Protectors of Earth.

By Metal_Head14

1.8K 156 62

Powerful people create a team and fights against the evil, what is going to happen with them ? Read and you w... More

Chapter One: WHO ARE THEY ?
Capter Two: how did they discover their powers.
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five:
Chapter Eight & Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
The End.
Chapter Two: (part 2)
Chapter two : (part 3)
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight

Chapter Six & Seven

91 8 2
By Metal_Head14

Hey, chapter seven is here, wish you like it, and the story will be exciting I promise ;)

 Chapter Seven:

  Angele's P.O.V.

When we came back to the appartment, Anna and Bob asked me tons of question, Anna wanted  to teach me how to control water, she told me to stand on the balcony, "So, when you make your self a fire ball, or when you create fire, what do you say in your mind?" Anna asked, "HMMM, Fire?" I answered, "Okay, well try saying water!" She suggested, I closed my eyes 'Water, water, WATER!" I thought, I raised my hand, I felt something wet, I looked and saw water coming out of my hand, 'Shoot!" I screamed, and I was shooting water!! Oh my God!! I was doing it! 'Water ball' I thought again, and a ball of water was created in my hand!!!

 "I did it, I did it" I said jumping and clapping excited.

I finally knew how to control water! Thanks to Anna, she taught me how, after asking me alot of questions, my hair turned to blue, and my body was wrapped by a beautiful blue dress with blue sandals, and my eyes were blue!

"You are beautiful!" everybody said at the same time.

"Oh thanks" I said blushing, "Lets get inside, it is getting cold out here." I said walking to the living room, everybody followed me. I felt their eyes on me but I just smiles, we sat on the couch, "So..? Let's do something." I said bored.

"Like what?" Anna said resting her elbows on her knees. "I dont know."

"Lets watch a movie!" Drake said excited.

"Lets check out the news first, I think there is something wrong, I feel that somebody needs our help." Laura said worried. She stood up quickly and turned on the T.V. and started searching in some channels, she found one, she was right, somebody needed us, we watched on T.V. a building that was on fire, people were screaming and running, fire trucks were trying to put it out, but it was increasing, we saw some people inside the building, but the fire fighters could not get in that building, "Oh my God, we need to go help them!" Anna said standing up, we followed her and went to that place.

  When we arrived the view was horrible ! the temperature was high, "What are you waiting for? lets gooooo!!!" Anna said scared. "Angeles, you need to use your powers to help the fire fighters! Drake, Devon.." she said looking at them. " you need to get inside the building, Devon, your speed will help you, you won't feel the heat because you speed will protect you, you won't feel a thing, trust me!" she said holding his shoulders"I will go." Devon said but soon he disapeared in that building. "Drake, try catching the people near the windows, fly to the windows and help them." he nodded and flew away towards that building, "And, Bob.." she sighed. "You need to use your powers to help them, walk through the walls and get the people out of that building, when you touch someone while using your powers, it will make them walk through walls too, so go, and help them, they need you." he looked at her for a second, I was staring at him and saw something in his eyes, what was that ? was I pushed my thoughts away and ran to that person, Laura couldn't help in this mission, there is nothing she can do, she stood alone, I looked towards Anna and Laura, but Anna disappeared and left Laura alone, 'water, water, water, please they need me, please, shoot water lines' I openned my eyes and saw the blue dress on my body, my hair was flying backwards while I was trying to put out the fire, it worked, I saw Drake near a window, he was helping a little girl to get out of the window, he flew away placing her on the ground gently, 'Awh, he is so cute, and charming, and smart, and.., what the hell Angeles ? stop it, you shouldn't fall for him' my inner voice yelled at me, I pushed those thoughts away, I shaked my head and continued helping, "You need to increase the water." I heared a fire man next to me, he was yelling but i couldn't hear him will because of the sound of the water, but I caught that sentence. "Okay." I yelled back. I closed my eyes 'Increase, increase the water' I struggled not to fall on my back, the water that was coming from my hands made me take some steps backward, it was strong, I saw how the fire was extinguished from a part of the building. I saw Anna throwing a boy from the roof, but Drake cought him and gently place him on the ground away from the building, 'Don't think about him' my inner voice warned me.

  After few hours, all the fire was put out, nobody was hurt, people thanked us, a reporter talked to us alittle and asked me about my new powers. We went to my house, Devon excused himself, he said that he wanted to stay with his sister today, it was okay with us, we went to my bedroom and chatted a little, as soon as I closed my eyes, I fell into the worl of dreams.

  " JANNNAAAAAA" I screamed as I saw my best friend Jana falling from a cliff, and crashing into the ground, she wasn't moving, I started crying and yelling, "Jana please, please don't leave me, I can't live without you!" I said crying, I stood next to her and leaned over, " Jana ? do you hear me ? JANAA? please wake up, dont go!!" my sight was blurred because of my tears, they were running down my face quickly, she was lying on the ground, her left cheek was lying on the ground, "I love you, I LOVE YOU!" I screamed hoping that she will hear me and wake up, but it didn't happen, how am I going to live without her ? she is a great friend I can't lose her ," I can't lose you, Jana !! I can't, take me with you please, please Jana, wake up!" I said desperately. I kissed her right cheek, it was so soft, I sat next to her crying and sobbing.

  My eyes opened quickly, I was breathing heavily, I touched my cheeks, they were wet, teares were streaming from my eyes, I was sweating, I sat on my bed breathing, my heart was pounding in my chest, I went to the bathroom, I washed my face, "It was just a bad dream, it was just a bad dream." I said trying to regain my regular breathing.

 "Angeles ? are you okay ?"I heared Laura's voice, she knocked on the door, "I'm fine." I answered quickly.

 "What happened ?" she sounded worried.

"Nothing, just a bad dream."

"Are you okay ?" she repeated worried.

I opened the door. "I'm fine, really!" I said smiling.

"You were sobbing." I trailed of, I didn't know what to say.

"Let's go back to sleep, what time is it ?"

"3:30 am" she said, "who's Jana ?"

"She is my best friend, I was dreaming about her."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, I don't want to remember, please" my voice broke, what if that dream was real ? I wish not, I felt tears in my eyes, I ran to my bed and covered my head with the sheets, I felt her eyes on my covored body, I folded my back and hugged my knees, I cried silently, but soon I flet asleep.


That's it for this chapter, I just want to say that I LOVE YOU JANA :') you are amazing, thank you for everything

   Comment, Vote, and tell your friends please. Thanks :)

Lova ya, XOXO XxDark _LadyxX

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