After He Left (Olicity)

By music_ismy_escape

37.5K 706 96

It's been two years since Oliver left to be the new Rash Al Ghul (I have no idea if I spelt that right). Feli... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Authors Note IMPORTANT
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 7

2.1K 46 3
By music_ismy_escape

A/N: just gonna be totally honest here. I have no idea how wedding planning normally goes as I am a teenager and u have never been married (lol) so please just ignore it if it isn't how wedding planning would normally go! :)
Felicity's POV:
The next morning I was so happy to get out of the hospital. Olivia was still filling sick but she was going to be sick for the next few days. Oliver had slept in a chair next to her bed so the next morning we had shared an awkward goodbye still kind of weary after the almost kiss.
Once Olivia was healed a week later I took wedding planning off hold and invited my brides maids over to plan. Oliver came ever to keep Olivia occupied. I don't know if he even has a job he's at my house all the time to play with Olivia. He loves her. It's so sweet.
I was hovering over the kitchen table as my mom spread out papers, and empty binders, and full binders, and wedding catalogs biting my lip when the doorbell rang. Oliver had answered it right as I came into the living room. Thea and Laurel who must have come together entered the house.
"Antie Tea Ant Lel!" Olivia squealed running into Thea's arms.
"Hey sweetie!" Thea picked her up.
"How's my favorite niece?" She asked. Olivia smiled.
"Good!" She giggled.
"Hey, Liv!" Laurel explained.
"Lel!" Olivia grinned and Thea handed her over to Laurel. The women played with her for another minute before handing her over to Oliver. We walked into the kitchen.
"So first things first. I'm going to kind of have two maid of honors Olivia and Laurel will you be my maid of honor?" I asked.
"Of course!" Laurel grinned.
"Okay so can you just hold Liv whole your up there?" I asked. She nodded. Then we sat down and went over other stuff. A few hours later we had most of the stuff done.
"When will we shop for a dress?" Thea asked.
"I was thinking Saturday." I said. Everyone agreed.
Saturday I found a beautiful dress that I absolutely loved. I was getting more and more excited each day for the wedding. Tyler and I had even written a song together that we were going to record and play for the first dance. It was called Two Is Better Than One (A/N: By Taylor Swift and Boys like girls).
Finally we were at the dress rehearsal. After we went through everything we went and got dinner.
"Olivia are you excited for your mommy to get married?" Thea asked as we all sat at the table. The people that were at dinner with us was Thea, Laurel, Lyla, my mom, Diggle, Tyler's little brother Josh, Tyler's childhood friend Troy, Tyler's mom Katy, Oliver, and obviously Tyler, Olivia, and me.
"Yes!" She squealed. Everyone smiled at her. She was so sweet and always happy.
"Are you okay with me coming to live with you and your mommy?" Tyler asked Olivia. She nodded happily.
"Yesssss!" She grinned dragging out the S. I watched as the two interacted well. He was going to make a great dad someday. I smiled at the thought. He caught my eye from where he was sitting directly across from me and smiled. I directed my already smile at him and just felt so happy. This was how it was supposed to be. Me and Tyler and Olivia and someday the children Tyler and I will have together. Tyler is the perfect guy. Just look at the way he treats Oliver. He treats Oliver like an old buddy he was fine with Oliver being invited to the wedding and even the wedding rehearsal even though he wasn't in it. It was Olivia who had begged for him to come and Tyler is a sucked when it come to her so he made me call Oliver.
'I Love You' I mouthed to him.
'I love you too' he mouthed back. I grinned. That night all of my bridesmaids were staying at my house since I had more than enough guest bedrooms. As I sat there with them listening to music talking about how excited I was for the wedding the doorbell rang.
"I'll be right back guys." I said smiling and standing up. I walked out of the kitchen and to the door where Tyler was.
"Since when do you ring the doorbell?" I asked.
"Since you have guests over." he smiled.
"What did you need? I thought you were having a party." I asked.
"I just had to see you." he said. I grinned and walked outside closing the door behind me. I kissed him.
"I love you so so much." I said to him.
"I love you to." he smiled. We kissed again.
"I'll see tomorrow." I said.
"Bye." he said and then he left. I stood outside and watched his car pull out of the driveway. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and then walked back into the house.
"Who was it?" my mom asked.
"Just some sales man." I said.
"At this time?" Laurel asked.
"Yeah he must be desperate." I said.
"At least he didn't wake Olivia up." Thea added. I nodded.
"Thank God for that." I said.
"I'm getting tired I think we should get to bed." I said. They all agreed and we went to bed. Of course it took me a few hours to get to sleep because I was so excited but after a while I finally drifted off into sleep.
Authors note:
Sorry it's so short! The next one should be longer! Love you guys!

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