The Suffering [A Supernatural...

KatyNicole143 द्वारा

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While Katy assumed she was just an everyday College student, she was far from it. Katy, was more then her wil... अधिक

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Seven

7.3K 186 19
KatyNicole143 द्वारा

When I woke up it was still dark. My head was throbbing, and my eyes burning. I threw the blanket off myself and got up, I looked over to see Dean still sound asleep before I made my way to the bathroom. I slapped the light on, and it burned. I closed my eyes, and I turned the light back off. I guess I'll just pee in the dark. Good thing I'm not a guy, otherwise I might miss the toilet. I walked over to the toilet, got ready to pull my pants down, when I realized I had no bottoms on. Why was my bottom half naked? I will kill him. I started to think about what had happened last night.

                "Katy, you're burning up. Let me take some of your clothes off." Dean said.

                I flipped over, "Leave me alone Dean, I'm fine." he started to pull my pants off "Dean, I'll kill you. I don't want to have sexy time right now."

                "I'm not going to sleep with you, I'm taking your clothes off so you'll cool down, now quit squirming and let me help you."

                "Fine, but if I wake up and I'm naked I'm slapping you in your sleep." I said with a smile.


                Well he didn't have sex with me while I was half dazed. Thank god. I sat down, put my elbow on my knees and held my head. It was pounding like a jackhammer. I heard a small knock on the door, and then Sam peek his head in.

                "Um... Katy. Are you okay?" he stepped in. "I heard you crying earlier, but I didn't want to interrupt Dean comforting you."

                I smiled, "Yes Sam, I'm fine now. But I do need something strong to take, my head is killing me." I looked at him "Can you look in the cabinet and see if I have anything?"

                He nodded and did as I asked, "So... Um. I know it's really none of my business, but what..." I cut him off.

                "Sam, I understand you're concerned, but I don't really want to talk about this while I'm taking a piss, can this wait? We'll go downstairs and have some coffee, okay? Now can you please just hand me something to take a glass of water and go make the coffee?" I said and I glared at him.

                He smiled, handed me some Tylenol, a glass of water and then left the bathroom. I took the pills, I didn't even look to see how many he handed me, I just popped them in my mouth and chugged the water. I didn't even care; I just wanted this headache to go away. I sat there for a while, how long I wish I knew. But I eventually got up and flushed the toilet. I walked over to my room, grabbed some yoga pants and made my way to the kitchen were Sam was sitting waiting for me with a cup of hot black coffee in front of him. He pushed it over to me as I sat down, and well as some sugar and creamer. I smiled at him. He obviously couldn't remember how I like it anymore. I put two spoons of sugar in, and got up and grabbed my International Delight from the fridge. He smiled.

                "I guess I forget, you don't like the powder, you’re a picky girl." he smiled as he said this.

                I grinned as I walked back over. "I guess you did. Well, I have been gone a year, it was only a matter of time before you forgot how I liked my coffee."

                "I didn't forget. I just didn't remember." he admitted.

                I glared at him, "Sweetheart, that's called forgetting."

                He smiled at me; we sat in silence for a while. I looked up at him, but saw he was watching me, why was he watching me? Wait, was there something on my face. I looked in the toast that sat right next to us. He smiled as he noticed what I was doing.

                "You know, there isn't anything on your face, right?" he asked.

                I shrugged, "You never know, you boys do tend to think that's funny. So, you asked what was wrong, in the bathroom. Still want to know?" he struggled "Well I'm telling you anyways. I like I have a half-sister, than my mother had a relationship with and never told me about."


                The expression on his face had said it all, but I knew that this wasn't the first time this has ever happened to the group of us. A couple years back, Sam and Dean found out they had a half-brother named Adam. I sure did miss him. But due to Dean turning Michael down, Adam was now stuck in the cage with Lucifer as well as Michael. I frowned to myself and I realized what he was thinking.

                "I'm sorry, Sam. I miss Adam just as much as you do, but it wasn't your fault that Michael took over his body. I mean, I know I sound selfish for getting upset about a sibling I have that I've never met, but your father didn't disown you for..." I stopped when I realized I was only digging myself into a deeper hole. "You know what Sam, scratch that. I don't know what I'm saying; it must be my sleep deprivation talking."

                "Katy, it's okay. I know what you're getting at. Please, don't be sorry. I know it's hard to really explain it to me. Dean was just my dad’s little soldier, I on the other hand... Well he wasn't proud of me; I honestly believe he hated me from the death of my mother." I frowned at him, "But, there is nothing I can do now to change it all. I know you probably don't want to hear this right now, but maybe you should find this girl. Maybe she's even looking for you, right now. She knows your mother, and your father. I love that Dean knows so much about them both. It maybe is selfish to think the way you are, but it doesn't me you can't get to know her."


                I smiled at his words. I knew he was right. This Kasey girl was the only person I could go to that would know my mother and father better than I did. I didn't even know my father, so I would be nice to actually know what kind of a person he was, or is. I wonder if he's still alive. She also knew my mother, wait did she even know that mom had passed?

                "You know what, Sam. You're right. I can't look at this as if it's a bad thing, but as a good thing. Maybe we should try and track her down. Maybe she can tell me things I never knew about my parents." I was smiling now. "Sam, you're the best. I love you."

                "I love you too, Kat." he smiled at me.

                We sat drinking our coffee, and had a light conversation. I was starting to get hungry so I got up and started to make some food for us. I had completely forgotten then Dean and Gabriel were also in the house, I looked at Sam and he laughed because he noticed I only made enough food for the two of us. I looked at the time to see it was 5:45 in the morning. Just as I turned to look at him again, I heard a flutter of wings.

                "Hey, do I get some breakfast too?" Gabriel said as stood right behind me.

                I sighed, "If you want breakfast, you can make it yourself or even better, get out of my house." I glared at him as I pushed passed him "I know I said you can stay here, but I changed my mind. You're annoying, and stupid."

                "Ouch, you’re breaking my heart. No, seriously, where's my plate?" I growled at him, "Well, somebody is a little feisty this morning, did someone not get laid, again?"

                I grabbed my plate and left the room. I walked up the stairs, got in my bed and plopped my ass down. Dean stirred a little, I wanted him up, and so I pushed some eggs in his mouth. He choked and slapped my hand away from his mouth; I smiled and acted as if I did nothing.

                "What the fuck did you just put in my mouth? It was wet, gross, and it tasted like butter." he was rubbing his eyes as he said this.

                "It was eggs, smart one." I smiled "Good morning."

                He smiled, "Good morning, babe. But next time you want me to wake up; can you not stuff my sleeping face with egg?" I giggled. "It's not funny. It was gross."

                "It was funny, well at least for me." I said as I leaned over and kiss him. "So, Gabriel is starting to piss me off, and it's only been here a night."

                "What did he do now?" he asked, just as he asks there was a flutter of wings, and he standing at the end of the bed.

                "That! That's what he did, Dean make him leave." I spat at him.

                "Dammit Gabriel, get out of here, stop poofing around here like it's your own damn place." Dean said as he threw his pillow at his face.

                "I can't help it, I heard my name. I needed to see why. Dean, baby you look sexy this morning." he said with a wink as he licked his lips.

                "That's it get, get out. Get the fuck out, now. Dean Winchester is mine. I will murder you, you stupid fucking angel." I was yelling now. "Dean!"

                "Gabe, come on. Stop fucking with her and go away. Don't you dare listen in either?" Dean demanded.

                Gabriel left; I started to stuff my face. I was angry, hungry, and my headache was starting to get worse, again. Dean stared at me, and I shoveled forkful after forkful of eggs into my mouth. I finally stopped to breath. I turned and look at him, I smiled and eggs spilled from my cheeks. He laughs at me. I finished chewing and joined in. I handed him a piece of bacon, he smiled and took it. I took a sip of my orange juice before speaking.

                "So, I talked to Sam. He thinks I should try and find Kasey." I admitted.

                He turned in shock, "Well, do you want to go look for her?" I shrugged. "We don't have to if you don't want too, but if you feel like it'll help, then we will."

                "I mean, I want to know her, I do. But I can't help but be jealous of her; she had everything I always wanted, a father, a mother, a family that loved me. Dean, my father left when I only 2 months old, my mother died 3 months ago, but disowned me back in 07', I just want to know who they were, but then I don't." I licked my lips. "I just don't want to find her, and then I hate her more than I already do. I don't want her to hate me. I have enough people in my life that already do, that are already disappointed in me and Dean. What if she isn't a hunter? I mean, I only got into this life, because you saved me. But, come on. I don't want to drag her into this life style."

                He stared at me in complete disbelief, "Katy, I know you don't want too, but maybe it's the only way to move past these emotions, these feelings. Maybe, you just need to suck it up, go out there, tracker her down, and meet her. I mean how bad it could really be?" he asked.

                "That's just it Dean, what if she's great, what if she's everything I always wanted in a sibling, I just told you. I can't bring her back to this life style. It's dangerous. I want her to be safe, I don't even know her, but I can't help but feel guilt in the pit of my stomach when I think of something happening to her." I sighed "It would be my entire fault if she died Dean."

                Dean didn't know how to respond, I could tell he was now thinking about Adam. He knew exactly how I was feeling. Dean had always felt guilty for what had happened to Adam. But he wasn't at fault for Michael taking over Adam's body without permission. I couldn't help but think of Adam down there in the pit with Lucifer, not so much Michael. I mean, I knew they had to be battling it out pretty bad, but Lucifer had to be torturing Adam. I shuttered at the thought. Dean looked at me.

                "Dean, I know you don't want to think of this, but do you think Adam is okay down there, in the pit?" I said shyly.

                "I don't know Kat, I really don't know. You saw what it did to Sam; he came back without a soul and then when the wall broke down. I don't know if Adam is even okay anymore." he admitted.

                "I'm sorry I brought all this up Dean." I said and I pressed myself into his chest, he wrapped his arms around me. "I know that you feel guilty for not being able to save him. Maybe we could give Crowley, Gabe and make him give us Adam back." I said with a smile.

                We sat in silence for a while, when I heard Gabriel calls something out. I wasn't really listening; he came storming into the room. I smiled as I realized what he was complaining about me asking Dean if we could just turn him over to Crowley.

                "Girl, I will kill you if you turn me over to him." he said as stalked into my room. "That's just wrong, you wouldn't?"

                "Try me, you angelic bastard." I smiled "I'm not scared to get rid of you, this is my house, and I will tell Crowley exactly where you are, if you keep it up."

                He flinched as I said this, "Okay, I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone. But don't get all prissy when I start back up. I'm a trickster, it's my life style. I can't help but do it."

                He left my room. I looked at Dean we both laughed. I looked over at the clock it was 7 AM, I looked at him and he smiled. He knew exactly what I wanted; he laid my down and started to kiss me.

                Dean and I had finally been able to enjoy some alone time, I didn't know how long we had gone, until I looked over at the clock and it was now 11. I smiled at him as I sat on top of him. I flipped off him, and lay down. He put his arm under my neck, and I put my cheek on his now very sweaty chest. I listened to his heartbeat, and it put me to sleep.

                I didn't know how long it had been; since I fell asleep, but I did know I wasn't have a good dream. It was a complete nightmare. It had been days since I had a day, I hadn't noticed until now. Dean was trying to shake my awake, it wasn't working. I focused on the dream that was keeping my eyelids shut.

                "You're mother fucking hated you, she never wanted you. She wanted me, and only me. You were never there for her, she wish she had never gotten pregnant with you." it was an unfamiliar voice. "Look at me when I'm talking to you bitch."


                I turned around to see the girl from the photo, to see Kasey. I was in shock, why the hell was I dreaming about her, and why was she saying these things to me. I mean, I knew my mother hated me, but why is she talking to me like this. I finally spoke.

                "What did I ever do to you to deserve this?" I asked.

                "What did you do to deserve this? Are you fucking kidding me right now? Bitch, you deserve this, because you show up at my door step, and expect me to greet you with open arms, you didn't even care to find me before, or even come meet me while your mother was visit." she said.

                I was in shock, "I don't understand I knew nothing of you. I just found out." I said.

                "That's bullshit Katy, mom used to tell me all the time how you used to just walk out for some fucking failure named Dean, rather than be with her and our father." she paused as she licked her lips. "She used to call me crying her eyes out, telling me you packed your bags again, and left with 'The Winchesters' mom hated them. Did you know that? Despised them, but you always choose them over her." she was screaming at me now.

                "I don't understand, why wouldn't she just tell me this?" I licked my lips. "Why would she go to you, and not me?"

                "Because she hated you Katy, you left her in your tracks." she ran up in my face "You didn't deserve such a wonderful mother like her, I did. Now she's gone, and I'll never see her again, and it's your fault."

                I slapped her, "She was my mother too, you fucking heartless bitch, she was MY mother, not yours. She was everything to me, and I didn't leave her. I was saving the God damn world, what were you doing? Getting your first fucking kiss? I was bleeding from everywhere, while you probably got fucked by your first boyfriend. You can't say anything to make me feel guilty for not being there, because I saved your life, I saved hers." I licked my lips. "You are just a jealous piece of shit, that needs to make everyone bow down and your every word. That won't be me, you hear me Kasey. It just won't. Just go get fucked, in the ass sideways. Fuck off."


                I walked off, she ran up on me, and grabbed my hair; I flipped her over my body then slammed her to the ground. I pressed my boot to her throat.

                "Don't you ever fucking touch me again, or you'll be gasping for your last breath." I snapped.


                I woke up finally, I was sweating. Dean was sitting over me, panting from all he had to do to wake me. How long had I been out? I looked at the clock; it was 7:55 PM, fuck. It was late. As I looked back at Dean I saw Sam and Gabriel standing in the doorway. Fuck, what happened?

                "Katy, are you okay?" Dean asked in panic.

                "Yeah, what happened? Last thing I remember was falling asleep in your chest. Why am I all sweaty?" I asked.

                "You were having a nightmare." Sam said from the doorway.

                I stared at him, "Well thank you captain obvious. I remember it all." I said, "It was about Kasey... I don't know ho..."

                Just as I started to explain the doorbell rang, who the fuck would be at my door at this time of night, I mean I know I haven't been going to class, but who would of actually noticed I was gone. I looked down and realized I was naked. I didn't even care, I got up. Dean laughed as Gabriel turned away, Sam just pointed to where my pants were. I put my yoga pants back on, and grabbed Dean's shirt. I walked down to the door, I opened it. I was in shock...

                "Hi, are you Kaitlin Carson?" I nodded. "Well my name is Kasey Williams, and I'm your half-sister."

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