does sound like me. Always blowing up stuff wherever I go.

"So, what do you want us to do, kidnap the kid?" Clint asked, attempting to brush off the cement dust. It was being stubborn.

Fury nodded. "If possible, detain him and bring him here for questioning."

Natasha nodded. "Got it."

Fury adjourned the meeting. On the way out, a thought hit me.

"Who's gonna tell Thor?"



I was hanging out with Grover and Jason, just doing some cleaning in the attic of the Big House.

Why, you may ask?

Well, Chiron was going to be discussing something with the council of the gods this morning, and he had put Annabeth temporarily in charge of the whole camp.

And so, me being the fun one in my relationship, I suggested that we have a fun little sword fighting competition.

And Annabeth, being the strict, bossy daughter of Athena she is, decided to have me clean the dusty attic instead.

I still love her anyway.

I then insisted that I needed help, and she recruited Jason and Grover to help me. Neither of them were exactly willing, but would rather face a dusty attic then an angry Annabeth.

"Hey, Perce, remember when we went on our first quest?" Grover held up Aphrodite's scarf.

"Yep. 'No love magic for you.'" I quoted, remembering Annabeth's annoyance for me when we first met.

"Wow, there's a ton of stuff up here." Jason remarked, moving some severed monster appendages in jars so he could dust the shelf.

Grover and I nodded. My already dirty cloth flapped in the breeze Jason directed out the window, sending a dust cloud down on unsuspecting campers. They all started coughing, and Will Solace glared up at me. "Keep the dust up there, Jackson!"

"Sorry!" I yelled down, then ducked back into the attic. But something caught my eye, out by Half Blood Hill. An all-black van was parked on the side of the road, and two figures were wandering close to the camp border, both wearing dark clothing in the middle of a hot, New York summer day.

They practically screamed 'government'.

I waved Grover and Jason over to the window. "Check that out." I pointed to the government people.

"That's not good." Grover bleated nervously.

Jason squinted, the sun glinting off his glasses.

"One's a red head, a girl by the slimmer body, I think, and the other....male, with dirty blonde hair." He said, analyzing the possible threats to our camp.

"Is it possible to scare them away?" I asked, a fierce protectiveness rising up in me. Looks like my fatal flaw is acting up again.

Grover bleated again. "I don't think so. They could be able to see through the Mist."

"Wanna check it out?" Jason asked me.

"Sure. Grover, keep an eye on them from here." Jason and I walked out of the Big House and headed into the woods, keeping near the edge so that we could sneak up on the two mysterious people.



Nat and I decided to investigate one of the two places the children tended to go missing during the summer. Steve and Fury were checking out the other mysterious place near the Oakley Holls in California.

All we saw was farmland, a big blue farmhouse, a giant pile of old cables around a ginormous pine tree, and strawberry patches.

But Nat's instincts were telling her that we were close to discovering a giant piece of the puzzle.

Mine were making me antsy, and I wanted to get back to the safety of the Helecarrier as fast as I could.

I felt like someone was watching us. I glanced toward the trees, trying to catch a glimpse of our possible threats.

A gleam of metal caught my eyes, and I stalked quietly forward.

I peeked behind some bushes, near the edge of the woods. Staring back up at me were two teenage boys, one about 17 with angry, sea-green eyes and black hair, the other with blonde hair and electric blue eyes behind golden glasses.

They looked at each other in fear and...determination?

"We are so dead."

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