Ulti Potestatem (UNFINISHED S...

By Encee22

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This is a post apocalyptic world, that is still under chaos. The Tournament Potestatem was made by the humans... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 3

18 2 0
By Encee22

  "Wake up Jagger." Shira said.

  "I don't wanna go to school." Jagger said barley waking up.

 "Yeah, no this a little worst than school; especially with Paul." Shira said. "Well I guess he is not like Levin.

 "So, what am I doing then?" Jagger asked.

 "Well first you are gonna put on the combat uniform that I bought you." Shira said as she showed Jagger what it looked like.

 The shirt and pants were a slight dark red color and the shirt was open up line a button shirt. It had a dark blue shirt inside. I also had a emblem of a elephant of the left side of the chest. It was a metal material type of emblem.

 "What's with the elephant? Jagger asked.

 "Its my favorite animal." Shira said.

 "Okay, but what does that do with me?" Jagger asked.

 "Oh, absolutely nothing." Shira said.

 "Then why should I have it?" Jagger asked.

 "Listen boy, I named you and I basically raised you at this point; and now I'm gonna dress you." Shira said.

 "Wait, wasn't I revived yesterday?" Jagger asked.

 "Just put on the clothes!" Shira yelled as she threw the clothes at Jagger.

 Jagger got up quickly and put on the clothes as face as he could. "Okay mom I'm all dress." Jagger said as a tease.

 "Okay honey, now remember; you have to hold my hand when we cross the street." Shira said also as a tease.

 "Can we go now?" Jagger asked.

"Yes, let's go." Shira said.

 When they walk outside people were cheering. Some were chanting "Legend Family".  Jagger did not know how to react.

 "What- do I use a blast of some kind?" Jagger asked.

 "What?! No, why would you do that?" Shira asked.

 "Well I thought they wanted a show." Jagger said.

 "No... just no Jagger." Shira said. "All we are gonna do is go to Paul and train you, no fancy dancy shows, got it?"

 "Okay I got it." Jagger said.

 They walked to the Fue training ground. The crowd also followed along. At the front of the building there were students and Paul was in front of the door.

 "Welcome Jagger to becoming a Fue master." Paul said.

 "Thank you for having me Paul." Jagger said.

 "Come inside Jagger and Shira." Paul said.

 They walked in and the students bowed to Jagger when he passed by. The crowd were still chanting outside as Jagger and Shira went inside.

 "Okay Shira you bought him the right combat uniform right?" Paul asked.

 "Yes it is a resistant almost all elements attacks." Shira said.

 "That's good and does it change to the element when you are level three and why don't you have one yourself?" Paul asked.

 "I don't know and cause I don't look good in any of them." Shira said.

 "Wow, you are picky." Jagger said.

 "Hey now, I look good in what I get." Shira said.

 "Alright ladies, stop fighting; Shira you can leave now." Paul said.

"What? But I wanted to watch." Shira said.

 "Yeah well Fue is gonna be flying everywhere plus he is not gonna be a level three Fue by the end of the day." Paul said.

 "He won't? Shira said.

 "Nope, but I'll get him to level one for sure." Paul said. 

"Alright, fine I'll leave." Shira said as she walked out the door.

"So what am I gonna do?" Jagger asked.

"We are gonna make you jump to level one." Paul said.

"Wait I jump to get to level one?" Jagger asked.

"Not literally a jump. A jump, is to skip all the training that is necessary. All elements are like that but jumping to level three for any element is hard; sometimes life-threatening." Paul said. "Not all can do this, but you are far from average. You are a Legend Family."

"Okay, how?" Jagger asked.

"The Fue balls." Paul said as he made a Fue ball in each hand.

"Alright starting off something cool." Jagger said.

"Now you can only throw these guys." Paul said. "Once you do this you will be level one for sure. Forming and holding the Fue balls will get you to level one."

 "Okay and how can I do that?" Jagger said.

 "Let Fue flow inside your body and it should come to you soon." Paul said. "I know you have been dead for a long time but I think your body will remember it."

 "Okay I'll try." Jagger said.

 Jagger put his hand facing up and started to focused on the Fue flow withing him. As Jagger focused on the Fue; Fue started to form in his hand. Jagger's eyes widen and more started Fue started to form into a balls. The Fue balls started to grow larger and larger. The Fue balls were bigger than what Paul's were. The Fue balls were about as big as Jagger's chest.

 "Uhh, Paul, this doesn't look normal." Jagger said, his voice was a little scratchy.

 "Okay... this hasn't happen before, um, just throw it at those dummies!" Paul said as he got a scared.

 Jagger threw the Fue balls as quickly as he could. As Jagger did that the Fue balls not only hit the dummies it also went through them and through the wall. There was a giant hole in the wall.

"Uhh... Uhhh... Sorry..." Jagger said shocked by what just happened.

"Uh-huh... That's... Never happened before." Paul said shocked as Jagger was.

"Should I- whoa!" Jagger said as he looked at hands. The back of his hand, fire was waving across Jagger's back hand.

"MY HANDS ARE ON FIRE!" Jagger screamed and he was shaking he hands because he was scared.

"No, Jagger that's Fue!" Paul told Jagger to calm him down.

"What?" Jagger asked.

"Is it burning you?" Paul asked.

"No." Jagger said.

"Then you are fine." Paul said.

"Oh... Oh yea I knew that." Jagger said trying to act like he knew what happened.

"Alright let's fight." Paul said as the back of his hands had Fue on it.

"Wait what?" Jagger asked.

"You are now a level one Fue." Paul said. "You now have all the abilities that a level one has. I have to test your skills to see if you are ready for the next jump for level two."

"Wait, I've only learned one move; how am I at all possible ready to fight you?" Jagger asked.

"Well even though I am a master at Fue I never put a hole in the dummies nor walls." Paul said.

 "Wow... I have that power?" Jagger asked.

 "It's like you are a level three already." Paul said.

 "Am I?"Jagger said.

 "No you are not, not yet at least." Paul said. "Alright Jagger lets fight. Just because you do not know some attacks does not mean you can not fight me. Come on, give it your best shot."

 "Alright... lets see what I got." Jagger said as he got ready to fight.

 They stared at each other. Some of Paul's students were looking at them through the giant hole Jagger made. Shira was also there in the crowd preparing to watch the fight.

 Jagger charged at Paul, Jagger threw a punch but Paul blocked with his wrist. "Use your Fue not your strength." Paul said. "If that's what you want." Jagger said. Jagger's other hand was pointed at Paul's chest and a Fue beam. Paul was lunched in the air and flew through the roof. Paul stopped himself in the air. Paul's chest had a whole from where the Fue was shot at.

 "Paul! You okay?!" Jagger asked concerning for Paul.

 "Ummm... Yeah, I liked to think so." Paul said as he flew back down to Jagger. "I didn't even get to do anything back. Well Jagger you are differently ready to train to level two."

 "Wait I can't jump?" Jagger asked.

 "You can but this part need a little training to get there." Paul said. "So let's get started with some of that training right now."

  "Right now? Are you hurt though?" Jagger asked.

 "I've been through worst." Paul said. "Alright students, if you stay here you have to fix the wall and the roof."

 "Nope, I'm out of here." Shira said as she walked away as well as the students.

  "Alright Jagger lets get you started." Paul said.

 Jagger and Paul got ready to train. "So is that a power of a Legend Family?" Shira asked herself.

 "Hey Shira what I miss?" Levin said running towards her.

 "It looks like a storm is coming." Shira said sarcastically.

 "Cute, but really what happened I ran over here?" Levin asked.

 "You ran? Why didn't you fly like the others?" Shira asked.

 "Sometimes I forget." Levin said.

 "Of course, anyway Jagger basically destroyed the training house for Paul." Shira said.

 "Did he jump all the way to level three already?" Levin asked.

 "I don't think so, I only saw Fue on his hand." Shira said.

 "Wow he has that kind of power?" Levin asked.

 "I guess that's the power of a Legend Family." Shira said.

 "Alright now that small talk is out of the way-"

 "Nice try remember what happen last time." Shira said.

 "She was my sister, Shira." Levin said.

 "Sure, anyways I'll be heading home." Shira said.

 "One question." Levin asked.

 "Yes." Shira said.

 "Why don't you train to go Viven level two?" Levin asked.

"It's just... I don't know if I can." Shira said.

"Well how hard is it to grab an object?" Levin asked.

"You don't understand!" Shira said angrily.

"Well jumping in Illum is deadly in any level." Levin said. "Viven deadly jumping is level three. So just think about it Shira, I know you can do it."

"Yeah, sure." Shira said.

  Shira walked to her house. The day she was in her house, she thought about trying to jump to level two. She stared to use Viven around the house. The inside of the house had the dark green mist everywhere. As she was trying to pick up objects she heard a thud. She looked where she heard the thud. Jagger was face first on the floor.

 "Who...cut... the cheese?" Jagger asked as he was trying to breath.

 "Oh shut up its not that bad." Shira said as she did a hand motion to blow away all the Viven.

"Easy for say." Jagger said as himself up.

"Yeah, yeah, so how was your training?" Shira asked.

"I'm very sore but I think tomorrow I will be a level two." Jagger said.

"Yeah and I saw you blast him to the sky." Shira said. "I wish I could do that. The best I can do is suffocation."

"...Lovely, anyways what's for din din I'm starving?" Jagger asked.

"Din Din?" Shira asked. "What is that?"

"You know dinner." Jagger said. "Good, grub, snacks-"

"Yeah I got it." Shira said.

"Yeah so what's for dinner?" Jagger asked.

"Nothing because I don't cook." Shira said. "You are going to have to get yourself food."

"How?" Jagger said.

"Go buy it." Shira said.

"With what money?" Jagger said.

"Shoot I forgot you don't have money." Shira said as she got some money from her pocket. "Here's a few, now go get yourself some din din."

"Why so you can rip some good ones when I'm out?" Jagger asked sarcastically as he took the money.

"Shut it, Jagger!" Shira yelled.

"Alright I'll be back." Jagger said laughing a little and he left.

"That'll give me some time to work" Shira said to herself.

As Shira was about to start Viven she heard a knock on the door. She opened the door and it was Jagger.

"What do you want?!" Shira asked.

"I don't know where to go." Jagger said.

"I swear you are a lost puppy." Shira said. "Alright let's get you some food."

Shira took Jagger to a stand that sells food. Jagger could not decide what he wanted to eat. Jagger was looking at all the food saying he wanted it all. In the end Shira just got Jagger a hot dog. Jagger complained all the back to the house.

"But I wanted more." Jagger complained.

"You got food right?" Shira asked.

"Yeah but I've been dead who knows how long, I need more." Jagger said.

"Nope, Legend Family or not you will eat what I give you and thats it." Shira said.

"Alright fine." Jagger said.

"Good, now go to bed." Shira said.

"What? Why?" Jagger complained.

"Because you have to train tomorrow." Shira said.

"But -sigh- fine mom I'll go to sleep." Jagger said like little kid.

"Have a good night sweety." Shira said acting motherly.

Jagger went to his room and slept. Meanwhile Shira did a little Viven outside. She didn't do that much Viven she got too tired and went to sleep.

The next day Jagger got up by himself. He put on his training gear and left to go to Fue camp. When he go there he saw Paul watching some people where some pieces goes.

"Hey Paul." Jagger said as he walked up to Paul.

"Yeah put it right there! Hey Jagger what's going on?" Paul asked.

"Good and I'm ready to jump to level two." Jagger said with excitement.

"Yeah you are but we are not going to use my place; we are going to do it right here." Paul said.

"Sweet what's the jump?" Jagger asked.

"Absorption." Paul said.

"Cool.... Explain." Jagger said.

"Okay, I'm going to bring out a small Fue ball in my hand." Paul said as there was a Fue ball in his hand. "Now I'm going squeeze the Fue ball. This is going back to in my body and creating pressure. This can be used way one way or another. One way is use it for your beam and that will hit hard from the start. The other is to use it with your muscles to give you an extreme hit but, if it's held to long it will destroy muscle."

Paul shot the beam into the sky.

"Well then, sooo, how do I jump?" Jagger asked.

"You'll use both of your hands;" Paul started, "and you will make Fue balls but not as big as yesterday."

"Okay I got it." Jagger said.

"Also make sure you shoot the beam into the sky." Paul said.

"Yeah I'll do that." Jagger said.

 Jagger put his hands out. The Fue balls started to form. It started to grow like the last time. Jagger clinched his fists and the Fue balls started to be absorbed. As it was being absorbed Jagger's forearms stared to have Fue form from on them. Jagger whole body stared to shake from the pressure building up inside him. Fue started to form around Jagger. "Now Jagger! Release it now!" Paul called out. Jagger opened his hands and point them to the sky and a large beam was released.

 Jagger was now a level two Fue. Not only was Jagger's back of his hands had Fue, now his forearms does too.

"Good job Jagger." Paul said. "Man you are making all of this look easy."

"Yeah sorry." Jagger said laughing a little.

"Alright let's fight." Paul said as went to level two Fue.

"Alright I'm ready." Jagger said.

 Paul shot a beam at Jagger. Jagger dodged rolled out of the way. Jagger shot a beam at Paul. Paul counter with burst shot at an angle. Jagger charged Paul and hit him with his left hand. Paul blocked the attack. "I told you not to rely on your strength." Paul said. "Trust me I'm not." Jagger said. Jagger lifted his right arm and the arm was filled with Fue. Jagger lunged his arm at Paul. Paul was hit in the face and launched Paul to his training place that was being fixed.

 "Paul are you okay?!" Jagger asked constantly.

 "Yeah... Hurting... A lot." Paul said.

 "Here let me help you up." Jagger said as he was running to help Paul.

 "No, no I'm ok." Paul said as he flew up.

 "Are you sure? You are bleeding." Jagger said concernedly.

 "Yeah I'm fine, again, I've been through worst." Paul said dusting himself off. "Anyways let's get you to level three now."

 "Already?" Jagger asked in shock.

 "Yeah, its level two that is a pain to get to." Paul said. "So lets go some where you won't bash me into."

 "Fine by me." Jagger said.

 "There is a training place within walking distances we it would be perfect for this." Paul said.

 Jagger followed Paul to the place. It was a big squared like area. The floor was concrete and has a lot of cracks in it and also has vegetation within the cracks.

 "Alright here is where will make you  jump." Paul said as he went to Fue level three. " You are going to use all tactics I shown you for jumping. You are going to make the Fue balls into a Fue orb. Then you will push the orbs together creating a pressure and keep... pushing them together... Stand sideways... when your hands are together... RELEASE!" Paul released a giant beam into the sky. "That's how you become a level three Fue. This has two ways you can use, the one I just showed you and a blast. Thing about the blast is that it has a pointed end and can cut and go through anything. Plus I have yet to perform the blast."

 Jagger started right away. Jagger made Fue orbs and put them together. Jagger started to stand sideways and Fue was forming all around Jagger. When Jagger hands were together and put his hands to the sky and released. The giant Fue beam went up into the sky also the pressure from flew out sideways push Paul now and some Fue came along with the pressure.

 Jagger was a level three Fue. His hands and arms had Fue on them and now his hair was now Fue along with his eyebrows and the training outfit is the color of Fue. But there was one more thing that different.

 "Wow Jagger that was... Wha- What happened to your eyes?!" Paul asked.

 "What? Whats wrong with them?" Jagger asked a litte scared.

 "Your eyes are... their... Filled with Fue." Paul said.

 "What are you serious?! That's awesome." Jagger said with excitement.

 "Yeah that is indeed really cool." Paul said.

 "Yeah, lets fight." Jagger said.

 "Whoa, whoa no I am not fighting you anymore." Paul said.

 "Oh did I hurt you back there?" Jagger asked.

 "Yeah, like a lot. I tired playing it off like it was nothing." Paul said. "But it was definitely something. So you are good to go and become a level three Vivin."

 "Sweet thanks a lot Paul." Jagger said with excitement. "See you another time and get that cut healed up."

 "Yeah will do." Paul said.

 Jagger walked back to his house to show Shira that he has become a Fue level three. Jagger told Shira that he wants to learn all about Vivin next. Shira agreed to take him to the Vivin training ground the next day. Jagger's next step is Vivin.

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